Parkland shooting survivor and racist incel Kyle Kashuv loses Harvard admission for sharing a racist and anti semetic document he wrote with friends
Why are most gun nuts secretly racist?
Parkland shooting survivor and racist incel Kyle Kashuv loses Harvard admission for sharing a racist and anti semetic document he wrote with friends
Why are most gun nuts secretly racist?
>survives shooting
>labeled a gun nut
even if
(a) he's an actual racist (and wasn't just memeing or writing from a perspective he doesn't hold, or hasn't since changed his mind)
(b) he is in fact a gun nut...
How can you extrapolate from that to "most gun nuts"?
Everyone on this website said nigger when they were 16, it's funny. It's shock value to kids because they know it's wrong, just like smoking. Move along now, r*ddit awaits.
>most gun nuts
>and wasn't just memeing
doesn't matter, he thought it was acceptable to say racist and anti semetic things for laughs, that shows he has no compassion and is a racist
Saying something racially insentitive for laughs doesn't make the person saying it a racist.
Try again.
someone who isn't racist wouldn't say something racially insensitive for laughs try again
It does make that person fucking stupid. Doesn’t deserve Harvard, to be quite frank.
Imagine being other user, not able to joke around with his black "friends" about racist shit.
This occurs when you apply for employment too. Most employers have software that searches all of your past/present social media postings. This weighs heavily on their decision to hire.
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
You can play with an idea - for amusement without holding that idea yourself.
Hell, you can make "racist" jokes where the joke is the racism, not the race.
You live in a very boring, simple, terrible world. I feel bad for you.
Wrong. I am very much not racist. Racist jokes are very funny to me, even hispanic ones. The humor literally comes from how utterly horrible/absurd they are. That is the humor behind most fucked up jokes.
Just because you have no sense humor / a giant cock up your ass doesn't mean everyones racist.
I'm fucking hard puerto rican btw, so by the new age definition of racism, I can't even be racist. GG fuckboy.
Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
do I have an educated mind now?
Guy above me says it much better. Bravo.
>I am very much not racist
As all racists say
>I'm fucking hard puerto rican btw, so by the new age definition of racism, I can't even be racist
Anyone can be racist
lol fuck, i meant this guy
Depends. I can't read your mind. Maybe.Just saying that word over and over isn't really playing with an idea so much as word salad...
You're obviously a racist.
Entertaining an idea is one thing. Broadcasting it in a public forum is another, especially considering how soft everyone is these days - the kid was stupid. He deserves whatever backlash has come to him.
I disagree he "deserves whatever backlash", but I'm not going to force people to not speak their minds.
As Harvard is partly federally funded though, it shouldn't be able to make judgement calls about people's speech on 1A grounds - particularly where minors are involved (he was a minor at the time)
No, I am not.
Also, what if your definition? I am not racist by any.
I do not think any race is inferior/superior.
I think stereotypes are for simple minded people who don't understand what an individual is.
And the new definition: “Racism = Prejudice + Power”
So since hispanic isn't the top race in the us, boom can't be racist.
So how am I racist again? Because racist jokes can be funny?
Good luck in life dude, hope you manage to make some real friends.
Let me see if I understand you correctly...
Because everyone is soft, we shouldn't be saying racial things that could be taken out of context and if we do, you deserve to be called a racist?
>the only type of humor allowed is puns
You monster
user one of the biggest reasons guns have so few restrictions on them is because they were used to commit genocide against the Native Americans. Gun nuts are racist.
well that was one thing he did in the document, saying it was typing practice
I'm a Native American and you're retarded.
So you're saying that even if what he said was harmless, it's okay to discriminate against him because other people are prejudiced?
You mean small pox
You're an Uncle Geronimo, making apologies for the atrocities whites committed against your people.
I'm as Native American as Elizabeth Warren, and I agree that the other user is retarded
You're just a racist, or at least you're playing one on Yea Forums for the keks
No. Guns. Had Native Americans not been considered a threat we would have evolved into sensible gun legislation by now. You very likely would have to join an actual militia to test and fire weapons by law.
It's OK to be racist as long as you don't act upon it. You people are fucking stupid.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
People used to trade guns to the natives for food, clothing and trinkets. Try harder dumb dumb.
No user. I just gave you an example of how racism violated the spirit of the 2nd Amendment. Don't make any more apologies for your oppressors, please. It's cringing just watching you do it a couple of times, never mind the rest of the thread.
Yes I do. It's well documented.
No they didn't. Guns were illegal in the hands of the Native Americans.
Maybe you should read those documents then.
