Anyone else voting for this man again in 2020?
Anyone else voting for this man again in 2020?
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Right here
If voting made a difference they would have made it illegal
only retards will vote for that fraud.
just like the first time.
Yeah but no where near as excited.
There will be a Civil War in the US with 5 years time.
Didn't vote for him in 2016
#Bye boy
He's a terrible politician. A one note tune. He could be great if he had any depth and wasn't a literal narcissistic sociopath.
God bless President Trump.
Of, by and for the people
Delusional /pol/ at it again
e y e p
I'll vote for him if the Dems dont run Yang against him.
If they do I'll vote Yang
Oh dear God no.
Depends on who won DNC's primary
mind reading
There's almost no republican running against him while the dems have 20+ Dems too devided.
There's no chance, Trump is guarentee'd to win.
i'm not even american but i'm using my illegal vote to vote for trump
>the dems have 20+ Dems
Every party has many candidates at the beginning of the race, retard
ITT: people who refuse to admit they were had by a con man.
Can any Trumpet give me a rundown of his actual accomplishments?
Some fucker already did this for you.
I know it won't change your mind but that's your problem, not mine.
Of course! Trump is the man!!!
Even AOC knows that!
>t. Buttmad Dumbocrat
Still the lesser of two evils
Nope. Once was more than enough. Didn’t need to see this level of corruption & damage to our foreign standing in my entire lifetime, much less condensed into a single term. No regrets, bc the Dems deserves to lose for running hitlery, most hated person in American politics in half a century. But handing the country to a piece of shit like trump isn’t a decision to make twice in life. You can do it once, even if you accept spending a couple decades repairing the damage, but twice is actually voting against your country.
Not being Hillary means he was the best choice, stop your delusion.
Yes. Just for the lolz and triggering of epic proportions.
I don't see any major accomplishments. Some of those are even huge mistakes. For example: just today they were trying to enforce the Iran treaty he pulled out of. Fucking LOL.
I am a red-blooded american and I voted for that man but I can't believe how idiotic he makes us look in the world. I will not vote for him again for many reasons, but telling american people that lost property to forest fires THAT THEY DID NOT RAKE THEIR FORESTS just shows how little respect this man has for his own people. Blatantly lying every day and making us more enemies in the world than we ever had before. That's not how you keep the U.S. on top of the world.
Can't wait for the Russians to make me vote for him again. MAGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#feelthebern all the way. the idea of having Bernie Sanders as the president of the U.S.A is amazing. The citizens would be damn thankful.
if someone in the first 5 posts said something about his voters being idiots, i will definitely vote for him
Am I likely to vote for him again? No
But if the dems push don't corrupt cunt like clinton, then he is getting my vote.
cant see any reason not to
hahaha! how did i know
Unless the democrats suddenly decide to stop hating me for my skin and penis, yes. And I will keep voting Republican as long as Democrats continue this intersectional bullshit.
you clearly are trollin'
either that or you're fucking stupid
Actually didn't vote for him first time. Heart went to the libertarian candidate (forgot his name lol) but instead penned in Jesus cause the system is rigged anyways
This. So much this.
basically this
I didn’t vote for him in 2016. But I’m going to in 2020
Good man
In reality the left is just constantly shooting itself in the foot. Plus the 25 candidates all running, for the sole reason of trying to be the person who can say they beat trump. The left is absolutely insane with how they are, and if you’re in college you’d know what I mean especially. It’s just fucked, I voted libertarian in 2016. But I’ve got way more just straight conservative lately, probably in reaction to how radical the left keeps getting lol. But yeah, voting for trump in 2020
Maybe if the Dem candidates didn't want to:
>take more tax money from me that should instead go towards supporting my own family.
> Say I'm a cultural problem because of my immutable characteristics. >restrict my constitutional rights.
>Be Hawks
Too much wrong with today's Democrat party.
never underestimate the power of the soy my friend leftists fight a continuous battle to be more radical than each other
I am voting for sanders. The guy has enough ideas he wants to have happen that are good for me.
Pro tip retard: the civil war hasn't end.
That because you have to be 18 to vote, little zoomer
Sanders will get cucked in the primaries again.
go biden
Kek. Got anymore of these? Pic related is all I've got
And what is the right offering in return?
Shitty healthcare?
Half of the Senate protecting a criminal demagogue?
