Ask a guy who nailed Sophie Turner anything
Ask a guy who nailed Sophie Turner anything
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What's it like to be a member of the Jonas Brothers?
Which wall did you nail her poster to? South facing? Bathroom? Bedroom?
You nailed Sophie Turner?
Do you have any proof of
nailing the Queen in the North?
Bound to happen, did her pussy smell good? Where did she let you nut?
I planted my flag there many years before that fag
she rode me for about 15 mins before I came
Well more like She sat on my nail
Don't have photo proof, met her in a club in Leamington Spa during Season 4 of GOT, hadn't watch the show at that point, just wanted to fuck the hot ginger chick
Which hand did you pretend was Sophie?
was she tight?
Absolute faggot cuck
who is sophie tunner?
You know the deal, OP.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Came in her but had a johnny on didn't get to snow her winterfell
Didn't need to pretend my friendo, she was in Primary school 2 years below me
Was she hairy or shaved?
Good head?
how can you stand to even be around that vapid cunt for 10 minutes? her pussy was that enticing?
Some short blonde hairs down their, must've waxed about a month before,
Did more with her tongue that night that the whole of S8
She eat your ass?
not attractive in the least
She' stupid, but not THAT stupid.
Unfortunatly not, ended at my flat that night, some oral, bit of sex and an awkward hug in the morning.
Didn't realise who she was until; a year later when I started watching GOT
+ fat wrists and a diabetes face
Did she cum before you did?
Ok. Who's Sophie whoever?
yeah, your dick is probably the size of a nail. Still didn't fuck that tho
Shits weak bro. A decade ago the first three posts woulda been pics or didn’t happen faghat. Boring low quality thread
Did the rest of the vamps roast you when she ghosted you?
How do you like being a virgin? How far are you on the path to becoming a wizard?
A lot of this is newfag-level larping, so it might be safe to assume you're old enough to already be a wizard.
So she was 17 Op? Nice!
>implying OP lasted 10 minutes
I'll take the b8. She looks exactly like Boy George...why would you even try
Does she do a better job a fucking than her piss poor attempts at “acting”?
How’s the weather in fantasy land?
who the fuck is Georgie boy?
why did this video give my grandma a heart attack
In that case i've got say that i fuck her every day sice 1989
How about that?
And i'm so sorry i don't have any proofs
>Consent is 16
Nice Try
>just wanted to fuck the hot ginger chick
But you settled for Sophie instead
Interesting that you would mention that
Not trying anything user, being genuine I’m a britbong too.
well I’m not going to unsee that you dick
>why would you even try
Lovers never ask you why
who is sophie turner