ITT: post unbelievable yet true stories

>ITT: post unbelievable yet true stories

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once, i sex girl


im austin post

had this girl and her mom it was pretty cool

>be me, Yea Forums user
>conjure up plan to conduct mass shooting, gonna beat the high score
>prepare by shitposting memes and creepy videos on muh facespace
>D-day arrives. Start day out by eating bowl of tendies and fruit loops, meal of a champion
>take tactical gear into town in moms Dodge Caravan
>boon boom I hate glass
>bitch out and run
>mfw KD ratio is 0/1
>mfw I am Brian

So did you sign up for the ten year deal too?

I took 16 hits of acid once.

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I stole a TV studio's camera. They'd left a box that was just the right size nearby. Was worth about 150k, but almost worthless to me. Got $50 for it

Well I could greentext about the night I fucked a creampied a buddies wife.

Got wife to send me pictures of her sister then got her sister to send me pictures of herself. Then got my wife to blow me while we looked at her pictures. Pic related

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I took a fingerprint once
I don't really think I've ever been the same since. Not in a bad way or anything, I've just been a different person ever since I came out of that trip

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I have been threatened, beaten or molested by almost every man in my family

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do you still see them at family events or even attend them? whats that like?

assuming this is real, what was it like? How long did it last?

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You must have a real purdy mouth.

I was an easy target. Was always quite, never bothered anyone and was afraid to tell people because I thought it would get worse
I see some of them, the molesting happened when I was a toddler, once my brother, once my sisters boyfriend, once my dad. My brother was still a kid so I don't really blame him for that, myh sister broke up with her boyfriend when I was still young and my dad was really I drunk (I think) don't even know if he remembers

I still live with my step dad he did most of the beating and threatening, my other older brother also bullied me a lot growing up but again, he was still a kid so I don't hold it against them

I'm a guy btw. With a penis

Aaaaand I killed the thread

That's all folks

I'm a famous musician that has been coming to /b for years. I shitpost more than I lurk, and people already suspect that I come here.

Fuck off Taylor

nah that's fucked up fam. Why haven't you left your step dad yet?

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You know the rules Taylor. Tits or GTFO

I'm only 21 and don't have the money
He stopped being horrible to me when I was about 17. I'm disability benefits because I'm too screwed up to work

Just mentally? Depression/PTSD stuff? That's rough user but it's good to hear that he's stopped for the most part. Take my advice with a grain of salt but regardless of whether he's stopped or not I think your best bet in life is to keep moving forward and set yourself on trying to get out of that situation. Staying there will only lead to more problems down the line because, unfortunately, people don't just change on a dime. I know you probably didn't come here looking for advice or anything but fuck it.

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I worked hard at what I love and my dreams came true right before my eyes. If I told younger me I’d be where I am today, he wouldn’t believe me for a second. I stuck it out and powered through because I believed in myself and I’ve been rewarded for it.

I don't remember a single goddamn thing. I was practically unconscious for the greater part of the trip, but what I do remember is so incomprehensible to me at this point that I couldn't recall it if I tried. That being said, my perception of things has never really been the same since that trip. Lasted about 15ish hours where I was really seeing shit but I don't think I ever really came down out of the headspace like I was supposed to. Lucky I didn't end up in the hospital, or goin full psychosis

how does one do this when their motivation/drive/discipline is utter shit? I've had spurts of motivation that shine through sometimes - but I'm only able to act on them for like the course of a month before I end up finding some reason to go back to my shitty self.

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3 girls have let me shit in their mouths to varying degrees

Thanks. Just mentally
I still hate him, I do everything I can to not be in the same room as him and we never talk. I'll never forgive him for the shit he did and said
I'm trying to work out how to live by myself, I think I can get housing or something since I'm on disability, but I'm trying to work out some other shit first before I move onto that. Hopefully I won't be here long

Do you look like a female? How is your family so full of fuck?

hail trips of lord satan

You have to identify the problems/issues in your life and cut them out. I was hung up on a girl, played too many video games and I was never punished for my shitty actions. I worked at it for years. I definitely still get down sometimes, and motivation isn’t always present. But I make a conscious effort to cut out the bad and make choices that progress me to the good. The right choice isn’t always the easy choice, or the fun choice. Sometimes, it sucks. But the payoff is worth it to me. Ask yourself if it’s worth it to you

I look feminine, but I don't think I look like a girl.
My family has always been screwed up, aparantly my great grandfather was an orphan who lived in Ireland and was looked after by priests, I'm sure you can take a guess what happened to him there

based on your family genetics he loved every minute

I didn't love my experiences, but now I crave to get abused and beat. So he probably had similar feelings

I got laid...
by a Asian girl..
who's not fat or ugly.
And I am a disgusting fat body who's not rich.

did they ban you from the massage parlor for not tipping well afterwards?

I had consensual sex with my father for about 5 years when I was a teenager, then got together off and on a few times as an adult.

We never told anyone and no one in my real life would even start to suspect it.

Sweet info. Ayahuasca help me to do what you say

U a female?


I'm sure no one else has questions but I need to go to bed, I'll stick around for 10mins though

>famous musician
How famous? You sell tapes at the corner market?

Anime pillows don't count, Dakota.

My great uncle was DB Cooper