I want to know if Im cute or not

I want to know if Im cute or not.

I can't tell if you are a chick or a guy.

an ugly cringelord


Willing to r8 u

will need full body nudes

Ive shared before, not posting it here though!

Male or female?

If you have to ask, then no.

Attached: 20190618_184000.jpg (939x939, 208K)


Literally nobody:

Not a single soul:

OP: i WaNT tO kNoW If iM cUtE OR nOT

you look like that one character from horton hears a who.


... legit still trying to figure out if you have a penis or not.
8 if boy, 6 if girl.

I dont :c

6 or 7 then. I'd still make love with you

thanks :3

you're not ugly, you are like me, average looking. i make up for it by being really well groomed, making sure my hair looks good, and by wearing clothes that look really good on me. i'm a dude, tho.

i thought i looked pretty nice

Post a different picture

i dont want to, thats why i deleted mine so no one could see anymore

Nope too late for that now Op.
Once you post an image? It belongs to the internet forever.

Attached: 1560896539300.jpg (960x1280, 304K)

Come on don't be nervous, it's time to put yourself out there, don't be afraid.

Yeah I had it saved too. Im gonna post new threads with it like 'how would you fuck this dumb slut'


you do look nice, i'm just not a good judge of folks so much younger than i am. tastes change with age, you know.

Don't be mean guys, OP was very brave to post on here, with how toxic it can be at times.
Anyway, you do look really cute! Nice fashion sense, absolutely gorgeous hair. A lot of people would have to hug a cutie-pie like you

these boards are archived in real time, in case you didn't know. this is why you should think very carefully before giving up control of an image, i.e. posting it on the Internet. it will be saved forever in a bunch of places.

Totally agree. I'd still like to see nudes though, not going to lie. Very attractive

you look like leafy™


Actually, yeah... kinda... I'd fuck leafy though.. soo

Omg whhyy

You may need this.

Attached: 1555160903714.jpg (450x600, 47K)

Cause its fucking hot you slut

because some people on the internet are horrible people with no conscience, no morals, and no decency. and no problem deriving pleasure from others' pain.

Dont make threads like that with me in them. :c

>some people

"The hearts and imaginations of mankind are evil."
"What so ever man kind toucheth he corrupts."

>People are good!
No, no they are not.
No exceptions.

summer is here i guess

How about one like 'tell me how you would abuse my asshole?'

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this your first time here?