How did the yellow anti porn campaign get started?

How did the yellow anti porn campaign get started?

I am genuinely curious

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Same bortha

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Same brotha

yO NIGGAS how this yellow shit start??

Some nights ago, about a week or so, some threads where created protesting due to the current state of Yea Forums as a free-for-all porn board. One of the threads gained a lot of attention (around 250 replies and almost 100 posters), so in that same thread it was decided to do a semi-raid to the board by spamming propaganda in name of the Re/b/ellion. Two days later someone thought it would be a good idea to use yellow as a symbol of the Re/b/ellion so practically every thread protesting had a yellow filter.

Now, I don't know if the movement is still going or if it has died already, but I honestly think that this board is not for porn.

Summer fags.

Nuff said. This exact thing happened last summer btw.

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my nigga

I was there and I witnessed it. Don't call me a fag because I told shit as it was and save for the last paragraph I saved my personal opinions. Were they summerfags? Probably. Do I care if they were? No, I have been enough time on this board to know it isn't just porn or that "Yea Forums wUz NeVer gOOD" is a false statement used to brainwash newfags.

24 been here since a youngin no fag of summer here

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Speak with more clarity, with that grammar I don't think you are 24 and that you are rather 9.

3 kids from /pol on a discord.

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>actually believing it was /pol/ behind the entire shitstorm
This is not 2013 you shithands

Caring this much about grammar virgin or chink detected

Look mate, even if this is Yea Forums you need to be clear if you want to make an statement. We are not shitposting, we are talking about something that just happened. Now I do think you are 9 years old.

Trolls. Sadly or perhaps not, the real people that got trolled are the ones who thought it was real and some righteous cause. Newfags who have no idea what Yea Forums will always be.

I was making a clear statement, just using slang

Yea Forums didn't have as much porn in the early days. There has always been porn, but when this site got popular then it turned into this. And let's face it, if any Yea Forums user who never posts porn goes to another IB he will he faced with emptiness, on the other hand, all the pornfags can make their own IB with constant activity.

Pornfags have ruined Yea Forums there actually used to be interesting and funny

It's dead. The only yellow threads show up just after 5pm est. It's the samefag spamming his life away after school. Fuckin casuals

>6 or so days ago oldfags got sick of all the porn
>started being annoying in the FB fap threads
>Someone started spamming YELLOW
>Everyone else joined in
>Now YELLOW is trying to get mods to ban normal fag porn
That's basically it