So today I got a call to install a latch and lock on an abandoned building in Flint, Michigan because people kept breaking in and doing God knows what. They also mentioned that 3 days ago the building was the scene of a homicide. 2 people were shot at 3:30AM, one of which died. So I drive up at like 8 in the morning to take measurements because most of the hooligans are passed out by then and don't get up and crime until the afternoon. I get out of the truck and walk up to the building and then notice that there's a fucking bullet hole in the glass front window 4 more in the drywall in the main room as well as a large brown stain on the carpet, all marked as evidence. I installed the latch and dropped off 2 keys to the city police, but I still don't know how to feel. I just saw a place where less than 3 days ago a young woman died in a pool of her own blood. No conclusion to all this, just felt I should share the experience somewhere. Oh, and while I was screwing on the latch 2 black guys tried to steal my truck. They kept trying to say it was their truck and demanding I give their keys back. I had my hand on my carry gun the entire time and called the police but they left before the officer got there. Flint fucking Michigan man.
So today I got a call to install a latch and lock on an abandoned building in Flint...
Other urls found in this thread:
Damn that sucks my dude
>black guys tried to steal
>black guys
You mean niggers?
Whatever you want to call them lol. It's a shitshow with them here
Flint is a shitshow. Get out while you can. Anyways. heres a song I like (related)
>Flint, Michigan
Would've thought you'd be used to living in a 24/7 Fallout LARP by now user
Holy fuck, this place must be a burning trash can. I'm an eurofag and even I heard about this place being shit.
Why you bitching about niggers?
Without em you're out of a job faggot.
You should be on your knees praying to god every night that a bunch of niggers run train on a white woman and kill her stank ass so you can go to work the next day.
Ungrateful fucking asshole...
Yeah, the entire city just needs to burn. I'm contemplating moving to Texas in the near future once some business things pan out.
>dropped off 2 keys to the city police
>called the police but they left before the officer got there.
something seems amiss here.
Well that's why I carry 2 extra magazines lol. Wouldn't want to take on a gang with a pistol, but if I had to at least I would have enough rounds to die shooting
Dropped off the keys to the administrative department (which is who called) after I installed the lock. The men came before I finished. I'm a private contractor that does a lot of this shit for the city.
That's true, they're responsible for 90% of the trash I pick up (as per another contract). And they definitely keep things interesting lol
>administrative department
you mean the support services bureau?
It really is. Another thing they pay me to do is boarding up abandoned houses, but normally I have to check inside so I don't nail someone shut inside. Talk about white knuckle scary. They're always dark bc of not having power so I have to kick in doors with a flashlight in one hand and my gun in the other. Trash and needles all over the floor and potential for the floor to collapse at any moment due to structural issues. I've never encountered anyone in a building yet, but it's obvious that people squat/do drugs in them.
Whatever it's called. They handle administrative tasks like billing. There's a chic there in charge of maintenance and I deal with her and the chief.
Not bad, I like the instrumental. I've got a bunch of other pics/video from weird jobs but apparently they're too big. I'll try to figure out how to resize
This one was an old restaurant that crackheads tore the back siding off to get in. As you can see, on this section they hit a block wall but the section we boarded up was just insulation and drywall so they were able to punch a giant ass hole through it. Image was resized so the quality is terrible
$1700 for this one
good story Yea Forumsro very fascinating. no snark.
yeah but the shooter at the raptors parade yesterday was a white guy. picture that. nigger ball celebration, white shooter.
How much did you paid to do that?
Hmm, how long do you think it will take the natives to break back into the building?
Thanks man! This is such an interesting business. Trying to compress more files now
Who pays you? The city?
>large brown stain on carpet
>bullet holes everywhere
My detective instincts tell me you have been lied to, and it was just some law abiding citizen shitting on the carpet firing his legally owned firearm.
