Glock 40 caliber handguns are the nigger's of the handgun world

glock 40 caliber handguns are the nigger's of the handgun world

prove me wrong

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I don't think you even made a point yet. Like wtf does that even mean? Everyone should own a few?

price is too high to be a nigger handgun.

I would argue a 38 snub is

hi point

So, military and police caliber, out of a reliable polymer handgun? And that's nigger? Good lord you're an idiot. The 40 cal glocks actually work. Cant say that for niggers.

My G23 gen 4 is priced outta the nigger budget, my G27 is too but I can easily lay anyone out with either of them. One is a truck gun the other is my EDC

You don't know guns. Glocks are preferred by a decent percentage of police/military personnel. They're world renowned for their unmatched reliability.

Also, .40 is a better performing round than .380, .38 special, 9mm and .45 when you take recoil and platform out of the equation.

It was stated earlier that hi point is the nigger of all handguns, and I agree. Someone I know picked up a used one for $100 at a gun shop recently and it's ugly as fuck.

on a serious note though,ive looked at actually getting a 40 cal glock before but decided that 9mm was safer and better in terms of over penetration

just look at this nigger,he has a glock 40

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Niggers put gold all over themselves and drive the most expensive cars they can find. That doesn't make precious metals or high end vehicles "niggers".

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Looks like a Hi Point. Stupid nigger doesn't know the difference.

357 sig has better ballistics. 40 cal in general sucks to comparable cartridges. Dumbass cops carry 40 specifically in droves.


Dude!! That is DEFINITELY a hi point lmfao!

There are much better 40s out there.

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Glocks in any format are the niggers of the gun world.

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Y'all are niggering in a nigger thread.

Yeah Glock isn't the best or the greatest, but it will always go bang when you pull the trigger

Until it explodes.

Cuz dey always be jammin?

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people have their own reasons for picking a caliber, but with the amount of research into ammunition design, i'm pretty confident that you wouldn't want to be hit with any bullet, be it .40 or 9mm. especially with +P+ loads, the ballistics of a good 9mm JHP are more than sufficient.

plus, i'd rather have twice as many rounds in the magazine.

>Yeah Glock isn't the best or the greatest, but it will always go bang when you pull the trigger
Yeah, their 40s did that a lot.



You're not a gun guy are you?

Because Glocks are good and they work...checkmate!

>plus, i'd rather have twice as many rounds in the magazine.
Practice some more and maybe you'll be able to actually hit something.

OP is a douche bag. Prove me wrong.

Love my P220. Sig is far superior to Glock in my opinion just based on the fact that it's metal and has a hammer. I don't hate Glocks, I just consider them to be a Honda Civic, where the Sig is a Bentley. But they'll both get you to where you're going.

45. > 40 any day!

No such thing as over penetration, know whats behind your target....period!

would you rather have 8 rounds that will put down a threat in one shot, or have 16 rounds that will put down a threat in one shot?

it's a much more significant argument when you're talking about concealed carry, where every ounce matters.

Handguns by and large are bad at killing people anyway. Survival rates for handgun wounds are way lower than rifles. So when something needs killing, best to do it with a rifle.

Might want to brush up on your weapon types, that hi point is a $200 if that.

you concealed carry a rifle?

.357mag Coonan FTW!

yeah,he's probably one of those hillbillys with a "dont tread on me"t shirt who carrys an ar 15 on his back while shopping at wal mart

I think you meant survival rates are higher for handguns dipshit. And where is your data coming from for that claim?

Never seen that happen even after 50k rounds, maintance is your best friend!

I carry 5 rds that will put down a threat in one shot.

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You’re the biggest gayest pussy in the world, prove me wrong

You didnt watch the Miami heist did you? 9mm were completely ineffective....

Oh no trust me I am. Its a known fact that glocks explode. Hence the glock hand grenade memes.

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The Hi-Point is just too heavy and bulky. I converted my G27 to .357 Sig cause I like a 9mm round with teeth.

