How do we fix the white incel problem?
How do we fix the white incel problem?
Kill all the leftist commies.
Get rid of the 101st
Why was he so pissed? Was it an attack on the government since it was a court house?
Legalize prostitution
Stfu FBI shill, the only problems here are caused by you fucks being Marxist traitors who want to plunge the US into a Orwellian landscape
T R I G G E R E D. kek/10
Legit answer
take out the chemicals from the water. All those birth control drugs get pee'd out by women into our drinking water that water treatment plants cant filter out. Its causing more female births and turning the frogs gay.
Stop allowing thots to have control. 20% of the men are competing for 80% of the women, and they all act like they can get and have whatever they want. We are spending too much time allowing them to emasculate men, which we thank them for by codifying it into law. I hate to say this, but women need to be knocked down a peg or two.
Remove porn from Yea Forums of course
found the incel
Unironically this
niggers kill each other on a weekly basis.without white people you would starve to death because you wouldnt be able to get your food stamps,nigger
My towns drinking water was just tested. We passed with flying colors.
>we don't need farmers we get our food from the store
Robot or sex workers.
It seems to be sorting itself out.
these ones?
I’m drinking female piss?
trips of truth.
Nice try faggot. Married with children for 20 years. I'm just speaking some fucking sense. I don't want to be killed or have any of my family killed by these psychos.
>How do we fix the white incel problem?
Kill yourselves so that white incels no longer have an issue. Problem solved.
>5'5" virgin detected
The only reason why we never hear about niggers killing each other on the news is because of two very important ideas: If the news reported every single one, they would be accused of having a racist agenda, and the only people who genuinely think that black lives matter are older black folks who are desperately trying to save their own race by giving themselves a sense of worth. It’s really quite sad. The black man’s greatest enemy is himself - and the government helps tie the noose for him.
Lol no
What was he shooting at exactly?
stop disenfranchising white males
The look of pants pissing terror in those eyes. That's the look of someone who knows they made the stupidest mistake of their life and would give anything just to be able to take back this horrible day. The look of someone who suddenly realizes the cause of all their problems in life is nobody other than themselves.
In other news...White Men Bad.
>punish women because grown men don't know how to function in society
How about make parents raise their kids to not be psychos?
How you raise your child is no guarantee that is how they will turn out. Any parent can tell you that. The nonsense you just spewed is akin to saying "just teach boys not to rape."
So people aren't a product of their environment?
Should we just genocide all the black people then?
not a question you want to ask here.
The question is rhetorical, the point being made by it and his assertion is what interests me more.
I didn't say that. In fact, I all but explicitly stated the opposite. Environment doesn't end at the front door. Imagine sending your daughter, who you raised to be thoughtful, respectful and hard-working, off to college and she comes home for "winter break" with tats, purple hair, and a girlfriend. Shit happens.
So being gay is a choice?
Maybe. At the very least, engaging in homosexual sex is a choice, the same as engaging in heterosexual sex.
I’m totally straight but for no reason I’m going to stick my cock in this guy’s ass -Said no straight guy ever
So, the people who were taught well by their parents are being brainwashed after leaving home, in most cases.
Nice republican dad fantasy. Are you heating up the barbecue while the wife is cleaning the house too ?
>Authoritarian right american government
these are mutually exclusive
Not always, but it can and does happen.
Your point?
Put suicide triggers in their sissy hypno porn
Actually, I stayed home today and vacuumed while she was at work. She came home and fired up the grill. What does that have to do with anything?
Sell poisoned dakimakura
Legalize prostitution? Maybe? It’s not a perfect idea... but it’s better than where we are. Maybe they wouldn’t be spouting off about thots if they could touch one. Or maybe we would have an epidemic of dead hookers. Probably dead hookers, I’m out of ideas.
You need to reread Orwell and take a better look around.
Anyway, you guys have obviously rekt me. I am destroyed. Good night.
