What's Yea Forums's honest opinion on hebephilia? Is it unnatural for men to like girls aged 11-14?

What's Yea Forums's honest opinion on hebephilia? Is it unnatural for men to like girls aged 11-14?

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Everything in nature is natural. But over 18 makes liking it? It is illegal. But not unnatural. Op it’s a diff categorical argument. Are you asking for a moral debate or just facts?

I mean anythings natural in that sense so more morals I guess.

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I don't giver a fuck, I like them 6+ I don't care

How's it feel when most society would spit on you?

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Honestly, I think hebephilia is the grey area. Pedophilia is wrong, hebephilia is sensitive but potentially justifiable, and ephebophilia is discriminated against.

Feels fine considering no one knows except my like minded girlfriend

It's natural to be attracted to them, it's also natural to know that they should have a chance to be girls before becoming women.

It's weird as soon as girls get to that late teen / 20s+ they start looking less cute more manly and less innocent(whore). Most in society would call you a pedo for even mentioning young teens/girls..

It's natural to kill men, rape their wives and daughters and take their stuff.
It's not very civilised though and we try to be better than that.

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Winnie the pooh is my childhood nostalgia , don't you meme him in such ways.

>Implying Winnie didnt keep a young boy in his bedroom often

Well the moral argument is that just because you’re attracted to something, that doesn’t mean it’s ok to fuck it.

An adult has a huge sweeping advantage over a teenager, they have more money, more experience, they aren’t under the control of a parent, a car maybe, and possibly their own place. Furthermore, their mindset is in a completely different place, and it’s all poised to place a teenager in an exploitive situation, solely to fuck them. Teenagers should be dating people their own age, dating a much older adult, who has very different needs than a teen, will only hurt them and deny them a normal dating life.

It’s wrong. Just because they want it it doesn’t make it ok, teens want all kinds of dumb shit they shouldn’t have.don’t fuck teens because they’re easy and pretty, just fuck adults that are attractive instead

14 used to be age of consent in my state but they changed it to 16.

14 makes more sense.

If they look like that, I'd give it a go. Surely she's older though

True but to turn down hot tight budding reproductive teen school girl body while your still young enough to attract it or go for used up older sagging female adult. Hard commitment in life.

I mean Danielle bregolli or whatever her name looked 20 when only 12.

A woman is ready to bear a child when she has her period. Men are biologically wired to put babies in women when they hit puberty.
Make of it what you will.

it's not unnatural and everyone knows it. But they'll never admit it. They all pretend like it's a crazy idea to them to seem 'moral'.

It's a risk , mentally she still ain't ready for children or serious relationships but physically damn some of these young teens got that bubble butt and cute face.

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>They all pretend like it's a crazy idea to them to seem 'moral'.
That's bullshit.
Most people have daughters and learn that although young girls can be hot, they're not equipped to handle children, marriage, etc. Girls need a chance to be girls and parents - in other words, normal people - realize that.

I agree although a lot of guys though most don't admit do like girls in that hebe age sexually , a lot more cute looking hence pornstars try to dress younger.

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Regardless of how mature a girl acts, if she is 11-14, provided the situation being that the girl has hit puberty, she is still mentally not ready for sexual contact, especially with someone that is much older. It is incredibly likely that the older male has to assure the CHILD that it's okay and to "trust" that the older male has their best interest at heart. When it comes down to it, the older male is grooming a child because once the child gets too old, the male is no longer attracted to her and will make sure the "relationship" ends (but still keep it a secret sweety or I could get into big trouble) and move onto the next child and the cycle repeats until the male is too old to get that connection to begin grooming.

Just being attracted to them is slightly different. I will check out a woman's ass only to notice when she turns around that she is clearly likely in that 11-14 age range. That being said, it doesn't make me feel gross for finding her attractive as I wouldn't do anything anyway (I happen to be into older women sexually). Someone that finds young girls attractive and intentionally seeks them out even just for sexual solo gratification is at best, kinda gross, but at least fairly excusable because you aren't acting on your urges.

Legally, 18 could very well be a stretch. I lost my virginity at 16 to a 19 year old and while I was getting congratulations from my peers, she wasn't looked at negatively even though she technically raped me in my state. Maybe 16 is arguably old enough. Either way, 11-14 is the start of a child's growth into a woman. It shouldn't be ruined by a creepy ass dude who was born with or developed a mental disorder that allows them to justify taking advantage of a little kid.

You mean pedophilia, you fucking degenerate faggot. "Hebephilia"..

I'm not saying let's all fuck 14yos. I'm only saying that the attraction part is natural. Yet, almost the entire population lies and pretends that it is an anomaly to find a young girl attractive.

I'm only talking about attraction.

yeah. age doesn't really matter, looks matter. if a girl has developed fully, went through puberty and all that, why wouldn't you be attracted to her womanly curves.

Idk what if she’s black?

read a book, nigger.
there's also ephebophilia, which I think is quite common amongst men.

young children are too niave to understand sex and believe that sex = love.

Any male or female over the age of 16 has nothing in common with this age group let alone 18 and older.

