Hi I'm back. I said I'd post certain pictures on the 19th. It's here so ...yeah

Hi I'm back. I said I'd post certain pictures on the 19th. It's here so ...yeah
Also my dumbass had something else to ask/say but I forgot but I'll remember probably

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Meanwhile I'll ask this, do you think I should dye my hair and if so, what color? I go into episodes of chopping off my hair/dying it so I don't do other dumb things (like debatably post on my Snapchat xD)

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put a maid outfit oh

I'll think of what I wanted it say tho. I HATE when people are like "if you don't remember it must have not been that important" like bruh, it probably was — I'm just retarded

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Do a shaft headtilt pls

I will in a bit let me find it

Good shit. I like the Black hair, but dark red probably wouldn't look terrible.

try some shade of red

where you at

Do you have a lazy eye, OP?

What a disgusting and ugly shitskin you are. Cover your nigger body up like the muslims do. No one wants to see it.

You first
I need an example


I mean I don't think so
No one has mentioned it
My friend does tho

Are you a squirter OP?

Shit you right
Sorry guys party's over

Post her.

Doubt she'd want to have anything to do with this site xD

I did once I don't remember when but I definitely wasn't recording bc I was busy reading something lol

I wanna see your ride that dildo and hear you moan

I definitely wouldn't mind seeing more of your tight asshole. Grow your hair out and do lowlights.

Don't dye it. Grow it long, treat it good, and show people you can take care of somthing. Long hair shows commitment, smells great, looks good. That dark hair of yours is an instant turn on.

discord? kik?

I've been trying to grow it out since 8th grade :/
I'm really impulsive lol

Yeah you're right. I'll try

Didn't you post vid of you trying to fuck your asshole with a hairbrush not too long ago?

Cute feet


Yeah lol

Maybe one day but I have to be quiet when I do stuff. My mom would kill me or worse

you’re hot post more pics

Ah ok, thought so. Just wanted to be sure. Throughly enjoyed that clip btw.

we can find you somewhere quiet to do it.

Post some nudes

Hell, the sound would have just been a bonus.

You a screamer??

largest thing youve tried to fit inside you?

Femanon here, you're a pretty girl, why post yourself like this on Yea Forums?

post more pics already

Sorry guys but see UwU

Can anyone update me on whom this is and how i can see more of this gorgeous girl

You're cute, why post yourself up like this on Yea Forums?


... so over he pat few years since I’ve been single again I’ve realized I like wearing adult diapers... check here to see what I mean Do you think I’ll ever be able to find a woman who can accept this side of me? If you were dating a guy seriously and he revealed he is into this, how would you react?

fuck that I've been waiting to see you deepthroat and you are showing us today

Thanks. Well it's two parts. On a daily basis I get confused for a boy because...I have short hair...and don't dress.. feminine. But this way they can't doubt I'm a girl

Also I am miserable and need something me make me feel alive without killing myself

Tits or GTFO

but I want to see your body, if you dont want here anymore, do you have a discord or something?

I fucked up the link lol just go to /go/ you’ll see the thread

Fuck em you're hot

didn't I see you yesterday?

Bro I'mma be honest. For the longest time I've been wanting diapers. My 13 year old self was like "lol I wish I could still wear diapers" and like now I know it's a thing. Personally it's not a fetish for me but if my partner likes it I can indulge him/her

Why are you miserable?

literally kill yourself you fucking faggot

don't listen to this retard OP you're fucking beautiful

Yeah probably

Don't really care to much about this thread, but OP starting with tits,timestamp and even more. Good for you for following the rules OP. Cute butthole but I don't give a shit about porn threads.
Good night

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There's not really a reason tbh but it's okay I'm in therapy lol

OP, any chance you can post more tongue pics...? The one you did last time is so cute.

Envious of the guys who've coated your tongue. :)

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What's making you miserable? This isn't the way to solve your problems, you know that. It's just attracting a bunch of Yea Forums creeps. You're fine the way you are. I don't dress to fem either (mostly a hoodie and jeans), I think you're fine. Where are you from anyways? if you don't mind me asking.

she's a virgin if you dont count dogs.

For the sake of my beloved fellow anons, I’ll withdraw my shitskin statement if you ram a large dildo in your vag and take a picture of yourself spread eagle with the dildo jammed to the hilt in your cunt.

Just when you thought it couldn't get better

More pics OP?

Damn you save anymore?

just look around user.

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No take backs. I'm wearing the maid get up but
Is this covered up enough for you?

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needs at least one more layer to be considered modest, find more blankets

I definitely will
Thanks for the suggestion

This attention seeking holy shit

Amazing eyes. Now Let's see that dildo in your ass sweetie.... Then back in your mouth.

what ethnicity are you?

Yup, but followed the ancient rules so it's allowed!

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hey op you got a snap chat or something? I like your stuff.

I personally don’t care. You’ll be put into rape camps with the rest of the shitskin whores on the day of the rope when the race war begins, before being used up and disposed of into mass graves. But until then, my boys here want a show, so you’ll give it to them.

Wow your pussy looks incredible

Hmm actually now that you say it like that I've changed mind

Have a good night
Also yeah I have a snapchat makotosetuna

Are you OP? I live in the Midwest. Nothing creepy but we could chill in diapers and do whatever you enjoy doing sometime. Some people ageplay but I just like wearing diapers while building an epic house in Minecraft or cooking dinner

would put my penis in both holes :D... keep em comin

Do not listen to this homosexual, OP.

Post moar of your cute ass. :3

The dye is less important than changing that homeless cunt style you currently have.

fucking kike

Fuck that one user everyone else here finds you so fucking hot

oh damn

how about this pose

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Nooooo ignore the haters D—: I need to talk to a woman about my interest in diapers :( I wish I just had a kink for something normal T_T

Always necessary "fuck off back to pol" But thanks for being paid to post on Yea Forums and an hero because if you can only get paid to troll on Yea Forums you don't have any lower to go.

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post more of ur soles pls i nutted to this no joke

Damn user you save the pic of herher tongue covered?

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CONGRATS!!!! You posted on this thread right before it died! You kept it alive for another round.

Look at the time stame you nazi fucking retard. I wish the porn rebel came from some other people other than you stormfront retards. You make the white people look dumb. Please end your family line so we don't have to deal with your sup par genes.

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Kek by doing this you're bumping the porn threads

yellows don't know about the quintessential rule to post without giving porn threads more power, kek

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You're so right...

Fuck the excess porn threads. But also fuck the yellow shit. Yea Forums used to be a place that you could bring up any topic for debate, Admit that your only value was having tits, troll random companies/people or just shot the shit about something you liked.

It died over ten years ago when moot sold it out for ass from a tumblr whore. Now it's only about getting views to monetize. Yea Forums died long ago.

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post your kik, slut.

You're not wrong, but the porn won't ever go away, seeing as how all the banners and ads are just that.

I'm not going to lie, though; finding a good thread amongst billions of porn threads is rewarding. If only they could stay alive a little bit longer, but that's due to a lack of contribution really.

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her snap is makotosetuna