I just found the whole speech of opposing values against what makes the daughter happy kind of awfully cliché and cringe inducing.
spiked pit traps outside Applebees
Takes out their caretaker parents too as a bonus
The stupidity was ironic though.
think you're giving them too much credit
>Or maybe we would have an epidemic of dead hookers.
So win-win, then.
Those poor souls, do you need hot coco and a blanket in your safe space, snowflake?
Somebody get the FBI to hire these guys
whites can't be incels nice try
Put poison needles in their Tenga Eggs
Why? All I stated was that kids sometimes grow up despite their parents. There are other influences than what are at home. It smells to me like there's something personal going on with you which didn't like what you inferred.
Good point, they can’t reread if they never read.
If the hookers stabbed them fatally in the process... maybe?
Yeah probably. There are plenty of people who choose to be gay/straight/engineers/avid milkshake fanatics only to discover they don't actually enjoy dick/pussy/hard math/or become lactose intolerant.
Humans physiologically develop the parts of the brain that facilitate relationships, trust, attraction, sexuality, and commitment from early childhood. Trauma during these developmental stages has been shown to cause permanent change manifesting in a fuckload of different ways. They also shape preferences and learning patterns. Why shouldn't environment affect how much you want/don't want spicy food, or noise to help you sleep, or maybe a dick in your ass while someone squeezes your balls? Idfk humans are weird but you're probably not a faggot on day 0 like OP and I
Hand grenades in loli sex dolls
Poisoned fleshlights
Poisoned cheetos
Tell their dads their sons are closet sissy traps, they'll kill em themselves
Literally wait for them to die by cops after shooting a window
Wait for malnutrition to do the job
The possibilities are endless
Yo white folk fucked up cus they girls know who will satisfy know what I'm sayin
>non-traditional outward appearance means that someone isn't thoughtful, respectful and hardworking
you're white as shit, faggot
why try so hard to impersonate a nigger
also if my daughter was a hot dyke I'd be pretty satisfied
as long as she passes on the genes I'm happy
Forced castrations to become eunuchs.
Fucking libcucks got her.
all girls want are white guys, every dating show is 90% white guys, on dating sites all they want are white guys and lots even say no blacks. it's harder than ever for blacks whites are all volcels.
>How do we fix the white incel problem?
All they really want is chicks out of video games.
Let them have their little faux macho shooters, let the girls live and fuck in the real world with the rest of us.
just give them all gf's
This is what happens when you demand we replace white males with others in the workplace.
You literally take away what GENERATIONS have been told is their purpose.
I'm all for equal rights but I have a uni degree and work as a janitor because I am not able to function where my degree is valid.
I do not have the resource or the support of society to be successful.
It feels like I have had everything taken away from me and what I was suppose to achieve.
I've withdrew from most activity in society because I am ashamed of my job, economic status, and public reputation based on my sex and skin color.
There are LAWS that make someone equal to me more likely to get hired based on their sex and skin color.
This is going to keep happening until you fix that.
I wasn't autistic growing up but I feel more and more like an autist everyday.
When your own society isolates you because of your sex and skin color mental illness will run rampant.
Black man demise is due to social proablems in the system and it favoring keeping the status quo and only rich can get rich. Amd black men arent destroyed or anything like that, i say the scars of slavery will be over and finished in about 30 years could have been done faster if racists didnt step in.
>i say the scars of slavery will be over and finished in about 30 years could have been done faster if racists didnt step in.
What racists are you referring to?
and yet.....
they still want more.
Do you have free time to be considered hardworking and find a tattoo artist while attending college away from home? How thoughtful are you of student debt to be spending extra money during a time in your life where you're going through some of the most drastic personality and may end up thinking it's ugly and done by some shitty cheap artist? Are you paying for your college, or is your family? And if either, should you be spending hundreds on a visible tattoo before going home to the folks without letting them know "hey I'm going to spend money on this just so you know"
what really keeps black people down is immigration. it's the poorest people of a nation that feel the pain of immigration, it only helps the rich get richer to import cheap labor.
