How can I ensure a 40+ year old fuse box with massive screw in transistors sparks before blowing completely?
Asking for a friend.
How can I ensure a 40+ year old fuse box with massive screw in transistors sparks before blowing completely?
Asking for a friend.
Other urls found in this thread:
maybe put in fuses instead of transistors
Ah yes silly me. I'm tired.
Come on Yea Forums you can give me more than this.
got bumps?
come on anons
Got a pic? Might be able to bypass/overload
sure, give me a min. please keep an eye on the thread.
>Remove screw
>Create small gap between transistor and connector
It has too look like an accident. Not looking to burn the house down or kill anyone in it as its only me but I need to force the authorities to come out and look at it.
More pics to come. Sorry for the pixels.
Master switch. Been slowly melting in on itself for months now.
Last one for better quality.
Those are normally filled with silica to insulate. Take one out, crack it open and empty it about half way then screw it back in.
I was able to overload it by simply turning on things in the house and getting a 10kw usage(?) but sparks is whats needed,
Sorry for confusing words all I know is how to screw in a fuse and flip a switch on a circuit breaker.
Didn't even know there was a difference between the two until yesterday.
If it blows, it cracks open and melts the silica. No one would be able to tell you cracked it and emptied it.
Does it have to be cracked? Could look obvious? Or can this happen on its own?
Oh ok. Because it blew before a few months back when HM's were here vegetating infront of their tellies but everything in the house just cut off. No potential hazards other than having to talk to each other for a few mins.
Driving, but I'll check back in 30mins.
My fuse boxes don't have transistors. They have fuses, breakers, and fusible links.
There is a filament inside made to melt at a certain voltage spike. The silica around it prevents it from arcing.
Thanks man. Here's a picture of aul' aggie while I wait.
She's the friend I mentioned.
Google videos of transistors failing. Or people taking them apart. You'll get a pretty clear picture on what I'm talking about.
Seriously, look it up first. Don't take the internet too verbatim. They make mistakes.
I hope you are posting in a way that your insurance company won't be able to see. Those jews are really careful in making sure they don't lose their shekels.
Ok gonna google that now so. I might have to come back for some more advice when I'm more knowledgeable and then I can actually understand what you're saying.
Can I ask how the silica could be gone? Can it happen on it's own?
I need to take this to court afterward hence why it has to be an accident.
Prick nearly killed my dog with rat poison. Among everything else. This will be the only way to get justice. Believe me I've tried everything else.
I tried using TOR but Yea Forums was being a cunt about it. Haven't been here for years. So just had to use incognito mode chrome. Gonna have to upgrade to windows 10 in a week or two anyway so just gonna burn the HDD.
Is that enough? I know chrome is shit when it comes to privacy.
1. remove all spare fuses to a dumpster across town
2. blow a fuse by overloading
3. put on latex gloves
4. steal a penny from your stepdad
5. place penny in socket, try not to wipe fingerprints
6. overload the circuit again
7. ???
8. profit!
Forgot to say its a tiny HDD about 20 years old so it won't be missed. 100GBs its practically no GBs
Shrugs, pretty sure your internet provider can see what you were doing. At least that you were on this site at this time.
he's not in murrika so he's safe from the Yea Forums honeypot
>I need to take this to court afterward hence why it has to be an accident.
explain why a blown/melted fuse is going to involve the authorities again?
>England where they spy even harder.
>implying i have any parental figure in my life.
Penny is too obvious. It's practically doing it already but it's not enough for me to just sit in the dark all night.
Hmmm. is right I'm not in the US but I am using a mobile provider. A 4G hotspot.
I can't get an official inspector out because its not a "public" house. It's private rented. Which is what a Fire Warden told me. Even though he said there's no such thing as a Fire Warden. Even though the Tenancies Board told me to ring the Fire Warden. So someone was lying. It just goes around in circles like that.
The house is shit and I didn't look to move into it I was put in it because the landlord got into shit with the previous building and gave me this as a replacement.
I've been here for months and don't even have a key or a letter box. Rats everywhere, holes in the roof leading to rusty ceilings and walls.
The only way I can do something about it is by forcing everyone's hand. Firebrigade can't ignore it then and neither can a court.
Not English. There are more than two countries.
Oh yeah, Scotland
Scotland's not a country. Is a kneelers' shithole.
Got it. Eidenburgh
"Scotland (Scots: Scotland; Scottish Gaelic: Alba [ˈal̪ˠapə] (About this soundlisten)) is a country that is part of the United Kingdom."
Can yOU sAy TAnzAnEaa?
>Implying they were ever a true country.
They had their chance three years ago. They're kneeler's no matter what Wikipedia says.
Counting Mexico there are like five countries.
How did you count them all? Are you a wizard?