Somebody please confirm if God exist or not, I'm getting crazy swinging from Atheism to Theism almost every day.
Somebody please confirm if God exist or not, I'm getting crazy swinging from Atheism to Theism almost every day
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Even if a God exists, it's not one that belongs to any religion on this planet, more than likely it doesn't exist, but who knows. Even if there was, then what created God? surely the first thing in existence had to be a particle rather than some kind of entity right? So in that case, even God wouldn't technically be the first creator. Who knows what the fuck this universe is. It's stranger than fiction.
God took her away from me. He's a fucking nigger.
It’s so straightforward that is baffling
space is fake, jesus is god in human form and read the bible, faggot king james version
God is eternal that means he has no end or start. So then, he'd have to not have a creator to have no end or start.
Try psychecelics, it helped me
Exactly what I was thinking, consciousness is fucking strange, I think we are the imagination of some sort of supermassive being in another dimension.
Lately I've been very angry and disappointed with my fucking life I wanted to die and pray to God or whatever could he just fucking kill me already thank you and intuitively I can predict small shit there are a lot of coincidence and I don't believe in magic or superstition idk shits are really estrange that was exactly what I was thinking the first post.
Also I keep having this memory of my childhood over and over again that I would stand pain all my life and never back down but I'm backing down idk perhabs I'm fucking crazy I think the closest religion to what really God is is Judaism and I hate kikes.
Whenever I become entirely atheist I star to feel empty, alone and depressed.
oh yeah? how so, tell me what you've learned
In the Bible it says we’re the only life in the ever expanding infinite universe. Think about that for a second, ponder over it. If there was/is a god does that mean there is a heaven and hell or is this “god” just something that happened to create life/the universe? What are you asking exactly.
It really is crazy. it ultimately comes down to something from nothing. Even a god couldnt just pop into existence.
What other religions go into depth about creation other than Hinduism, Scientology, and dead religions? So no shit the Bible
It doesn't matter whether he is or isn't. If you see benefits to acting in the world as if he is, that's all there is to it.
We have to believe in things that aren't true - how else can they become?
Personally I'm a Christian.
Albert Einstein stated that he believed in the pantheistic God of Baruch Spinoza.
It really all comes down to faith.
if god exists, they'll come prove it by giving this post trips. if not, no god.
He does.
Yep, it's illogical. The fact that any of this is even real is illogical.
I don't know man.. but i've been thinking about this universe a lot, including what may be outside of it as well, i'm realizing that we're basically living in a dream, a dream has no beginning, it just appears, they don't make sense, and they have no purpose, it reminds of real life. Real life is just as strange as a dream, none of this makes sense. What is any of this?
we could be some sort of test for a higher power for all we know. We'll probably never know...
You are your own god op. Step through the noose to anime world.
It's ok, it's confusing because Satan used people in power to convince you he isn't real. But all you have to do is pray and read the Bible a little bit and you can slide into God's DMs. It goes much deeper with the light and dark, and the conventional terms of God and Satan don't work too well. It's a bit like the force where it is one energy that is dual sided and must be balanced.
Literally in Op
>”is there a god”
I was asking if there was a correlation between this “god” and the possibility of a heaven and “hell” not stating there is one, and creation is a big part in the question “is there a god” and certain religions.
God sends humans to hell, not Satan. God too sent Satan to hell. The christian God is the real enemy.
Get over it nigger, it doesnt really mattress
I believe old testament God is Cronos/Saturn who is the real archetype of Satan and the father of time. Saturn is the energy that keeps us in the matrix. Gnosticism is basically all about that but I don't know what to think about it.
Are you all fucking dumb. Growing up I was surrounded by religion, and as I grew older I could finally see what fucking trash it all is.
Of course there is no god, it's just what some people force themselves to believe because their mind can't comprehend that there's nothing after you die, meaning there's no purpose of us being alive.
If god was real, so would fucking santa that comes down your chimney, and of course we can't forget jesus who came back alive, walked on water and turned water into wine...
The fact we're all here, is by chance. That itself is pretty cool. And we're defo not the only ones in an infinite universe. Thinking that is just pathetic. So don't worry yourself about stupid religion and god op, just be a good human, that's all that matters
In short, I believe science, not bullshit. So I believe there's no god, no hell, no heaven
Ah, actually, I really should clarify; this is a short story, like a 15 minute read, that should ease your theological worries at least for the night.
The new priest class of scientism wants people to think everything is meaningless, the creation of the universe was some accident, and that earth is one insignificant spec in a vast universe. It's bullshit. That is how you degenerate people because they have nothing to live for.
>swinging from Atheism to Theism
if u r doing that, isnt is a sign to conclude evidence for god r not conclusive at all, therefore u shouldnt belive gods real?
yes, God does exist.
no evidence for anything u said
show 1 evidence
So you belive science is right?
>because they have nothing to live for
Lol, brainlet can't even handle absurdism.
One question, can it be proved god is real? The answer is, and always will be, No. Because it doesn't exist
No evidence for a lot of stuff. For example; moon landings. If this is a hoax perpetrated by the science priests, six huge lies are enough for me not to trust anything they say.
non sequitur
You cant prove God isnt real any more than you can prove to me that im not a part of your psyche.
Things that have support and can be proved to be right, is what I believe to be right.
What I don't believe is right, is something that can't be proved or even be attempted to be proved.