Stupid trade wars that are going nowhere, possibly a new war in the middle east?
It's not the government's job to provide health services.
What crime did the President do? If you have information you should come forward.
The "trade wars" are working, its hurting them more than us.
Anything that brings us closer to turning the middle east into a parking lot is OK with me.
well than we have failed
The left's greatest asset in 2020 will be elction fraud, 2018 mid terms was a successful dry run,they got away with their "boxes of ballots" that kept appearing from thin air, they know the FEC is run by democrats, they are just waiting for a candidate to be selected sp they cangoing printing those fake ballots.
Fucking american fags
I can literally smell the stench of uneducated inbreeds from this comment
How? The democrat primary process is working as intended. Keep outsiders out. Keep entrenched special interest puppets in.
>It's not the government's job to provide health services.
Letting Obamacare fail is the GOP's plan, and that's going to lead millions of people without coverage.
They should be shot.
>What crime did the President do?
Obstruction of Justice, violation of the Emoluments clause.
>Anything that brings us closer to turning the middle east
We can't afford it.
FU feel proud? Fucking inbreds
U feel proud? Fucking inbreds
hey if sanders wins im happy..
Kek. What a fucking retard
No, I would not vote for that orange twat. I can't vote anyways so it doesn't matter in the least bit.
who cares if they are without coverage. I certainly don't. The bill made my insurance more expensive by more than just a little.
You have evidence for that? 2 years and millions of dollars and hard sweating of his inner circle got diddley squat.
We can afford it. We have enough oil that disruption won't hurt us. We don't have to occupy this time, just blow the shit out of their military. Iran is already barely holding together with anti establishment resentment sky high.
Cry harder snowflake , it will just make Trump's victory in 2020 just so much sweeter
I will. And I didn’t vote for him the first time.
What a great leader, though. The economy is at its best. No new wars. But most of all, it feels good hearing America first. This is the greatest country and for years we’ve been told by the media and schools to hate ourselves and our accomplishments. It feels great to be American again. Let’s keep America great.
Lol have an upvote funny stranger!
Voting firmly against that retarded criminal subhuman piece of shit. We ALL are. Not even the fake FOX news can make it look like he has any chance of being re-elected.
He won't, don't even waste your vote. It's going to be Biden or Warren. Maybe that queer from South Bend Indiana.
Warren and South Bend guy would get destroyed by Trump. Biden has a shot since he still has respect from the white working class.
Lets see the left has over 20 people announced as running and what do we have. Some rich guys who live in gated communities talking the liberal kool-aid, some nu-socialists who have lots of plans for handouts but no plan for where the money is coming from other than "we'll get it from the rich guys", and mess of tokens spouting radical nonsense without thinking out consequences. The right has a guy who won't get the fuck of twitter but at least is attempting to fulfill campaign promises who is constantly getting cock-blocked by lefty judges legislating from the bench. Trump is still the better bet compared to the dems offerings, especially since the establishment is already pushing Biden
Lmao i dont care what he did guarantee those against him are just gunna fuck shit up even worse if its between him and a lesser evil im voting trump again.
and a kind of sweetness that doesn't make you fat
I am not sure, I am waiting for Putin to tell me
its either Bernie Sanders or ....biden.
Repairing what damage?
Bernie is going to crater. His moment is done and gone.
>anyone else being stupid like me?
>kick me
>kick me I'm a stupid faggot
Imagine in 2019 being suck a moron that you still believe the Russia story despite all the evidence that Hillary was the one who paid for Russian dirt on Trump.
They're both polling on top. This is Sanders moment user.
You’re a fucking idiot. Most countries respect us for the first time since Reagan. China, Russia, the Muslim countries.. they are faced with a leader who actually has balls and national pride and they recognize this
Underrated post
Like it matters. Im sure whoever put him there is gonna make sure hes there again
as someone who just spend that past year and a half traveling to about 50 countries... no they absolutely do not.
He's hardly gotten anything done with lasting policy. Some flimsy executive orders that will just be gutted come next President.
Also cuck'd the 2A.
I'm probably just not even going to vote. No candidate is in it for the entire country anymore. They are only there to appease their base, and fuck the rest.
Fuck em' all. Just going to stash ammo, buy more AR-15s, some bullet proof vests for my friends, and get ready for global crisis.