He's definitely not a Glock guy, not knowing all those were all hot reloads

>Miami heist
as in he one in 1986?
as in, the one before overpressure (+P+) rounds were made in the 1990's?

Glock is really only carried by law enforcement and the military because they incentivized the purchase of their product, not really due to them being a superior weapon.

>prove me wrong
Why would I, when I agree with you?

I have an M&P Shield myself.

If Glocks are the niggers then Shields are the rednecks

Weak design and materials.

This makes glocks explode. Also when they get a bit of lead buildup in the barrel. The fucking things are so sensitive to pressure.

does anyone have an actual proof of the whole glock exploding thing,because i seriously was gonna at least get a glock g19

Apostrophe-S for pluralization is the nigger of the grammar world.

Get a SIG


I own a glock g17 gen4 9mm. It's alright. There little piece that kicks out the shells goes bad after about 1000 rounds, so the casings hit you in the face when firing. Super annoying but a cheap fix. I probably won't buy Glock again, but I like the shape and feel of them, and the high capacity mags and lack of a safety button are a plus for me.

>Everyone should own a few

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And with 6 ppl confronting you, you lose. Even your reload time is slow.

Ive put about 5000 rounds thru mine with no issue. Maybe you should clean the gun properly.

A Glock 40 is not the same as a .40 Calibur Glock, you fucking idiot.

There's a reason the SEALs switched right back to Glocks after trying Sig

>Magazine size matters
The fuck are you in about? If six dudes are shooting at you it's time to get cover and get the fuck out of there


the risk is due to the recoil spring. it's rated to 16 pounds for the default SAAMI/NATO spec 9mm. as in, it can handle any +P, or +P+, round that meets spec.

drop a heavier spring in it, and it'll eat 30% OP rounds all day. It's a trade-off between slide mass, recoil spring strength, and bullet velocity.

An overpressured round will exert greater normal force to the slide and spring than the normal force of a standard 9mm round. this means that the spring has to absorb this extra energy.

if you install a stronger spring, then there is no issue, and it will cycle fine. however, now if you fire standard pressure rounds, you'll run into failure to feed because the slide isn't fully retracted by the lower pressure of the round.

there's no risk of explosion, because it's not a sealed system. it's not like a fucking gas operated rifle. the cycle action is based on the recoil of the slide.

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>you fucking idiot

says the guy who cant even spell caliber right

this thread is shit anyway,all these dumbass's using the military and police(even though it doesnt matter what caliber they use when there just gonna abuse their authority anyway)as examples

Oh believe me, I take good care of my Glock. The issue is pretty well documented. They eventually reissued the gun with that part swapped out.

yeah? well,in a life or death situation,the seals will probably use their fully auto weapons before pulling out some little pea shooter handgun

Yes, but you fail to realize ++p is highly innaccurate, not to mention the one man thst was hit, got in his car anf drove away and 42 hours layer died, even a direct hit didnt stop him....9mm is ok at best, but superior? Not even close....besides you DO realize if you use ++p you void the warranty and risk failure right? No? Look it up!

Shields are good.

The SEALs switched back to Glock after trying Sig. When police officers have a choice, many (not all) to use Glock. It's a matter of personal preference, and the #1 to get a Glock is usually reliability or interchangeability. Even their magazines are known to be extremely reliable and long-lasting.

M1911 best gun

Kek I'm white as porcelain and my g23 is my trusty, go over to k so we can roast your nogunz ass


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>Trying SIG
The seals used the P226 for like 20 years

you dont gotta be black to be a nigger



When you need to pull your sidearm you are in some deep shit. Thats why it absolutely needs to work when you draw it. That's why they chose glock

>highly inaccurate
+P+ is just a measure of pressure generated. it means there is more powder in the case. that's it. the accuracy would be improved in the general case, because the bullet is traveling faster so there is less time spent in the air.

besides, a handgun isn't meant to kill people. it's a defense weapon. it's a "fuck i have to use this because I don't have a choice". a rifle is the 'reach out and touch someone' man-killer.

a handgun is meant for close 5-30 feet engagements, not stopping bank robbers.

