What are Yea Forums thoughts on smoking cigarettes?

What are Yea Forums thoughts on smoking cigarettes?

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Don't do it lad it's bad for you

Im a big fan of Marlboro lights, nice smooth taste but occasionally ill go for a menthol. I smoke maybe 1 or 2 cigs a day.

DIsgusting, I drop women as soon as I find out they smoke

Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray.

Can I bum one user?

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degenerate, so im in

well, I like to smoke when I go out with my friend or ride my motorcycle, but everyone knows that cigarettes makes you smell bad and no girl will want a relationship with a smoker. Seriously, STINKS

I don't like smoking unless it's weed. However I prefer vaping not only because its healthier but also because the feeling of vapor is better than the feeling of smoke in your throat.

gay and stupid. smoking shows poor self control and worse sense of priority.
Literally no benefits.
Expensive, causes cancer, makes you look old, makes you smell bad, ruins your voice, fucks your teeth, shortens your life, pisses you off, makes you look like a pathetic faggot.

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Dubs can absolutely bum one friend.

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>Vaping is healthier

Did you mean to say I prefer gays?

Yeah, some of my friends arent too keen on it, but i dont smoke too often. Im more of a social smoker, but ill have one by myself every once in a while.

Club reds r pretty good for poor cunts

Vaping is for faggots if you want to smoke be a real man and pick up a pack

>Literally no benefits
Nicotine is neuro protective.
Most of the cons you listed are due to additives.

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no interest and not appealing to the point of even being a turn-off, but I'll be a hypocrite and smoke joints or weed from a bong all day when I can afford it

I love smoking, but hate that I smoke. It really does stink. I wouldn't date a smoker, even though I smoke. I hate the way my mouth tastes after a smoke so I try to brush my teeth if possible, wash my hands, and rinse my face after (something I picked up from a chef I used to work with).
but, I really enjoy it, no plans to quit

nasty as fuck

Cigarettes are awful, bad smell, bad taste all of it.
t. Smoking right now


I smoke since 15' and I can't understand why people says that it's bad. I'm 29 y.o. right now and feel amazing - pic related

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Useless addiction with no benefits whosoever.

there is a lot of enjoyment to be found in nicotine and the camaraderie of communal consumption of any intoxicant, no matter how mild

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I’m pretty sure I’m going to end up an heroing anyway.

I'm not saying this to defend my "habit" but I've been smoking for 9 years and I've recently stopped smoking for 3 weeks so far and I feel no withdrawals.