what do you think the best thing about being a woman is ?
What do you think the best thing about being a woman is ?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Literally the only chance for survival is through the good grace of a man
If a woman isn't utterly ugly life is basically going to be easy mode for her.
having society cater to your needs and delusions
The clothes.
you get to see breasts every day
just just look down and their there!
Pussy is the strongest universal currency on the planet.
They get to eat my cum
The hairy juice hole
what a lie, pussy is the CHEAPEST thing on the face of the earth
the orgasms
Many men pay hundreds of dollars for an hour with it. It's literally accepted everywhere.
Literally being able to walk into any room and announcing you want to fuck.... and there being willing participants readily available would be nice.
Using your sexuality to get your way in almost every scenario imaginable.
Having life on easy mode but still having the ability to bitch about the littlest things. The worst thing, which is the period, is really just exaggerated for more sympathy.
The complete and total lack of responsibility or accountability.
You can fuck whenever you want (except if you're ugly af) without paying for it. It's much more exhausting as a guy.
ITT: Incels performing a grand wizard summoning
So, you have experience as a woman faggot?
Says the anonymous shit poster
No but I know some women who can agree on this. My gf does for example.
What is the plural of anecdotal?
skank pussy is
but quality pussy attached to an interesting person is what bankrupts millionaires
And yet your manky cock is worth even less.
Max kek KYS
You can spawn humans at will to create the biggest autism army the world has ever seen
i envy my gf for having sex with me
Multiple orgasms. And not having to work for a living.
Although being a fat or ugly women must suck hard. At least as a man you can make money to get women to like you. No one wants the ugly girl, even if she's rich
Sure, it might not be the norm for some but most girls could go out and come back with a guy to have some fun with
>but most girls
And are these girls fucking other girls, because otherwise, you brainlet shiteater, there is an equal amount of men also having a fuck.
I’m embarrassed that you and I share a gender
I'm not saying most girls are doing that. I'm saying that they could do it.
When logic meets misogyny
>they could do it
And there is conceivably a reality in the multiverse where you aren’t currently being a retarded faggot, but without concrete evidence, it’s putely hypothetical
Never actually having to work, but having the luxury of wanting to anyway, bc half of the world thinks it’s normal to just give me whatever I want to get through life.
Having my biggest problem be that everywhere I go people like me and want to be with me. My GOD, it’s so awful, boo hoo woe is me lol
lol girl problems...
well putely
Yee but some of them are(/were) doing it, e.g. my gf.
You can be completely inept and still have shit catered to you. Which is weird because it only causes problems down the road.
>this user hasn’t even encountered the market value of a girls butthole yet
>girls will gibs u 1000x vaginal sex per every anal
And , you fucking gormless retard, unless they are lesbian , then there is an equal number of men also getting laid.
I mean, if you’re being this retarded simply to be bait, then well played.
If you actually sincerely hold this opinion, then reconsider your life choices
and don't get me started on the poop value
have you ever had a period?
i don't believe you have a gf
underrated post 10/10 for truth
The value to me personally is highly variable depending on where I am in the refractory period
Is it worse than putting up with someone having a period?
your gf is fucking around? Do you like being a cuck?
Needs food badly
i have no idea, i've never had one, but until i do i can't make any value judgements about how bad or not bad one is.
Probably the prerogative to have a little fun.
4channel has done a lot of good for me, tbqhwymn. From philosophy, to good media recommendations, to humor, etc. I hate this place and can't leave, but I won't say I'm not grateful it molded me in to who I am today.
jus b urself
KYS faggot
Well, what if she's fucking a trans or a gender fluid helicopter?
All the dishes you get to wash.
>i don't have free will
Then she represents a statistically insignificant proportion.
Helps if you go outside every now and then to remind yourself what the real world looks like
there are only two genders, not sure where you are going with this. Shes either fucking chicks or dudes, if shes fucking chicks then they are both on equal levels of sexual difficulty, if shes fucking dudes then those dudes must have equal value as well.
>Helps if you go outside every now and then to remind yourself what the real world looks like
I have, it's full of gay niggers
You literally don’t have free will.
Leave amerifag then.
It’s sounds like a degenerate shit hole .
Go live in the civilised world
Fuck you guys, this was funny.
So, you’ve never been outside.
Moms chicken tendies
>there are only two genders
Oh, whew, that's a relief.
10% of the men bang 90% of the women. Lot's of incels out there, Jim.
This is so stupid I can't help but imagine this has to be a troll. This is Yea Forums, there can't be somebody out there who truly thinks everybody is monogamous.
Been inside your mom once or twice
Fuck you, I'm an attack helicopter
The real pussy exposed
Where do I describe monogamy you retarded faggot?
A woman can have multiple partners, but in each instance, there is also a dude getting his balls drained.
It’s just never you.
2013 called, they want their stale meme back
Their silence
Femanon here
Can confirm
So can you look at your own vegana without twisting your head?
Tits or GTFO
No such thing as girls on the internet
Being spoiled beyond age and getting away with it.
Eh, whatever.
this. I'd hustle hard from 18 to 30, then live off my wealth from 30 to 90
the rapes
Gadzooks and Forsooth!
Such an eloquent wit and rapier sharpe intellect has not been witnessed sine the days of Oscar Wilde.
He was a massive faggot too,
Chart is bullshit nonsense.
