So, why exactly do we have to have 90% porn threads? Oh yeah...

So, why exactly do we have to have 90% porn threads? Oh yeah, cause you faggots are cucked to porn and can't enjoy any other kind of thread.

Attached: 1560620623180.png (1117x800, 675K)

Other urls found in this thread:



fuck off papist

All praise the Mighty Pepe,
the Savior of our keks!


Just disregard the gratuitous porn banners moot-gook-chan instanciated





It is indeed official; Netcraft confirms: yellow posting is dying

One more crippling bombshell hit the already beleaguered yellow posting community when IDC confirmed that yellow posting market share has dropped yet again, now down to less than a fraction of 1 percent of all shitposts. Coming on the heels of a recent Netcraft survey which plainly states thatyellow posting has lost more market share,this news serves to reinforce what we've known all along. yellow posting is collapsing in complete disarray, as fittingly exemplified byfailing dead lastin the recent4chan comprehensive shitposting test.

You don't need to be Alex Jonesto predict yellow posting's future. The hand writing is on the wall: yellow posting faces a bleak future. In fact there won't be any future at all for yellow posting becauseyellow posting is dying.Things are looking very bad for yellow posting. As many of us are already aware, yellow posting continues to lose market share. Yellow ink flows like a river of piss.

All major surveys show that yellow posting has steadily declined in market share. yellow posting is very sick and its long term survival prospects are very dim. If yellow posting is to survive at all it will be among /pol/ refugees. yellow posting continues to decay. Nothing short of a miracle could save it at this point in time. For all practical purposes, yellow posting is dead.

Fact: yellow posting is dying

LOL fucking porncuck

Attached: 9dlhdbn8qg0y.png (600x600, 196K)

About time


play my game:

i thought i had ad-block on.

Keep calling me a cuck.
It really turns me on

Attached: 85D13A61-164D-402A-9A5D-BEF8AC32A36F.jpg (768x1024, 79K)

LOL you're such a faggot



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Dubs and trips

Checked and kekked

Attached: F0F37A6E-563C-4178-ABC9-6787CCA8DADF.gif (331x197, 1.71M)

God hates fags, cucks, and porn addicts

Bumping for more porn

Attached: F15D3DD0-B560-4EE9-B1C6-882615581D80.jpg (1024x1024, 110K)

He also hates liars and hypocrites and reserves the worst circle of hell just for them. know...

Attached: C9F9E6B5-419F-46B6-9CC2-C65EA8213AD8.jpg (702x900, 185K)

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If I were a brainlet I imagine I might even care what an imaginary beard in the sky thought about where I spilled my seed

Attached: 35C929FC-60B4-4437-8A1E-B63E86699ACE.jpg (650x300, 57K)

Shits deep...

Attached: 1558927908153.jpg (500x344, 50K)

So, you know, I'm safe
>hurr durr only stupid people believe in God

Attached: (You).jpg (570x587, 43K)

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>only stupid people believe in God

Attached: C07B5F1A-2F16-4CC6-81A6-2F49CEF41A42.png (500x396, 115K)

You have other board options too and porn was here first. Porn will fuck you pally, it will fuck your ripe little turdcutter and it's balls will give yours an oily slap while its autistic no armed one eyed gentleman penis piledrives into last night's dinner.

This is like those “I hope someone doesn’t post CP” posts back in the day.

Faggot clearly wants to look at CP

The lady doth protest too much methinks

Attached: 37D4C5C1-58DB-499C-9FD1-221AA1E4FB07.jpg (559x785, 97K)

Stay mad porncuck

lol you've been off this board for the past two weeks, haven't you?

Lol ok, tried to warn you

I maintain this was the original goal of the yellow turban rebellion.
My porn folder has doubled in size as all the old guard open their porn folders and share in solidarity.

It is by intention and design.

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Keep calling me cuck

Attached: DD9A2A0F-639B-4D81-BD1B-A78CC59E3EF2.jpg (1200x1200, 125K)

No porn means more ponies.

Attached: 1352960553010.jpg (748x566, 59K)

It’s the most self defeating and retarded thing I’ve witnessed since the Downes Syndrome World Chess Tournament

The bronies are back

Attached: 54BC034F-0DDE-4710-8778-27D4EB6C22AB.jpg (1366x2048, 147K)

I mean you're objectively wrong but okay



Enjoy your ban

Attached: D714A273-BD21-413C-B82D-8480037199C0.png (640x1136, 79K)

Because /pol/ exists, so edgy newfags and the trolls that fuck with them aren't here. It was proven when /mlpol/ was created; remove /pol/ and the funny comes back.

>you're objectively wrong
The net result is ‘more porn being posted’
You’d have to be a Bond villain Hollywood trope of a retard to think that telling /b to stop posting porn would result in anything other than people posting more porn.

