Worst shooter of all time
Worst shooter of all time
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soia boiye
who dat
who dat
Fucking retard had more ammo than the entire allied front on D-Day
Didn't get a single fucking shot off
What a fucking faggot
google image search suggestion ''pig''
what did I miss there are too many shootings to keep up with
There are vids, he was shooting he just didn't hit shit.
Dallas shooter got domed before he even did anything, seen airsoft players more prepared than he was
Brian Isaack Clyde, hilarious gunman, 150 rounds, and he was panned before he could do anything.
Haha, this is why shooters choose places where their targets are UNARMED. GG WP.
perhaps he was never intending to hit anyone? just wanted to go out with a bang,,,
Bottom right is the baby from eraserhead
I'm sorry, do you think there is a "best shooter"?
He was shot in the lung not the head
Fair point. But then why so much ammo?
This is our guy. Hes about as successful as anyone on here at doing anything useful.
Obviously there is a best shooter, considering they all have a common goal of killing people in their target areas. We can rate them based on their preparedness, gear, efficiency, survival time and body count.
Still got shot without doing anything lmao
Brevik is king
There is no comparison
just to pop off as many shots before they take him down. if he goes and shoots one bullet, they tackle him and take him away. if he wanted to suicide by cop, just keep firing bullets, show people how many you could have taken if you had wanted to.... but then again, maybe he just sucks ass... i mean, he was in the military though...
Have they said he was shot in the lung? I would guess heart just from the pic. I am basing that on absolutely nothing. I just feel like a heart shot would drop you while a deflated lung would just slow you down (i mean it'd fucking suck) but i wouldn't expect someone full of adrenaline to collapse and die immediately from it.
you know you're fucked when you look up shooting and the event your looking for is buried behind 2 other recent articles on different shootings.
>I would guess heart just from the pic.
He was in the US army too. The US sure does have the best army in the world!
He was discharged for "failure to adapt". Basically he was too autistic to be in the army.
Fucking ASU belt? Why?
So just one shot?
It actually said on his discharge paper "Yea Forums user". Huh, weird
For the same reason he had a carrier and no plate. Kid was rarted.
Did he die an incel?
I was admin in the Air Force. I’m like the least likely enlisted man to ever see combat. But I still had to pass marksman tests regularly. There’s no way he was ex military, arrived with a fuckton of ammo, and shot up a public place without hitting anyone, unless he was trying not to.
imagine being so genetically weak you die from one bullet
what do you expect from antifa?
Likely suicide.
marksmanship tests are useless, it's a lot different under stress and with rounds coming your way
>genes vs boolets
>”genetically weak”
Imagine being this ignorant about how genes work.
exactly, I've heard you can build up an immunity to them. try one to the head tonight and in a few weeks you will be practically invincible
Where's the pic of him in armor with the anime waifu pillow?
50 cent took 9 bullets and lived. U mad white boi?
More like the coolest.
Cubby Hole Clyde has cubbied his last hole.
genes make your bones and skin stronger etc. its also how much muscle your have and some other factors. i could take five bullets easy
the shooter had inferior genes so he died immediately from being shot once in the chest
This. Milanon can’t shooty shooty without rooty tooty an scooty mcbooty.
Dude seriously has pig ears!
Wasn't he a leftist antifa soyboy?
Why doesn't the media say he was "far-left" but when a person who voted for Trump does something like this, articles like "What we know about the far-right shooter"?
50cent was born nigur, so never fully a living person in the first place. 3/5 of one, according to muh morning constitooshun
Right in the x ring. Good shooting
Good H christ, for the sake of the species, whatever you do, don’t breed.
>I could take five bullets easy
Fuck me, that's the funniest thing I've read all week. Thanks, user. I needed that.
Why? Are you afraid of how unstoppable his children would be?
Bc like all your far left shooters, he left a wake of far right ideological writing & threats behind him. Those fucking lefties.
Go back to redddit. They're having a sale in soy for faggots.
weak boned incel
This is what happens when good guys with guns engage a bad guy with guns in a timely and effective manner. Scot Peterson, take fucking notes.
if he is 3/5 of a man and was shot 9 times then he was hit 9/5th's of the time and therefore should have been killed almost twice
5 bullitz inna face
or t built in da lungs
Bc genes
My vote is he didn't intend to kill anyone. Just wanted to force others to kill him.
thats true, my grandfather is a neuroscientist
Yeah dumb retards battletoading other dumb retards with arms parity is why only the stupid bother with pea shooters like this. When youwNt to do some damage, you got to rig up your explosives and coordinate with an aerial drone attack.
Lol, that fucking baby
>being this clueless
man, the left is really trying to spin this as a right-wing attack because he posted "nazi memes". the number 1 use of the MAGA phrase in 2016 were the left
>hurr durr it's called irony
who actually got this pic though?
