Could you beat me up Yea Forums?
Could you beat me up Yea Forums?
get a load of this faggot
Well could you?
yes but I would keep it to a verbal beating as anything else might kill ya
Deadlift more
Much appreciated.
Ive only been working out from home for 2 days. Gotta start working before I can get a gym membership
Maybe, but you can just shoot me in the head if you want.
No why would I do that
Kinda cute OP
You look like a manlet so yeah
Im 6’0”
Fit wont let me post pictures
Bump. Who could beat my ass?
Depends, lemme see ur face
No. Im average brown hair blue eyes
I'm 48 and overweight and I'm sure that I could kick your ass to Tuesday.
Some overweight dudes can throw. I wouldn’t doubt it. A lot of weight behind those punches
im impressed by your confidence
depends if you know how to fight. any formal training?
No. A few street fights but thats it
hop on the trenbolone OP, you need it.
Whats that
trained Krav Maga for 9 years. I CAN beat the shit out of ya.
No problem.
Cory who?
Post body?
What's your max in any of the big workouts?
I only use a pullup bar and two 20lb dumbbells
Nah but I can pee in your ear
No, but I'd let you bend me over and beat my ass up
Are you really tall?
Nothing worth writing home about. 6'0'' 185. Kinda dad bod. But I'm mean as fuck.
>Could you beat me up Yea Forums?
I'm an old ass dude.
But old dudes don't feel pain, don't worry about messing up their pretty little face, and are prepared to face death everyday.
Almost any one of us could wipe the floor with you, take a few meds, and come back tomorrow to fuck your mom.
Yes. I would inject you with what looks like an epi-pen but is actually full of saline and a very carefully measured amount of N-methylhexahydrofluorenamine, a designer drug a lot like ketamine but about 30 times stronger. You would begin to hallucinate vividly in a way indistinguishable from reality and would likely be restrained by police and carried away, fully strapped down, by paramedics. It would take you over 48 hours to regain any semblance of sanity, you would likely awake covered in bruises and very dehydrated.
You have a nice body
Dude I'd jizz in your butt only to establish my dominance
Im 6’0” and 168. Not all that mean unless I’ve been drinking.
Idk man I have a gnarly reach if that matters
You sound smart seriously
Its ok. I just started working out again thank you though
Your right arm yeah
Thats gay.
You look good but I think I’d rock you. You look like a soft European.
>Idk man I have a gnarly reach if that matters
sorry charlie, reach arounds won't be on the menu
I can pay someone to beat you up for me
U and ur dad's gay. I'm just saying I'd own ur sorry ass
From the mean guy.. learn to do this.
Ah okay. Idk probably I'm a dumbass when it comes to fights I just laugh at people when they punch me
But could you personally?
Unless you train I really think I would beat you up. No offense, keep lifting though bro.
I wrestled when I was younger I know a few things
I wouldnt punch you
I ain't lifting shit. U keep lifting brah and when we take it to the floor - guess what - you lose
i can shoot u
Probably not, i would most likely get body checked 5ft and cry
Still ya I probably couldn't.
I'm quite a bit heavier and stronger by the looks of things, but it's fairly certain that you'd beat me if you're a really good fighter, since I'm not at all
Idk man. Why does it matter?
What does that even mean?
Thats illegal
Fucking noice. How long did it take you to get that physique?
I wanna be friends with you guys
Idk why but when i saw you all i could think about was an elementary kid on steroids
Damn, thats tone and size my guy, ggs
It doesn’t but im just wondering
You look pretty strong. Height?
Yeah befriend me and become my bodyguard
>Thats illegal
assault is illegal too
Lmao im using that description in my bio's. Im way too poor for that shit though.
It means you begging for a tap out pussy
5'10 manlet
I would if you lived near me and people actually bullied you. Bullies suck man.
Not as illegal as homicide though lol
Could I? Been boxing for 12 years also college wrestler uwu
legality is binary
I wouldnt tap. You dont look that strong im not trying to be mean but honestly. Keep training then.
Im only 2 inches taller.
Ok chad calm down lol
Whats binary mean?
1 year
Right. I wouldn't let you tap.
Whenever i have trouble with people i just pay people to brutalize them
theres 2 states it can be in
Lucky 6' master race, also my lifts are shit so its all good. Inches matter in fights im told.
Gives me home man. You look good.
Alright man
>Could you beat me up Yea Forums?
