Tell me your problems anons, I’ll listen and maybe even offer advice if I can

Tell me your problems anons, I’ll listen and maybe even offer advice if I can.

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I dont want there to be porn on this board OP, but where will loli\ shota \ trap threads go?

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They should be given their own board, it’s only fair.

I got a job interview tomorrow. Pretty nervous.

Be confident but not arrogant, maintain eye contact and pay attention to what they’re saying or asking.

Know your strengths and weaknesses and be ready for when they eventually ask.

Yep have already prepared extensively. My parents were visiting so they had me go through a mock interview. Should probably be getting ready for bed soon though.

Good luck user, you got this.

Been feeling like i want to die for the past 8 years, then 3 months ago it stopped and i was really happy for once, lost a ton of weight etc, then3 days ago it comes back, just an hour or so ago i tried to tie a noose to use when jumping off a highway pass

im hungry what do

You should call a suicide hotline and get on meds, it sounds like you’re bi polar.

I know it’s cliche but don’t pick a permanent solution to a temporary problem, the world is a beautiful place, stick around and check it out.

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I've been on meds before, makes me feel plastic, can't get a hold of my doctor, she pretty much tricked me into un registering from the mental health service so i'm on my own. i'm diagnosed with major depressive disorder

Cbd oil and support groups, it helps to talk with others going through same thing. If that doesn’t work then I’m sorry but I can’t help user.

pretty sure i have borderline personality disorder and it makes it really hard to have relationships (of any kind) with people. I wish I could stop thinking everyone hates me and only has me around to fill their needs/desires. It all just sucks man.

plenty on gif

I’m the same way, I just got used to being alone and I’m a lot happier this way,

cbd oil is the cure-all for everything now

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It helped me get off the bottle after 15 years of not missing a day.

They classed cbd oil as a narcotic just the other day here. i can't do support groups, i'm too fucked in the head.

Of course they did, it works too well.

Yup, doesn't surprise me at all

Pumping air into my butt so i can fart it out again

I’m fat af and an alcohol
Organs hurt lately
Haven’t shit solid in weeks

Send some magic giveafuckandfixmyself energy y way user

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Also BDP here. Being alone is incredible and one of my favorite parts of life atm. Still can't maintain a solid relationship tho, RIP

I think you look sexy

Alright op try this out

I’m setting up a shower cam and have two hours of recording time I set my screen to turn black after one min but the battery dies quick any other tips?

I set it to make no noise shutting off tested it to make sure you can’t see it and taped over all the lights

First time trying this and desperately need to see what’s there

My girlfriend has been gone all month doing a camp counselor gig and she hasn't had any reception. I'm a little nervous about her cheating honestly. I trust her completely but you just never know. I'm having a hard time dealing with her being gone because I hate being alone and I don't hang out or talk to anyone other than her.

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