Luckily, american gun fetishists are low on imagination. If they were more creative, they’d be doing more effective shit. But if they were more creative, they wouldn’t be fagets like this in the first place. So it’s a lot of boring monkey see monkey do “one man and his gun against the world” Hollywood trope shit, bc murricans are cultural pre-war European barbarians. Aggressive and ignorant.
... wearing his Class A belt ffs
he pissed his pants
>be milfag
>load up ur gonz
>spend $$$ on flash kit
>launch ur personal combat attack
>go into battle
>w/o your cover
>no helmet...
look at that hit. Center mass
why do you kids always have to cry about right or left?
it's extremely obvious he was a right leaning weeaboo super sperg and he did this because he was a virgin spaz. end of story.
Yeah u also shit yourself when you die too. And if a woman, gas pressure is also released thru the vaginal opening carrying other contents along, in an unflattering outburst.
i've never shit myself when i died you lying faggot not even when i was a baby you lying faggot
Was the peeing his pants before the shot or after?
>why do you "kids" always have to cry about right or left?
implying you're very left wing antifa, since you belittle people
>he was a right leaning weeaboo super sperg
keep the insult train alive, it's the only weapon the left has (as demonstrated by this left antifa "shooter" who couldn't hit a single target)
>b-b-but user his folder of memes
you have a folder of black-on-white porn and "right wing" memes yourself, does that make you also a nazi?
epic fail blizzard. epic fail.
>other contents along
what contents are going to come out of a pussy? it's not made to discard bodily waste except for dead eggs
before and he shit himself on the ride to the shooting
Stop chugging the kool-aide and realize sensible people live outside the myopic dichotomy that you're enslaved by.
I'm not surprised, he probably used that black dildo he calls jamaal while he looks at sissy porn
They always are.
It's called media spin, they spin a narrative.
Hence how the hispanic who shot the black kid was "white" according to CNN.
aren't you late to your antifa meeting?
i belittle retards. you're a retard. you're also a typical defensive sperg who thinks nobody on your faggy little political team can do any wrong. both of your teams are spergs and i'm calling this particular shooter sperg to be on your team based on his fb history.
i'm not a basement sperg like you so i don't have any memes for the right or the left. i just call you retards and watch you reeeeeeee like you're doing now.
>why shooters
> their targets
They are people you faggot. I don't think that this reality has sunk in. In this world, PEOPLE play Mortal Kombat for fun, Give medals to people for killing, and sing songs about killing in both Rap music as well as in National Anthems.
Bitch, giving more guns to these people isn't going to solve anything. Go watch your favorite porn videos and pray to God saying "thank you" for all the traumatized co-eds with daddy issues, because this problem sure as shit isn't going anywhere. Regardless of how many guns you want to add or take away from the equation you dumb shit.
This shit had me dying lmfaoooooooo
Tom Fox
>b-b-but you're the retarded one
nice rebuttal, antifa, not falling for it
You are a sad, sad, politically obsessed man.
what do you mean the left is spinning this? Any normie at a media company would of course assume he was a nazi
made me chuckle, thanks user
Tom Fox. He was going to the courthouse to report on a trial and this dipshit walked around the corner like that.
you meant to say sperg, faggot, and retard, mr. antifa; maybe try again?
>army friends on facebook
>likes racist/homophobic memes
>gun sperg
i'm using a thing called logic to make a judgement. you're using a thing called being a butthurt newfaggot to cry when someone says the guy is likely right leaning. where's your logic to counter my point? again, you have none. you're a sperg. you political basement spergs are so pathetic. enjoy your sperg life.
I’ve had a couple very fearful moments in my life. I cannot comprehend being so scared that I piss myself. I get this metallic taste in the back of my mouth and blood goes to my head.
that's another person making fun of you, not me.
Is there a template for this?
You're not me, nigger, fuck off.
Not same poster, but you’d be surprised what comes out of what hole once someone dies, man. I work at a funeral home and a crematorium, and one dude had shit purging from his mouth and nose due to an intestinal blockage.
he was clearly meant to be talking to be, dipshit. gj on being just as dumb as the retarded politics sperg.
That wasn't me, either. Someones just being a fag.
Did you lick it off?
Fuck no, nigger.
I thought the Christchurch guy was pretty good. He removed some kebab..
A first hand look at T spawn.
He did a good jod. The vid was pretty fun to watch too
would have been so much funnier with the le reddit demoralizational poster format.
Was taken out by pepper spray first.
Careful NZ and interpol will send hit men after you for besmirching Allah.
Looks like he forgot the six pack of beer.
Do you wanna test your theory user?
Good shot. Got him dead center.
Low quality b8