My cost was $45ish plus 2 hours total so I'll probably charge like $200. And they always find a way back in lol. The front is all glass but it's probably impact resistant based on why the bullet left a hole in it instead of shattering it. If they break off the latch then I get paid to put another one on
You sound like a whiny cunt OP, especially considering where you live
"omg u guise someone DIED HERE OMGGGGGGGG"
Fucking soyboy
more pics of interior?
I'm trying to stay fairly ambiguous in case this somehow gets to them, but I have a few set contracts with Flint area cities that entail lawn maintenance at a set price. Since I already do that for them, any time they need extra things done they usually call me or their other contractor. On those extras I charge whatever's fair based on cost, effort, and RISK which is why the figures may seem high. Keep in mind that they also require me to have massive liability insurance for things like mowing freeways so I have to cover my operating costs
Most people don't see this shit
3:30 thinking druggies would be passed out when should have gone at 5:30
source:am druggie alochollic
I haven't been following that but ok. The media only sees race
I'm old enough to remember when Flint was a nice town.
Fucking GM wrecked the place
Lol I've been there. Never touched junk, but I used to stay up until like 8am drinking all night after my first breakup
Coming from someone who'd probably wet his pants and hand over the keys.
Media is also very loose in terms of who they refer as white when it fits their narrative.
Everyone blames GM but I see it as the fault of the unions. They asked for too much and employees stopped giving a shit and would come into work drunk for 30 years and get a massively unsustainable pension. Feel free to disagree, but I think the people who were let go should've taken responsibility and found work somewhere else. GM is a shitty company but I don't think blame helps anyone. And I'm 23 so it's always been a shithole
You're right about that
Imagine being so brainwashed that u think death is bad
You think that because that's the propaganda you've been fed. Yea, the union could be stupid and greedy, and there were no doubt some abuses, but that was better than all the damn money going to the very top.
GM bailed because they could make cars in Mexico cheaper and the government didn't do shit to stop them.
Imagine you wake up tomorrow and half the people in your town are out of work. All the bootstraps in the world aren't going to help them when there just isn't anywhere else to work
I should've taken more pictures. I opened the door but didn't want to go in. Not because I was concerned for my safety, I just didn't feel the need. Plus I left enough fingerprints on the outside lol
It's an adventure!
Found the GM cuck, suck that dick, faggot.
>I see it as the fault of the unions
I think that's how history sees it also. They ruin everything. The only ones who disagree are the ones who belong to a union.
Imagine trying to be this much of an edgelord. Keep trying Darth Dracula.
>make cars in Mexico cheaper
Mexico doesn't have cheaper labor or materials or anything. Mexico's only advantage is less regulation and far superior trade agreements.
Outsourcing made sense financially. You're right about shitty executives though. And people always adapt to new circumstances. One person sees a shortage of jobs, another person sees a surplus of labor. An opportunist would've started a business and put those people to work. And some people did
Are you retarded? Their labor costs are like 1/3 of ours. That's why free trade with 3rd world countries is a bad idea.
Wrong. I'm a banker. Dad worked at Ford.
Hey OP, Thanks for the OC. This is a good thread (no sarcasm).
A high school education, and a willingness to work hard, guaranteed a man a job that he could comfortably support a family on. Less than 30 years ago.
Now? You're fucked if you're not smart, already wealthy, or well connected.
My employer has some pretty large manufacturing down there and it's almost the same as what our workers get in California. About 90%.
Bullshit. I'm those first two things and I live comfortably.
Glad you're enjoying it. I rarely post but this had to be shared
Live comfortably by yourself or live comfortably with a stay at home wife and 2.5 kids?
wtf is your point idiot? people, especially drug heads are getting shot and murdered everyday.
She was stay at home with two kids. Then the youngest got older, she got bored, and now both work.
I dropped out of college to start a business because I saw an opportunity and my family never helped me a bit. I read a lot, but I only consider myself smart enough to know that I'm stupid. 3 years later I own 6 duplexes that are fully rented and run a highly efficient business with 5 employees. All it takes is commitment
I normally just watch the idiots reee at each other but occasionally a good thread like this shows up. Plus, what you're talking about is in the same general field, sort of. I'm thinking of getting into crime scene clean up. I've got experience in contractor work and know I don't have a problem with the gross stuff.
