As an oldfag I want to provide you guys with the information AS TO WHY the Yellow Movement didn't work

As an oldfag I want to provide you guys with the information AS TO WHY the Yellow Movement didn't work...

#1. Yea Forums is not owned by Moot (Christopher Poole) anymore. The admin doesn't CARE about this space.

#2. Current mods DELETE interesting threads. Interesting meaning crossing the line and discussing topics that WERE allowed when Moot owned it.

#3. Doxing, sending pizzas to peoples homes, sending swat teams, talking about controversial subjects etc is now BANNED.

#4. Because all of this is "banned", the oldfags moved on. Yawn... "boring". Surprise! They LEFT!

#5. MODS don't police "age". Supposed to be an 18+ board. It never gets enforced though. We are left with a majority of minors as a community.

#6. With Moot being gone, there is no love for this site anymore. Think of Yea Forums as a company founded by a creator that LOVED his creation (his baby). But... he gave it up for adoption... and the new parents, the new Owner and MODS don't give a shit. We're all the red-headed-stepchildren.

#7. Fuck it man. Why do we even care at this point? The only thing remaining to this place is that one can post anonymously... IF you post vanilla posts though. Posting controversial opinions/topics will get you banned. It's a waste of space, this site.

Attached: 59467qfV_400x400.jpg (400x400, 17K)

Other urls found in this thread:

100% agreed. Your post may be ignored, but it's the truth and shows how far this place has fallen.















> "... #5. MODS don't police "age". Supposed to be an 18+ board. ..." ;

When a poster overtly declares himself (or herself) to be under 18, anybody can use the
[Post menu] to [Report post] and the mods are usually very quick in deleting the post.

Attached: Mods = Gods .png (1366x3297, 959K)

take this shit elsewhere. Yea Forums allows any posts that aren't federal crimes. personal army requests are an actual crime. it's possibly conspiracy, harassment or stalking. CP is illegal.

anything else is completely fine HERE, but not in other threads. you can be as "controversial" as you want here but i'm sure that discussing eugenics in /pol/ can get you banned.

Yeah but only the severely retarded b&s would declare their age

Well doxxing and raiding has been a bannable offence for awhile now
If you report them when stated banhammer comes rather quickly
Follow me here. They wont and anecdotal doesnt mean shit did you post it here or another board and did that post go against the one of 5 or 6 golbal rules still in effect for Yea Forums?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with eugenics.

The reason why the yellow movement didn’t work is because you cannot will your way into creative and interesting content in an already dead board by posting spam which is designed to drive away porn posters which is 80-90% of people who still use Yea Forums. Yea Forums died when internet culture became normalized and more heavily policed. Moot just jumped a ship he knew was sinking.

>Well doxxing and raiding has been a bannable offence for awhile now

doxxing and raiding has always been against the Yea Forums rules.
Those rules were clarified, into their current form in 2006 and they were very aggressively enforced circa summer 2006 resulting in a serious mass exodus of all those severely retarded oldfags who considered themselves to be above the Yea Forums laws
Also - good riddance to them - fucking annoying cunts that they were.

The mods are the biggest problem. Remember when you would be scared to post anything because you might get the ban hammer just because. Moot and snacks kept a healthy fear in the community.

I remember Yea Forums day......

You could literally post “you won’t perms me faggots” and in 5 minutes you’d see (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


> as an """"oldfag"""" I'm going to make a bunch of shit up to explain why my shitty discord raid failed and it's not my fault
Your points range from "misguided" to "factually incorrect"

Personal Army requests were not enforced until 2009/2010. Hell, "Personal Army" wasn't even a phrase until 2012.

I saw and contributed to many raids from 2007-2012. Some actually happened until 2014.

You forgot to mention Yea Forums recieves money from porn sites.

Yea Forums is dead.
how can this site ever recover or is it gone for good? will the numbers on the site ever start dwindling and create a more dedicated user-base, or will it just keep increasing with edgy faggots who discovered the site through pewdiepie, reddit, and news outlets. 99% of Yea Forums aren't oldfags, just hipster faggots roleplaying as oldfags who discovered the site in 2017. i've been here since 2012 and considered myself a newfag. but at this point, people from 2012 are the oldfags. i never knew just how worse things would really get. i can't even listen to music on youtube without reading the comments and seeing "doomer music bro! "doomer reporting in" this place is a mainstream shithole now. it's like watching your favourite band become popular and sellout. sucks man.. is this place doomed for good? any thoughts? Are there any good alternatives to this site? I heard "8---Chann (spam apparently) was being monitored by the FBI so maybe that isn't a good idea?

