Are trans people mentally ill?

Are trans people mentally ill?

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Gate_(religious_group)

quite obviously yes


Then why do people put up with it

No, but OP is


Yes. But I pretend to support them for social acceptance. Normies are retards and believe anything.




Because of marxism


Pretty much

a lot of brainwashing and taking acceptance of people's quirks to the logical extreme.

depends on the person really. I mean CEO's are mostly mentally ill sociopaths but some our great and others are monsters. Thinking you where born to the wrong sex is definitely a mental issue but that doesn't make it a bad thing


We shut down all the asylums to save money.
So now we just wait for them to turn 30 and join the 45%

We're all mentally ill, but some more so than others.

Your picture holds the answer you seek

No they're rational well adjusted people.


Example 2

Two piece of solid evidence there op.

Yes, its called gender dysphoria, and it normally ends in suicide.
The treatment is therapy, hormone replacement treatment, and if serious enough, surgery.

oooo boy we got a mad one

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Are cuckservatives mentally ill and should they be nurtured or shot?

>Are trans people mentally ill?
nope..The World Health Organization no longer classifies transgender people as mentally ill.

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What is it about trannies and gamestop

That was a totally donkey brain thing to do.

What is it with Maga faggots and trannies?

future member of the 45% right here.

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They can suck my dick. They want to sell more pills and do more surgery. And fuck you for being retarded.
Once you get in touch with actual trannies then come tell me they're not all retarded.

You can die and the world will be a better place faggot

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Who knows, perhaps the jealous or something.

We got an enraged tranny out here.
Someone put this dog on a leash


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>quoting CNN
Get a load of this faggot

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Screenshot and share this post for future reference for threads like these because you're about to get a mind blowing response

When I come into a Q and A thread for females to answer guys question on /adv/ do you know what happens when I pretend to be a girl? People are like "Wow listen to this girl, she totally knows what shes talking about" and I get quoted in those threads all the time. I never specify what gender I am. But i'm a guy. I'm a fucking guy LMFAO. Now lets analyze whats going on here. My observations and thoughts and preferences in the Q and A ask female thread are believed by many ppl there to be female only thoughts that males cannot have. That is why they label me as a girl. That is the basis of a transgender. They identify their thoughts and feelings as female and think they can emphasize with a girl to the point where they're like "Wow, I understand girls so much that maybe I actually am one." Thats all it is.

I could easily at this point fall into that trap and be like "Oh shit, if everybody else here including the women are easily convinced i'm a girl based on how I just naturally think and act in my values when emphasizing with how a girl believes in things, then I must be having female thoughts and therefore I must be female and must be transgender" when I post in that Q and A thread for women answering mens questions. I have never been called out on being a guy. Not once. I am always praised as a woman and quoted by other women to listen to me b/c they think I totally represent how they all think.

So there you have it. Transgender is you having unusually strong emphatic skills, being able to empahsize with a woman easily and think you "get them" to where you think you are one because a "guy" could not ever "Get" how girls think like this.

I will say that autists have heightened emotional sensitivity, They may see themselves as women because their emotional sensitivity rivals that of an actual women.


Brevity. Look it up, faggot.

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As i communist i say we need to lock these people up

not gonna lie if looks like a girl for me or is feminine enough i can accept them. but if they still look like males i cant. it is just my thought.

So fucking gay
TERF gang rise up

wow, you really are beyond retarded as you can't even understand that cnn are reporting on the world health organization..fuck it must be so painfull to be so dumb as you great job retard.

The United Nations health agency announced Monday in its 11th International Classification of Diseases (ICD) catalog that "gender incongruence" -- the organization's term for people whose gender identity is different from the gender they were assigned at birth -- has been moved out of the mental disorders chapter and into the organization's sexual health chapter.

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The words you're looking for is "empathize" and "empathic".
Emphasize means to reiterate/reenforce a point.

The surgeries are part of the treatment. And they are not harmful, they are cosmetic.

Its still a condition, they just don't call it a mental illness anymore.

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nah trips dont lie not gay

One step closer to the downfall of western civilization.