Thats your choice.
theres evidence for moon landing. Science doesnt have priests
>Science Priests
They probably still rape less children then your hell church, so I think i'll side with them you freak.
Italians aka fancy Mexicans.
This is a good read for you atheists.
not really. if god exists, it would most likely be possible to contact. that would require communicating OUTSIDE of the universe. the universe COULD have an underlying carrier wave or something it COULD be possible to detect and disrupt it. if we're in a simulation, and there was a possibility of getting its attention--like all retarded religions that believe in an interactive god promise--we COULD do it with some technology.
also, you don't understand proper argument. your conclusion has no validity and doesn't really even work with the premises and there's not enough of a proper structure to even analyze the "argument".
Show 1 evidence of moon landing. Neil disgusting Tyson and bill Nye are science priests.
So just to make it clear it , that's what you believe in , thats all I wanted , no need to reply anymore
This guy think the Earth is flat.
You're a different human, tf you talking about. I'm not a person that's confused thinking that everything is happening for me. We're all a separate part of this shit that is life is how I see it. Nothing is connected, we just are in place where we are, all by chance. So god has nothing to do with that side, as its all bullshit anyway lol
i dont think it really matters no matter what you wont find the answer you are looking for.but what there is evidence of is that following basic christian beliefs benefits you, everyone around you, and all of society. so at least, i say the christian bible at least in its fundamentals is the way you should live. there will never be a definitive answer there is no way to get one arguing about a unreachable end is useless.
At that rate then by the same chance aliens where are they?
How do you know? Show me proof that im a real human being that exists externally from your conscious reality.
Pro tip: You cant.
great thread, thank you Yea Forums. :)
fisheye lens
says the guy that got trips sevens
What idiot thinks this is real?
You have (hopefully) a solid moral compass. That is everything the Bible can teach you. Live your life to suit yourself. If you find a friend, and they want to help you along, that's perfect. But don't place your happiness in some one else's hands.
You're wrong on many levels, to me it sounds like your life is ran by religion.
However, like I said before, science vs dreamland. There is nothing outside of the universe, the universe is growing bigger and bigger into nothiningess but empty space. There are ethos', studies, peer reviewed work, that's constantly on going on this subject. But god itself, nothing. Nothing but 'faith' from religions.
In my opinion believing in god in such a way is pointless, that's why I don't. But that doesn't mean I don't think others should. If that's what that choose to believe then so be it, it's up to them.
>it ultimately comes down to something from nothing
No it doesn't. Everything that is always was, just in different arrangements. The law of conservation of mass-energy is absolute as far as anyone can tell, as it hasn't broken down at any scale. No God nor first cause is necessary in an infinite system.
what retard thinks it isnt
to add to this:
at the last "hack arizona", i was a volunteer--next time, i'm going to be director of information technology--and i made sure to check out a presentation on cryptography by general dynamics in phoenix. first of all, their name is fucking cool because it reminds me of massive dynamics from "FRINGE". of course their knowledge is pretty secret and deep, deep national security stuff, because you need the highest clearances to work there, but they did share one very interesting spying technique.
certain encryption algorithms HAVE to perform various things which HAVE to make a CPU'S ALU do certain things which HAVE to draw power a certain way. by tapping into the POWER SUPPLY of a computer you can easily first determine WHICH encryption algorithm they're using.
apply this to the simulation known as "the universe" and hack it.
Cool blurs and dots
Do you know what you are saying?
God is not real and ur all niggers
they r called "pixels" and they make up images on screens with digital technology
this was a good thread until it got all the flat earth bullshit
By saying that you're saying you think everything that has happened in human history works that way, and if you really think that, thats how everything been built up including laws, cultures, and other things like animals. No wonder your brain feels like it needs to stick to something basic to understand like god. I can't imagine you trying to fathom god not existing. Maybe that's why some people still believe, because they don't have the brain capacity not to
Accept the God is simply a word we use to designate a creative force. It is not necessarily a creature, it is most likely something totaly beyond our comprehension.
As an amateur philosopher I struggled for many years with what I called the infinity paradox - essentially that if a creator is created then that continues until you must accept an original that was never created, and this remains true God or no God. I found the solution, which I'm currently writing a book about, but for the purpose of this thread I have deduced that a creator existed and there are higher planes of existence beyond our comprehension where all current universal laws and rules break down and simply don't exist.
DMT told me that god, consciousness, and the universe are all the same thing. JK idk.
What I did see was that I could travel with agency through my own mind into higher dimensions and speak with my genetic ancestors, or other entities.
Okay, I'll up the complexity. Your body is the only thing your consciousness has to interpret the reality you live in. Without your senses you would know nothing of your world. Can you imagine that? Being in a state of no visuals, no language, no sound, no physical touch, no smells, no taste, no senses of motion or orientation. But, you are there, you are alive (most likely hooked up to a machine in a hostipal) you are existing. Can you wrap your mind around that scenario?
funny that to prove god u 1st need to deny reality.
We make 2 assumptions: reality we percieve is real and we can learn about it.
If u wont assume what u experience is real, u r unable to function at all. If u cant explore it, u cant say if theres god or not.
We explored it and didnt find anything. Show 1 evidence of god, or go fuck yourself with your reality denial
Why the fuck is everyone always looking for these shitty excuses.
Why cant you people just accept that there are no forces, there's no 'god', we're on this planet by chance, there's no point in actual life, and nothing happens after death.