Do you live in a state that ends In Dakota?
Kill all the conservatives and liberals. There's no room for them in Socialism.
Only then can our species experience true Freedom from bigotry and domination.
it's the truth, white guys have it on easy mode in the dating world
Will there be rainbows, unicorns and ice cream.
That didn’t answer my question.
Ban feminism, taking away womens rights, arranged marriage.
the muzzies had it right all along.
I do.
Plenty of blacks here.
no problems.
bigger cities have issues but not many.
Stop pushing loony tier feminism, reverse all lgbt shit and deport all illegals. Basically, stop and reverse the subversion.
The link between both mindsets is disturbing.
So, for the record... you live in a Dakota? Just trying to be clear here...
who is the opposition?
I'm not the questioned user but yes.
i live on the west coast and i repeat white guys cannot complain
Women, gays and illegals are subverting your life?
Reality, in reality.
You know, reparations don't fix anything. Take a look at native Americans for example. They get free money and most are literally alcoholics. So reparations would fix nothing, but coming together to form a more united nation, where we all stand against corruption and tyranny could fix most of our problems. Instead we bitch about gun control and do nothing to fix the problems, which is people who are unstable getting their hands on shit they don't need or know how to use. Or letting a bunch of white nationalists (Just Nazis with a prettier dressed up name) run rampant. There's no way to fix Nazis, or white nationalists, or extremists, because then you take away their free speech. So what CAN we do to actually fix our problems?
Oh, you sound like a lunatic hillbilly. Simple mistake.
has the bachelor ever been nonwhite? don't think so
You are going to stand against corruption, while trump is in power? That’s amusing.
>lunatic hillbilly
but again.
not that user.
Are you quoting reality TV as a source of inspiration? Really? You sure you don’t live in a Dakota?
how long you gonna have him on trial?
it's getting old.
It’s pretty clear to bystanders.
all women crave white men, they are volcels only
I'm no Trump supporter, and the shit he says and does is fucked up, what am I going to do as one person against a whole slew of people who refuse to believe he is corrupt?. While he is my president I like to hope that he wouldn't be corrupt. But every president does evil corrupt shit.
I dunno, how long will we still have libraries and the ability to read?
>It’s pretty clear
I play it up.
you are what you are.
K. Bye.
you cannot complain if you are white, that's just the way it is
That isn’t a bad question. What can you do but continue to stay informed and speak out clearly and with truth....
I think you need a hobby.
I think you need a library card.
Are you going to elaborate or not?
Why would I do your homework? That’s intellectual welfare. Do you need a helping hand with the Google?
lol scrub
What truth is that?
Practice what you preach and speak up.
You made a point and can't defend it, yet still bother to reply with as much effort as it would have taken. You're retarded.
Let me grab my soapbox and a bucket of facts you will ignore, really quick... brb...
You're talking to the wrong user, bozo.
He's not the guy asking you to say something, I am.
Elaborate on the point I made.
Sure, I'll be here wait patiently.
Tell white women to stop being the biggest niggers on the face of the Earth.
And who exactly cares?
It’ll just be a minute, I promise you will be enlightened.
This faggot had to put a * in to appease his ego, when we all knew what he meant. Been here long?
Well, your joke didn't make sense by typing it to him.
I thought that would be obvious by now, but alas, here I am having to tell why.
Remove every female right of the past 150 years.
Too long.
We are all bettered by your insights.
Yes, yes you have been. It’s time to move on.
A scrub is a guy who thinks he's fly
Sitting passanger side of his best friend's ride trying to holler at me
I'm still waiting.
There once was an old woman who lived in a shoe...
That song was probably written before this nigger was born.
Kill all the women.
Please be patient, it won’t be long.
fucking kek
Or it’s obscure garbage that someone born around the millennium thinks is pop culture.
