Trump rapes cats
Trump rapes cats
op is a racist pedophile confirmed.
stay butthurt, faggot ;)
Think youre mixing up Trump and Shane Dawson my guy
Fuck yes, stolen.
True, very cool user
I'm guessing that you wish you were a cat.
Life sucks cause you cuckolds let niggers takeover America.
That a bold LIE he never admitted to raping women. He only confessed to molesting them against their will. (he was caught on tape if you don't if the reported of this news is a liar then it Trump who is the liar)
yep. he fuck your mom in her ass!!!
Me too...
got em
You mean when he said some women let him do shit because he's rich and some women are into rich guys? That time?
you can be sued for libel
Do it, faggot.
>shared via the scribd website
you can be sued for libel
In all fairness though who doesn't?
Putin will ensure this never comes to trial while Trump is President.
You butthurt faggot you just defended a rapist.
women arent human and therefore cannot be raped
Do you really expect me to believe trump has ever had an erect penis?
he has 5 children you projecting nigger semen slurper
Bill Clinton Rapes Blacks
And has an illegitimate Black son to prove it... One he refuses to talk to.
That is the claim, yes.