I just found out that my very special friend is Jewish.
What do?
I just found out that my very special friend is Jewish
Kill yourself
cant deny those dubs boy-o
Make holocaust jokes
Marry her.
fuck her and as you finish yell allahu akbar
Is her mom Jewish or her dad Jewish? This is very important information
(don't) Make anti semitic jokes or tell her that you dont hate jews but you have internet friends that do
What's the difference?
...have you not heard the Jewish mom/wife stereotypes.
So this sounds made up but true jewness can only be passed through the mother, so if her dad was Jewish and her mom wasn’t then technically she’s not a Jew
Yell "Mazel tov" and eat that Jewish goddess pussy!
oy vey, marry her already
As long as she isnt one of the Jews trying to subvert our nation with porn and wars for Israel, it should be ok
put a baby in her, then you'll be part of the family :D
No jew is a good jew. She will betray you to pursue her own interests at the first chance.
I know a jewess that's against all the degeneracy. Enormous boobs.
If you bash her head open she has gold hidden inside
Put her in the oven. Now.
show her your oven
make a jewish baby
Talk her about Jesus
How about you put a bun in her oven.
Post more of that qt instead
Holy hell. What's going on with '6'?
nigga she look like Anne Frank how'd you not know
Tape her foreskin back on
>my very special friend is Jewish.
You mean ur gf?
>What do?
Undermine the global order?
Fuck her through a hole in a sheet
Then buy her a wig
Obviously you court her respectfully, with her father's permission, and then marry her. Having kids is a choice you decide on together. Regardless, you live happily ever after.
lmao makes perfect sense
Roll for 8
You could say that, yes.
put her in a concentration camp, rape her often but don't let her pregnant, don't breed more jews. just use her and abuse her, after all women are lower IQ and shouldn't vote or work
marry her? and get divorce raped, are you a tradcuck, also she is jewish
nice hoodie
Jokes aside...whoever is in that picture shes damn preeeeteeeey
Hate to break it to you but dubs means absolutely SHIT. IT'S A FUCKING NUMBER. IT MEANS NOTHING. DUBS DENIED, ASSWIPE.
Get out.
So what's the big deal
ye boi
Never met a Jew I see, must suck to be you!
Who she and how can i pay for a cuddle
Your very "special friend" is Emily Rudd an American model and she's already answered the question about being a jew. As far as she knows she's not jewish, not completely at least. Nice bait thread tho. SAGE.
a girlfriend would mean he's fucking her,its obvious she's friendzoned him and op is to much of a cuck to man the fuck up
Fuck her until she's ashes. Then fuck the ashes.
Into the oven with her!
make porn with her and share it on the internet. The more depraved the better. Jews LOVE porn.
Burn something in the oven. Not going to say what. Figure it out bait faggot.
Jewish girls are daayum sexy
Burn down her synagogue and kill her family. If she leaves the jewry then keep her. If not, kill her.
She's Jewish. Like I said.
B-b-b-b-but this is racist against jews thread.
end her befor she gets a postition in a goverment and pushes for mass immigration
Go in raw because cooking jokes are offensive. Seriously though bag an Asian or Jew if you want smart babies.
>acting like it fucking matters
Yes Israel is a fucking evil country and lots of Jews are bad but if they are a good person and you love them then don’t let /pol/ psyops keep you alone and sad
if jews were so smart,how they millions of them died in the holocaust.why couldnt they think of a way to survive?
Kill her
Her mom is the one with the tits, her dad is the one with the mutilated cock he can't keep in his pants
You change your stupid stereotype beliefs about people and grow the fuck up.
come on give me dubs or an 8
fuck you jew,dont you have some shekels to get
It's like Bigfoot skull or somthing.
Yo this girls actually cute as shit bro
fuck her. jewish girls do it all.
Yikes, I'd rather not play
i'd fuck her
You should make your very special friend your GF.
He probably means isreali jewish(race) not fairy tale believing jewish
marry and raise half jewish children
Jewish women are top tier.
Holy fuck you got dubs of the number you rolled for
Put her in your oven. Turn it on.
I know the only reason your asking that, it is probably because you're Christian.
>be me
>take ancestry DNA shit
>3٪ Jewish
nigga head lookin like a sharpie
Yea Forums side of me says, unfriend her how dare that slut keep that a secret.
but real side of me says, just treat her normally.
make her pregnant.
jewish girls are freaks bro, they will let you do whatever..
let's see some chosen tits
She's wearing a wig. Orthodox jew women can't show their hair, like muslims.
Quit being such a /pol/fag nigger and bang that sweet kike pussy