US business interests have had the upper hand in all of its trade agreements. Fuck you're stupid
Like I said there's no conclusion, I just thought some people might find this interesting
The US only has a handful. MX has, fuck, let's just say all of them. Out economy gives us leverage, but from the seller's view, taxes and tariffs are murder. Mexico is muuuch cheaper to get goods overseas.
Oh nice, I wish you the best of luck. I hear that pays quite well.
Wanted to upload the full video but I can't figure out how to mute and compress it
Thanks, plus being between to big citys like Austin and San Antonio means lots of work. Already have My concealed carry and a bunch of the biohazard certs from the army so a few less thing to take care of. I hope you stay busy and safe up there.
Wrong one. Here it is
Mid left of pic, the always needed heavily stained mattress. What crack house would be complete without it.
Yeah, cities are great for that. And Texas is a great state. Would you take a job or start a company and bid on contracts. Governments love bidding out to contractors because it means no unions, benefits, pensions, or equipment to pay for. You could hit it big if they bid that stuff out.
Lol you should see the upstairs. 2 doors at the same point in the hallway on each side and I'm trying to clear them both at once without having my back to one. Should've brought another guy
"Mexico has more free trade agreements (FTAs) than any other country in the world"
Fuck it. I have a YouTube channel. This is a yard cleanup I did.
I'm thinking starting up my own, still have access to small business loan with the VA and know a few other vets I could hire on as needed. I have some contacts from being a paramedic for word of mouth on the individual jobs like in home incidents. The big issue would be getting a good rep so I can get a few contacts.
Japan and Europe aren't even on there. It's why mfg's like Honda, Toyota, and Mercedes now operate in the US (at a higher price, but cheaper to ship, gov't subsidies, etc).
I mentioned earlier the chance of floor collapses. Now you see why
Damn! You never know what a tweeker will do. I think I would have gone the chicken route and called a friend.
You must have to pay a crazy insurance premium.
Oh nice, I didn't think of that. I feel like startup costs for that would be pretty low. Idk if it's the same in Texas but in Michigan Government contracts are required to be open to the public and up here they almost always choose the lowest bidder. But never bid too low. You always have more expenses than you plan for and I learned that the hard way. For me I make a moderate profit on the main contracts and make a killing on the extra jobs because I can charge whatever I think is fair. I actually lost the bid on freeway exits to another guy but he recently realized that he can't make a profit with what he's charging (and they look like shit) so they dropped him and are finalizing giving the work to me for my original bid price. You should join a chamber of commerce and meet people.
Just over $20k annually for everything. That includes a $6 million dollar liability policy in case we somehow destroy a water tower with a zero-turn.
I should have. I almost never go upstairs in houses but I had to that time because a window was broken.
Found a grow operation in a basement once too
Also, this...
>A high school education, and a willingness to work hard, guaranteed a man a job that he could comfortably support a family on. Less than 30 years ago.
My wife grew up in the classic white trash family. Trailer out in the country, wheel-less pickup on blocks rusting out in the front yard, baked squirrel for dinner.....the whole white trash package.
3 1/2 years of high school then stood behind a counter asking "do you want fries with that".
But what she had was a "willingness to work hard".
Where is she now?
15 years later.
CEO of an international aerospace consulting company.
thats the saddest looking grow op ive ever seen
Thanks for telling me. I was thinking of getting active in some of the local VFWs around the area. The old retired vets always seem to be involved in local government. It might also be beneficial to do a year with a group that would be out of the area I want to start in so I can get a feel for the office/paperwork side of the job. Start up cost isn't very high. I already have every tool I could ever need, mostly it's permits/cleaners/truck (I live in TX but just have a car and bike ha)/advertising costs/misc. But I know I don't ever want to ride an ambulance for the rest of my life.
I've got to ask, because of the downswing/water crisis of Flint, are people just cutting their losses and abandoning their houses? I can't imagine anyone can sell a house there right now.