These people should be thrown off of a cliff, but at the very least they shouldn't be coddled and taught that their extreme mental illness is okay

The treatment should be a 45 ACP round to the back of the head

Wow, so you tell someone you support them, and they believe it?! How retarded of them

Would you be ok knowing your kindergarden teacher is a male who mutilated his own genitals due to a "condition"?

Drown in semen, and kys quick like all your doomed kind should.

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If you cut off your dick & inject yourself with synthetic estrogen in a vain attempt to pretend you're a woman - you're absolutely insane.


What's with faggots writing books here?

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That's not what being trans is. That's a treatment recommend by doctors. If you think it's a bad idea then it would make more sense to blame the medical professionals. Most people have no idea how their being treated.

They are autistic fools who don't enjoy their own self image and so are exploited by sexually deviants and unethical retarded jews who exploit that for money on pills and surgery

Do you feel the same way about all mental illnesses?
If so, we need to have a talk about your autism.

If you mutilate your body & have your facial bones shaved down to achieve a more feminine appearance - while injecting yourself with synthetic hormones that cause heart disease, cancer & bouts of depression that lead to suicidal ideation & self harm...then you're a mouth foaming nutjob.

Autists don't drag other mentally fragile kids into being autists.
Just look at any autistic FTM. You'll realize that their story is just seeing the attention that gets. Questioning and being (Oh lemme try that) And then being roped into a road of pain. Suffering and then fuckery

>The surgeries are part of the treatment. And they are not harmful

side effects may include:
loss of sensation in part or all of the neoclitoris due to nerve damage.
rectovaginal fistula, a serious problem that opens the intestines into the vagina.
Vaginal prolapse
urinary incontinence
urethral fistula (a hole or opening in the urethra)
urethral stricture
risk of rejection of the donor skin, or infection at the donor site
tissue necrosis…

no shit sherlock

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A female has XX chromosomes. A male has XY chromosomes. You have it in your head that "I am a woman even though i have XY chromosomes." This is a belief that contradicts reality and that is a delusion.


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Pls for christ sake, I hate gore despite being here and I'm only far from dinner by 3 hours or so, dude.

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And lots of fucking regret since a lot of MtF are just autogynephiliacs who's urge to go fuck themselves goes away when they finally have their balls cut off like the dogs they are

maybe but so what. I have depression and I appreciate people not curb stomping my face in the streets because of it so I wont do it to them either.

They don't harm you in any way, let them be

did have pictures included? I can't see any.


That's a guy in a dress. He appears to have the vapors.

If you don't think "mentally ill" after looking at a fucking mess like that, you're also mentally ill.

You think I am transphobic but I was actually accepting of this shit and a cuck until I got to interact with a tranny and got a load of the self-victimizing delusions of completely lost autists in my ex girlfriend (A self identified FtM) which destroyed her ENTIRE life. Not just her identity.

>Are trans people mentally ill?

They mostly seem desperately unhappy.

I'm not going to kick someone when they're down.

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Shut up Bob. No one cares.

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Don't you mean Arthur?

so she needs help from professionals to get over her hard situation. that applies to many other problems people have, I dont know what your point is.

And the flipside is higher suicide rate.
Not that post op's are perfectly happy and never off themselves.

In retrospect this means insurance companies dont have to pay for any kind of treatment because they are no longer mentally ill they fucked themselves in the ass with all those cocks they chopped off and then they shived it in opps mouth for being faggot enough to even ask this question

If you get helped with no real intention for getting help. You're not going anywhere.
She went to so many bloody psychiatrists and she only get more shit added to her cocktail of anti-depressants


Gender dysphoria is a mental illness, but actually being transgender has never been classified as a mental illness

What are the suicide rates compared to the general population?
Is it maybe an idea that some kill themselves without getting far enough to SRS?

Yes it has.

I wanna say 40% have attempted suicide. That is people with Gender Dysphoria.
It's a shitty disorder.

Or they're faking gender issues because they can't handle their lives and need something to blame it on

I mean post SRS as has stated

That is also possible, but we have this thing called medical science. And once we seen enough people with the same kind of symptoms you connect some dots and boom a new mental disorder is found.
Then you move on to treating it.