Its not fucking hard.
>That remains true God or no God
No it doesn't. It's a good thing you chose to be an amateur philosopher because this flawed reasoning would be worth a refund if you had any paid formal education in the subject because clearly it failed you.
You cannot axiomatically state that an act of creation must have occurred because you cannot conclusively determine that the universe and it's previous possible iterations are a finite system. Without this axiom your argument is founded on supposition and therefore worthless.
>Accept the God is simply a word we use to designate a creative force
no, it isnt. And we have a word for that - its called inspiration. When im ispired to build a ship in Space Engineers game its god? And thats not different from an anthropomorphised, almighty creator of the universe, who also judges whether u gonna be punished for eternity, or not?
eat a dick
It's more or less easy to accept an external creator outside our universe therefore unfathomable.
If you want to talk about any religion specific god everyone of them is bullshit.
Ignorance is bliss. Sure it's easier to think like you, but for people with a clue it's difficult to achieve
>amateur philosopher
theres your problem
STOP!! Lemme ask you question
Have you tried DMT?
>Brain-in-a-vat Cartesian Solipsism
>Wants to be taken seriously
I can't wait for summer to be over so you can go back to high school philosophy class to learn even more ways to misinterpret philosophical considerations.
Agnosticism is the only way
Can't way to know for sure, so there's no point in being religious, and it's absolutely not worth making not believing in a God part of your personality like some fucking mega dork.
Eddie Bravo would destroy Joe Rogan in combat and in intellect
There are many evidences of God, but it is the hunan ego that chooses to deny the evidence. It hides behind the word "science". It weaponizes the ideology of religion. You claim to know all about God and look for signs that match up. You dont know God. You have no idea what youre looking for. You wouldnt know it if it bit you in the ass and even if it did, you would deny it as being anything BUT God. You choose not to see the evidence. So its not a question of evidence for you. Thats not what youre looking for. You're looking for self validation.
Without* a clue
That was a non response / Ad hominem.
Good job.
The human ego is what invented god. It's the only way we can cope with our ignorance of natural laws. If you try DMT or a large dose of shrooms your ego will dissolve, and the word "god" becomes meaningless because there are now far stranger things than the idea of a creator.
funy how u went to pretend theres much evidence, isntead of naming any
>u dont know god
u dont know either. U dont know what to look for. But u r saying UVE FOUND IT. SHOW OTHERS NOW, U RETARD
I can honestly say that I dont know. I'm leani g toward yes honestly, but I doubt it is a God of any religions on earth.
Never concluded a finite system. You're making far too many assumptions to be that uppity.
I'm not sure what's harder to comprehend, your lack of reading ability or your bizarre semi-literate drawl.
Nihilism is popular but not something I adhere to. While it is possible our creation was accidental and therefore ultimately meaningless, it cannot have been created from nothing. Even an accidental ceeation implies forces at work far beyond our comprehension, and it's possible to attribute meaning to our existence in the form of seeking to gain that comprehension and expand on our creation to reach the status of our creators.
Now I see why america is so fucked.
You say there are many evidence, please show the world this evidence so WE ALL KNOW ITS REAL FINALLY, fucking sarcasm btw
This reads as the perfect bullshit to excuse the fact god isn't real and can't be proven, but you want to waste people's time with it anyway
maybe god(s) existed some thousand years ago. they are all dead now
such as?
In my opinion when we think of Gods we are using our human perspectives to describe it. What if God is something entirely foreign to us? People are unable to comprehend the complexity of God so we are stuck using the same rehashed concepts of what we believe God is like. I believe there is a God but not in the traditional religious sense.
Its in science. Its in math. Its in physics. Its in consciousness. Its everywhere. Unfortunately, I cant cite any books for you. Thats what youre looking for arent you? A citation?
Religion is not the same as spirituality. God is not a creator. God is literally everything and everywhere and every moment in every space.
Use your imagination
Go with the Pascal’s wager but don’t obsess on it or preach about it. If there is nothing, nothing to lose.
Show me the true colors of ultra violet and Gamma. I want to see them.
What has always baffled me is why now and not in the past or in the future? I mean I exist at *this* point of time and not any other time.
if u cant understand what ive written, its cuz u r dumb
Pascal's wager is the type of idiotic philosophy I lived my life by when I was 8 years old.
If all of this is a figment of 'my' imagination, then I've successfully managed to split myself into at least two incredibly separate beings - the artist that is constantly making up the story that I find myself embedded in, and the audience (the 'me' that is typing this on what appears to be a laptop computer obviously created by my artistic half). The watcher within that watches the watcher watching, so to speak. Since Inever perceivethe artist directly, how do I know that it is 'me'?
The initial axiom of Solipsism being true, I cannot, therefore I cannot assert that I am alone in existence as evidence contradicts that. Cartesian Solipsism disproves itself.
no, it isnt.
u cant cite a single thing proving god, cuz there isnt any
> I think we are the imagination of some sort of supermassive being in another dimension.
i understand how you could find consciousness baffling.
my conclusion so far is analogous to the saying that sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. just because we can't explain it yet doesn't leave room for the kinds of wild speculations so many people make.
because time is an illusion, a construct, there is only now.
God doesn't refer to a supreme intelligence that created everything?
You've broadened god's definition to something intractable.
My friend, there are no creators etc.
Our creation was by chance, and is meaningless.
I.did not say we were made.from nothing, only that it's by chance and luck we are here.