Attached: 2DC8CE65-C651-43BE-A56E-5F7E7539F127-2810-000003FBB89CF771.gif (400x217, 869K)

Exactly! This is fucking stupid. It's the most obvius sign of a newfag. There's nothing quite as ridiculous as someone calling themselves an oldfag and then reddit spacing.

Have you seen the fucking mouthbreathers that were socialized on this shit? Like, I would come here, run my mouth, and block access to a god damned pool like the rest of the tards, but the hybrid adoptees of Yea Forums and reddit who just spout meme garbage out loud, with no real understanding of humour, conversation, or very much other than a persistent, dull, anxious rage... Can we recycle these kids? Burn them for energy?

There was still a healthy amount in 2012 when I was first here but not to the scale of the ones I’ve heard of in earlier years

Prove your position or be silent.
How are op's points "misguided" and "factually incorrect"?

t. Someone who thinks the invasion board existed

This post describes 95% of this board now

Attached: 207BE4A4-656F-4995-B45B-C03514F3C7BF.jpg (476x358, 18K)

> you're not allowed to speak unless you can hand me information because I can't find it myself or read other posts in this thread that agree with this one easy target

Attached: 1544205708537.png (431x450, 328K)

The oldfags got jobs. They type emails now, and overdoing it on the clarity is the only way to get anyone to read anything. Punctuation, spelling, syntax, tense, consistent use of mother tongue, it's all down the drain... but if you don't give some space between points, not a single fucking person will attempt to absorb any information therein.

I think I'm going to start single-spacing the really important shit, and wait to get fired for my lacking communication skills.

So you make claims/accusations but cannot defend them when questioned. K

>most of the "raids" involved going somewhere and typing nigger and other slurs

While you do raise a fair point, that does make you the exception for this aforementioned spacing, not the status quo.

The "reddit spacing" thing didn't come about until 2016. Thanks for admitting that you're a newfag and are just shitposting.

Doxing, swatting, raids etc. were all banned long before Moot sold Yea Forums. When Moot owned it Yea Forums was still full of porn. 90% of threads were filled with copypasta and the same memes over and over again.

I've been here since 2008 (yes, I'm a newfag), the only real change I've seen since IDs were removed is the influx of /pol/ spamming us with BBC and cuck threads. The creepshot threads and fb/inst threads have always been here (the social media ones were just called girls you know irl before though).

Porn and unfunny YLYL... It absolutely made sense when incel fags started running people down in the streets. They never bothered gaining any of the skills or experience to teach them better - just wasted years of pointless assertion of nonexistent dominance over "people" who don't mean or give a single shit. Their lives don't matter, because they never tried to make them matter. The emo/scene kids at least got weird, challenged social and sexual norms. Maybe I'm just old, but all I see in the youth I work/deal with is aimless yearning thinly veiled as bored disdain.

And that was wrong because...........?


I came over from a newly formed 5chan, whenever the fuck that was... I was definitely underaged, and I'm not now... long story short: 2008 was more than a decade ago, and it's closer to the birth of this site than it's present state of undeath.

Not wrong just going somewhere and spouting racial slurs isnt really a "raid" it doesn't disrupt anything

>WHY the Yellow Movement didn't work...
Because it wasn't a movement so much as a temper tantrum by the autistic incel crowd

>The admin doesn't CARE about this space.
I think this is irrelevant. The movement was a cultural fit only disguised as an appeal to the "rules."

>Current mods DELETE interesting threads.
No, I honestly think interesting threads die on the vine because the user base here really thrives on repetition, because they are unironically autistic.

>The only thing remaining to this place is that one can post anonymously
It's the only reason I come here. I like the idea that I can tell people the honest truth without it biting me in the ass down the road.

I was 27 when I got here in 2008. Still a newfag though.

You're fucking retarded. That's why you lost, because you're fucking stupid, retarded, and don't know shit about shit. Fuck off.

>You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

>That's why you lost

Stop using this word like you're some kind of fucking 15 year old tumblrina. We know the porn posters are the ones with disappointing sex lives.