Not sure if this sufficiently answers your question as theres no statistics on straight suicides only.

Suicide attempts among trans men (46%) and trans women (42%) were slightly higher than the full sample (41%). Cross-dressers assigned male at birth have the lowest reported prevalence of suicide attempts among gender identity groups (21%).

World average suicide rate including everyone, even pan sexual attack helicopters is about 10.1%
(30 second google)

Memetic behavior in people with similar underlying issues.

Right, but if you see the same sorts of things in different enough people, you can start to put some things together.

Maybe but I give great blowjob

They saw a way to make money.
And some faggots probably do as well. And I still wouldn't have my dick out near either one of you.



I am a woman. You are the faggot. Straight guys aren't so obsessed with my dick

I don't give a fuck about your dick faggot.
My ex girlfriend was a completly delusional self identified FtM.
Worst part?
She's one of the sweetest and most understanding people who used to be in my life. That is when she wasn't acting like a completely retarded edgy nigger.
We had so much in common from childhood all the way up to where we met in terms of activities and interests and way of thought. But her complete and limitless delusions drove me away. I moved on and am now seeing other people. But fucking hell it was completely destroying to feel such a person in such terrible agony. She only did so because her teenage crush who likes to fuck horse also decided (And then undecided) that he was a fucking tranny.
When he de-transitioned she went completely balls to the walls insane.
I was cucked by trannies and I am not happy about it

Statistically some of them probably are. Most aren't though. The same with the cis population.

Imagine being this fucking cucked

>ow the edge
Kill yourself.

You first numbdick

Not anymore than anyone else

Yes they are absolutely nuts. They should be locked up or put in camps

Man you are real against medical science.
Let me guess, Depressed people are just sad, and ADHD is just children who their parents failed to control

get a load of this tin foil hat

brainwashing doesn't exist

Nice strawman there. Tranny cuck

What if you're a cishet female who's obsessed with appearance and has plastic surgery?

Cosmetic alterrations vary from ear piercing to fucking amputation. it's all part of bodily autonomy.

By the way, obsessing over people who have nothing to do with you is a sign of severe arrested development and mental disorder. Thought you might want to know that.

There are over 25 viable formats of the sex chromosomes. Your oversimplification is erroneous and you are dismissed.

>brainwashing doesn't exist

Retarded women who are obsessive with getting plastic surgery are also fucking retarded.
And if you think a fucking amputation is OK in terms of cosmetics and it falls under bodily autonomy. Not mental ilness. You should join the 40% cuck

it doesn't and neither do conspiracies

grow up

What are 25 of these formats and what are their outcomes?

Alabama Seel of Apruval.

Oh look. It's the Yea Forums retard's generic insult-du-jour. How quaint.


>You don't want to date me? WHAT A FUCKING TRANSPHOBE!

I have value to this planet. You don't.

Just because some are total retards it doesnt mean every trans person its like that, you could say the same about christians or drug users and itd sound foolish

>Being a tranny.
>Having value.

i mean
what about watergate
and known attempts at brainwashing by russian and american governments, what about religious brainwashing that is reported from muslim terror groups
its ridiculous to say either of those things
theres countless examples of both brainwashing and real life conspiracies u gotta be trolling lad

i bet if anyone in this thread got waterboarded for long enough and depraved enough from reality that you could get any of use to do and believe anything

Curbstomping is cheaper

I'm not a tin foil at person in the slightest, but you shouldn't take everything you see at face value. I think that's more of a common sense thing. Cover ups and stuff do happen.

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none of those are proven to be true, quit living in your mom's basement

Lol, I don't get the linebacker-looking ones. If you can't pass, why bother?

>being this delusional

watergate isnt proven to be real....... jesus fucking christ what about the cold war
you know what faggot enjoy your delusion

likely the same reason why they transitioned in the first place, delusion.

>Not real.
>Cults brainwashing.
>Not real.
Join the 40% tranny

Did you fail to read the part about your obsession not being healthy?

you forgot this

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Tranny GTFO.
You forgot this

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Go back to redddit you pedo boomer faggot

Who the fuck said I was trans?