In a sense we are here the same way the bacteria that make penicillin work were made. By accident, but with all the parts to put together to work.
Penicillin was accidentally made as mold developed on a perti dish, this mold killed off viruses.
We are like penicillin, accidentally made in just the right way by chance. But as a human race with how we treat other humans because of their skin, or where they're from, and even on how we treat the planet, we're more of a virus to the earth
>no it isnt
I didnt say I can prove God. You asked for evidence. Now you dont want evidence, you want proof. What do you want? Do you want evidence or proof?
God doesn't mean the universe doesn't exist. You must combine them, you must realize that existence is above and beyond your understanding. Should you conform to everything everyone has told you? NO! You must believe that God, not humanity, will guide your path. Contribute, do not bring down the path of humanity. Don't listen to christians who don't contribute to humanity and spirituality, they are liars and do not know what the future is.. Their future is hell, ie: eternal darkness.
That may be so but why this point of time? I mean... let's use a movie as an example. Let's assume the film is infinite in length and it started in the infinite past and ends in the infinite future, how did we "happen" to be at a certain moment in the movie?
>Pascal’s wager
>start with false assumption
>create wrong matrix
>pat yourself on the back
200 active religions with different rules to reach salvation and under the assumption u can just trick god into thinking u actually follow its teachings. Whats your odds u got it right? If u r wrong, did u live your life in safety of possibly true religin, or under the light of getting punished for not following 1 of 199 others?
Time is not an illusion. It has physical properties we can measure, and we take into account everyday.
>Never concluded a finite system. You're making far too many assumptions to be that uppity.
If you didn't conclude that the universe was finite then you have no reason to assert a creator or creative force. Your argument itself is predicated on the assumption that a creator was necessary to achieve the reality we see. You cannot support that without concluding a finite universe.
Try again.
Who gives a shit theres a good chance that were in a simulation and there is no way to disproove that so fuck off with nonsense like why when who and what accept that your life is shit and deal with it
u said u can show evidence and u didnt. Dont try to catch me on words, since u didnt provide either proof or evidence
>mfw when god is a viral meme that took over the collective human thought-complex
because there never was a past, there isn't a future, the movie begins in the now and ends in the now, we are a series of right nows.
The best thing is you can look at them my friend. Through science. Go look up the equations to do with it's energy and frequency compared to the spectrum we can see. Awesome cool stuff. Science proves a lot of things to us
Show me EVIDENCE of God then. Bear in mind it has to be evidence of God. Not evidence of complexity, then an argument for God.
I await your reply.
I do exist, AMA
In the end psychecelics doesn’t really teach you anything. They put your mind in a state where you perceive things differently. So you can feel and see a god and suddenly everything makes sense and seems so simple. But when you come down, you can’t remember or “loose” it. Because it’s a state of mind and not a teaching or secret.
Actually that's kinda like what Buddhists believe (sort of).
Your definitions are painfully limited. This is why I have to write a book because 90% of it will be explaining basic shit to people like you.
God = J S Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach - Ascension Oratorio
[ BWV 11 = "Lobet Gott in Seinen Reichen" ]
Sir John Eliot Gardiner / BBC Proms 2013 :
Shit that's happened in my life has led me to believe we are a product of creation. I want nothing to do with any sort of religion tho.
rolling my child
You cannot prove that I am real because you perceive a reality. Have you ever dreamed before? Most people do. In a dream state, everything you see and do is believed to be real until the moment you wake and suddenly realize it was all a dream. You suddenly realize how bland and stupid all of it was. How can you be such a fool. And even with this realization, this epiphany of reality, you go to sleep the next night and do all it over again.
he isnt the true god i am
Yeah no. You cannot support your argument with even one axiom. Because the argument is based on a flawed assumption. You will continue to talk about writing a book but never support your argument here and now. Appeal to authority (your own in this case) is not an argument.
>I have deduced that a creator existed
Automatically assumes that the universe must have been created. Therefore finite. Evidence exists which contradicts this therefore your statement is based on a false axiom at some point.
Why are you asking the question in the singular? Thousands of gods have been fabricated. How did you narrow it down to one? And which one?
Thats a dogma.
no me
So you can't defend it then?
Please state the principle axiom of your deduction, the thing that is true that your argument can be proved by. If you don't have one then you aren't an amateur philosopher. You're not a philosopher at all. You're a guy who thought 'huh that's interesting I'll write about it but never defend it'.
nice try
>people that need a magic man to live decently and responsibly.
Cartesian Solipsism literally just disproved itself before your eyes using its own principal axiom and you're sticking to it?
Please go take a philosophy class.
A script get is not evidence of God.
Proof that god exists
I did give you evidence. If i give you pieces to a puzzle and you cant put it to together, doesn't mean its unsolvable. God exists in many areas of life. You're not going to see the whole picture with a few pieces of the puzzle. It just doesn't work like that. Nothing does. But you're somehow insisting on it. Get real.
wow - anecdotal evidence
u lose
Theres your proof accept or deny it i wont discuss that with you
No, it is rather obvious.
u didnt give me evidence. U asserted theres much evidence in fields of study
show 1 evidence of god, or gtfo
You gave me evidence of a script get.
Still waiting on evidence of God.
Science is constantly proved all the time, if we take something like and fiction and any holy book and destroyed them all. In 1000 years time, that wouldn't come back as it was, it would be all different.