Any attraction to them is purely sexual in nature, and children cant comprehend that to the adult its just sex. There is no love, there is no genuine companionship, thats merely self justification of perversion.

True but you also can't ignore girls mature physically and mentally far earlier than boys , while at school me and my friends still tripping each other up and playing tig , alot of the girls were dating older guys. Teenage girls do tend to get horny sexually and alot of the time like older guys.


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Someone whos 11 through 14 has never seen a mexican being beheaded with a chainsaw, has never driven a car, has never drank a beer, has never smoked weed, has never seen an R rated movie in many cases, has never been out of the house on their own, etc.

You are confused and degenerate.

omg guys, when I was 18 I was such a p3do. 13 was perfect for me. Now im 33 my age of attraction has actually gone up to about 16-17. Thank fuck.

Someone went to a boys only school.

I had an 11 year old after a wedding offer me a blowjob. Your 'ow my god they're innocent they don't know anything sexual' is naive. (turned the bj down for morals btw)

The way I see it 100 years ago you could marry a 14 year old girls, it's a biological imperative to find the youngest fittiest of the species bro procreate with, human nature is human nature it's society that has changed but you can't change your natural biological inclinations


When do women start menstruating? We live in a world in which procreation is not necessary and therefore, it is morally frowned upon. imagine that by some chance the human race depended on it; Do you think it would matter to them?

Niggas and bitches at 30 years old believe sex=love. So we all equally retarded, nikkuh


I'm 39 but for the best and worst, I look 25ish so since I've been single 3yrs I've fucked girls from 18 yo to 27yo. Don't get me wrong, sex is great but anything is awkward or weird as they are clearly immature or have issues.

Well said it's difficult knowing biologically you wanna fuck the shit out of her and she wants it too but also knowing that you gotta fuck and chuck her and use protection because she aint ready for relationships or children.

Pretty sure for most of human history the 13-17 age ranges was seen as suitable for marriage and possibly children. Not entirely sure why people freak out if you dip even slight below the fixed number of 18 (17 in some states). It just feels odd to be so strict with that

explain how she s out of jail
>Pro-tip. you can't

It’s gross


Is it time we real men stop feeling ashamed of western society npc's immaturely shouting 'peados' and just fuck young teens (with protection) till the people have no choice.

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My nigga.

Man, I was the youngest in my class. That 19 year old that took my virginity was taller than me at the time. I am now a solid 5 or 6 inches taller than her. Yeah, my dick worked, yeah I ejaculated the real deal. I was still not fully developed. Scientifically, yes, a girl physically matures faster than a male, but she hasn't even gotten halfway through that development at 11-14. Unlike what others in this thread have said, having her period doesn't mean the girl is officially ready to go. Physically, more than likely, her hips haven't developed and grown to the proper size to give birth, her child bearing body parts are in early to mid stages of development, children becoming pregnant at that age very well might be (and have been) able to bear children, but more often rhan not if the pregnancy ends in a birth, the baby has mental/physical deficits. Apart from physically, she is mentally growing at an accelerated rate because of her hormones, but that doesn't make her more intelligent. Older males see her breasts developing and if she is even mildly attractive, there's always that one older guy that shoots his shot. The whole relationship has to either be a secret or they both deal with backlash from family and friends. The dude isn't being confident by dating a child. He is being predatory likely knowing he will be her first physical experience or at the very least has an idea that the child will be more agreeable as she hasn't obtained the common life experiences that normal childhood will eventually give them as they age with their peers.

You're gross, my dude.

Dude if it's got perky tits and a nice bubble butt and she wants it...... I'll fuck it. As a male I simply want to put my pee pee on hot curvy school girls.

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yes. the problem is when society instead of saying "hey, just because they have physically attractive traits doesn't mean you should pursue them, so leave it alone."

They say, "REEEEEE, did you just look at my daughter who is built like a porn star and dressed like a stripper?!? you're a pedophile!"

I'm 100% going to call anyone who pursues *any* type of relationship, or otherwise doing something creepy to an underage girl as creepy. Even if I can agree with them that the girl in question is smoking hot. But misconstruing what is going on just makes this shit worse off for everyone, IMO.

It's ok to be attracted to girls that age. It's natural. It's no ok to act on it, because mentally they're still children.

It's 16 in most states fyi. Canada used to be 14, but raised to 16 recently. 13 in several Asian countries like Japan and Philippines

>young teens don't want to fuck you
>young teens dads won't let them fuck you
>adult woman won't fuck you since you're a perv

end result, no one will fuck you and no one will respect you.

Dude young teen adolescent girls are not 'still children' sexually , if you think that you're naive as hell.

Ow I didn't know you knew my sex life? YOU MAGIC BRUH?REEE REEE

You mean that human history when we would behead thieves, torture heretics in brass bulls, sacrifice children for a good rain season, force slave to fight for fun, and feed whoever won to animals?

Is that the human history you're talking about?