I think 9mm is superior to other handgun calibers simply because of price. The actual penetration and stopping power differences are negligible when compared side by side especially considering different brands of ammo.

I love this gun..

>And with 6 ppl confronting you, you lose. Even your reload time is slow.
Do you think that happens often?
If 6 people come at you with guns, you lose no matter how many rounds you have.
If they come at you with knives, clubs, or fuckin' spears, you'll only need to shoot one or two anyway.

Being upset at a 20 dollar part you can change at home in 10 minutes

The government forces the best gun makers to produce what they want at almost no cost. If they are using something then it's always the best of the best. Wake up little boy this is the real world

how often are you going to use a gun defensively anyway? in the vast majority of cases, 0 times in your entire life.

really, whatever gun you pick doesn't matter. you're a hell of a lot better off with something, rather than nothing. but even then, you'll very likely never need it.


Also, if you, alone, merc 6 dudes and you still have more coming after you, you are pretty much John Wick with a multi million dollar bounty on your head with absolute trained killers after you.

Most people, tough people, run from gun shots. Especially after seeing bodies dropping.

Niggers and spics run in packs. Animals don't scare as easily from a fight like humans, so prepare to deal with all of them at once

>you'll very likely never need it

its funny how the only people who say this are anti gun liberal retards

The real world?
Ever hear of the M-16?
Total piece of shit.
You’re an idiot.

Sig rhymes with Nig

My Glock .40s work.
/ thread

No because they work and are reliable.


>people who obviously dont get the joke

Isn't it a little late for you to be out of bed?

literally anyone who owns guns, thats common knowledge. the smaller rounds that pistols are chambered in combined with the shorter barrels that most pistols have make them dramatically less lethal than long guns in general.

pretty funny to draw that conclusion. i've got a glock 19 in my center console.

being delusional in the face of actual probability shows some incredible cognitive dissonance. read my post again. i'm saying carry, it's better than having nothing. however, you're kidding yourself if you actually think you'll need it in your lifetime.

yeah, some people do. some people win the lottery too. you should buckle your seatbelt, because car wrecks happen often. you shouldn't buy lottery tickets, because wins don't.

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.40 Calibur has a bigger diameter than rifle bullets dumbass

glocks are by far the asians of the gun world...numerous, simple, precise, boring, but effective

the 1st generation models has a lack of chamber support. this means that the web of the case was under excessive stress, and yes, they went boom. this is also common knowledge, and hasnt been a thing in a long time since.

Now that's a nigger of a gun.

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so they all look the same and there's to many different kinds of them?

>Made me respond
Here's your (you)

My Glocks work, niggers don't.
Doesn't get the joke

lies, idiots using reloaded ammo

that would only keep the slide from beating the gun to death, or over traveling into your face. thats not why, or how you keep a glock from exploding.

its not more accurate, nothing about an overpressured round is more accurate. the rest of that checks out though.

thats not how contracts work.

thats a diameter. one of the three dimensions. keep trying.

lol more like toyotas, cz shadow 2 is more like a Bentley

It’s 11:10 where I’m at, probably crash out soon.
You’re still an idiot talking out of his ass.

also, which rifle rounds? c'mon, name some off fucking no guns faggot.

Not that user, but .22 since you’re ranting like a little bitch.

get that bullshit outta here

The .40 used to be better but the recoil was too much for alot of police and FBI, so they spud loaded ammo. 99% of factory .40 ammo is spud load low recoil junk nowadays. If you reload, .40 is great if not it isnt really any better than .45, 38 special and 9mm. 10mm is the best option now and making a solid comeback


ive never really been impressed with ballistics videos comparing .40 to 9mm caliber anyway

>how often are you going to use a gun defensively anyway?
Me: once
My wife: twice
Not a shot fired. Putting a red dot on someone's chest can be quite a deterrent.

One of the guys my wife drew on is doing 30 years on multiple rape, assault, and one attempted murder conviction. Fuckin' liberal judge.

Guns are overrated. There needs to be about a quarter of the existing count we know now, no less than 25 million.