Whereas, if we took all science books and every fact and destroyed them all, in 1000 years they'd all be back, because all the same tests would give the same result.
Also, there's like 3000 gods in total across the cultures of the world, what makes your 1 god the right one?
And then again, this means you don't believe in the 2999 other gods, and I just don't believe in +1 more god than you.
You think therefore you exist, there's no lower rung of reality that you need to prove your existence than that. Even if it's just a provisional assumption, on the basis of our perceptive structure, it's still something whether you ask doubt it or not.
Then kys and find out lifestream it for us to witness
uve got it absolutely backwards
we dont want to reduce reality, we want to expand it.
How do u live your life on hard solipsism?
If people require a delusion to be better people, fine. Just DON’T effect other people with said delusion.
You cannot prove that you exist alone, however, even to yourself. See in which the Solipsistic axiom itself disproves Solipsism.
How can you prove that I am real and not a fragment of your schizophrenic hallucination?
My point is that God is not an entity or being or property that can be studied by a group that people can exchange notes on. Its not the table of elements. Every person and being is of God, and the only study of God is through oneself and its only through that does God become apparent in the reality that surrounds you..
OP you’re a stupid faggot. Seriously if you even have to go back and forth on anything, you’re just retarded.
Why would I kill myself to prove your assertion? I didn't make the assertion, so I am not obligated to provide evidence.
I'm still waiting on evidence of God.
Pick up a series of books called The Law of One by an humble messenger of the Law of One Ra
How can you tell yourself that you alone are the only thing you can prove to exist? You cannot. Try. Again.
Everything is an assumption. You cannot prove to yourself that God exists. It is fairly pointless to assume for the sake of assuming that it does.
How did i get myself in this situation i dont want anything to do with this shit i dont believe in god fuck off who gives a shit if theres a god i certainly dont kill yourself for my pleasure at least then we have 1 atheist less to have dumb discussions with and while youre at it kill everyone of any religion you find while youre at it and while your at it before you kill yourself kill as many people as you can pls make sure to kill randomly so youre harder to catch
Evidence of complexity. Not evidence of God.
Try again.
That's evidence that math is something real.
>"while youre at it"
Lol im tired
Can you prove to yourself you're having an experience right now?
Its like the word "Myself". Its a question Echart Tolle asked of himself once. What is the self? Obviously it exists because you are perceiving it and you can perceive without ego.
keep my dog Ego out of this
fractals are evidence of a universal structure.
is this an argument?
no, its a mathematical equation.
no one care what you believe
Which is still not evidence of God.
You can't put a normal picture into Yea Forums and You want to understand God and science? You too stupid for God and for science. Go watch Oprah Winfrey.
Only solution to this worlds problems are Jesus teachings, you know no one else is wiser
Yes. I can also not prove positively that I am the author of that experience.
seems right
pretty sure its not
There is no evidence either way, that's just how I feel. Feel free to start getting mad because people like things you don't tho
If God doesn't exist then how come we don't fly off the spinning Earth?
Checkmate atheists.
if theres no evidence, then what u do is not belive gods real
the earth is flat.
If you believe in any God youre an unevolved idiot...there are no gods...there is no have a finite time on earth so make the most of it...dont buy into to this out dated dogma
Something being a structure (Even if very big and complex) is no evidence of god.
Read a science book ffs
Who? Rappers are lame
Don't worry about it, it's no big deal. Just something that would be above our pay grade anyways.
>Doesn't understand it's a joke and sarcasm
We are all God having shoved himself into human form...
No one can prove it to you; it's something you can only rediscover yourself.
Just read about Nihilismen and Agnosticism and you will find out that you canno't get an answer to a question like this. Threw our subjetive lense threw we see our best "interpretation" of realilty can never asure us of something.
We can only believe, from start to finish.
Empiricism and Sciene so to speak are the only ways to be sure to some degree.
I'm not post-modern relativist. Conciousness is just that way.
Accept it and start a life on your own, there is nothing else to do.
no god only Allah subhaanahu wa ta3la
We are all going to die one day. Less than 95 years, all of us here will be 6ft under. Stop wasting time with god that doesn't exist and enjoy life
Of all religions, I think atheists are the most full of shit, followed by muslims, jews, catholics, christians, and finally scientologists. Don't have any problems with buddhists or gnostics or hyperianism.
thats RTS for ya
(religous trauma syndrome)
>We are going to be 6ft under
Our bodies are not us.
May I interest you in Apathetic Agnosticism?
>We don't know and we don't care
Since when was atheism a religion you dumb fuck. You literally know nothing about the matter if that's what you think
There is no God, even the people writing the Bible knew this.
It's just a guide to how you should behave for a functional society.
They even say God created you in his image and also "you should have no gods above him". It basically means you are your own god and don't put anything above yourself. The 7 deadly sins and the 10 commandments are the only laws a society actually needs.
Prove me wrong fagots!
Says who? I don't know if I can believe that
it is a religion
Does Santa and the tooth fairy exist?
then its not true and we wont believe your bullshit
I wish we were travelling through the stars. I long for more than this world has to offer.
Stop putting labels on yourself.
brains r
What is your definition of religion?
Learn how to Astral Project.
>Learn how to Astral Project.
I'll project your nuts into your fucking throat you new age hippie faggot.