Well who watches reality tv?
trump voters
So women voted in trump?
Are you being ironic?
I hope so.
Some. There isn’t a perfect segment of people...
No, zero fucks given.
I'm just saying it's a good point about reality tv
Gas all the white women and import central Americans.
Yea, it’s shit. We have a reality tv president for our fast food culture, and it’s not hard to understand the lackeys that gobble either up. They are consumers of processed bullshit, and yearn for more.
Ice bullets and Blowfish neurotoxin. CIA had the tech in the 30s and it leaves a wound the size of a ballpoint pen and dissolved into water.
*also note my browser auto refreshed every time I finished typing “CIA had this tech”...
Spooky, /queue Xfiles theme.
This guy had more balls than that christ church guy. This guy attacked a place with actual guards. Christ Church guy was a massive pussy that slaughtered unarmed people.
Socialism and communism aren't the same. I live in Denmark and this is a fairly successful socialist country.
wow that's a real inspirational load of crap
Gender centric bioweapons to kill all the women.
Doesn't look that way to me.
You tried to defend your lack of knowledge by claiming most people hadn't heard the song.
And while it was terrible, most people had heard of it when it came was released.
I get the feeling you're right around 20 years old.
I thought gun free zones were targets, and places with lots of guns were safe...
Oh my!
This. Down with princesses, up with Columbian whores for everyone!
It’s not spam goddammit
I aim to meet your low standards.
Denmark isn't a socialist country.
Even your Prime Minister said so.
Neck yourself and all the liberals democrats cucks
Oh, yea... still, no one fucking cares about your fagtacular song.
>(country) isn't Socialist!
>Okay then can we adopt some of their successful social programs then?
>No, that's just another step towards Socialism!
It's not my song, it was a terrible one released in 1999.
You seem to be even more defensive than before, I must have been over the target when guessing your age.
There's no socialists country in Northem Europe, and in Europe in general only a few get close to what socialism is. Spain I believe is a socialist country.
Make it so that white women have literally zero rights.
Cool. I gotta go... verges time. Enjoy your song and your solitude.
It’s obvious. Any country that is more successful than the US can’t possibly be socialist, bc that would mean acknowledging the 9/10 of the US economy that is also socialist. And don’t point out to a retard that unlike what Americans have to tell themselves to look in the mirror every morning, China as well is still very much a communist nation the US can’t compete with and depends on to produce its goods.
McCarthys radical paranoia never stopped appealing to chumps.
I'm just going by what Denmark's Prime Minister said.
Denmark is not a socialist nation, says its prime minister. It has a "market economy."
"that some people in the U.S. associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism."
"Therefore," he said, "I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy."
>>Okay then can we adopt some of their successful social programs then?
They acknowledged the pitfalls of their society and numbers before starting the programs you're probably calling for.
Ask them if they could withstand such programs with more immigration...Less jobs...More homelessness.
They would say no.
Treat mental health seriously. In America we treat mental health like a joke, like "Haha depression that's not a real disease" "Haha anxiety? Just stop worrying so much!" and then we're surprised when people shoot up schools and hospitals. The problem won't be stopped by more gun control or more background checks and weapons bans. The problem will be stopped by investigating threats and taking warnings seriously, and by treating those with serious mental health problems appropriately.
You're right, The United States abides by most laws and China doesn't. They even go as far as to steal patents. How often do you hear about the U.S. doing that?
Low standards are all you can meet
Does China have OSHA?
Does China have a Safety System for their workers?
How about the CPSC?
What kind of regulations are put on the companies in China producing exports?
Can we steal patents in the U.S. from others?
What happens if I utilize someones patent in my software or product and sell it?
What happens to them if they do?
Does the CFDA compare to our FDA?
Do any of theirs compare to ours?
What are the drawbacks for their investors?
What are the benefits?