Jesus Christ you're ignorant.
Show us on the doll where racism touched your 2nd amendment
Maybe you should shut up.
Writing something stupid on Yea Forums doesn't mean it's well documented
Hey, that's racist.
You shouldn't be allowed into higher learning.
You should also only be allowed minimum wage for the rest of your miserable life.
Sweet rebuttal.
A private institution should have the right to decide or change their mind who can join and who can't. That simple. I dont give a fuck if he was kicked out for making money by shoving potatoes up his ass online.
A right is a right.
Now, if it were the government telling the school to drop him, then I would be pissed.
big ol mystery there, huh
at least the replies in this thread make racists and gun nuts look decent and mentally healthy
You just don't want to admit that racism and gun violence go hand in hand. Why? I thought they were "redskins." Not white, so who cares?
It's hilarious watching some of you pretend you're shocked to be called out as racists.
Your emotionally loaded language reveals your insecurities. You know your ideology is wrong so you compensate by trying to badger people into agreeing with manipulative tactics like this.
It is well-documented that gun laws were practically non-existent during the years of the Indian Question. They abused the Constitution to allow genocide.
Barely 2% federally funded means nothing - if the board wants to rescind his admission, they can
Yes to the first part. “Racist” gets thrown around a lot so I’m not calling him that since I don’t know him. Stupid, shortsighted, insensitive? Yep.
I think my answer above covers it
Actually we're calling for living wages, user.
I think it's you who should shut it. You're making people stupid with your dumb ass opinions. Look up Indian trade guns
Shut up you fucking moron
Except Harvard receives $550 million/year in federal funding, plus another $1 billion for research.
You gun nuts all support Trump's "immigration" policy (=fascism)
It's a lot more than 2%.
I won't shut up, actually. This needs to be heard:
Gun culture is steeped in white racism, it's obvious. That's why it's mainly a white fetish hobby that frankly the majority of the country does not indulge in.
Don't forget to donate to Bernie again in 2020.
Wait, I thought they were "niggers" to be shot because they have "low IQ's." You have a chart.
>Gun culture is steeped in white racism,
You mean Obama and Bill Clinton's immigration policy? Because aside from a lot of talk about that stupid wall, there haven't been a lot of changes.
ok - and my former employer also received billions in federal contracts. We were still a private company, and the government didn't tell us what to do.
That isn't Sanders btw. That picture was debunked years ago. When you were still in grade school.
You're such a fucking faggot. Nobody in their right mind should listen to your garbage opinions
black people love guns lmao just cause they shoot them side ways and keep them in their underwear instead of gun safes doesn't mean they don't love guns
What? I was correcting that idiots ignorance on the native Americans
Correlation does not equal causation, and you're even making a real case for correlation because guns laws were also sparse before the Civil War..
It's awesome watching you continue to deny it, user. Awesome.
His nose is too small to be Sanders.
Just everyone. Just those of us who want to curb this stupid obsession with firearms.
If you take government funds, they have some say in how you run things. For companies, it's stuff like meeting government standards. For universities, is't he same thing except the standards involve students.
They're trying to be accepted in white culture. Guns are white people shit. Look at movies, books, comic books ffs. All white people smoking fucking cigarettes. Cigarettes are stupid too.
Pretty sure most American citizens own guns man. Not just white people. In fact I thought whites weren't the majority anymore
ok sorry
maybe it's time to go to bed
The only thing that should be curbed is you
Look, shut up. It's well-documented. The White US abused the Constitution to commit genocide against the native population.
This is a very rare thing to see on Yea Forums, but....
You make a very good point.
No they don't. A quarter of this country owns guns. You are a minority.
About 1 in 4 Americans are gun owners, actually.
Without your gun you'd have the fucking snot beat out of you.
Yeah I'm not trying to stir anything up. Just correcting false knowledge
My guns aren't registered so that information isn't correct
It's actually well-documented.
Then you should have to spend at least 5 years in prison.
It's time for you to go back and study for your woman's studies class
I know that's why I don't understand where you're coming from. Everything you said about natives is wrong.
The first thing that would happen is watching your gun get kicked out of your hand.
It's not a law in my state that I have to register them dumb dumb
Nonetheless, it's what happened. To settle the Indian Question.
You'll get one chance to sell your gun to the US Govt for $200.00, I'd take the deal.
Wow. I meant your opinions need to be curbed. I'm glad you don't have a gun because you seem pretty volatile and violent.
In my state, I do not have to register my rifles that I purchased at gun shows or the pistols that were given to me as gifts.