A g of k is supposedly one way to go
#99 hello
that doesnt answer the question
So you want adventure that goes beyond what you currently experience, and if someone directs you towards it, you don't want it. Suit yourself.
learn there isnt such a thing
I want real answers not mystic shit from some asswipe who keeps his love beads up his ass.
Chop your arm off. Will you still be you? Cut your head off. Will you still be you? Remove half of your brain. Will you still be you? Remove everything except one cell. Will you still be you?
In other words, your body is not you.
Then you have not experienced it. It's quite a mindfuck to be honest.
I do it once a week on average. AP is pretty real, my dudes. You don't have to think of it as anything mystical/spiritual, you can just do it to have fun and fuck movie stars, or fly to the moon. Regardless of what you think it is, or isn't, it's actually something you can do and it's pretty damn amazing.
No, I believe we are the product of intelligent design, but I have no proof of that, so I don't claim to be correct like religious/athiest retards do
anecdotal evidence isnt evidence
i didnt experiecne it, therefore it actually doesnt exist. Design an experiment, thatll show there is such a thing. Or better yet - u r a dumb fuck and some1 already has done the experiment and failed. Show me peer-reviewed study its real
Can I have some proof of your claim?
so why the fuck would u belive it in the 1st fucking place? R u lying to yourself? U r delusional.
no, u dont
I can only prove that if god does exist he's a fucking asshole. Does that count for anything?
>i didnt experiecne it, therefore it actually doesnt exist
Careful with calling other people dumb while making such statements.
Whatever you say, user. It's not like it matters. I just wanted to give the user I originally replied to something cool to experience until we can go and explore space.
you could read stuff from the kabbale jewish cabbale. The important is what make you spiritual find the fullfilling experience, spirit.
Are you this retarded? There's already studies on Astral Projection. There are procedures you can do to experience it yourself. Whether or not it's real is up to you. But it exists.
Your google translate is showing.
>You don't have to think of it as anything mystical/spiritual, you can just do it to have fun
>u cast your magical spirit magically out of your body and interact with reality outside of your head
>never proved
>u dont have to think bout it too hard, just trust me its magic
no. your subjective opinion that god is an asshole means nothing.
are you sure that when god had you try to get a girlfriend by pretending to be a certain type of guy like a dork and it didn't work and you cried that wasn't actually a lesson in life, so that you'd never be such a loser again? are you sure that when your parents failed to raise you well and you had to figure things out on your own that wasn't for your own good, boosting your own genetics far beyond them and making you more of a person than they ever were? are you sure that being forced to sit in church/synagogue/mosque for 20 years of growing up wasn't to learn that they're all stupid fucking phonies?
life is a pre-recorded sequence of experiences. you have no free will. god might seem like an asshole but even in prison, the warden might be genuinely trying to help you.
Why do you think we are the imagination of some other being?
How can you deduce any of that if its unobservable and no actual evidence exists for it?
its the example of anecdotal evidence.
so why did u lie? Just tell him "sit down and imagine u already do it". Or "play video games"
Those are not the only two choices tard
show me the peer-reviewed paper proving its real and not just sitting on your ass, dreaming
>u cast your magical spirit magically out of your body and interact with reality outside of your head
This is an interpretation. I don't know what happens during the experience. I just know that it's a fun ride that can be learned pretty easily.
>never proved
Dreams have also no objective proof that they exist. All evidence we have of dreams existing is anecdotal.
>>u dont have to think bout it too hard, just trust me its magic
That's actually accurate. It doesn't really matter what you think it is, you can experience it regardless of your world-view. How you interpret what's happening is up to you and your world-view.
What are you trying to say?
It's very strange that you guys get so emotional over something that you don't even think is real.
I am not saying that it's real or not. I am telling you to experience it for yourself and judge for yourself.
Wow. I'm genuinely impressed that you felt that you needed to type all that shit out just for me. I'll tell you what, I'll let you delude yourself a little bit longer. Wouldn't want to stomp on your fragile worldview with with the combat boots of a harsh reality, now would I?
yes, its an interpretation. U didnt define terms, nor did u explain the mechanism,. U know shit bout it and u r calling it watever, cuz u r an idiot
Dreams do have evidence for them
>complains i call it magic
>says its accurate, when i say its magic
im saying stop talking. U r an idiot. Nobody cares bout your opinions and no1 wants your fundamentally wrong way of thinking to set precedences
Like I said, events in my life lead me to believe there is something more to existence than the physical plane. Why so mad?
then dont talk at all
whats not real cant be experienced
>whats not real cant be experienced
What the actual fuck?
>yes, its an interpretation. U didnt define terms, nor did u explain the mechanism,. U know shit bout it and u r calling it watever
Yes, exactly. I literally told you that I don't know what it is, just that I do it on a regular basis and that it's fun as fuck. You and the other guy dragged words like magic into this discussion, for reasons I don't understand.
>Dreams do have evidence for them
Yes, they have a fuckton of anecdotal evidence. I literally said this in the post you replied to. There is however no hard objective proof that they exist. It's a case of so many people confirming the existence through anecdotes that it's just accepted as fact by default. It's still just anecdotes though.
>im saying stop talking. U r an idiot. Nobody cares bout your opinions and no1 wants your fundamentally wrong way of thinking to set precedences
I'm quite enjoying this, but you can drop out of the discussion whenever you want. Also, what is "fundamentally wrong" about my way of thinking? You don't really make a lot of sense, you know.
why so gullible? Your anecdotal evidence is not evidence. Why r u believing things that r not true?
