Yea Forums I need your help. My balls smell. Real bad. Even after I shower, 20 minutes later they stink.
How do I fix this problem?
Yea Forums I need your help. My balls smell. Real bad. Even after I shower, 20 minutes later they stink.
How do I fix this problem?
Baby powder, works like a charm
tried that, it only works for like a couple hours and then im back to smelly balls
mint. not the plant mint, but a mint essence like pic related. it helps.
same shit happened to me. started spraying my balls and crevices next to the balls with gold bond every day. cleared it up but still have to stay diligent with it.
Diet, nigga. Fix your diet.
Then, some sort of man-powder for your dangly bits.
Ignore this faggotMint burns like a motherfucker on your junk. Trust me.
Use nads to remove hair, lessens odor. Lose weight by eating whole fruits and veggies only. Improve your smell by only eating fruits and veggies. Less fat,good diet, and no body hair will greatly improve the smell. My wife will sometimes sleep with her face in my crotch just to smell
May be fungal. Try some jock itch ointment. Also may be a topical yeast infection. Red cider vinegar
balls are supposed to have a smell... just wear it proudly, I love the smell of my balls
You are a fat fuck, eat like shit and/or have poor hygiene. If it's not your cheesy hormones it could be a fungal infection. Does it feel itchy burning or tight? Do you funk under your nails when you scratch it? Does it smell bready or beery? If so hit with some jock itch ointment, keeping dry and exposed to air, and limit your alcohol and sugar intake for the next week or two, and eat some probiotic yogurt. Oh, and FUCKING EAT LIKE A HUMAN BEING, EXERCISE, AND STOP BEING A FAT FUCK WHO NEVER WASHES THEMSELVES YOU FUCKING CUMSTAIN OF A HUMAN
Lose some weight you fat fuck
Start by cutting off your balls
You'll have instantly shed 8ozs
Wash with Irish spring bar deodorant soap, it’s killer on odors. Don’t use any of that natural shit. And spray your balls down with spray deodorant after you wash and dry them. Fuck the ozone your balls need to smell right
Oh and one last thing since you may have not been taught well and didnt know. No homo. Try to wipe your pooper just in front of your sack back to the crack, and if you have to multi direction that shit, make sure to clean your balls after wiping. It sounds stupid to have to say this, cause it is, but use the wet toilet wipes on your balls and crack when you are done wiping.
Go see a doctor.
are you using soap?
Spray on deodorant around the area (not on)
Could be a fungus or std.
If its still a problem in a week or two see a doctor op.
wuts the proper way to clean my buttcrack?
Lay off the curry, Pajeet
Shave them. Powder with the blue bottle of Gold Bond powder.
Lose 200 pounds you fat fucking cow
Give yoself an enema
Pour some Listerine on a paper towel and dab your sack all over. Creases between legs. Swear it works. Burns like a bitch but worth it
Seconded. I'm 320 ilbs and work outside untill I did this swamp ass was terrible. Breathable cotton boxer briefs and Listerine cures chub rub and swamp ass.
Start shaving your junk and balls, as well as your butt. Hair tends to soak up and hold on to smells, so even things like baby wipes, baby powder, or deodorant don't really work as effectively.
Manscaping is a good habit to have.
protip, use lady razors if you can. Women have softer, sensitive skin, so their razors are made to reflect that, so you can avoid razor burn in some uncomfortable areas.