You used the word ‘objectively’ incorrectly.
Kindly do not do so again

OP here. My actual feelings are more or less these posts here (hate loli, shota, and furfags but eh, I'll keep trolling the lolilovers):

youre my god

Why would we compromise in a war we have already won, faggot retard?

Attached: BD04BF8D-95D2-455C-8A52-BB5CE85EB08F.gif (270x360, 886K)

That's what you think

Seriously, it's time to give it up. Page one has no yellow and it's filled with porn. I had to go to the catalog to see if any yellowfags were left. This is the only yellow post with a decent number of replies. You guys keep posting yellow and it drops right to 10 and rotates off, because nobody cares enough to bump it. You're not having an impact anymore.

Attached: b3.png (225x224, 65K)

>that’s what you think

>front page full of porn

Delusional faggot.
It was never even a war, it was suicide

It's also full of yellow, what's your point?

This thread has been up for an hour and a half. People are definitely bumping it.

>full of yellow
Only when porn fags bump it with porn

Citation needed.

Degenerate fetish content is a staple. This board is more visited and moves fast enough to introduce anons to things they never knew existed. Regular porn does not belong here, but absurd and interesting niches are home here.

Yea Forums is the last holdout of the old internet. It's anonymous, uncensored, crude in design and personality. The incredible amount of generic porn shill threads is most certianly a problem, but you have to be trolling with the rest. The question you should be asking is why so many trap threads? Why a "secrets" thread at every hour of everyday? Why so much generic jpeg porn on a rudimentary board like this when 4k streaming videos exist for free? Are there people behind every one of these threads? Or groups with vested interest in collecting data and forming the minds of anons?

Attached: 20190618_202308.jpg (435x602, 227K)

>Yea Forums is the last holdout of the old internet
Yea Forums has been dead for well over a decade.

>citation needed
I can say the same thing to you

And I can say “front page of Yea Forums”, you retarded fucking giblet

And I'll just say what I said before. You're repeating yourself.

Do you not understand what is happening here, faggot?

Read the top of the page “the stories and information posted...” etc etc

I’ve created yellow threads and then spammed them with porn,
I’ve made porn threads and then spammed then with yellow.

Argued for and against in atheist threads.
Presented rational anti-racist arguments in my own white supremacist thread.
Shilled for Trump and Clinton in the same thread?


Because it beats working and I’m bored.

Confused generation Z Faggots like you are collateral damage in my own personal Kek war.

There used to be a rule here:
Lurk Moar

Cunts forgot about this rule. It was quite important though.

Attached: 4559C364-6369-4B96-B180-3480979A8E04.jpg (1064x579, 381K)

Exhibit A you gormless retard son of shit eating pig Fucker

Front page is not yellow, and it’s full of porn.
Right now.

Go check.

Take a screen shot.
Prove me wrong

Don't have such technology to take screenshots, but it does have yellow

>can’t take a screen shot on their device

If your objective was to discredit yourself then mission accomplished faggot

Attached: 1A4A842B-27C9-4439-A025-5103D0CAFF9C.png (640x1136, 209K)

Sex is the oldest form of entertainment. Before tvs and video games and books there was sex. Sex is the main thing on men's minds, the other stuff is an after thought.

I am your Jesus now.

Attached: billionaires03.jpg (456x352, 29K)

I can't find a free computer screenshot service though
Also good job exposing yourself as a phone poster tard

It’s just an image posted on an image board.

The image will not answer, and OP and Anons will not engage in earnest, honest conversation.

Just post porn

Attached: 4E9A25D8-18DA-4CE3-A71C-1042D2700278.jpg (768x1024, 80K)

>exposing myself

>anonymous board

Gee, I’m so. I’m so embarrassed to have been caught using a device everyone has for a purpose it was intended,
It has really shamed me in front of you, user, faceless sexless possible algorithm.

How will I ever continue?
Oh right ....

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You're just one of the groups made fun of on this board, that's all. So am I, but at least I have a purpose.
I've tried in engaging in honest discussion, and all you guys just say "fuck you". Every. Single. Time. Without fail.

just use pornhub? or hentaihaven? it's not that fucking hard to find porn. these fags just have to go the extra mile and post all porn. i don't hate porn, i just don't want the entire fucking board to become a porn board. some are arguing "it's a random board, porn is random!" that's like a slot machine that always gives you bars and blanks and rarely anything else. where's the random in that?


An Arab 'refugee' in Germany beating his wife to death gets away with 17 months jail on probation.... because the court accepted the accuse of 'cultural tradition and so on' ... when I drive 70 in a 50 zone I will have to pay the fine, because they say 'not knowing the law doesn't matter'

These people are not only being forced upon us you see, they are protected, they even go free for rape in some instances.