Dude at the bottom only wants to fuck 2 chicks ?
Not a dude then
Good point. On first glance, it seems to map to some of the research about male and female preferences and dating patterns, but it's really garbage.
Being smarter than men.
The best thing?
Giving birth to a child with the man that you love.
Puts your entire life into perspective and gives it a purpose.
I guess it’s too hard for you incel shut ins to imagine, but there is more to life than this seasons Fortnite.
>there is more to life than this seasons Fortnite.
You're right, there's also porn
Have tits.
>no not like that!
Be careful what you wish for
>no timestamp
When girls wake up in the morning, while still under the bed covers, they get to stick a finger into their panties, get some sticky on their fingers, and bring it up to their nose to smell their overnight vagina.
Delicious. Most people might think it's kind of gross but we all love our own brand, right?
Except that gay fucking retard
Do you never wonder why you are a part of such an insular, inexperienced social strata?
Yeah, it’s because of this.
You don’t respect yourself so have no respect for anyone else.
I hope one day you mature into a full fledged productive member of society.
Good luck to you
>no shit Sherlock
Did you ever wonder why you became such a faggot? Is it because you're a loser, or did being a loser make you a faggot?
The only thing holding you back is you.
Someone fell off the radar quickly
Someone was just a person caught up in the polticised retardation that is American school shootings. I don’t think she ever wanted to be ‘on the radar’ in the first place...I’m sure she’s rather her high school friends were still alive.
Hail The Empress
Hail the Empress
Hail the Empress
Her high school friends? You mean the boy she bullied until he became a shooter?
Hail the Empress
>what do you think the best thing about being a woman is ?
Never having to take responsibility for anything.
Hail the Empress
Hail the Empress
Hail the Empress
Hail the Empress
I loved when she tore up the picture of the Pope
Target tits/10
That was Woody harrelson you mutt.
Notice how the media dropped her. Shaving your head, especially girls, is a sign of severe trauma/mental disorder.
This narrative.
The evil bully Emma Gonzales, victimised poor Nikolas Cruz, until he has no choice but to randomly open fire a year after he’d been expelled.
As ‘narratives’ go it’s about as believable as most Hollywood cheeseburgers of a movie.
You ate it up though, didn’t you faggot?
Don’t let ‘facts’ ‘cause and effect’ ‘time’ ‘evidence’ or ‘admissions of guilt’ get in the way of demonising a school shooting survivor for voicing the idea that maybe having less school shootings might be a good idea.
Imagine being this retarded!?
I just can’t. My brain doesn’t allow me to think on such a retarded level. But you’re like a fish to water.
Making food for your master?
Nothing Compares 2 a Mullet is a great song
It doesn't excuse him, at all. We're not talking about the shooter. We're talking about your precious overhyped media hero, who is actually a bully. Not equivalent, but she's definitely not a good person.
>It doesn't excuse him
Then why bring it up?
Oh right, because your goal is to discredit - shoot the messenger - because you believe that if she is shown to be a flawed person, to be a human being and admit to having a past, then somehow the message will be discredited?
It’s transparent, illogical, and hypocritical.
Exactly how a retard incapable of nuance or critical thinking would think
>Then why bring it up?
Because you're idolizing a manufactured media starlet who is actually a bully.
You can get laid easier and can keep going with masturbation. Men have to edge or cum and wait for a new boner.
Who’s idolising her?
Oh, you.
You are.
You view her as some kind of media idol, and not just a girl swept up in a national tragedy.
Well, that’s all on you faggot.
You Give her rent free accommodation in your head
Hail the Empress
Why are you on Yea Forums? Yea Forums is the wickedest part of the internet that is commonly talked about. What you trying to change Yea Forums?
Being able to get laid anytime one wants to, no matter if 1/10 or 10/10
We are talking about your dog.
Quit smoking Rogan's pole.
>trying to change /b
I am /b as much as you are /b, in that neither of us are /b - /b is a page of a website and you and I are individuals conversing over it.
Do you know how conversation, argumentation and discussion work?
Apparently not.
You were talking about her message shouldn't be discredited, because she's a flawed person. That's you, buying into the idolization. You want to capitalize on a media sensation with no credibility beyond being present during a shooting elsewhere in the building. She's not an expert, a deep thinker, or someone who brings anything new to the discussion. She's a celebrity, who was promoted because the media really likes the message and she seemed sympathetic. But notice the pro-gun students got almost no airtime, and she's not even sympathetic. She was a bully.
Have you read the thread?
How does it feel knowing you are this unoriginal?
>And yet your manky cock is worth even less.
dick has never been worth anything. But pussy is now almost as worthless and modern women are having to adapt to a life where they cant barter their piss hole like women have done since the beginning of time. They are finding themselves equal to men like they wanted , both worthless.
>you were
>that’s you
>you want
Use your “I” statements.
They can get all the pussy they want, if attractive.
>They are finding themselves equal to men like they wanted , both worthless.
I direct contrast to the common perception ITT.
Consistency - you should get some
Kek what a faggot!
Also checkem
The empress of soft penis'
bleeding for five days and still being alive.
>"you were talking about X"
>is projecting
>even though I literally said X
To only about 15% of men who aren't completely desperate. To the vast majority of men they live their life chasing it. Get a blue collar job that doesn't have that many women around to warp the topic and listen to what they talk about all day.