These are all important questions.
clinging to outdated ideologies?
what a conservative.
>They get free money and most are literally alcoholics.
Neither of those things has been an accurate representation of the situation whatsoever in going on two generations. Should have been three, but after they nearly all signed up to go off to fight in WWII, in the highest percentages of any group in your country btw, and then came back and got buttfucked yet again by your shitty government out of what they’d been promised in exchange for their service, and in some cases dumped in POW camps in even worse conditions, yeah, that generation went back to the bottle. The next two generations in almost every one of all 575 nations went dry over the last generation. And that “free money” isn’t free, it’s less than 1/100th of what your shit government agreed to pay them in still current treaties for land usage. Instead, the way your dept of the interior has it set up with your IRS, they are “encouraged” to give away their mineral and resource extraction rights for peanuts, or just forfeit them entirely,so that your non-native oil and gas companies can suck the wealth out of their land and give them jack shit for it, all while your fucking douche dad gets rich off the stock and you get cheap gas in your fuckin jalopy. Instead they are shoved into casino deals, where they, voluntarily, still pay taxes on that revenue voluntarily as a show of good faith to your gov. The tribes aren’t even asking for reparations, they’re asking your thieving government to just uphold their end of the existing treaties and quit stealing more land and more of their sovereignty at every opportunity.
That you need to be told this by a fucking german... whole time I lived in the US, people were so far up their own ass they had no idea what was going on in tribal communities even 25 minutes down the road, & had 100yr old views on them just like yours. Christ, pay attention, americans. What your government does to them, they do to you next.
I mean if the name incel is honest the problem will solve itself over time
the real problem for indians and blacks is immigration though. they're importing in competition for the lowest rungs of the economy not the highest. so ironic that libs can preach about oppression and want immigration. actually i think the old libs were anti immigration.
All Chinese products are a quality beyond anything else produced on earth.
get learned whitey.
funny how china is more ahead on feminism without even having feminism. they have a majority female upper management AND no divorces. fucking winning.
While you're right on some of your points, you're fucking dumb as shit on others.
I'm native American.
Nearly 90% of my family lives on various reservations.
The ones who start casino are beyond rich.
The ones that sell tobacco are also loaded.
The families don't help each other out which creates monopolies on each piece of land.
The poor ones are nearly illiterate and usually drug addicts with nothing to do.
There's one reservation about an hour from me, my wife's fathers family pretty much owns.
If you drove on their land you would think you just entered some private estates of millionaires without the gates.
Every house has a Hummer in the driveway and a Lexus or BMW.
The point is, not every place is as ravaged as you're trying to make it sound and many of our modern problems are because of our own, not the "white man".
They are the most honest country on earth.
>All Chinese products are a quality beyond anything else produced on earth.
This is a joke, right?
If so, 10/10.
dem huawei though
Cant elaborate? Seems the npc ran out of voice lines
this is extremely interesting. your idea is of great value and changed the day of someone for the better! :)
lmao you don't know what socialism is, the only real socialist country in the world is cuba, china and vietnam can't be considered socialist now because they allow some level of private enterprise, also venezuela is just a failed pseudo democracy which DID try to implement socialism (and wrecked their economy) but never really got there
>you can't find my sources?
>Retard autist
apple bootleg phone, CCP spying tool too
Banning porn threads
this unironically would have the opposite effect
The Grinch is real?
if they're all spying tools, give me the one that helps a country going in the right direction
yeah that's why Florida is FULL of refugee Cubans...
Listen up Geronimo, I don't know if you can comprehend this language to it's fullest extent since we don't use smoke signals like your people do but opening up a Casino or smoking meth aren't the only two options in this world you dumb shit. You are trying to make this into an argument as to how Chief ButtenFuck had the choice to pick up the bottle or open up the casino, to smoke meth or sell tobacco, and this just doesn't make sense you dumb shit.