>the thing i experience multiple times a month isn't real because some angry user on Yea Forums said so
>I literally told you that I don't know what it is
then we r not gonna take your word its "astral projection"
You don't really know how language works, do you?
why don't you ask them to describe the evidence. i have evidence that this existence is just a recording. it's NOT easy to explain. i had a dream last night about a weird chick peeing down her leg out a hole in her shoe and i COULD explain what it all meant, because i deciphered the meaning and well, it's basically "avoid damaged goods" but very complicated. my story about life being a recording is far more complicated and would be like a PhD dissertation.
ask for more, don't just dismiss. if they're idiots, let them prove it.
we observed dogs acting up during sleep. We have eeg readings corelating with times, where objects report having dreams. We exchange experiences. Its not anecdotes
not knowing how to go about learning whats real is a fundementally wrong way of thinking. Every retard enjoys listening to their voice, even if they talk garbage. So stfu
>the thing i experience is the thing i say it is and not me misinterpreting what i expereince
>i dont see whats the difference between having my experience denied and having my understanding denied
i do. how come u dont?
This. The only argument available is "stop liking things I don't like"
Stupidity knows no bounds
this, all the people in this thread are trying to use 3d logic to understand, God is on a higher dimension like time is no beginning, no end, cant see it, cant touch it, but it has been affecting you every single day of your life
consciousness is a drip of god within us, we are made in his image not in physical form but our mental form, we have access to the 4th dimension through our consciousness but this 3d realm is what creates our ego and we lose that knowledge unless we actively search for it
also for all the people who are like
> but science
remember that science points to more dimensions (around 8-11) than we can perceive
how can a 2d object ever understand what it feels like to be 3d it cant, how can we as humans say for sure there is no higher dimension than our own and that no entities reside on these dimensions
look between the lines and you will find it
they already proved they r idiots by using anecdotal evidence
>reality is a matter of liking
>we observed dogs acting up during sleep
Yes, and?
>we have eeg readings corelating with times, where objects report having dreams
>where objects report
So it's anecdotal. This isn't even anecdotal evidence for dreaming, it's just anecdotal evidence for some correlation with some anecdotal and subjective experience.
>We exchange experiences
>Its not anecdotes
>not knowing how to go about learning whats real is a fundementally wrong way of thinking.
What? Not knowing something has nothing to do with a way of thinking. If you don't know what an apple is, it's not because of your way of thinking. I have no idea what you're even trying to say though. You're pretty incoherent.
>Every retard enjoys listening to their voice, even if they talk garbage.
Are you familiar with the word irony?
>no u
hi user
i can confirm, God exists.
I can't even follow your line of thought anymore. You, or the guys you're agreeing with, are the one who brought up interpretations. I've literally said multiple times that I don't know what it is. You are right now arguing against your own position and you don't even realize it.
I think aliens created us as a project. How can we be in such a perfect spot for life. Religion is just a thing people use to cope and move forth. Religion is also an influential thing that people use to exploit money, ideas to. brainwash, ect..
you sound mad, did someone hurt you?
no, its not anecdotal. Animals other than humans display behaviour consistent with observation of humans and we have independent measurments. Its observable, verifiable, testable not anecdotal
kek, u lost
if u dont know what it is, how do u know its astral projection abnd not just "i sat down and actively imagined things"?
show evidence
I dont think that was the original point of religion you are stating on what it has become, religion points to healthy lifestyles that help keep a healthy subconscious, while some people follow it blindly they are still receiving the benefits as for all we know the after life is that dmt trip and you for sure want a healthy subconscious for that ride
what aliens created aliens?
How can a puddle fit the hole in the ground so perfectly?
what if we take into account one of the smartest man's opinion on this matter?
nah just trying to share my understanding of whats goin on here, would like to hear your take on what I said
also this
yeah, but its mental benefits for the people who believe. the ones who are receiving money and/or exploiting it is the ones who win at the end of the day. why is there so many huge and fancy catholic churches? religion didnt pay for it, the followers did. and yes the followers benefit mentally, but that's only it.
one answer of many
and u interpret "core" as "god"? And based on what? And its not an argument from authority?
>Jesus promised to rid the world of wicked men
>Bilderberg group
>Odin promised to rid the world of Frost Giants
>global warming
God exists and Odin is his name.
>more than likely it doesn't exist
Hey Carl Pagan, looks to me like you need a good dose of E. Michael Jones and a good dose of Vitamin Yellow to escape that feminist-inspired porn addiction of yours.
advanced society's. what came first, the chicken or the egg, if you catch my drift. if not yur a hur dur.
it is an argument on authority
same as
>what came first, the chicken or the egg
Dinosaurs laid eggs millions of years before chickens evolved. And fish millions of years before that. This is the dumbest question ever.
You didn't see his dubs, faggot?
>Animals other than humans display behaviour consistent with observation of humans and we have independent measurments.
None of this is objective proof, none of this proves the existence of dreams directly. All we have are correlations linked with anecdotes.
>Its observable, verifiable, testable
How? Name the procedure that is used to observe dreams. Name the procedure that is used to verify dreams. If I told you that last night I had a dream of flying to France. How would you verify that I was dreaming and how would you verify that I was dreaming of flying to France?
You don't really know how language works, do you? Words are used to label observable things, not the other way around.