I liek it
>I'm probably just not even going to vote
which makes Trump stronger
>and get ready for global crisis.
which you helped cause you selfish fuck
The real damage is voting Democrat. I left the Democratic party for good reason. I'll be voting for Trump again.
> The bill made my insurance more expensive by more than just a little.
And with socialized medicine, you'd be paying nothing whatsoever.
>You have evidence for that?
The 10+ counts as outlined in the report.
The Emoluments lawsuit that's been greenlighted twice now to continue.
Are you fine with the President trying to make inconvenient investigations go away and setting up a business where foreign nationals patronize for his favor?
>we can afford it
We're trillions in debt, and this is an escalation that we started, not Iran.
>We don't have to occupy this time
Then say hello to more 9/11's.
hell nah, at first i liked bernie but he's too socialist for me
Why would you assume that about me? I never voted for him in the first place.
am not votijg because am not americna
>I'll be stupid again
>kick me
>kick my fat ass
I do not care anymore.
you don't even know what "socialism" even means underage b&
Exactly. You had the power to do your civic duty to stop Trump from getting elected. And you blew it. Dipshits like you who don't vote and brag about it are a big part of the problem.
That's exactly what Trump wants from you
The rich pay most of the taxes in this country. If the government continues to raise the taxes on the wealthy they will leave.. look at Britain.
Sanders is a good millennial president and the millennials are hands down the worse generation in memory. Lazy, entitled, both self absorbed and self hating at the same time and completely ignorant of economics. Luckily they are to lazy to vote so we won’t have to worry about Bernie getting anywhere close to the White House.
There are a lot of straight males with the democrats. Beenie sanders for example. (And if you come withthe, "but hes jewish and not white" argument you are basically lost to /pol/. Suportimg BLM does not mean you hate white people. Critizising the current system does not make you self hating
>If the government continues to raise the taxes on the wealthy they will leave
lol no
adults are talking user
Yes, and I will impersonate at least 10 dead relatives so I can vote for the God-Emperor again and again in hopes I will please him. I pray that as I am on my knees pleasing him I will feel his warm radiance all over my face and chest.
but he has floors now
Why faggot?
We don't hate you, we pity RWNJ's like you.
This is why we need better healthcare--you need help.
>take more tax money from me
holy fucking shit you don't get taxed enough to bitch you fucking tool
fuck off
If you take this seeiously and want to kill al muslims then fuck right off to /pol/
Regulating firearms is not "restricting your Constitutional rights" autist
>Are you fine with the President trying to make inconvenient investigations go away and setting up a business where foreign nationals patronize for his favor?
Please name one foreign country that received special favours because they rented a few hotel rooms at a Trump hotel.
You snowflakes are as crazy as sewer rats, you spend your days and nights thinking of new and outlandish accusations to throw at your President based on the flimsiest - or none - evidence whatsoever
No he won't. He's polling high.
Straight self loathing males. The democrats and especially progressives are at war with masculinity. And what we are seeing as a result is a total breakdown in society. Woman and feminine energy cannot lead, it’s emotions and chaos.
>It's not the government's job to provide health services.
When the private sector fails to do so, yes it is, user.
Yes it is.
I’m gonna take a page out of the democrat playbook and vote for him as often as possible. My state makes you provide a photo ID so I will go to bordering states, like Illinois, and vote early and often.
>durr the dumbocrats cheated
god you're a dipshit
Where did you hear this?
More like you want to control society, you can't, so you demonize those who try to change it.
too late friend the war is forced upon us
Not that guy but
I wouldnt say theyd leave but they will definitely hide more of their money. I would anyways.
If someone wanted me to pay the majority of my money to taxes if i madr over 3 million, id beclosing up shop every year before i hit that mark. Tell my employees see you next year, this guys goin on vacation
No, it’s not. It’s your job to provide for yourself, kid. If you can’t get laid, is it the government’s job to get you some pussy?
But...but...hes not the one with TDS, you are!
The government would have no need to implement social services if the private sector provided them.
They don't, user. So the government steps in, just like anything that meets a similar criteria.
Don't want government intervention? Fight for living wages so people can afford healthcare.
Then you'd get audited.
Progressive males don’t want want pussy they are too zombied out of anti depressants and gender confusion
>It’s your job to provide for yourself, kid.
I'm probably older than you, dipshit. Fuck off.