First off all, consider the fact that ENOUGH people are willing to go to a Casino. First of all. That is a dumb ass fucking thing to do. That is why you Teepee got turned into a masion according to you. Because Chief Tuttensuck gets a fuck ton of money from idiots that just throw it away.
Second of all, smoking is a dumb fucking thing for most people to do. I think maybe 1 out 1000 people actually live stressful lives that are kept from going under from one or two cigarettes a day, but the fact that Tobacco companies reap in Billions from fucking morons that smoke 1 or 3 boxes a day should tell you that MANY people are border line fucking retarded and barely functional.
> many of our modern problems
Hold your horses their chief, your fellow peace pipe smokers are not doing society any favors by selling tobacco or opening up a Casino. They are peddling tobacco which is a chemically toxic material, to morons, and reaping in Casino money received, from morons.
And I am guessing that your fellow snake-charming brothers who sip on a bottle or smoke a meth pipe are also morons.
So what we have here a system of morons handing over the money to those who exploit morons; okay Geronimo? Your Casino-makers are not making shit but a hole in the pocket of hard working americans...who are dumb enough to toss money into a Casino.
So this isn't about "success and failure" you dumb shit. It's about the fact that the world is falling to shit in many regards, and those Teepee-making motherfuckers...
i for one prefer our deep state than the chink commie state, but ig it doesn't matter in the end
well yeah cause the regime is a literal socialist hellhole where you can't be happy
...stopped making teepees NOT because they "succeeded" in anything productive, but because they became leeches and drug peddlers that sucked the money out of...dumbasses willing to throw money into a Casino and dumb enough to smoke 1 or 3 packs of cigarrettes per day.
So get of your high horse Geronimo. Life is long. You can still fuck up and join the billions of other fuck ups that fucked up in some way.
>Turns the frogs gay
But I don't like them putting chemicals in the water for that very reason.
- Alex
Florida pretty gud tho.
But nice.
well you have the cubans that actually work and retirees with muney
who the hell still supports america
I was thinkin beeches and bitches.
but ok
You do realize the only reason their economy thrives is because we're buying, right? We aren't the ones depending on foreign nations to buy our crap and they only buy ours to reverse-engineer the tech. Fuck outta here m8.
Why don't we nuke Vegas and Atlantic City while we're at it?
People throw their money away on just about everything, user.
Most things we use today aren't a necessity.
they're becoming an autarky actually, there just aren't enough westerners to compete with the massive asian population and it's growing middle class. it might seem like a smaller middle class in percentage, but in actually size it completely dwarfs us.
china is also investing heavily in africa.
anyone who wants western culture to survive
they're basically colonizing the place
Fix the liberal problem.
and already owns a fuckton of america now that i think about it.
let the quite genocide begin.
"Becoming" doesn't mean they are already, they're another 30-50 years out from that and that's IF they don't get the economic shoah for jacking patents globally. I think Israel will get that first though, they sold it to China in the first place.
>slave labor + nation resource capitulating in the current year
The UN is less than useless.
They own a few ports, that's all though.
>another 30-50 years
love these people
>everything will happen just after i don't have to care anymore i swear!
go deny global warming
actually i was surprised to learn that from that video, my knowledge of china buying us up is the fact that they buy all our ghost towns.
state mandated japanese sex dolls
oh speaking of sex dolls, that's going to be a huge market, and who is the only ones ramping up creation of them to an industrial level while we're bogged down with the politics of it? china.
Stop being niggers
>Why don't we nuke Vegas and Atlantic City while we're at it?
What is it that you want? If you want people to be decent, peaceful and loving then join all idiots who tried and failed. Look around faggot. People are amoral degenerates who find their homeostasis with getting away with shit that might be considered a felony in some states while getting "bored" with love, peace, and care. This is how people work. You can either accept it or get all pissy about it.
>People throw their money away on just about everything, user.
Most things we use today aren't a necessity.
