Life sucks cause you cucks let niggers takeover America

Life sucks cause you cucks let niggers takeover America.

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No, life sucks because you're undisciplined and lazy. No, really, it's all fucking you. It has always been you and it will always be you. Fucking period. Now massage yourself so that your balls drop and fucking get on a routine.

niggers came to america by slave trade, why did we put niggers in america in the first place?

no it's because you faggots let our reputation as white men go to trash
no the problem was freeing them

no bitch you eat nigger semen out of your wife you fucking kekistani faggot bitch

Shut the fuck up, nigger lover, and let me tell you why i personally hate fucking niggers.

Theres this sad nigger who’s been sitting outside my house for days already. All he does is watch shitty nigger videos on his shitty android tablet and smoke weed. All day. Lazy dumb nigger scum.

I go to work, i feed myself, and get taxed for it. He sits there collecting welfare from those tax dollars, spends it all on welfare, and lives out of his car. Why the fuck is this nigger just sitting there? Doesn’t he have anything better to do with his life? Does he not see how sad his fucking life is?

What’s more, cops drive down this street, they must see this nigger there every day and they dont do anything, hes literally PASSED OUT half the time. This isnt a walmart, this is a regular street in a suburban neighborhood. Who knows how much this is happening elsewhere, how many niggers do the same damn shit... disgusting.

so what you're saying user, is that you live in a shitty neighborhood. And whose fault is that again?

niggers clearly cause niggers make every neighborhood they live in shitty

There are some African Americans that live in my neighborhood. They're mostly professionals or business owners. Because I don't live in a shit neighborhood.

yeah, see, my wife would never leave me for anyone else, regardless of their skin color. bitch knows I make the money and she ain't getting any of it.