And no the people don't agree with this.
They want Universal Health Care like Canada or England.
He's definitely the one with the Tiny Dick Squirting
How about get some skills and provide for yourself? Americans survived for a few hundred years without the government supporting them; then came LBJ, a known racist and sexist, to provide the welfare state that had not lowered the poverty rate in 50 years.
>I will try to lose weight and move out of my mom's in 5 years
>I'll try really hard
You're literally a dipshit. kys
No, bootstrap dipshit. We demand a single payer system of Universal Health Care, and you're going to pay into it too.
Or get out.
>durr dumbocrats r the reel raycists
>kick me
>kick me kick me kick me kick me
So, they want to wait for months for critical care or be unable to get certain drugs that some bureaucrat decides cost too much? People don’t want shitty British healthcare. You might because you are unable to provide for yourself. I doubt you are much older than me. I’m the end of genX.
>I'll be stupid again
Arguement by name calling
Well done demo you proved my point.....>_>
I am
Then support living wages so bureaucracy doesn't take over, user. Oh wait, you're going to be a huge faggot about that too.
> I doubt you are much older than me. I’m the end of genX.
I'm 54, dipshit.
I would like to se your credible sources on that one.
What does "being at war with masculinity" even mean? There are of course stupid fucking lefties. But u cant throw them in one pot and you cannot demonize everyone
shut up trumpfuck
Saudi Arabia.
Source: Ben Shapiro's moist flaking asshole
Who is we? The radical leftist who attack anyone who even slightly disagrees with them? When are you going 100% solar and wind? How much land do you think it would take to go totally “renewable”? We don’t want government run anything. Name one thing the government runs thing.
>I support incompetence
>kick me
>kick me kick me kick me kick me kick me kick me
The government doesn’t provide housing or cars or clothes.. if I stopped working tomorrow I’d be on the street when my savings ran out.
When you say the government should give people healthcare you are really saying the tax payer should be forced to pay for others health care. Poor people tend to be lazy- that’s why they are poor. They have bad lifestyles like drinking too much and smoking and drug use, and eat shitty food, are obese and plagued with preventable diseases like diabetes and heart problems. Now, if I work hard, make good life decisions and support myself, I should be responsible for some one else’s bad decisions?
We the People, teabagging fuck.
Aww, let me guess. You're a poor white man who's struggling to get ahead in life?
Maybe read something about LBJ, moron. Dems are the party of segregation and slavery. Deal with it. Dems are the party of control.
>We don’t want government run anything
Too bad. Your dumb "free market" isn't working, and government steps in when the private sector fails.
>you are really saying the tax payer should be forced to pay for others health care.
Yeah I am dipshit.
Surprise. You live in a society with obligations per the 16th Amendment.
You don't live offgrid.
Audited for what? Lets say the tax bracket is 80% over 3 million. If i stop making money right before 3 million and start back up again the next year i wont have to work for 20 cents on the dollar
of course
If I supported criminality , I would be voting Dumbocrat
What is your idea of a living wage, grandpa? Do you think the democrat position of unlimited illegal immigration hurts or helps wages?
Ohhhhhhh Trumpfuck !
WOW you getting just so much better.
Actually Your President is the biggest controlling fascist going right now.
And you're buying into it lock stock and barrel.
Hell yeah
Nah. You aren’t the majority. And you fight like bitches.
You're cheating on your taxes, user. You actually deserve prison for what you're advocating.
You're literally a dipshit.
Chop your own penis off.
How much were you paid for this comment?
not a "man"
just a punk
Doesn't matter. You'd better support it, and it had better be enough money for people to buy the health services they need. Probably starting at $20 an hour.
You literally elected a dipshit, user. You're lucky Trumpshits like you don't get beat up on a regular basis.
Gary Johnson.
Yeah I wasted my vote too.
Just did not want Clinton a bit more than I did not want Trump. I won't make that mistake again.
The free market actually works perfectly. Corporate money needs to be taken out of politics. What we now have is a corporate run government based on special interests “campaign contributions”. Get big money out of politics and get the government back to guaranteeing an actual free market and things will work out. Free market is the most democratic form of economics, by far.
We are the majority. The People favor a Single Payer System.
Explain how he is controlling. I want examples.
Not everyone is going to vote for Trump. Only those with a brain
>The free market actually works perfectly.