>disappointing sex lives
There's a difference between having a dry spell, and falling into that stereotype/cycle.

You crybaby punk bitch. I am realeasing the balls. You better hide.

Attached: Phantasm.gif (502x323, 661K)

Instead of bitching about content how about you make some?

found the incel

>Instead of bitching about content how about you make some?
because the autistic crowd that inhabits here can't handle being challenged by change. Repetition is comfy.

fight the war fuck the norm

Attached: 1532571213915.gif (500x334, 982K)

Looking for you.

Attached: tumblr_n010hafGdd1qedb29o2_r1_500.gif (500x481, 647K)

Found you.

Attached: tumblr_o31ocba9PD1umk4ogo1_500.gif (500x282, 1.34M)

>bitches about OC
>wont make any
See a problem?

> "... "Personal Army" wasn't even a phrase until 2012. ..." ;
I was well aware of the term well before then
You can check the recognised origin date of "NYPA" at:
I can cite other independent sources that cite the same era
Also, it is evident that the recent
> " yellowfag "
flooding of Yea Forums is a organised discord organised & coordinated rad / invasion & probably should be aggressively opposed, with threats of permabans, by the jannies & mods on the grounds of :
> raid / invasion / flooding / spam.

> "... Someone who thinks the invasion board existed " ;
but there WAS a very well known
/ i / = "invasion board" on 7chan.

this post was objectively funny

Fuck I hate those stupid wojack boomer YouTube videos. They're just as unfunny as regular boomer memes, but even worse because they're all just repeated jokes I've already seen a thousand fucking times. I'm still a super fucking newfag as I started lurking in 2014 and didn't post until late 2015, but even then I feel like a lot of people that have truly made this a hell hole are those that came here in 2016 with the election.

are you stupid?
Yea Forums is not your personal army has been a term since fucking 2006.
Lurk more.

The mods are the same, the owner is different.

That's how oldfags type, because we have computers. The newfags don't do this because they're just FUCKING PHONEPOSTERS.

You want to talk about the cancer killing Yea Forums it started with that.


How old r u anyway lol?

The only 'oldfags' that think this is a problem are the one that came when the r/greentext meme got popular. I fucking hate greentext.

Attached: 1537351792121.jpg (680x288, 32K)

I mean, you're right. This site and this board in particular have been totally ruined by the influx of redditfags and normies that "le stoopd fooney gren tex" videos and posts brought to this board.

Moot never loved us. He never loved this website. That's why he left and let it go to shit. If he would have actually cared he would have stayed or at least occasionally pop back in and see what's going on. He doesn't even do that.

Doxing has been banned for years. So have raids and swat incidents. If you were really an oldfag you would know that.

This website has turned into pop culture normie meme shit tier at this point. I've seen my normie sister laughing at greentext posts on instagram. Youtube videos ruined it. Specifically people like Internet Historian and all these other "Internet history expert" channels out there. They make the website seem "wacky fun cool" but in reality we're all just a bunch of degenerates sitting around posting porn and talking about politics. It's always been this way.

Nuff said. Well done user

2012 is pretty much oldfag at this point because that was before the influx of shitheads and the normification of this website started.

I've been here since 2007 and I considered myself a newfag until probably around 2016 when the true newfags (neonewfags would be a better term for them) started.

>see another oldfag newfag good old days post
>no mention of triforce
>finally happy because never learned how and its been 15 years and I never have to!

newfag detected

yeah, we all know that. gook is being a gook and cares only for money. doesn't realize it will destroy this site, but that's true for all businessman - if they aren't professionals, and don't know how to run business properly, they will eventually fail. Investors or not, even ad money will finally not be enough to support site becoming smaller and smaller.

i happen to think B has improved tbh....

how? how is more porn an improvement? random doesn't mean "just porn" and this is exactly what happens.

>go to local dmv at 1 pm
>shout “duck this place is filled with niggers, fucking get jobs why don’t you”
>expect normal civilities ensue

Mmmmm summer

>but i'm sure that discussing eugenics in /pol/ can get you banned.
I just found the sweet summer child who's never actually browsed /pol/

What the fuck is this yellow movement

>>no mention of triforce
󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 ▲󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡
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i dont try to do the triforce anymore...

not that i dont know how, but every damn time i do it, i get banned for some time lol


Attached: sadfrogs 2007.jpg (480x480, 33K)

I went to /pol/ to test the waters after the influx of ‘seen it all before’ porn threads.