Why is it that every time smart people argue with retards, the first thing the retards assume is that the smart people are members of the group they're arguing against? It really is every fucking time. Maybe being retarded carries with it a certain tendency towards extremely simplified and binary style thinking. Religion probably plays a not-so-small role in this failure.

why do you hate america?

yes duh
They're still humans and have feelings and they don't deserve to be picked on for having mental health disorders.

They're nucking futs.

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If you're not trans that's even more fucking cucked.
And I can almost smell that you're a tranny. Not just because I assume you are.

Potential mass shooter spotted.

cucked still isn't a thing, faggot.
Keep digging that hole of yours though, you mentally-inept little shittard.

You can't argue so you just pick little insults. What a fucking cucked cuck. You fucking cuck's_Gate_(religious_group)

theres countless examples or irl brainwashing its not something to believe or not believe its fact lol
also watergate is an event that has happened its also not believe or disbelieve
if i was saying the holocaust was a hoax that would be tinfoil
but to deny watergate.... just wow... jheeze i think its really time to stop posting on this board there is no saving graces left

the porn is gay
the posters arnt just retarded funny they are just straight retarded now
how did it come to this

protip: its because they removed noko
mfw this rly is the end

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Humanity as a whole is mentally ill and should be euthanized

yes, they are sexually and socially confused
They snuck into the acceptance umbrella after the slightly less sexually confused gays and lesbians. Pedophiles tried the same thing a few years back.

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Oh no they still are fucking trying.
Zoophiles are getting more and more acceptance as well

I'll be honnest with you
I'm a fag.
I always wanted to be a girl, because i feel fascinated from the non-retarded's one mind, or body and shit.

But still, putting a dick in that pussy is better.
those tiddies are 100% worth.

Look... the question is flawed as a whole.
Why are there even trans people?
There never were any about 60 years ago.

What is wrong with you?

this is revisionist

Oh no there was trannies 60 years ago. Even more.
Now the meme has spread with more autists


>brainwashing doesn't exist
The entire left and copium tier Trump supporters, disagree.

needn't look further than Zoey Tur, who threatened to send Shapiro home in an ambulance... despite the fact that ambulances go to hospitals, not houses. she was then applauded, but after she grabbed his neck and threatened him to his face


Define irony: Collective of riled up retards who make fun of "libs" for being cucks or transgendered or homosexuals when they themselves are Incels who couldn't pay a hooker enough to touch them. They literally cry OBSESSIVELY about the sex lives of other, meanwhile they're so hopeless and pathetic that they have MULTIPLE dating sites for Trumpanzees to try to find someone to love them.

You ever stop to think that maybe your constant obsession with people's genitals and what they do with them and with who might be a big part of the reason you're incels?

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Only about 1/3 of it is irredeemably retarded and should be dealt with. Most of them are still at least salvageable if not valued members of society.

>Oh no you put me in a category I don't belong in.
>Calling me an incel.
>Calling me a Trump supporter.
Join the 40% faggot. That's where you belong.

Why don't faggots understand brevity?

oh wait, I know... both.
hopefully the last (You) you'll get, faggot.

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cry harder.

Once the gay rights movement was over nobody wanted to open their mouth about shit. You can be a fuckin alien from a different dimention now, doesnt fuckin matter


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At best 1/10th of humanity is worth saving. I'd rather just cull them all and be done with us.

Yes. They were known freaks that in transvestite shows, to entertain people. They were not some sort of 'society has to accept that all their kids are trans' type completely ridiculous and accepted insanity.

Seriously.. man

You and I, when we were younger, would we have beaten up a chick with a dick or would we have posted them to fap to?

I can't wait for the BBEL, or Bowling Ball Equality League. Or any of the million others of people living out their most retarded fantasies because society says "Sure, be a dysfunctional asshole who blows his brains out at 20."

No. Transphobic and homophobic people are mentally deranged, socially inept, and emotionally weak.

They still an hero after 'treatment'. Me thinks it's always a mental illness and the treatment is also part of the illness.

