Ex friend is convicted pedophile

>ex friend is convicted pedophile
>im drunk
>still have him on steam

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if he's truly convicted, he wouldn't be online anymore.

I don't even know how I could prove it. He's going to sex offender record but how are you supposed to know I knew him?

He's on Steam and irregularly plays games

not in the US then, almost all convicted pedophiles are prohibited from using the internet. they have to use a flip phone.

I swear to God he can use the internet

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give us his steam id

This isn't me just so you don't think I'm samefagging

As someone (not OP) who lived at the homeless shelter while on probation for a drug crime and knew someone who was an SO, let me tell you the injunction to stay of the internet does not stop them. A group of them would sit at the smoking bench and play the DragonBall mobile game all the time. One of them even had a laptop he would play games and watch anime on all the time. They would all cluster around the laptop sometimes and look at porn in the dining room.

How is that going to prove anything? Also you're genuinely tempting me because he's a piece of shit

Nut up or shut up cuck.

you are capable, but are generally required to abstain. there are different categories of convictions, 1 through 4 and each number would then also have a letter assigned. Like 1C would be a relatively minor offense where a 4C would have your probation officer following you around everyday for the rest of your life. A lowered number will have infrequent parole visits (if he's on parole) or be subject to an warrant less search of his premise by a police officer. If a sex offender parolee is found to have a computer that connects to the internet at his disposal, then he most likely would be returned to prison. But a pedophile is almost never a lower number. If they were close in age and part of a romantic relationship, he might be a 3a. Society really dislikes those individuals.

>almost all

Not all pedophiles that have been convicted are still on probation. Laws vary from state to state but once they're off probation they just can't have guns and have to register.

Holy shit dude calm down. I didn't want this to get personal for anyone

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that's fucking stupid. no way that's true. you use the internet for everything now a days. every device is connected. just not possible.

I know he has a special box connected to his router. That's all I know

Believe or not theres people who are not allowed to drive. People who are not allowed to leave their house etc. etc. so I imagine hindering their daily life isn't an issue here.

oh, it's possible. just really difficult. you're a parole board, you let a pedophile out on parole, he uses the internet to stalk his next victim, public outrage ensues.

not that user, but you're retarded.

Yeah this isn't true lol

Depends on the state

>Ex friend is a convicted pedo
>youtube videos from his old anime youtube channel still show up in my recommendations
>Half my friends still think he didn't do it, or that he's innocent because he said he didn't remember doing it, so he must have done it while blacked out on pain meds

Sam fagin short responses doesn't indicate high-end elect. You're the reason this entire board is dying. Fucking disgraceful and I hope you die in real life

He's on the sex offender registry of Ohio. There's no question

What’s his name i’ll look him up

I could give you a completely random name.