Made a topic on creating a national straight day to balance the ever increasing LGBT brigade movement which I feel is totally justified...has anyone ever celebrated their straightness??

Got shot down straight away, no surprise as this place is full of SJW LGBTQ sympathising cucks.

It wasn’t even suggested as a hit back either it was a genuine ‘let’s see what happens’ suggestion.

I discovered Yea Forums at 17 yo in spring 2015 and I must reckon that it changed drastically and while it is sad I also think it was inevitable.

What OP complains about seems valid but the main reason might be that we are much more enticed to porn than before, it is everywhere, the next generations are drowned in hypersexualisation and the worst social medias can offer, come on even the ads are porn on Yea Forums...

However, I seriously doubt about the motives of the few people spamming the same thread over and over again, there was always some kind of fag spamming daily the same thing for months (log, dat boi, banana, your mother, etc) and as much as people hated it is kind of part of the thing

But this constant porn spam we see since 2-3 years seems very unorganic, artificial to me

While I salute the efforts of the yellow team, to my ears it sound more like an orbituary than a real change
You have several dozens of boards covering a very wide range of opinions, hobbies and idea,

Yea Forums is in intensive care and will probably never wake up but I will keep a fond memory of some epic threads and smile when rickrolled by the radio...

Attached: 1471773388942.jpg (683x797, 175K)

So I guess you must be the
> National straight day - it’s ok not2Bgay
namefagging /pol/tard at:
If so, you got just one (saged) response that quipped:
> " Yes you’re a fucking retard. " ;
Jizzus H Christ:
..... that amounts to a Social Greeting & term of utmost endearment over on /pol/
yet you immediately make a butt-hurt claim that you
> "... Got shot down straight away, ..." ;

In my opinion, you should enrol on a short course of
> Yea Forums Group Therapy
to garner some much needed Social Skills, if you've not even mastered the basics of how to lurk moar yet.
Pepe Oldfag Wizard
󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 ▲
󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 󠛡 ▲ ▲

Attached: Pepe Oldfag Wizard .gif (387x305, 494K)

Here's a nice compliment to that gif.

Attached: TallMan.jpg (844x750, 77K)

well, you're right

just make Yea Forums 2 then can anybuddy work on dat?

>#3. Doxing, sending pizzas to peoples homes, sending swat teams, talking about controversial subjects etc is now BANNED.

moot (always lowercase) never allowed this shit noob

>I'll legaly be 18 in 12 minutes

Attached: 1409007759646.png (193x167, 61K)

Please don't remind me of this movie man
Still have nightmares even after 5 years

I can understand why swatting is banned , but why ban raids (ones like he habbo raid) and putting secret messages in your posts (like why ban puzzles , i could understand if the hidden message is against Yea Forums rules but if it is fully in the rules like it does not promovate a raid , why ban it)

Its because its makes it eazier to read

Tell me , witch spacing to you like more , this one:

As an oldfag I want to provide you guys with the information AS TO WHY the Yellow Movement didn't work... #1. Yea Forums is not owned by Moot (Christopher Poole) anymore. The admin doesn't CARE about this space.#2. Current mods DELETE interesting threads. Interesting meaning crossing the line and discussing topics that WERE allowed when Moot owned it.#3. Doxing, sending pizzas to peoples homes, sending swat teams, talking about controversial subjects etc is now BANNED. #4. Because all of this is "banned", the oldfags moved on. Yawn... "boring". Surprise! They LEFT!#5. MODS don't police "age". Supposed to be an 18+ board. It never gets enforced though. We are left with a majority of minors as a community. #6. With Moot being gone, there is no love for this site anymore. Think of Yea Forums as a company founded by a creator that LOVED his creation (his baby). But... he gave it up for adoption... and the new parents, the new Owner and MODS don't give a shit. We're all the red-headed-stepchildren.#7. Fuck it man. Why do we even care at this point? The only thing remaining to this place is that one can post anonymouusly

Or this one:

"reddit spacing" isn't even true, Yea Forums did it in 04 before reddit existed as it was founded 05.