Thats what the left wants the new norm to be

Actual truth.

LOL you guys (guy?) are PATHETIC.

Nobody’s is afraid of a faggot though.

Fucking duh. Penis and vagina exist, and the OUTLIER/BROKEN HUMANS are like 0.0000001% with like an X or XXY or whatever. Gender is made up, penises and vaginas are real.

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Just remember bigot.
Desmond is amazing, now give your kid some ketamine and make him dance for 50 year old men

I think the real question is: is the treatment PART of the illness itself?

Both. It's fine to jerk off to images/video, but hormones/pheromones are what make your dick hard. If a dude can get you hard then you're at least bi.



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Obviously not. Even if they were, letting them transition is probably the best treatment anyway.

Except 90% of the people you people call transphobic arent even. They just believe in facts over your misswired feelings

>muh can is fake news meme

CNN is doing better than it's done in a long time and they are actually classified as news, unlike FOX. So eat shit.

By the way, the source is the WHO, not CNN, so you're double retarded.

I think it depends but with Bruce Jenner's case definitely mental illness

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>right wing

You have to pick one, child.

Bruce Jenner's case is about criminal charge deflection and attention whoring.

Masturbating to Trannies kill your self fag

This guy isn't a woman.the hoop earrings and the cocksucker collar make him a giant faggot.nothing else.he can blow a thousand dick will never be ma'am even at game stop

Cutting your dick off to avoid a manslaughter charge is 4D chess level genius

Actually, no, we are just normal men. Normal men like you don't even remember. Men that lie to take care of their woman, their kids, their possessions, and live happily.

>You ever stop to think that maybe your constant obsession with people's genitals

nigger they're throwing people in jail in california, new york, washington and canada if you don't become a science denier.

>"Um you need to recognize flat earth or I'm calling the cops"

and don't get to excited you got a little attention. I saw your alt left news sources, read the bottom line and knew nothing else was worth reading.

kill yourself faggot.

agps? yes.

tbh I can't disagree.

Likely 75% are. They were abused as children. The remaining 25% are mostly gay males who find it easier just to transition. The rest have a possible genetic and hormonal disorder that was created in the womb. Yep. High suicide rate. As far as one thing, “bathroom rights”, use the locked unisex one. There will be trans people who will be murdered by fathers of daughters using one with them. Businesses need to spend more on building private bathrooms. Eh. All the agp’s and trap fags know it’s a fetish.

sociopathy isnt a mental illness. its a personality trait

Who cares about some organization run by a bunch of virgins and chinks Transsexual are weird as fuck

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Things that dont necessarily make you a woman:
>having breasts
>having a vagina
>being pregnant
>having a uterus
>going through child birth
>having ovaries

Things that definitelt make you a woman
>identifying as a woman

The fucked up world we live in, its almost insulting to women


LOL, you've got to try harder than that, Trumpanzee.


Its anti social personality disorder


Rather be in jail than a chick with a dick

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i don't think you're up on your science, bro


This Frankenstein faggot could use a brisk it a hard reset.i bet the earrings and necklace will go into the trash I bet

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Is mental illness an excuse to be controlling and speak for the mentally ill though?

reminder that niggers commit the majority of violent crime in the US.

You're talking about somes gender based on their feelings. Im sorry you believe such nonsense

The spartans used to kill newborn males that had any sort of deficiency. What do you think they would have done with a kid says 'hey dad I'm gonna be a chick with a dick now'?
And most of all... what GOOD are such creatures other than being self fulfilling (and even that is not true) They are deeply troubled instabile people.


the Spartan tradition of military heroism has also been explained in light of strong emotional bonds resulting from homosexual relationships.

i think they would be just fine with it

If Trans people wanted to be anything other than another gender you'd call them unhinged.

So yes.

>entire argument gets obliterated
>l-l-lOL.. g-g-got'em right? g-g-guys?.. guys...?

kek, enjoy Trumps next 5 years, I know I will ;)

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You should decide that for yourself, OP.


new word for vomiting?