Oh good. We can punish everyone who makes mistakes for the remainder of their lives.
We might as well keep all those perfect young black men and women in prison forever.
You never know when they might fall back into their old ways.
>you seem pretty volatile and violent.
You are correct. But human beings are, including you. For example, non-whites trigger you pretty hard when they're welcomed into society.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Then you'd have to hand over the gun outright.
That has to change. That's how mass shooters collect their weaponry.
I've familiar with the topic, you just have no idea what you're talking about. Oppression, yes. Marginalization, yes. Land theft, yes. Really malicious misreading and rewriting treaties, yes. Some murderous assholes like Andrew Jackson, yes. Vigilante "justice", yes. Disease, yes. Smallpox blankets, no. Deliberate, orchestrated genocide, no.
But Native Americans were also protected and immune to lot of things -- Comanches would raid, torture, murder, rape, and then dash back to their reservation where they were legally untouchable.
Native Americans did end up with the short end of the stick, were basically bullied out of their lands, but that was largely population pressure and expansion.
See how dangerous your line of thinking is? You don't even know me and you're assuming that you know me better than myself. You're psycho man
No I won't
You wouldn't do shit.
Oh so just a bunch of bullshit then
Of course it's dangerous. To socially backward types like you that we need to marginalize.
Yes you would.
It's the USA. What you see is what you get.
Yeah, I was a bit surprised by not having to register a pistol. I moved from Chicago, where it was pretty much fucking illegal to own a pistol.
No, actually, it's history the victors don't want you to know about.
Who are you talking to? It's time to take your meds buddy
For most of us it's not secretly. Normalfags are secretly racist. Good smart people are openly racist. Now kys, nigger.
Because there would be a General Buyback for the public to turn in dangerous weaponry.
You're racist if you point out the truth that the jews have the majority power in this country.
We are dangerous to you, "buddy." That's why you're scrambling to get Trump elected again.
I think you're missing the point a bit, user.
He owns three houses. In 2016, he bought a $575,000 four-bedroom lake-front home in his home state. This is in addition to a row house in Washington D.C., as well as a house in Burlington, Vermont.
Sanders has also earned more than $1 million annually in recent years.
He made more than $1 million in 2017 -- $885,767 of which came from cash advances and royalties for his book, “Our Revolution” on his failed 2016 presidential bid. It’s the second time he made roughly that amount, making more than a million in 2016 also.
I bet you're going to say the Holocaust wasn't real next
There already has been. The answer is no.
>durr sandurrs owns twee houzes kill heem
fucking trumpshits lol
The irony is that Harvard engages in blatant institutional racism in its admissions and recruiting, but they turn their nose in disgust at a joke made by a 16 year old.
I'm a libertarian. I waste my votes on the 3rd party
You're saying the Holocaust against the Native Americans didn't happen.
You will be expected to trade in your weapons for $150.00 on average, actually.
No I'm pointing out a dangerous road you're walking down.
I honestly don't care, I own two houses.
Again, I think you're missing the big point being made.
By all means, donate to Bernie again in 2020.
That still got Trump elected hoser.
No I won't
Of course it's dangerous. To entrenched gun culture mythology.
Pretty sure the shitty competition got him elected.
spotted the jew
The point is you're mad a socialist is running
4%? Out of 39B their federal funds are 1-2B.
You'll also have to undergo a mental health screening to determine if you should even own any guns.
>durr hurr hillery
You did.
By who
spotted the mottled markings on your penis
I don't think you understand how things work. If it receives ANY (direct) federal funding, that federal funding comes with constitutional restrictions. It has to disentangle itself from that to be exempt.
Because he hadn't actually been enrolled yet, it probably falls between the cracks but there's a big court case yet to happen between the 14th (the legal basis of Title IX, in turn the legal basis of kicking people out for "hate speech") and 1st amendment. It'll be interesting to see the way things go.
The US Govt.
by unbiased jewish democrats, goy
You're blind man
Specifically with the money that they gave you. Just because you put in 2% doesn’t mean you can control the remaining 98%
lol this guy is a great little goy slave, keep ignoring the truth right in front of your fucking eyes
You got him elected
start owning up to it
Nonsense. You can say racist shit without being racist. Racist jokes can only help race relations.
So do you support firing the numerous anti white professors at colleges around the country. Or is it only a problem when it isn't about white people.
And yet it wasn’t a good point at all lol
>durr /pol/ anti-semitic buzzwords
They can't do shit. The sheriff's in my state already said they wouldn't enforce any type of such law. Btw they have more power than the president.