We can call it whatever you're comfortable with if that helps you. The label is not important.
The question is not meant to be understood literally. Are you autistic?
>God exists and Odin is his name.
Odin is a cuck and only a bunch of fagets worship him. Yahweh is the ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD!
and what came first mr know-it-all?
yeah thats what I was saying religion has mutated into something that is ego driven by people who crave power and money but that was never the original intention, you can still follow a religion and not goto the church, also I bet you have already been using some of the 10 commandments in your life without thinking of them being religious but you are still benefiting from them, being an honest person, not stealing, etc
i bet you would feel better and be a better person if you followed them all
I bet you're a neet who hides in a basement and sleeps until 3pm everyday, seems likely.
I joked that I'd believe in God the day Emma Watson's nudes leaked and the next day it happened. Checkmate atheists
>The question is not meant to be understood literally
r u ok, retard?
your shit loses with occhams razor.
someone created it, though. with intentions of benefiting from it in the beginning and it worked for them. 10 commandments dont mean shit, it's just the part of the brainwashing cycle that people endure. no one is perfect. it's all business. people have been exploiting each other from the beginning, only smart survive but the heard barely makes it by.
lmao ur lost
so lets remove the big names and analyse the claims
It's literally one of the most well known metaphors on the planet. I have never in my 30 years of existence met a single person who seriously, not jokingly, understood it literally. You are a strange person, user.
and thats an argument, nigger?
A God is real but religion is dead and a detriment to society. Basically, take no stock in the idea, and don't let it affect you.
>philosophical search for objective truth
>lol metaphors
The glass is entirely full.
The bottom half is full of water.
The top half is full of air.
Philosophy is full of shit.
Seems like solid enough proof to me.
What? Take a breather, collect your thoughts, and try again with full and coherent sentences.
1. all chemical reactions HAVE to happen.
2. the only thing that living creatures do is process chemical reactions as a system and then procreate to create more chemical processing systems.
3. it is possible that chemical reactions happened to form into a system that was complex enough that it wanted to process more chemicals and sustain itself so it could continue, even going as far as procreating to create more systems like itself.
4. lifeforms are systems that happened to form from chemicals in a manner based on elementary laws of physics.
all of this could either be accidental or part of the natural expectation of what the laws of physics were designed to allow for. it doesn't prove or disprove god at all but it does explain how it all started. it can't be anything but this.
the elites are interested in occult
there must be a reason for it
meanwhile there's a huge push for atheism for common folk
it is objective proof. What u r sayin is "whatever cant be measured directly doesnt exist. Dreams cant be measured directly, therefore they dont exist". U r wrong. Learn what "operationalization" is
eeg reading. Observing sleep behaviour and relating it to reports of what objects say they saw in their minds during sleep. Linking calling some1s name through sleep with seeing that person in the dream. Thrashin in bed from nightmares
if its not important, why r u arguing against me, when i say "its just active imagining"?
Theres no getting around brainwashing you are brainwashed rn, you are pure subconscious as a child (ages 1-7) and you are soaking up everything in the immediate vicinity around you, your surroundings become you, your experiences create your ego which is not your true self, your true self lies at the subconscious
religion is geared all around breaking down that ego and spreading positivity whether it be through lifestyle, through prayer/meditation, etc
these things get you closer to your higher self
would you rather be brainwashed to spread positivity in the world, make it a better place and be truer to yourself from the get go thats why they have churches to spread the message, I dont think it all started as business but maybe thats what it has become.
odin promised no more ice giants. Have u seen any?
JHW promised no evil and theres still evil
no, i know where im going
negro logic
Why do you put shit you pull out of your own ass into quotation marks?
Let's try to explain it another way. If you don't get that though, I'll give up. You're pretty dense, man.
Color. Color doesn't exist. It's a subjective hallucination created within our perception. There is no way to measure whether someone perceives color other than their claims, there is no way to verify claims of people seeing color. There are some measurable correlations that can be attributed to seeing color along with anecdotal evidence by practically every living person. This is sufficient enough to assume that people perceive color, but it's still no objective proof.
Now apply this to dreaming.
EEG readings simply tell you that there are some physiological changes correlating with people's claims of experiencing dreams. This does in no way shape or form verify the claim, it just shows that something is happening. You can not use this as a means to verify is someone is dreaming. Circular reasoning and all that, you know?
The word used is not important. What you're saying conveys a completely different meaning. user, I'm confused. We've reached a point at which I have to explain to you how language works. There are toddlers who understand these concepts (of language). The worst part about this is you seem to think you sound smart, when you don't even grasp the most basic concepts of communication.
god is everything
40000 years lived on this earth and still we manage to pray to gods
its shit i pulled out of your ass, scatman
we know light has objective wavelength and given wavelengths create specific reactions. Argument from analogy fallacy, u dense cock.
Yes, it does. It shows things happen and it has effects on the world outside of some1s mind.
Again, u daft cunt - u dont understand how we verify things, so just stfu and kys.
u dont know how anything works. U tried to backpedal when u were called out on your shit, u tried to deny words and now u r denying we can dispose of labels. Go back to slurping dicks like spaghetti
we have a word for "everything". Guess what it is.
Its ignorant to say that there is no "GOD".
Anything was making this shit here (Univers)
But its deve. not a person or a intelligence form of LIFE. Its something bigger we not know or understand. Its prop. all things we see. Its everywhere.
So im not religious bit i believe ^^