No it doesn't, dipshit.
That's why we needed Obamacare, that's why we need Medicaid for All.
The free market is a fucking joke.
>durr twump dindu nuffin
Explain the gases coming out of your anus.
What do you think unlimited illegal immigration has done for wages for working Americans?
pick one dipshit
Nope, kid
You mean "undocumented workers" and I never see you trumpshits threatening to arrest those who hire them.
He can't
there's why he can't.
Ok, commie. You don’t know anything about the free market. Life isn’t fair, kid. If you have no skills, you lose.
Why? Do you want to pick fruit or hops you fucking faggot?
Watch any Netflix movie or cable tv show. The white male is always the bad guy, the multicultural lgbtq hero’s always on the side of good. They don’t even hide it anymore. It’s just a reoccurring theme in all new media.
The family courts are designed against the fathers and husbands.
Affirmative action means even if you are more qualified you are passed up for someone who is not white and male. If you choose to be honest with yourself you’ll see that the left, led by the media and the schools, are on a full fledged offensive against the white male and patriarchy. And again, it’s only causing society to crumble, suicide rates to raise, divorce is skyrocketing, drug use is out of control
nope, im gunna write in ted cruz
In Texas and Oklahoma its a crime to knowingly employ them.
What the fuck are you talking about.
Explain it. You made the claim.
Yes, because I'm a good goy boomer with USA cap and wheelchair with flag on.
Answer the question. What has it done. They are illegal.
yes, yes i am
Trump is living proof here is no such thing as voter fraud.
There have been no more than 5 cases in the last 50 years.
Answer the question.
I paint houses for a living, i do own my own company. If this scenario were real and i was capable of making that much doing this. Its not cheating at all, i can stop working whenever i want.
We're all here
Yes, little man.
you called me a dipshit but didn’t address any of my other concerns. If my neighbor makes bad decisions and eats fast food, drinks and smokes, doesn’t work or save, why should I be responsible for his medical bills?
Odd's are I'll probably never vote again in my life. And I'm in my late 20s. The ones running for president and their campaigns are a fucking joke. Our tax dollars never stop lying. Pieces of fuckin shit.
I'm going to hire 100 wetbacks. They'll vote for him 5 times. And then we'll do something with barrels, acid, you know.
>durr twump do nuffin
> twump do nuffin
Jesus fucking Christ shut the fuck up.
It is everywhere, user. But you RWNJs never bring it up. All you want to do is hurt brown people and separate them from their kids.
You are the majority of screeching childish adults, that is true.
Give me one reason beside "Orange man bad"
>You live in a society
Yes we do.
One that used to value liberty above all else.
What claim? Your stupid fucking President is a control freak. There is no debate here.
Ohhhhh beat up on a regular basis.
Did your wife/gf' s bull tell you to say that ?
I voted Johnson the first time,I'll definitely be voting for him this time around though.
Answer why you won't go after the RICH WHITE PEOPLE who hire undocumented workers user?
Trump good but swamp bad we cleen swamp then we all good we fight that why Trump must win 2020
He’s gonna win again. At this point hilldog was beating him be 18% in the polls. The best atm is Biden at 13%. Polls are shit and always loaded dem. It will be hard for him to lose
because they ARE the ones hiring them
Uh, oh. Everyone is a racist. Then why is my wife’s family from Mexico and why are my kids half Mexican, ethnically? They came here legally, btw.
Sound pretty gæ if you ask me
They are here illegally. And they are foreign. That makes them illegal aliens. Take your Orwellian double speak somewhere else.
Undocumented workers have nothing to do with wages, user.
You're a stupid Republican dipshit who sucks Fox cock.
Get sick of cancer you corporate tool!
You said he’s controlling. Give me one example.
>hurt brown people
You mean
>stop criminals
You're a selfish fuck, user. And "concerns" or not, you will be expected to continue your share of taxes.
Pick your nose, dick-head!
All the older generation did was fight wars and play politics. That's all mine and the younger generation are going to do as well. It's a worthless fucking country to live in unless you have tons of money and resources to fuck around with.
I’m not in law enforcement. Answer my question. What has unlimited illegal immigration done for wages for working Americans? Just answer it or is the answer scary...
The real criminals are white rich people who took advantage on regular every day normal people.
