Somebody please confirm if God exist or not, I'm getting crazy swinging from Atheism to Theism almost every day.
Somebody please confirm if God exist or not, I'm getting crazy swinging from Atheism to Theism almost every day
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Even if a God exists, it's not one that belongs to any religion on this planet, more than likely it doesn't exist, but who knows. Even if there was, then what created God? surely the first thing in existence had to be a particle rather than some kind of entity right? So in that case, even God wouldn't technically be the first creator. Who knows what the fuck this universe is. It's stranger than fiction.
God took her away from me. He's a fucking nigger.
It’s so straightforward that is baffling
space is fake, jesus is god in human form and read the bible, faggot king james version
God is eternal that means he has no end or start. So then, he'd have to not have a creator to have no end or start.
Try psychecelics, it helped me
Exactly what I was thinking, consciousness is fucking strange, I think we are the imagination of some sort of supermassive being in another dimension.
Lately I've been very angry and disappointed with my fucking life I wanted to die and pray to God or whatever could he just fucking kill me already thank you and intuitively I can predict small shit there are a lot of coincidence and I don't believe in magic or superstition idk shits are really estrange that was exactly what I was thinking the first post.
Also I keep having this memory of my childhood over and over again that I would stand pain all my life and never back down but I'm backing down idk perhabs I'm fucking crazy I think the closest religion to what really God is is Judaism and I hate kikes.
Whenever I become entirely atheist I star to feel empty, alone and depressed.