I know that I am on a Yea Forums thread. I knew coming into the thread that I would get a few responses like this. Maybe 150 years ago and further back, it was socially acceptable to fuck and even marry children, but not only did society change, science has shown that you're likely ruining a child's mental development and if that dick you're packin' is on the bigger side, you could physically damage her as well. Even if she has fresh tits and a thicc ass, you become responsible for potentially destroying a chold's life before they even understand the gravity of their newfound feelings and life choices.

psychically they are not ready because we teach them unicorns until they are 20, because going back to what I said, we live in a world where it is not necessary. But natuzaleza is relentless, if it bleeds it can get pregnant friend. Another thing is that it seems better or worse, and that you be aware that at that age you are immature

What about genuinely having a bond with a girl that age? Should I just wait all these years when she becomes older and just spend together a good time?

Few years ago threads like this got wiped and everyone in it permabanned.
Has Yea Forums changed or are cuckmods asleep?

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Our morals changed but our biological hard-wiring to like tits and nice plum ass on young teens didn't , biology doesn't change with the fashion dude.

Few years ago Yea Forums was an unmoderated haven for actual cp. So what's your point?

I lean hebephilic as I can be attracted to those as low as 12 but I think they need to look fairly developed for me to feel that way. Morally? I think in most situations it's wrong to act on because they still very clearly behave like a kid at that age in a lot of ways. Around 15 or so do they have more tangible maturation that I can understand the attraction and desire to act on it a lot more

By a child you mean a young teenage adolescent girl who's reproductive system is in works and so very horny. If you think that's a lie grab a biology book.

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My guy,

Can you try to say that again, but actually have it make sense? Not even trying to belittle you or anything. What you said is all over the place and the end made little to no sense. I'd like to debate a point or two of yours there, but I don't want to misunderstand what you're actually trying to say.

As an addendum to this im in a relationship with a 17 year old right now and started when she was 14. So take my word as you will

Nah, that was 4 yrs or later.
My point is that AOC discussion threads are off-limit and we're both gonna be banned most likely.
Discussing anything related to consent is pedo bullshit.

no it wasnt, cp always got you banned if mods were up.


Yes but it was posted more freely and there were threads where people would actively post YouNows of girls that were stripping or about to and they would go on for a while. Same for some more direct cp threads

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I think you're glossing over my points a little too broadly. There are always outliers. As I said, a child from ages 11-14 absolutely can bear a child, though it has a higher risk of several negative outcomes. Sure, they could bear a perfectly healthy kiddo, but the mindset that her being physically able to make a normal child so you can go ahead and fuck her is kinda, well, nasty.

You are mostly correct about their horniness. We're all animals and we all have hormones telling us to reproduce. That doesn't make it okay these days. We know better both morally and scientifically. When it comes down to the facts, you're getting a nut and she is experiencing sex for the first time thinking it's okay because you told her it would be. You're the adult. Kinda gotta act like it and fuck people your age even if it's harder to get laid.

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women are mentally stunted at the age of 16 and I've met plenty of 40+ yo mothers who act like fucking children; age is honestly just a number and doesn't prove how smart/wise you are, I was a wise 12 yo but according to what laws and your parents say, you can't be smart or wise at that age because number and it's fucking dumb. since sexual liberation is an argument of contention for feminists these days, why not let the young up and coming women sow their oats, why put them under restriction (which they don't adhere to anyway)?

also if you're attracted to girls ages 0-12 you're just sick in the head

At least you're agreeing they're horny and I also agree they're mentally not ready for children or relationships.......... can I just use a condom? Or i gotta fuck bekki who's 25 with 2 halfcast kids and saggy tits?

How about a borderline-retarded 22 yo woman? Mind of a child.

Mind remind me why sex is not okay? Teenagers experience a lot of stuff through their age. They make decisions about their school, about whether or not smoke "to be cool", all of these experiences have long term consequences for their life and future. And Suddenly sex is bad. Why?

Wow, I really am old now... Nobody remembers "boi threads"?

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>also if you're attracted to girls ages 0-12 you're just sick in the head

>says this like it's a bad thing

I look at this pic and see a future of half-breed kids, obesity and drug addiction.

>And Suddenly sex is bad
nothing sudden about it...

Imagine thinking this is too young for sex! (this girls 12 btw) keep shit nn no posting nudes on this board guys btw keep it mature.

I never was attracted to pornstars dressing in schoolgirl outfits with braces or colourful socks and it just seems dumb to me

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It kind of is, because sex has similar repercussions as other situations I mention. And yet we force kids to make choices about their life they aren't necessarily ready to make.


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She looks like a 30yr old hooker with meth mouth...

keep nn please no nudes or young girls.

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This is true, once a girl has her first period its a sign her body is ready to bear a child, doesn't mean its right though as it is probally going to be hard on a girl that young. Kids today are much more mature than they used to be due to the internet, they should just drop the legal age of consent down to like 13 worldwide and be done with it, because you'd be surprized how many that age have sexual experence these days.

you can feel attracted by what you want, that's none of my business

agreed just proving that porn industry knows that guys like young teen school girls hence the pornstar outfits.