Can you give me an airplane
Yeah, I saw you throw the head at the other guy. That's super creepy.
I actually thought that would be higher.
Props to her my friend. People like her choose to accept personal responsibility for their situation and are part of what makes this country the best in the world
>something seems amiss here
Yes, and it's your reading comprehension.
Lol there was a shit ton of hydroponics gear and like 80 dead stalks behind the house
My use of language obviously extended past "retards", you retard.
I don't need to have a civilized discussion with you fag wad. The fact that you want people to silence their worries, rational fears, and doubts about retards like you posting pictures of anal cavities online and using guns is just proof that you are a retarded fag-wad.
The only reason that I came here is because I've watched Fear Factor one too many times when I was a kid, and now I have a morbid fascination with seeing just what kind of gas-station bathroom diarrhea shitstorm of a garbage dump resides in the mind of a 'Merican that feels that owning a M16 is "God given right" in a Nation that still prays tot Jesus at Congressional speeches. You dumb fuck.
Even your president repeatedly speaks about Jesus and his Christian believes while talking about bombing the shit out of other countries.
This isn't an argument you dumb fuck. If you haven't caught on yet, then I am just waiting here for you die chocking on a bottle glue or some dumb shit like that.
Yeah, that sounds like a solid plan. You could probably get away without a loan at least until you secure a contract. Absolutely 0 risk that way. And yeah, I think it's illegal to sell a house in these type of conditions. A lot of people just burn them down to collect the insurance money. Others get foreclosed or abandoned. It's truly a sad situation
Lol I always try to keep things fun. The head was weird as hell
Wrong thread?
it's a very interesting scenario, Flint. The reason the city is as shit as it is has to do with it's relationship with Detroit. Flint grew in response to residential demand from manufacturing in Detroit. As the steel and automobile industry dried up, there was an economic vacuum left in its wake. The proverbial stool was kicked out from under Detroit (and Flint) and the lifeless body was left to hang under it's own weight.
Wrong thread? WRONG THREAD?!?!
What the honk did you just honking say about me, you little honk? I'll have you know I graduated top of my honk in the Navy Honks, and I've been involved in numerous secret honks on Al-Honkuaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed henks. I am trained in gorilla honkfare and I'm the top honker in the entire US honk forces. You are nothing to me but just another honk. I will honk you the honk out with precision the likes of which has never been honked before on this Earth, mark my honking honks. You think you can get away with honking that henk to me over the Honkernet? Honk again, honkler. As we speak I am honking my secret network of honks across the USA and your IP is being honked right now so you better prepare for the storm, honklet. The storm that honks out the pathetic little thing you call your honk. You're honking honked, honklet. I can honk anywhere, anytime, and I can honk you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my honk honks. Not only am I extensively honked in unhonked combat, but I have access to the entire henks of the United States Honk Corps and I will honk it to its full extent to honk your miserable honk off the face of the honkinent, you little henk. If only you could have known what unholy honktribution your little "clever" honk was about to honk down upon you, maybe you would have held your honking horn. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the honks, you goddamn honk. I will honk honk all over you and you will go deaf from it. You're honking honked, honko.
>Can you give me an airplane
Build it yourself like I did.
I haven't read much into our history because I honestly don't care about it but that sounds logical. I know we used to be big into building horse carriages but then switched to building cars once they became popular.
That's really tragic to hear. At least you know you have a job no matter how bad it get.
I already have a chunk saved up, about 15,000. If I take my time and work for someone else for that year I could beef it up some more. I have zero debt and only real cost I have is two dogs. In theory, after that year I could just out of pocket and have a good just in case acct. I really like your idea on that. No loan means no loss of money to interest. I'm really glad you started this thread, it was great getting feedback on my ideas. Plus it was entertaining. Thanks again.
Any type of job like that you've got to have at least a little bit of a dark sense of humor.
My use of language obviously honked past "honklets", you honklet.
I don't need to have a henkized honk off with you fag honk. The fact that you want people to silence their honks, rational henk, and hinks about honklets like you posting pictures of anal honks online and using honkers is just proof that you are a honklet fag-honk.