Why would I be mad about a Socialist running?
He's going to take votes away from the candidate that would have a better shot against a Republican.
He's also going to cause division within the Democratic party.
Nope, I'm all for that clown running again.
Don't forget to write him in.
Just cause he hates nigs shouldn't keep him from an ivy league school.
No u
>anti white professors
tinfoil detected
Anything with less whites is fine by me. And don't call jewish people white, because they're not.
Not really. Whoever gets the nomination, we're voting for him. We're tired of Trump's shit.
good little goy ;)
I don't think that's true, please cite your sources.
That's racist and antisemitic
You forgot to add the white settlers were stronger. Native Americans were killing each other before whites. Whites just conquered everything because they were stronger. Strongest always prevails.
user there are few things more cringe than watching you /pol/ tards spew your lingo
>Most employers have software that searches all of your past/present social media postings.
Lol oh boy, someone is talking bullshit. Most employers are not the NSA, faggot. Why do you just make shit up?
Cry me a river faggot
There's no regulation. Any nut could buy a gun in your state at a gun show. That's the "loophole" we keep talking about you claim doesn't exist.
Amazing that simply stating facts is seen as racist. I'm sure it has nothing to do with who controls 99% of the media. Nothing at all.
>because they were stronger.
yeah real "strong" with guns and diseases
you fucking white nationalist lol
I just bought a gun from a gun show. They verified my license. Have you bought a gun before?
What "facts?" That you know how to parrot what other incels post?
Because you're racist? I don't really care. It's a free country
>anti semetic
Learn to spell big words before you use them
You see though he is the kind of person or more likely the person who doesn't think affirmative action should be a thing only to realize too late that it works both ways and is going to start crying that his political views should be respected and not affect his consideration for admission.
post one of the thousands of vids on youtube about people hating all white people next thread....or 1 of the many verified users of twitter.
thanks ahead of time faggot
"White nationalist" you don't even know me. It's true, the white were stronger. Natives couldn't compete and now are in their own reservation.
That such a tiny percent of people make up such a large amount of the rich. That they head all major media outlets. That they run the world banking cartel. If you weren't so lazy you could easily find the information yourself, or just notice names when reading about CEOs and billionaires. Everyone bitching about the top 1% are really bitching about jews but they won't admit it because they've been told it's BAAAAAAAAAAAAAD. Also, the Talmud is every bit as extreme as the Quran, but they believe that non-jews were created by god to serve the chosen people of god. Which is why they promote themselves over other religions and races. You won't read any part of the Talmud because that would be 'racist nazi stuff!'
>Whoever gets the nomination, we're voting for him.
Sure you are, little buddy.
Let me know how that goes.
>the spic says he’s not racist
No because everything to you is racist or antisemitic. It's like crying wolf with you people.
Can you even into a simple google search brainlet?
Let's ask one of your "godly" fact checkers...
I unironically hate niggers and want jews to be put into camps and gassed.
Lol! Bernie is a marxist jew. You really think he cares about people?
Secretly racist...
they're overtly racist you twat.
I'm prejudice. I don't like anyone particularly.
No, I don't.
Because a certain 13% of the population causes 50% of the violent crimes.
you meant to include ?
It was agreeing with your point, not in opposition to it.
See, this shit is why I go to Yale.
>'Make no mistake about it: we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as "the white race" is destroyed—not "deconstructed" but destroyed'
Stop, Cassandra.
Why are most gun nuts secretly racist?
Look at that little master race looking twerp. Let him go to community college
Is completely unacceptable to make racist jokes against niggers and kikes.
How is he racist?
>Let him go to community college
So you're elitist, classist, and racist?
Why? Apparently his academics and extra cirriculars justify him recieving admission. Why should saying racist things or being racist prevent him from attending?
He's not a gun nut. He only went to a gun range for the first time after Parkland.
So? Why the fuck should whether or not youre racist play a part in admissions? For universities to receive any government funds they should only be allowed to discriminate based on school performance/extra cirriculars.
Harvard is already racist.
Go look up some of the racist shit Biden has come out with or some of the antisemitic shit Ilhan Omar and Talib have come out with. They are politicians and aren't being held accountable yet some 16 year old child says some dumb shit and you want to crucify him.
$39 billion is the endowment, that's capital
Not stronger, just more numerous, more technologically advanced, and from a larger continent (Afroeurasia vs. the Americas) so more disease and more resistance to diseases.
Puerto Ricans cant be racist. They ain't smart enough, I think one might have attended some community college at some point, almost got though 3 classes legend has it.