All in the name of being 'not racist' and liberal. Maybe it is time to stop that. Including such new insanities as traps

Attached: 2FC8E7FB-6806-4BB5-ABEC-FE15D9B61836.jpg (683x1024, 169K)

That's fucked

Civil war when?

Fucking drive them out of your country already.

It's been done before.
The Muslims used to control Spain like 500 years ago

You, dear Spain, could start not voting left left lefter all the time.



>at least I have a purpose.
Being a colossal faggot is hardly a purpose. It’s your curse


The level of this bait, let me tell you


So all this time, YOUve been the victim.

And here we are just ignoring you, and not helping you, consoling you, making you chicken noodle soup and tucking you in at beddy bye bye times.

I’m sorry user.

There. There

fuck off and die, yellow scum sage

Attached: Mot.jpg (456x457, 24K)

Chicken noodle soup? Well, if you put it that way: gimme

First we change your diaper and then it’s time to suck mommy’s cock

>happy being a victim
>muh superior white race

Wut? I can't enjoy chicken noodle soup?
What is wrong with you?


My purpose is issue awareness. The fact that you pornfags keep refusing to accept that's what this is proves how intellectually dishonest of you. It's one thing to think we're wrong, or even that we're stupid. It's another thing to say that we don't have an actual idea behind what we're saying.

what part of fuck off and die don't you understand

>cucked to porn

Attached: inigo-that-word.jpg (400x345, 41K)

u gay

post a better thread then, jeez its like you guys are all cucked by that fag on the cross and this retarded frog

as much as this is a fucking random board. yes, i think it is time to eliminate all the fucking porn posts. theres literally porn boards right fucking there but newfags and normalfags just prefer to flood Yea Forums because "muh Yea Forums has the best PORNZ! and SLASHB is the only Yea Forums board cuz its FAMOUS! I WANT TO BE PART OF MEMES!"

>can't enjoy any other kind of thread
We have already

>i just cant stop watching porn i just cant stop

Hello OP and other posters,

You may be unaware, but the Yea website offers a variety of different boards. While the Yea Forums (random) board may be used for anything that’s random, it would be better to populate other boards where your specific interest lies..!
Here are a list of various boards dedicated to specific genres of porn listed under the “Adult” section on the Yea Forums website!
Sexy Beautiful Women
Adult Gif
Handsome Men
High Resolution
Adult Cartoons (rule 34)
Adult Requests
Random Degeneracy

Degenerates have no excuses for posting porn on Yea Forums
Prove me wrong.

>It's another thing to say that we don't have an actual idea behind what we're saying.

You have an idea. The idea ‘let’s clean porn off /b’ is one of the most self defeating and retarded ideas since the Downes Syndrome World Chess Tournament

Attached: 9B378B77-AFE1-4F33-821F-A7F307A4311C.jpg (1260x710, 55K)

I neither care nor am aware. Porn is forever and you failed before you even began

Attached: 1559710120819.jpg (720x513, 74K)

See, that's a better direction

“It annoys you” is all the excuse I need

Attached: 0AD00E16-60B1-4B5E-9F7D-4430B3B1EA02.jpg (574x1024, 52K)

But what if it DOESN'T annoy us?

Then shut the fuck up about it you whinging bitches

>group speak
>group think

Dah comrade

Attached: 6F95CF74-E847-4FF9-8C95-906C4E69C2A3.jpg (1280x913, 204K)

>hurry, we must all collectively defend our pr0nz

>free computer screenshot service
You mean, the print screen button???

Are people like you even allowed to use a computer?

I’m amazed.
Like watching a chimp perform calculus

Attached: yellow.jpg (311x700, 33K)

Because, even though porn had been posted on /b since the beginning, a bunch of incel faggots all deciding on exactly the same day to yellow post and demand porn be removed isn’t group think - you all had the idea independently- on your own - at exactly the same time - on the same day - using the same color coded meme

Sounds legit

Attached: 786E482A-BC40-4155-84D7-B3DF3B645AF8.gif (320x240, 53K)

Sieg Heil

Not me saying it's not group think, it's me pointing out the kettle calling the pot black

OP here, night pornfags, love you

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Attached: x-art-5309705.jpg (800x536, 88K)

Next level retard.

>derp everybodi eets da fuuud, derp.
>eating fuuud is group think

You’re a faggot with no labido

The strawmen start coming, and they don't stop coming, and they don't stop coming, and they don't stop coming, and they don't stop coming, and they don't stop coming, and they don't stop coming...


You don’t actually know the strawman fallacy you brainlet faggot.

What you witnessed was called ‘analogy’.
Why am I helping you?
Pity I guess.

Attached: 38C356B8-60B1-494A-9BED-EEA496F03C03.jpg (576x1024, 87K)

Hammertits VonRucklebury vs. Barneydoo McBrevitz

My fingers are tingling, sempai. Am I going to be alright??

i love you OP

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I wish the yellow wave won out but you can't fight porn.