Mission failed. We'll get em next time
Mission failed. We'll get em next time
don't quit
What’s the whole yellow thing about?
forced meme
Basically the whole yellow shit is just a bunch of redditors banning together to "save Yea Forums" by basically censoring all porn and /pol/ threads.
Don't bump them. They are retards.
no we musn't give up!
Guess you'll have to go back to pleddit
A bunch of discord trannies that got fired from buzzfeed because they can’t code.
This is what they instead of learning2code
No we just want the
>FB IG Fap
>celeb thread
>rate my whatever
>fuck marry kill
>shouldn't share
>requests that belong on /r/
thread to be gone or moved to a new board
ironically the porn poster are redditors here so...
>Takes whole minute to type reply
>Bot thinks it's spam
Next time Yellow fags
use filters you fucking moron.
No I shouldn't have to use filters you ultra sissy faggots. You tranny cunts need to use the fucking right boards
Cancer cancer cancer
What this man said.
Also, we will prevail. Yellow will win.
But seriously, don't spam. It's annoying.
Copy and paste this on every yellow thread.
you should use the right board.
for random non-porn
for meta topics
please leave.
>No I shouldn't have to use filters
Sounds like someone needs a safe space. Kill yourself.
why was /bant/ made into a flag board? the /int/ culture affects it's potential to be random in a way that I don't think would work, and the mods are basically like 4channel mods so ... dunno why people are presenting it as a viable alternative.
I don't even mind if I DO have to use filters, but what sucks is when half the remaining threads still have to be manually hidden and when it's all over and done with over 50% of the board is not visible.
Plus there is still no good reason, at all, to be spamming this board with this cuck shit.
Yellow fags OUT!!!!
If more than 50% of the things here don't interest you, that should be an indication that you probably don't belong here. You're literally acting like pic related personified.
>When memes become real.
>I dont want people to know I'm posting from a shithole
Only a fag would care about such a thing
Normalfag chad culture is what makes America suck. Get over yourselves, real people know pornfags only fuck hookers and their own hand.
It doesn't interest me because it's all the same shit and I'm not a retarded tranny cuck...
I'm sure it'll work next year user
That's not even the main issue, your flag is basically an ID
If more than 50% of the things here in this world don't interest you or you agree with, that should be an indication that you probably don't belong here. You should kill yourself
always remind them
Sexy Beautiful Women
Adult Gif
Handsome Men
High Resolution
Adult Cartoons (rule 34)
Adult Requests
Random Degeneracy
We could talk about movies. No, wait...there's a board for that. We could talk about politics. No, wait, there's a board for that. We could talk about origami...no, wait. We could talk about cars. No, there's a board for... We could talk about video games, or gadgets. No, there are boards for those. We could talk about fashion. No, wait...
We could talk about literature. No...
We could talk about art. No, wait...
We could give each other advice. No, wait...
No, there are boards for all of that.
We actually wouldn't be able to talk about *anything*.
What do you want posted here? Funny greentexts because you saw them on reddit?
You should kill yourself if you ONLY like cucking yourself over instagram sluts and don't ever fucking do anything else. My god
Stop falseflagging and strawmanning with reddit/tranny shit. We know pornfags are the trannies. We know pornfags are the normalfags that don't belong on the site anywhere outside of the containment board. You just like to shit up everything you touch
you forgot /bant/ for random and /qa/ for meta, assclown.
Ah yes the burn of defeat :) you liberals Couldn't stand a chance against our memes!!!
Or, you could make your dads dream come true and kill yourself.
That doesn't change the point at all. Reddit is probably more your speed.
Pic related is 4 u.
im pretty sure the faggot zoomer making 80% of the threads got area banned after copying his mac address one too many times
fuck off plant
Why is it that you think being a fap junkie is "red pilled"? Why do you think masturbating with other men socially makes you conservative, are you retarded?
Lmao gtfo NORMIE you lost. go back to jacking off to AOC
>instead of having kids to preserve the white race, /pol/ decide to fuck the Yea Forums board , FOR NOTHING!!
how sad can be the life of a bunch of white bois??
>supposed "oldfags" wanna purge /b of porn to go back to the glory days
>5 days in they try to compromise with loli, furry, trap posters because their spam isn't working
>Suddenly yellow threads are almost entirely gone
Y'all weren't serious about this, you weren't serious about it the other times. Yea Forums is dying and the true oldfags are signing off because they know it. It was a fun ride but this place will never be the same.
>go back to jacking off to AOC
yeah no I'm not the liberal OR the person with the fap addiction
grow some fucking actual balls or a brain, if you have to pick one
Protip: Any time you see liberal, republican, left, right, redpilled, or bluepilled mentioned as an attack with no context it's usually a kike trying to shift an argument to politics to cause division. Guaranteed I'll be hit with a "gO BaCk tO /PoL/" as well since anything they don't agree with is /pol/.
yeah the thing is these arguments don't even make any fucking sense
first you should banhammer to all wojack and pepe posters, worst cancer of all boards.
second, mods should demand more OC in all boards, so people will be more creative in every way of expresions
third, yellow faggots should kys asap.
Obvious bait. 2/10, try harder.
Yea Forums isn't Yea Forums. Literally every other board is fine, this one just happens to contain all the autists.
but that's the first step you fucking nigger, getting ride of those stupid "memes" and reactions images, make the people create more OC, that will end in more culture board than your shit movement is trying to "create".
and Yea Forums is porn you like it or not, go create your own IB and cry there for posting porn in the random board you shithead
Here's an idea: Post threads about the kind of stuff you want to see.
Your fallacy is in relying on others to create content you double-nigger. You can't just say "hurr hurr make funny stuff" and expect it to appear. Yea Forums isn't the problem, YOU are the problem. Unoriginal, leaching, holier-than-thou fuckface complaining ass Redditards and Facebook moms.
>"mods should demand more OC in all boards,"
Relying on hot pockets is your other mistake.
Good job, 3/10. Got me to respond.
Nice try, FBI!
but the only thing they gonna post are "rape pepes" or "take pepe, leave pepe" or "haha, guys" with a wojak crying
the OC is lost, if they want presence, they need to make OC in their post.
I only see yellow faggots with fucking pepe frogs, you don't respect for them anymore.
ok ok, I'm tired to talk with an /pol/shitter who will spend the rest of his night(?) posting pepes, crying about porn, and thinking he's making a diference, meanwhile his country is being invaded. Have fun TRIPLE-NIGGER!!
Then post other shit, damn. Stop thinking of they and start thinking of you.
>ok ok, I'm tired to talk with an /pol/shitter who will spend the rest of his night(?) posting pepes, crying about porn, and thinking he's making a diference, meanwhile his country is being invaded. Have fun TRIPLE-NIGGER!!
Refer to my post here: and realize I am laughing at you for proving my point. I know you can't hear me physically, but here is an image depicting the action to help emphasize my post.
We didnt lose shit as you will see in the coming weeks.
why did you think you would win ffs the internet was made ofr porn