Yup, in under 10 seconds....unless you can run faster than me.
jesus christ, entire fucking thread is dyel
I think Moto Moto likes you
Cmon bro. Not respecting the tap is the ultimate bitch move
Hell yea my guy
Meant hope not home lol
Shit, 8!!! How the fuck i get to 3 and die
I was only asking a question desu... me no c had me brad esque
You train?
Last time I benched I was like 10 lol
You’re a big guy and plus the boxing. You could for sure.
>whats binary?
>shows off muscle
>tries to instigate violence
look at this intellectual right here
Wrong answer, I’d let you win and impress all the fembots because of your sweet genuine vibe. Desu on friend
Yea man whtvr. That's one of the things that makes you a bitch
>You train?
I used to compete in heavyweight MMA. I no longer do it and stopped a few years ago, but I am still on top of my game.
Then I would obviously beat you up.
We should meet up and throw some hands.
Found the quivering pussy with a superiority complex if anyone was looking for him...
Ahh, here I go. My poons wet just 4 u
I've thought about what the best defensive weapon would be for a long time, I'm white and live around liberals so they'd be absolutely thrilled to charge me with manslaughter or whatever for killing some black kid who was gonna kill me anyway. So, instead I figured I'd use my "unarmed" appearance to create an opening to inject them with something that will make them behave in such a way that they have to be detained and would disable their ability to explain anything to anyone. I would be long gone before they could explain they were given a surprise injection. Meanwhile the "epi-pen" itself could be explained away by saying I'm deathly allergic to bees, a common condition.
You’re an absolute bro.
>heavyweight MMA
You’d wreck me lol
The adrenaline from fighting is fun even if you get hurt
I could take u. I'm in a incredibly weak state right now due to 3 surgeries done 2 me in the past year. With that being said I am still strong & skilled taking 1st place within my section in Highschool wrestling last year with a torn acl & torn shoulder lanbrum*(not sure how 2 spell that). I am fairly certain I could take u now but defenitly would take u @ during my peak times.
>The adrenaline from fighting is fun even if you get hurt
Until it wears off.
If you are OP, you are too small, my friend. You would have to put on at least another 40 to 50 lbs in order to compete in the over 265 weight class.
Shit, my poons wet too, what the hell? And I cant fight with a wet poon so lets call it a tie?
This is just an excuse to show off and Im all on board lol
I'm sure there are some factors involved here... but I do believe that while I'm similarly built, I'm broader in the chest and shoulders - probably just in general - and the fat from my shitty diet just makes me appear similar.
If you're 6'3" or taller, your reach would give you an advantage.
If you've got more than 10 years of training, you'd have a fairly serious advantage.
If I couldn't knock you out, you'd have an advantage because my cardio is shit.
I don't want to or need to though. I'd probably just tell you to get a shirt on so we could grab a pint and discuss why you want to fight.
Mmm maybs. Pic of poon?
Poon picture machine broke
You look bigger than me but honestly I think I could
I'm not OP, I'm King Nigger.
You may have heard of me around these parts.
I've been in about a thousand fights.
A few dozens sanctioned ones and hundreds of unsanctioned.
I'm trained in BJJ, Boxing and a few years of wrestling.
Yeah probably.
Word I can still fap to the idea
Ive only been beaten up once and didnt get that hurt but true lol.
Nice physique you didnt have to show your penis though lol
Im 6’0” and only wrestled and played football when I was younger. Having a pint and talking out the differences sounds way nicer though lol
If youre a bulldog you probably could. Im kinda pussy unless im drinking or you know how to push my buttons.
Nice man
You have a good frame, decent muscle base already.
Try intermittent fasting and full on fasting, avoid sugars and breads as much as you can, specially junk-ass sugar and refined flour white bread.
Train a lot, look to increase volume, intensity, max weight, switch up your weekly routine, focus on compound exercises mainly and isolated ones secondary.
Don't do too much powerlifting or overexercise anything, get a feel for pushing yourself to the max and beyond but never to the point of hurting yourself.
Learn the difference between discomfort and pain, discomfort is easier to tolerate with mental discipline.
Grease the groove every once in a while.
Don't work your muscles to failure except for 10% of the time, at the end of the week.
Work out consistently, do weeks of the same exercise 3-4 times a day (say 20-30 push ups for example), no days off except for recuperation days.
Learn to be in the mindset of HAVING to do it.
Mentality of a fighter: "Your ass is on the line, train today or beware tomorrow".
I really appreciate that bro. Im copying that and posting it in my notes so I can read it tomorrow too. I worked put for about 3 months straight but quit for about a year and then started again 2 days ago im gonna keep going. I need the mires for my confidence.