I'm a democrat here but I know Trump is gonna win 2020.
>why should I be responsible for his medical bills?
Because you live in a society, user.
Show some fucking maturity ffs.
You don't. You want to control people user.
So you're mad that you aren't white and rich?
Hahahah 9/10 you had me going
Now you're just Babbling nonsense.
Yes, they do. If you have a group of unskilled people willing to work for less, it lowers wages for everyone. You morons don’t know basic economics but are sure socialism is the key.
Yes. You trumpshits deserve to have the holy living shit beat out of you for what you did.
My first time voting in my life will go to him
>you want to control people
That is literally the antithesis of liberty.
Try again.
No, I'm proud that I'm an honest man who did nothing wrong to anybody.
I think I just might. Just to piss off the liberal shits that want to tell me what I can and can't say/think. A vote for him is a middle finger to liberals.
White rich Republican American citizens are hiring undocumented workers, user. And yet you trumpshits never go after them. Ever.
So you're not a racist? You believe in full social diversity?
True redpill on Trump is here, join
>government fucks up everything.
>government cannot even run a savings account without fucking it up.
>lets put bartenders in charge of our healthcare system.
What about Oprah and the guy married to Beyoncé? They are billionaires. What about Michael Jordan and other wealthy black athletes? Fucking Michael Jackson and other black entertainers as well.
You're a self-hating fascist who supports fascism directed at people who are your color, user.
Biden the Child Molestor and Rapist 2020!
>undocumented workers
You trumpshits NEVER go after the WHITE RICH REPUBLICANS who hire them.
I think you need to revisit the jobs illegals do and who is actually running the companies.
protip: It is legal mexicans.
Shut up trumpshit
Then we should be responsible for housing, feeding and clothing everyone as well? Maybe Bernie can get free blow jobs for all while he’s at it? How about everyone who becomes a decent human and finds a woman to marry has to give the degenerate who no one wants a quick rimjob and reach around just to make it “fair” for all?
No, I didn't. Because you aren't stopping the RICH WHITE REPUBLICANS who hire undocumented workers.
My man
There is no goal of anything except with you people who are controlled by race, gender, sexual orientation and whatever else you can come up with to separate people. I don’t think about because it means nothing.
You idiot, Johnson only ran once. God damn shit for brains.
Undocumented workers has had zero effect on wages in the US, user.
I answered this.
How is trump a fascist? I want one example.
You said it, kid. Give me one example. Just one.
But I'm serious. You're one of those "taxes are theft" dipshits who think people who need healthcare are the poor and criminals.
I LOVE President Trump!!!
You do understand they just use a made up social security number until they get caught and fired right?
if it's him vs Biden, yes. But would easily take Bernie/Tulsi/Yang over 4 more years of false promises
I don't have to try. You can't handle progress, so you yank your tiny dick and insist everyone follow your little circle jerk. It's pathetic, user.
You morons have no understanding of economics. It would be funny if there weren’t so many of you. I bet you listen intently when AOC spouts her economic brilliance.
>being this btfo
I think you need to spew a few more Fox News talking points trumpshit
Maybe you can post yourself sucking your own dick if you're not so fat you can't even bend over
So you do not believe in full social diversity and are in fact doing the bidding of white nationalists.
>but durr I'm a messican
Stupid fucking self-hating dipshit, lol.
yeah, retards and russians
He’s right. I own a construction company. Almost all the illegals work for companies owned by legal Mexicans. That’s 100% true.
Trump is stupid and he will win because most of the americans are stupid.
Also gay
That Mr. Trump sure does understand the value of a dollar
They are. Hard working people with integrity take care of themselves and their families and make decisions in life not based not instant gratification like bad food and smoking and drugs and lottery tickets, but on longevity; health, financial security, and prosperity. People who work and save are not the ones who need to take from their neighbors to survive.
Banning Muslims, putting kids in cages.
In a just world, that would shut you up.
He floated the idea of sticking around if he loses.
Nah, I live in oklahoma and see them everywhere. When their numbers get pulled they ghost. Kind of how something like 80% of asulym seekers don't return for their hearing.
You live in a fantasy world.
I'm 54. I seriously doubt you're older than me.
Fuck you, faggot!
It’s funny that you leftists have no real answers for anything except screeching like children. Maybe that should tell you that your ideology is ignorant and indefensible.