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/Yea Forums

WHO are politically compromised PC globalist fucks. They dont get to dictate reality. Its as clear as day that trans are demented weirdos and they just havent got the political wherewithal to study them looking for a cure

>the alt left

LMAO, thank you user I needed that.

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trannies aren't even technically people.

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That is true. The Greeks were used to homosexuality in their armies. But if you read up on it... it was accepted as a necessity because of male sexual needs. Not as a societal thing. Let alone such a things as traps

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Females are defined by biology; women are not. I don't know why transphobes can't do simple English.

>Cucked by trannies

I will help you. I have big real breasts, and have a flawless passing face.. If you squeeze them while looking me in the eyes while working though your cock lust. I promise not only will you not feel gay, but you won't even be gay.

pick you're name user

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Shits only gonna get worse, half my childs elementary school is either a different gender or non binary.

But they're trans and proud, right? They're all super happy. So fuck them.

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They have taken larping to the next level

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lulz... transphobia, islamophobia, and so on.... think about it... did these terms exist 30 years ago?

Our society creates phobias and terms to make the unacceptable accepted by force

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They're perfectly normal members of society

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a pagan society of pansexuals where pedophilia was the norm getting touchy about a homosexual..

shit even Hermaphroditus was depicted as a guy with a female figure and a dick

Dont they usually try to look like a woman first. That looks like a dude that got his dick turned inside out

haha ya... I would love to be a woman and stand in the ring against mike tyson who might decide to be a woman now

But Dr. Frank-N-Furter looks so happy with his fancy new vajayjay

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gender dysphoria is a disease and all trans people need to be eradicated like the fucking jews

i bet this pic is older than you are

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Hermaphroditus was literally an intersexual god, why wouldn't they be depicted that way?


Intersex is about as common as being born with an extra finger. But everyone knows theres 5 fingers

cos the jews said it was good

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"Alt-left" isn't a thing.

It's funny as hell that you claim it is though, seeing how your knee-jerk reaction to each branch of your fringe right group is to accuse the left of having the same branch names. Herr Goebbels would be proud of you dingbats.

>hurr durr neoliberals


>white nationalists are nazis.
>uh-uh! Anti-fascists are the nazis! DERPDERPDERP

Who'd have ever thought that "I know you are but what am I?" would become the basic M.O. of the once around party of Lincoln and Eisenhower?

"Why didn't Obama do anything about 9/11?"

Then explain the term 'feminine'. Gender and sex are the same thing. There are two genders. Everything else is just nature fucking up. UNPOPULAR TRUTH

>argument gets obliterated
You barely qualify as a troll, fucktard. Your post was inane and a textbook exercise in non-sequitur argument and goalpost moving.

Don't forget that women were seen as socially less valuable. Marriage with strong women was only for the purpose of producing strong children, preferably boys. "Real" love was between men.

This trendy sexual ambiguity and transgenderism crap will cause a snap back to traditional sexual roles. As the kids raised by these mentally deranged perverts realize how badly they've been fucked over, we're going to see hyper-masculine men and hyperfemanine women compensating for a fucked-up childhood.

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I bet.

I like the part where the dick is straight up, but veering to the right..

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Thats fuckin nasty

Again…they fucked anything that moved and worshipped a tranny god so is a non-argument

Why did you vote a nigger for president?

It's actually not controversial among clinical professionals. Yes.

You should expose children to LGBTQ so they aren't bigots.

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Gender isn't like a sweater you can pull on when you feel like it. Gender norms are defined by sex-specific behaviors and characteristics. Why can't SJW fucktards understand simple biology?

I take issue with your premises, so there's no real way for me to answer that.

Does that even work? Why would you want that

I hope that he sues his libcuck dad for using him as a political statement when he gets older.

if you haven't read Butler or really anything in gender studies since 1995, I can't really help you.

curvature caused by incorrect masturbation techniques no doubt if only he was an accomplished master like you

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>"Alt-left" isn't a thing.
aaaaaaand I already stopped reading. If you're so retarded you haven't seen news stories talking about the alt left even from msm and antifa accepting that title, then you're mentally retarded or bait.

either way, you've been disregarded. enjoy your meds kek.

