How many sides does a hypercube have

how many sides does a hypercube have

Attached: D8845769-8F2E-4237-9A46-57EF9B51D1D0.png (943x1024, 239K)

Other urls found in this thread:

1d: 2
2d: 4
3d: 6
4d: 8???

just a handful


looks like 26 sides

I counted 30

I change my mind its 20


27 or 29

Stop skipping sides your not coun ting them all!

no your probably double counting some sides

an n-dimensional cubes vertices can be thought of as all the possible combinations of -1 and 1 in an n-dimensional vector eg. a square is all the possible combinations in a 2d vector, [-1,-1], [-1,1], [1, -1], [1, 1]),
this is 2^n combinations/vertices and this can be seen recursively, in 1-d there is only [-1] and [1]. in 2-d you get an extra component, so for each possible combination in 1-d you get two combinations in 2-d (one with a 1 and one with a -1)
a side is a connection between two vertices, in an n-dimensional cube every vertex is connected to n other vertices (eg. in a square, each vertex has two sides, in a cube, each has 3 etc), so the number of edges will be the (vertices * n) / 2 (its divided by two to avoid counting each edge twice)
therefore number of edges in n-dimensions is (2^n * n) / n

5 shapes per side x 6 sides is 30 my dude

so hypercube = 32 edges

No there 30 I'm shure

meant (2^n *n)/2 junmbllin up my shiiit

taco Kid is correct you retards


abou tree fiddy

I already said there are 5 rectangles per the traditional side of the cube. 5 rectangles * 6 sides =30. Jungle might have a good mathematical proof maybe but edges and vertices are not sides. It has been too long since I've done proofs and I never liked them.

u mean faces?????? /? ?

about tree fiddy

Isn't that what is being asked?

what is a hypercube?

its 24. 6 outer faces, 6 inner cube faces + 12 "diagonal" faces

yeah... im thinking FUCK cubes

so I was thinking because were counting side and not faces the sides of the inner cube arent double counted, meaning the outer shapes 5 sides x 4 of those is 20

new minecraft feature... "fuck cubes". you fuck cubes. they're fuck cubes.


The fuck you talking about bro, a side or a face is the 2d planes

There are 12 squares and 12 trapeziums, 24 faces

and im saying it makes no sense to include both the side of the inner circle facing and and the side facing out as your counting the same side twice even though its the same 2d plane
20 sides

a cube has 6 sides, theres 2 cubes

A hypercube is to a cube what a cube is to a square. It's a fourth-dimensional object, and as such it's a real mental excursion to visualize.


you can't see through time so you can't count the sides time(the 4'th dimension) isn't really a dimension we exist in the 3'rd & 4'th dimensions simultaneously and the 5'th dimension is full of angels and demons

i take that back there's only demons in the 5'th



Can you visualize my hyperCOCK

24 i believe...

Dekeracts, 10 Dimensional cubes. check them out


Attached: 1530389338878.gif (400x300, 1.96M)

none cuz it dont exist

4 if it doesn't have 4 sides it's not a cube dumbasses

prove it

tesseract more like tesserass hehe

That’s not a real shape idiot

its not a cube its a hypercube dumbass

it's imaginary

I'm looking around everywhere and I dont see none

it's not imaginary it's intangible

bdirp bdorp

that's not enough proof to make the claim that it dont exist

have you ever seen donald trump? if not then does he not exist either?

Dekeracts? morenlike kekats haha

it's a hypotheticle construct you can't literally fold an actual physical bunch of cubes into a hypercube

Interestingly enough, my response you were replying to was both a troll post and the actual truth:

Geometric "shapes" are merely representations of how we experience sight amongst the sensual world. Their "representative value" as such can never perform as substratum in tangible being. Therefore they do not exist.

my hair is a bird therefore ur argument is illegal

I cant argue with that

lole dubs :^)

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Attached: Dekeract.png (1200x1200, 1.04M)

Epic triples


I cannot, much as I want to.