The only honk that I henk is because I've honked Fear Honker one too many times when I was a kid, and now I have a morbid honkination with honking just what kind of gas-station bathroom honk honk storm of a garbage henk resides in the mind of a Honkler that feels that owning a M-Honkteen is "Clown given honk" in a Nation that still honks to Pepe at Congressional honks. You dumb honk.
Even your president repeatedly honks about Pepe and his Honkler believes while honking about henking the honk out of other countries.
This isn't an honk off you dumb honk. If you haven't honked on yet, then I am just waiting here for you honk honk on a bottle air horn or some dumb henk like that.
Yeah, it really was out of character for Yea Forums. I post business stuff on my YouTube sometimes so subscribe if you want to stay in contact. It's always good to network with people. But that's a great start if you've got $15k to play with. You could definitely cash flow it. And it's great to have an emergency fund in any business
Flint fucking Michigan man.
one of my greatest moments in life was moving the fuck outta that city.
but god damn do i miss Big Johns
>like I did
Did you really? I can't fly, but I'd love to build one of those.
Yeah it's a shithole. Big John's is it's only saving grace lol. The pinnacle of sandwiches
You setting up a grow OP? Count me in.
i go back every year round' christmas since my parents still live in Flushing and that magical place with its magical red sauce is always on my list of stops
Already subed. I don't use my youtube for anything more than just watching vids but you're right, you never know when knowing someone in a similar job will come in handy.
Definitely odd for the chans to have civil conversation.
I'll check out the rest of the vids later. You can always pick up a thing or two from stuff like that. one of the best things I picked up was from a video on sewage. Vic's vaper rub on the inside of your nose when having to deal with horrible smells. Doesn't get rid of it but makes it better.
Good talking with you, I'm calling it a night.
I think it may have been the 3 black dudes that stopped by the house while we were working. Said they were working for the homeowner and got 1000% less tense when we told them we weren't going in the house lol. Took a trailer that was there and left. I honestly didn't care if they were lying. Less shit for us to remove
Oh damn dude, I graduated from the home of the Raiders in 2014. My parents live in the Bluffs off of McKinley near Coldwater.
>Did you really? I can't fly, but I'd love to build one of those.
Almost 3 years of nights and weekends. Love flying the thing.
300 mph gets you where you're going pretty quick and It'll handle a few loops and rolls if you're so inclined.
And I can do my own maintenance which saves a lot of money.
As an added benefit, because I did the test flights after I built it, I can legitimately tell people I'm a test pilot.
The downside is with that much power in a light airplane, it's not very forgiving of inattention.
SHITTTTT I lived off of Mt.Morris and Mckinley,
Graduated 2011
Thanks man! It'll be cool to keep in content. Maybe comment when you take the leap into business, I'm interested to know how it works out for you. I'll keep that vic's trick in mind since I mow 2 water treatment plants that smell terrible lol. Thanks for posting!
Sounds awesome as fuck. I have two of those bucketlist things that I know I'll never get to do. A plane like that and build a boat and live out somewhere like Puget Sound/North Pacific for a few months.
Why don't they just bulldoze these old deathtraps?
Be safe, don't let out detail on this site.
I'd say at $1,700 for the job seen in the area described you are under paid.
Holy fuck lol. There's a giant horse farm on that corner now. We may have actually known each other. I used to run track and cross country and was heavy into camping. Kinda embarassed to be found posting here lol. But fuck it, Kris Schwieman. Here's my YT
The people of flint have been trying for fucking years to get that done. But no money and now with poisoned water, shit aint ever going to happen. I will watch my home town become an absolute ghost town in my lifetime
I think they eventually will. But for now they want them boarded up to avoid lawsuits and shit
Now i dont know you personally i have seen you, lol. shit dude small fucking world.
I was a stoner and overall "loser" in high school not to mention me being a senior at the time so we never talked but i remember you.
