Thoughts on Trump's term being extended for an additional 4 or 8 years?
Thoughts on Trump's term being extended for an additional 4 or 8 years?
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He's most likely gonna be reelected and very little will happen again in the long run. There ya go
More than 2 terms is literally unconstitutional.
He'll probably get a couple of state sentences after he's served the federal one.
i think trump shouldnt be re elected and his supporters need to be kicked out of the republican party.perhaps then they can learn whats most important to the republican party since they think immigration(which they cant even get right after almost 4 years) is
Checked for re-election
I'm thinking Dems attempt to ignite a civil war 2.0 scenario in term #2 and that's what will lead to his staying in office (like FDR)
Two terms is max. Trump is shit. Fuck ya'll.
He's 100% getting re-elected.
Being the best and most patriotic American still not a crime commie..............
>civil war
with what nigger? you trumptards are as anti gun as the democrats you whine so much about.good luck with your lol civil war
Trump is anti gun. Has been for decades.
You are 100% retarded
That's like arguing you like Ice cream with a cop giving you a speeding ticket....completely unrelated
What would your thoughts have been if that's what Obama pushed for?
If you actually think there are secret hidden crimes that Trump has committed but are as of yet not in life
Dude, are you multitasking?
Also completely be fair Trump was obstructed on everything for 2+ years due to that wacky Russia hoax bs
I just think the main parties are just gonna get more radical until we elect a right leaning centrist that fixes *some* things like advocating for less radicalization or whatever
i agree
And Obama wasnt obstructed by Republicans, like Bitch Mcconnell... jesus you guys are so narrow minded
Not secret jackass, he has been ope ly committing soon as he is out he will be indicted, that's why he wants to extend the terms
When this argument comes up, I say "So does Bill Clinton deserve a few more years?" and they shut up
Lol, their slogan should be 4 more years or 10 to 20...
Congress would never allow that and you shit eating bottom feeders fall for all the obvious trolls. It's why I laughed my ass off when he actually got elected. Like when all the Conservatives got mad he said mexico would pay for the wall but they dont. Obvious troll is obvious.
It's simple.
We, uh, kill the constitution.
Congress has little say if he is indicted on federal and state crimes they cannot absolve him of...
They are trying to
No dick nuts. Congress would never allow a President to serve more than 2 terms. Fucking idiot. Also if he had actually done anything please show me the leak? Why hasn't there been a leak yet? Fuck even corrupt ass hillary got called out on all her bullshit she actually did. What has trump done besides do most of the shit he said he would do on his campaign trail.
soon the GOP will be saying how we don't need a constitution because it favors the dems
After his first 8 years, America will be begging him for 8 more.
Long term, it's either going to be fascism or some kind of socialism. Once AI and robots take all the jobs some serious shit is going to go down
funny considering conservatives are the only ones who vote to reduce government spending over NO dems and how its red states that are supporting the Convention of the States movements NOT places like California or New York who want big government.
he'll get more than that for child rape
We could go to "Star Trek" land and automation ends up making society better than ever. Or it will just fuck us over.
pure speculation
Big government does not mean no constitution. Nice try though
Knowing humanity, which do you think is more likely?
>most of the shit he said he would do on his campaign trail.
Build the wall, errrrrrr
Mexico pay for it, errrrrrr
Lock up Hilary, errrrrrr
Term limits for Congress, errrrrr
Cancel funding of sanctuary cities, errrrrr
Bring back waterboarding, errrrrr
Deduct heath care premiums on taxes, errrrrr
Ban on Muslims entering the US, errrrrr
Remove Syrian refugees, errrrrr
Stop the ATT/Time Warner merger, errrrrr
Release his tax returns, errrrrr
Repeal and replace Obamacare, errrrrr
Balance the federal budget, errrrrr
He's not doing super great on those campaign promises, but he's doing fucking great at making lots more promises. I can hardly wait to see what he'll promise next.
If you've actually read the constitution or anything Sam Adams ever said you would realize that big government pretty much goes against the constitution. So yes in a way it does.
A fucking disaster because he doesnt care about america but seems to love foreign powers and wants them to have money and american working men to suffer.
In all my years I have never been more dissapointed in a president that I voted for even ones I didnt rank higher than this puppet piece of trash.
I have to be optimistic or I would fall into crippling depression.
lmao, perfect
Interpretation at best. Subject to legal debate. Having a constitution is not.
>Being this retarded
>mfw after donald trump,people actually believe republicans are still for smaller goverment
after donald trump and barack obama,america shouldnt have a constitution.since you retards dont bother to defend it
Have you read the 22nd amendment?
Legit struggling with suicidal thoughts. It's not just him, but the rest of the corrupt and Nazis he enables.
reduce government spending? rofl, he killed us with his 2.4 trillion to his puppet masters.
fuck off you traitor piece of trash.
MIGA somewhere else you boomer piece of shit stain.
gee who got that 2.4 trillion that could of helped american working men.
hmmmm hmmmmm
literally any of the other Republicans would've gotten more done
even the colored one who couldn't find his way onto the debate stage
Yeah he's just the public face of a whole bunch of corrupt people ruining our government
Oh fuck. Forgot about the amendments. My bad
People should be depressed.