Attached: hownew.png (655x409, 69K)

Why not ban them for 18 years if they just state they are under 18 ,(when they will be back if they will be back they will be obiding by the rule)

ban under age like this them 18 years - (age stated) = (ban time) (if age not stated assume 0)

12 yr old on Yea Forums? 18-12 = 6 ban time

16 yr old on Yea Forums? 18-14 = 2 ban time

when the ban is over they will be eligable to use the site

So we can avoid cases of perm ban to someone will turn 18 in a second

>Personal army requests are an actual crime. it's possibly conspiracy, harassment or stalking

Apparently raiding habbo with black avatars with afros by exploiting an oversight in the game that allows you to block the enternce of the pool is an actual crime

Banning above a day is nonsense either way because of dynamic ip's. They get unbanned automatically within a day and some other poor soul get's the block.

If you were serious you would need to ban based on hardware fingerprinting and not IP.

I am 17 years, 364 days and 23 hours old.
Come at me.

>as you want here but i'm sure that discussing eugenics in /pol/ can get you banned.


> You are free to speak your mind, but do not attack other users. You may challenge one another, but keep it civil!

And someones mind might belive in eugenics

What the fuck

>1h gap
>some countries don't do summer time
you could be 18 and not 18 at the same time.
Schrodinger's adult.

How do you triforce in 2019

I know the alt+255 method and i know not to copy and paste but that does not work anymore

Im here since the /fag/ threads

You get what i was going for

Alt codes don’t work anymore you need to use unicode short spaces

> " "reddit spacing" isn't even true, Yea Forums did it in 04 before reddit existed as it was founded 05. " ;

The double
"linefeed carriage return"
has been a standard method of separating certain categories of somewhat unrelated ideas such as paragraphs in a book from the earliest days of typesetting and also predates printing in manuscript writing.

It was in common use even during the earliest days of the BBS bulletin boards even before Usenet became operative in 1980. Also, it has probably always been viewed as a courtesy (afforded by the author, copyist, or printer) to aid legibility and assimilation of distinct ideas by the intended reader.

The term reddit spacing evolved because redditfags overused it,

like this:

to separate clearly related ideas

to the the extent that it impaired legibility and
in doing so,

also obscured any intended meaning.

Moot was cucked by a lesbian that worked at gawker
Let that sink in

B...but I don’t want all the queers getting all the attention oh great user!!

Anyone saying its just easier to read is full of shit or has literacy issues.

Attached: reddit spacing.jpg (1141x656, 189K)

As an oldfag

Attached: download.jpg (262x192, 8K)


That's not reddit spacing.

Reddit Spacing has 2 spaces. Otherwise the comment thing doesn't work on Reddit, there's a screenshot floating around.


I think we should try to revive infinite

I have Alzheimer's, ask me anything.

that was back in 2013 you stupid nigger

He is right. Been here sincr 2006 and I dont really think of myself as an oldfag. But the neonewfags are the cancer of this site

> " that was back in 2013 ..." ;

... and your point is?
FACT is that people DO still get b& for declaring themselves to be under 18,
IF the post asserting that "minor age" is reported.

Sure, back then, it was routine to overlay the
in bright red onto the post, if the post wasn't actually deleted,
but that overlay is rarely done these days,
nevertheless I have seen it done this year.

Also, I have personally reported (self declared)
underage posters whose posts were deleted, (within minutes)
from a thread that included pornographic content.
I assure you that mods do delete messages and posters are b&
if they have given good reason to believe that they are under 18.

Attached: 83d.jpg (513x510, 29K)

>Moot never loved us
He had an idea when he was - what? 13? - and he loved that idea. We consistently ruined it for him. All he wanted was to be the little girl, and we showed him time and time again what we wanted to do to little girls. He left because he got an offer on the corpse he was sick of carting around, and I can't blame him for it.

This site swayed normie pop culture, and that was never supposed to happen. Yea Forums was always supposed to be the fungus growing in the dark corner, but suddenly we were some commodity for a wannabe counterculture... and they decided the mild rush of anonymous online argument and a (you) in a world where they're otherwise invisible was all the high they needed... If you developed the drug that murdered the creativity and development of a generation, wouldn't you pawn that off?

There are no rules to moderation. You clearly are not an actual oldfag if you aren't aware of this retard.

I do kind of miss the days when they'd keep you on your toes. I got banned by Snacks for two days for "Not having the foresight to know [he's] an angry drunk."