Denver is a really rad place for camping btw
If I lived there I'd clear and then burn them in patches over a period of a year or 2. No wrecked houses to live in and the bums and niggers will move on.
Aussie by the way and this amazes me.
Yeah, you're right. I think it's cheap compared to what it could cost for an actual builder or for them to hire employees. I hate taking money from the government but I think of it as taking back my tax dollars lol. And like I said, we're the cheapest option they have so I'm doing the taxpayers a favor
If you don't some other schmuk will.
If they are to stupid to simply demolish entire suburbs if it's like this then their loss.
That's crazy man. Funny how life works. Hope you're doing well. Maybe subscribe on YT or friend me on FB if you want. I shouldn't post my name on here, but I don't think I said anything that would damage my reputation and I can always use more exposure for business
Yeah, true. I never gouge them on pricing and do a way better job than others would
Death Wish 2: Arson
What part? The houses are unlivable and government moves so slow so boarding them up is a good temporary option
you'd be fucking surprised at how many people from HS who are on this board, nothing to worry about honestly. I'm doing good, making more money then i've ever did in Michigan here in Denver. Traffic is absolute dogshit though lol. Yeah man ill throw a sub your way. If i had a FB still i would friend ya, Yea Forumstards are my kinda people lol
there is a thing called Devil's Night in Flint michigan and that is exactly what happens. No joke
I spoke with a guy that does that at a gas station last month. They get $1,000 an hour
Interesting. I get on Yea Forums like once a month and almost never post. Thanks for the sub and I'm glad to hear you left lol. I was pretty weird until senior year
Sounds like the beginning of a creepypasta lol. Just looked it up and it sounds crazy
>Sounds awesome as fuck. I have two of those bucketlist things that I know I'll never get to do. A plane like that and build a boat.
Just start and work on it when you can. I figured the plane would be a 5 year project. But I like building things and with the help of friends who literally asked to help, it was done 2 years early. It probably cost me an extra $1k in beer for my assistants though.
In the end, it felt like it was a lot easier than I thought it would be when I started.
We all were lol. Fuck that whole school was weird xD. All i gotta say is Mr. Groinsmack lol. Dont know if you know that tale but wouldnt surprise me if you did
Flint in itself is a creepypasta
Yeah, true.I knew he had a thing for staring at hot chics he seated in the front row but that was it. I was more focused on STAN FUCKING HOLMES
It really is
be honest with me...did you have a thing for Mrs.Canterbury? lol
Also on pedo holmes, did you hear one of our classmates just got caught recently diddling kids xD. My friend out of the blue sent me the Flint Journal article on it and was like i always knew that kid was diddler lol
the house looks like that one where the black guy is showing his cash to the camera and then the cops raid him
I don't think I ever had her. But if she had a thing for me then tell me so I can make something happen lol. There were a few hot teachers there though. I didn't hear about any student pedos but it doesn't surprise me. I'll look for the article
Looking it up now lol.
it was this guy. he was 2 classes behind me so you may have known him.
I live here. Tell me about it user
Empress of China is pretty top notch, so is the coney grill
Doesn't look familiar but I probably know him. Just need a name lol. I do know that everyone I graduated with keeps dying though. A dude just recently did. His name rhymes with Reff Lisher
Fucking white people, I swear.
Spotted the
I may or may not mow the 2 water towers off Center Rd near you lol
im a seasoned urban explorer and i can't believe landlords pay you to board up their shitty collapsing buildings.
I think the kids name is Chance Donovan
Also yea i heard about that. shits a damn shame. i remember the last few years in HS a few kids commited suicide. shit wasnt pretty and not to mention flushing secret heroin problem is most certainly not helping. not saying the kid went out that way. just i personally had a few HS friends that fucked their shit up with that crap
They're owned by the city
shit, i'm from STL and we just let buildings rot here. there was a spree of arsons which took out over a dozen of them.
Not finding anything on Google under that but I'll keep looking. Yeah, it's just a fucked up area. Never knew about the heroin though. That's terrible
Oh damn. Glad they caught him at least