You are missing the point. What I am telling you is this, read it very carefully:
You think that people are "being held back from perfection". That sums up what you wrote in your first comment.
Now, what I am telling you is that people are some fuck ups and that expecting them to be to be anything other than fuck ups is like expecting lime juice out of an apple.
Hell, if a motherfucker wants to smoke meth, then let him be. I don't blame him for feeling pressured by a society that is like you said "flawed". The quicker that he dies the better that the world gets. And, even if he is threat to people around him, he won't be a threat to strong, intelligent people who follow routine protocols that emphasize safety and self-preservation. This is Darwinism at work, user. It's always going to be like this. People fucking up around you and showing you what NOT to do. Don't expect to receive a good example or set a good example. Especially not on Yea Forums ffs. People are fuck ups by nature.
Also, enjoy being on a DHS list you faggot. Enjoy Guantanamo you dumb shit
>Why don't we nuke Vegas and Atlantic City while we're at it?
>just let him do drugs, the quicker he dies the better
this right here, this is why china is winning
You don't. These tards will either hang themselves or shoot up schools until they drive themselves to extinction. They take care of the problem for us, all we gotta do is make sure security for places like schools are good enough.
>global warming
Kek. Found someone's lost aspie over here
Immoral, not amoral. Everyone has morals, most of them are just bad.
Ethics > Morals
In the US, we don’t teach ethics until college, and even then it’s voluntary lol
in 1985 there was lots of ice
now there's less than half of that ice
eventually no ice
Uh huh, go toady about with AOC you colossal faggot.
>inferior lead laden products from literal insectiods.
>we don’t teach ethics until college
Have YOU taught ethics in college? Just mind-reading here, then why the hell are you suggesting that you are included in this "we".
>and even then it’s voluntary
You haven't been to college or you weren't even paying attention. Something like 1/4 of all required classes are "government" classes and ethics. And they all tell you what you "should do" and "should not do". All without telling you that top grossing films are violent and that Rap music is in the Top of the Charts.
Those MANDATORY classes make reference to fucking 1776 back when people were wiping their ass without toilet paper and even then they don't include all the fucked up shit that they were doing back then like enslaving human beings, enforcing "legal" torture, and killing rampantly across enemy lines and within the community.
>Ethics > Morals
If it can be ignored then it's not important enough to teach in College where you pay something like 100 to 500 bucks per book you dumbshit.
i'm for our chinese overlords. you best be getting on this train now if you want to be helping run the internment camps rather than being in them.
"moral" means to fit in to the way things are. it comes from the word "more", which means "the way things are". "ethics" is "the study of morality". at least there, you step aside from conformity and consider it. ancient philosophers agreed that conforming to law that seemed wrong was actually the right thing to do; like nazis that felt wrong about what they were doing.
i'm not really arguing against either of you, but just wanted to fill this in.
Yeah I’m going to read all that on a porn board.
>From Middle English moral, from Old French moral, from Latin mōrālis (“relating to manners or morals”) (first used by Cicero, to translate Ancient Greek ἠθιkός (ēthikós, “moral”)), from mos (“manner, custom”).
>From mōs, mōris (“manner, custom, way; law”) + -ālis. First used by Cicero, to translate Ancient Greek ἠθιkός (ēthikós, “moral”)[1].
You dumb shit, you can't just make up etymology. Try harder next time you faggot.
>ancient philosophers agreed
>ancient philosophers agreed
> agreed
user, please go back to eating glue and let the big boys play. This is an adult conversation of a civil nature and you are dumbing it down with your retarded ass thoughts
Limit or end social media, maybe even the internet itself. I'm an hvac tech and have been in thousands of homes. Whenever I encounter a younger person, late teens, early 20s, they are glued to a phone or computer. They are awkward, scared, some of the girls seem a bit thirsty in an unsettling way, but mainly they are lost socially and very lonely. This is across all races and genders. The internet was a mistake.