to answer the question: "how many sides does a hypercube have" you should not look at the picture posted with it as it is very misleading instead you should think about it logically and ask relevant questions to better understand what you're trying to accomplish here

ok so let's imagine a 2d cube (square)
when ported over to the 3rd dimension you put infinite copies of it next to each other to form a cube
now instead of 4 sides it has 6
when ported over to the 4th dimension it's basically the same process as porting something from the 0th dimension over to the 1st dimension
considering this we can imagine the 3 dimensional cube as a dot in space forming a line with infinite 3 dimensional cubes
now you just have to do what you would do to a 0 dimensional cube (dot) to get the amount of sides (also known as faces)
a dot doesn't necessarily have any faces or sides but it does represent a sphere which indeed has 1 face
when converted to a line you simply multiply the amount of sides in a dot (sphere) to get the amount of sides in a line
therefore we simply have to multiply 6 by 2 to get the amount of sides in a hypercube which is 12

Attached: 1556170846097.jpg (640x559, 23K)

1: ?
2d: 1 or 2 (reminder that 2d is flat)
3d: 6
4d: 24 or 30 depending on if the outer sides also exist mirrored (inside)

A 1D line segment has 2 0D endpoints.
A 2D square has 4 1D edges.
A 3D cube has 6 2D faces.
So a 4D hypercube should have 8 3D cells.
However, what was asked was how many *sides* a 4D cube has.
This is a somewhat unclear question.
Usually "sides" refers to edges.
For 3D objects, it can refer to edges or to faces.
Let's assume it refers to edges.
A 1D line segment has 2 1D edges, technically (an outer edge and an inner edge).
A 2D square has 4 1D edges.
A 3D cube has 8 1D edges.
So a 4D hypercube should have 16 1D edges (I think?), AKA, under one interpretation of the word, 16 "sides."



Wait, but if you actually count the edges in the picture, there are 32 of them.

>1D edge
i think we should be looking at 2D faces to count the sides
also i wanna correct myself on 2d: it has 1 side... a piece of paper (2 sides) is still a 3 dimensional object


page 10 save rave


if we can make 3d cube on 2d paper why can't we make 4d cube on 3d paper??

the 4th dimension is time or something
hard to create time

Your fortune: Average Luck

Attached: lwyd.png (673x287, 35K)

barely enuff to contain your faggotry

Attached: AWaKE.jpg (666x666, 118K)


mankette prolly forgot thundarr was always close to getting to 20th century new york to buy some valiant comics featuring captain n, it was some goddamn nigger magicians fault it was never to happen...yet

What's a side?

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Just a note because I see a lot of confusion in this thread.

The picture is a 3d representation of a 4d hypercube. And so counting the sides in the picture is not accurate.

You need to construct a hypercube in your head and count from there. This diagram shows one way to think of a true hypercube.

The n-1 dimension object becomes a side of the n dimension object. So you have to ask yourself how many cubes are used to make a hypercube?

The simplest way to describe it is, you have 2 on each end. And then you count the number of corners and each of those turns into a new side when extended.

So 8 corners on a cube, plus the extra 2 sides on each end.

The hypercube has 10 sides.

Attached: hypercube.png (1920x643, 76K)

The matrix created this artificial shape to distract you from something important

you're confused yourself bub

Ah yes but, just as a a cube can be made by folding a "net" of 6 squares, see diagram, then the hypercube is made from a net of 8 cubes folded in on themselves somehow, see diagram, so what this all means idk lole

forgot diagram haha

Attached: fucking cubes.jpg (1549x1024, 102K)

Vertices: 16
Edges: 20
Faces: 24
"Cubes": 8

I think cubes are the equivalent of sides. Sides to squares, faces to cubes, cubes to hypercubes.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

32 edges ITS 32 ITSFSS thirtytwo mMIKOMRPG

Shit you're right. I said corners but it should have been sides. It has 8 sides.

The idea of dressing the 7 inner cubes with the final one is very nice. It fits on there. I like it. The net made me imagine it.

Your fortune: Godly Luck

I forgot the inside 12. Well done jungle.

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

5 sides time 6 = not dubs so who cares.
But also is right
andANDNot becuase no dubs
but is right,because dubs
also didn't give a number but is SUPER RIGHT!
got dubs but lets pretend he didn't!
cme close to trips.

so each side has 4 sides leaning towards 1 of 6 sides.
so 24 sides?
not my computer so pic only semi related.
Heck(pardon my languange) as long as you post cute/nice I don't care.

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