You have been brainwashed friend. See the world for what it really is. Trump supporters for instance are 99.999999% definitively not nazis
boomers do, old piece of shit that destroyed the world.
no shit, trump is the worst in a long line of puppets controlled.
"who cares if white people want healthcare and benefits like the rich and moochers get, bwahaha fuck white men let them die to big pharma hahahaha!
fuck traitors, the lot of them laughing their way to the bank.
U could join antifa and bash their brains out?
Yes, have you read the 18th? It bans the manufacture, sale, transportation and consumption of alcohol.
And the 21st repeals it.
So repeal the 22nd amendment and at the same time, make the term length of the presidency life long. Goodbye time-wasting money-wasting elections.
>Nation is stuck with Obama for 20 fucking years
Good plan retard
sounds good to me
If he could run again he'd win. Would have won in 16 too
If Trump can get it done before the 2020 election, no opportunity for Obama to get reelected. The 2016 election would end up being the last term-limit-mandated election.
more like Yang needs in, not an 80 year old dude who think free schooling will solve automation when most cant even get fucking jobs out of school.
Dont vote for an old fuck who thinks he knows shit about an economy driven on tech when the dude cant even run a fucking computer.
good lord
its like putting an old fuck in charge of anything tech related, it ends bad. "how do you work this here net thin!!!"
and america could become a shit hole 3rd world guard dog for israel. MIGA!!
As if you don't do that exact thing as well.
No you faggot, no I don't.
But you clearly do, shown here.le reddit is waiting for you le new friend.
Libtards can't handle the fact that Trump has done more in four years than Obama has done in eight.
It's gonna be great watching lib meltdown v2.0
Get ready for another four years of MAGA kiddos.
This is about the only thing that I think would actually get white people rioting. Anything less than that and it's twitter rage followed by watching netflicks and not giving a shit.
you are a traitor to every american, hard working men and women suffering and you shit on them for your boomer cuck fetish with israel.
you are pathetic.
>Trump has done more in four years than Obama has done in eight.
You should list a few of those things. Just ten or so. That'll really own the libtards.
me too, like what gun stuff will he ban next, or put in the red alert laws that steal from law abiding citizens!
good job traitor MIGA!
holy shit captain caps lock.
You going to be ok? try to breathe for a second kek.
holy shit kid lmao.
nice deflection there traitor.
ok kid, cry more lmao!
Trump is fucking DONE. Not even faux news can make it look like he's anything but an abysmal failure and criminal. We are fucking ENDING that lowlife subhuman and they will march his fat useless ass out of our White House.
The worst fucking thing ever.
Just make it so elections are the only factor in whether you serve more terms or not.
This might actually have been true. Because of stupid people.
Ivan, kill yourself. NO ONE falls for your shit anymore.
Drumpf is done, it's over!
Any day now any day now any day now any day now any day now any day now any day now any day now any day now any day now any day now
LOL, look at that pouting, fat, pathetic LOSER. Even he knows no one give a shit about him.
not fucking likely
weak and predictable.
rofl keep trying boomer rofl.
keep crying indeed.
3 months ago her rating in her own district dropped record low.
tim just made another recent video about someone running against her and projected to win but I can't find that one.
I honestly wouldn't choose that hill to die on user lmao.
Thank god that's true. Let's repeal those stupid trump tax cuts, get the global warming taxes back on the legislative agenda, get some diversity across our border from Africa, show some love again to globalism, and get rid of this idiotic Western Culture. amen.
about 3 years now? mhm, any day now I'm sure lmao
here's the answer
ha! even fux is deserting him
The poll is talking about favorability amongst any voters and would be voters. Wouldn't it make more sense to poll just the voters in her district?
check this pic out faggots
I believe he did both. I honestly don't remember, either way not interesting enough for me to spend time digging.
I just remember hearing things aren't looking good for her. especially after she said all of her supporters have the intelligence of a sea sponge for believing her 12 years left statement.
Not a good look with the voters
I’d make him emperor for life
Kek. Trump supporters are retarded white boomers only now. He'll lose to anywho without our help.
He didn't. He showed a Gallop poll that shows the demographics of where the data was taken, and it was a national poll. Even the article he cites this from says, "How Americans at large view Ocasio-Cortez will likely not factor much in her future representing Queens and the Bronx in Congress..."
I'll be honest, I dont give a shit to look up the other videos for this but if you do I remember them being out there. lol
He's the best POTUS in history
He'll have a 3rd term as well
All rise for daddy Trump
To add to my earlier post in , that's like saying because Mitch McConnel sits at an even LOWER favorability rating than AOC, maybe he should be worried, too, about being ousted as Senator. Obviously, it doesn't matter what the nation thinks of McConnel, because Kentucky is the state that elects him.
Okay, but I assume you posted the video link to . Did you not at least listen to your own video?
Better than 100% butthurt