You are definitely right.

>not a shot fired

lol,a red dot on your chest isnt going to deterrant sound like one of those idiots who owns a gun safe because he isnt responsible enough to own a firearm to begin with,i bet you'll shoot yourself with it someday and become another poster child for the left wing anti gun movement

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im an idiot because i know how to tell the difference between a responsible gun owner and a retard with a gun?

Sounds like bullshit.

How old are you, Skippy?
I hope you're a child because I hate thinking adults are that stupid.

>i hate thinking adults are that stupid

says the 16 year old,why dont you grow up before you form an opinion on adults in the first place

Because its negligible at best. 9mm will put anybody down. Plus it's so much cheaper and readily available, you can practice and shoot more

They just work... So not quite like niggers
(who, for all you racists out there, can be of any color - nigger is a way of life, not skin for)

You win the internets for the night.

Guns are stupid. We need to voluntarily wean ourselves from this dangerous obsession before government has to step in and ban firearms.

>inb4 MAGA shitstorm...

Incorrect niggers cant afford glocks

>problem solva

Sooner or later some asshole going to make lasers blasters and guns be outdated

They'd better get on it.

>doesn't know how to use an apostrophe

Trumpfag detected. Here we go

Guns are fucking stupid and gun nuts are retarded.

well said


Idk what kind of niggers you're exposed to but our niggers drive every shitty 90s car possible and wear rags

Yeah, sounds like bullshit. What's the name of and location of this one man crime spree so we can Google it and check out your claim?

New Haven, CT.

>will put down a threat in one shot
the threat better be standing less than 5 feet away

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Hi-Points my dude.
I guess it was already said.

>maga shitstorm

you do realize trump has already shown he is anti gun? trump supporters traded gun rights for immigration.which is sad,and why they lost the midterms and will lose 2020

i hope this country gets some communist like bernie sanders,crash and burn america.thank republicans for being stupid and electing a retard from a democrat city when they could of nominated somebody worth a shit to begin with

Glock manufactures the best handguns for the most affordable price on the planet. You can disagree with that, but then you'd just be wrong. Faggot.

lol the arguments here are pointless. i carry a glock 19 with a couple of extra 15rd mags, and i own 3 of the 33 round mags. i feel like an overwhelming amount of JHP 9mm ammo is what will win, not a reasonably modest difference between a .40 and 9mm

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Hi point

You know what wins?
First shot to connect.

Well, that is true! But I don't know what it has to do with anything?

The criminal's name?

What a fucking moron

>niggers of the handgun world
You clearly have no idea what a Hi-Point 9mm is.
I'm honestly surprised Academy doesn't accept EBT for purchasing them.

Tell us the story about the time that all you had to do was rack your shotgun and all five of the home invaders ran away.

>you do realize trump has already shown he is anti gun

Why, because he went anti-bumpstock after Las Vegas? Bumpstocks are retarded anyway.

>I'm honestly surprised Academy doesn't accept EBT for purchasing them.

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>1911 best gun
I'll give you that, though I still prefer my 9mm Browning Hi Power (aka the 1912) over the 1911, but it's a personal taste.
The problem with 1911s is that they've gone the same way as the AR platform: everyone fucking makes them now, so there are basically three tiers.
Shit tier: anything not made in the USA (Rock Island Philippines shit)
Good tier: within a certain price point and decent enough quality out of the box that you don't have to do work on it for it to be dependable (Springfield Armory)
Stupid fuck meme tier: the $3k anodized jeweled pro-ultra-super-hyper-match-grade (fucking Kimburrr)
There are some weird anomolies in there. The AMD Harballer all-stainless 1911 is actually really nice once you fix the problems they had from their shitty manufacturing/QC. I still don't know where Para Ordinance 1911s are made...

>Browning Hi Power

Mein negger. Second place goes to CZ 75.

Mmmmm kimber
I don’t think of them as firearms anymore. They are art.

Top Kek

I dunno why they have magazines. They should come pre loaded and just throw them away when they are empty and get a new one.
Like the pez dispenser of guns.