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They usually put a balloon in that you can inflate with a little pump that's implanted in your upper thigh

i think he'll be suing for more than that

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ah i see

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That is the worst thing you can do. Children's brains are sponges. They love to learn. They take in everything they learn from their beloved parents. You are to blame if your kid goes I'm a tranny at 16 years old.

Sure they do. If you don't play along with their delusions and call these loons by their ever-changing pronouns, they can have you fired. Or harassed, or even arrested.

I didn't mind them when they minded their own business, but then they started wanting to shower with women, or shit in their bathroom. And if the women felt uncomfortable or objected in any way, they were called bigots and the previously mentioned sanctions kick in.

So fuck off with the "live and let live, they're not hurting anyone" bullshit. They are.

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calling things alt-right and alt-left doesn't help anything

Nazis are back; communism and anarchism are gaining popularity

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y'all need a lot of queer theory
this is Yea Forums
that used to be the norm

theres a fucking world of difference between a mother simulating a blowjob in front of her own daughter at home on her birthday and a 9 year old child strip-dancing in public and being offered money.

>thing exists
>retards irrationally attack thing
>"thing"ophobia term is coined.

English is a living language. This is how roots and suffixes work.

My kids friend is 12 and is trans. Nobody will say a damn thing. Now my 9 year old is trying to play copy cat. I got a call from her teacher asking if its ok to change the name on her desk to connor (as to her request)

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what happened to the glorification of degeneracy? when did Yea Forums get overrun with moralizing nazi cucks?


you leave the dems out of this

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Alt-left isn't a thing. You're a fucking idiot.

Alt-right called THEMSELVES that. It's their term.

and of course now we have to accommodate their insane requests to appease the ever growing group of lunatics who eschew common sense because "your rights end where my feelings begin". So things like this are perfectly normal.

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since you came along ?

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> y'all need a lot of queer theory

> this is Yea Forums that used to be the norm

Pack this newfag away. Lies will not help. When we looked at trannies back then it was to laugh at and make evil jokes. It was not because we saw them as sex symbols....

Actually, the fact that I ave to explain this even, speaks for itself

When it was for lulz, we didn't think enough retards would take it seriously that it would become a societal norm.

and of course LGBTQ's are perfectly safe around children.

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What do you do?

>making fun if antifa
I love it. You're outright attacking people who are literally anti-Nazi. On top of that, you simultaneously make them out to be whiny pro-communist school fags and hardened violent criminal psychos. Schrodinger would be proud.

its always been about antagonising the norm.
now the norm is degeneracy the antagony is /pol/

and lets push the lifestyle on them when they're too young to make any reasonable decision that will likely affect them the rest of their life. There's a reason they don't let children get tattoos. But this is fine.

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I had a long talk with my child

first started around maybe 2005-6? wtf happened?

In the early 1910's and 20's, it occasionally came up that women who's husbands died or left them would dress their boys as girls and treat them like dirt because they thought all men were terrible, so they went insane and created some pretty nasty serial killers.

I can't wait to see what these loons do to kids today.

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They're not hardened at all where im at. Bunch of wimps

we stopped doing cringe threads then it all became cringe

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Here's my queer theory. They're all fucking insane and should be beaten like we used to do to schizophrenics until you fags learn to fuck off back to your closets.

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The only good tranny is a dead tranny.

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What the fuck ... since when did it mean being a nazi just thinking that such a thing as trans is insane? And they are insane! Read up on them too. Deeply disturbed people inside. Let alone the athletes that that as 200 lbs man play in a woman team all of a sudden and expect great applause when they win

Only excuse necessary: I feel like a woman now

That's someone's daughter bro you really need to reflect on your privilege and think about how hard being a transsexual would be in today's society

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No i dont

Easy solution. You have a dick. You are a man. There is no such thing as trans. It is all an illusion created by the left.

Found the overgeneralizing cherry picker.

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The left wasn't around in ancient times and other cultures. lmao

You are the clown really, though, defending insanity.

>No study
They did it for political reasons

Sexuality is something you are born with being this stupid

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