Why do americans need guns? Is it because of small penises and an inability to properly know how to fight? Why do they insist on giving children guns?
Why do americans need guns? Is it because of small penises and an inability to properly know how to fight...
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Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
Typical american gun owner
To protect themselves from the american nigger.
>inability to properly know how to fight
Do you fight wars with rocks?
that guy looks mexican
Guns are needed to overthrown the government. Founding Fathers made sure this was always possible. You are a soft, spoilt, comfort addicted, brainwahed man-baby. You know no history. You have no appreciation for historical violence or what was sacrificed to you could play vidya, fap to free porn, shitpost and let your people die. Fuck you coward.
A skilled combatant doesn't need firearms to survive.
Is it because you're all so fat?
Its because our government is slowly taking away all of our rights and our forefathers put the 2nd amendment in the Constitution to let us protect ourselves from that very situation.
you don't think there are mexican americans? Why are you all so racist?
you think your pea shooters will help against jets, tanks and drones? LOL
I love how braindead faggots like yourself equate gun ownership to small dicks. I know guns are really scary to pussies like you but you don't have to project your own feelings of inferiority onto all Americans. Now get back to sucking Abdul's cock.
Where you live is mostly irrelevant, so dont worry about it little guy.
GO away FBI
>doesn't know about Vietnam
To protect the rights of people like you.
time have changed a lot
Larping faggot
Tanks are still shit at urban warfare
>why does country I don't live in need things I don't have?!?!?!?
i don't have a small penis. where do you guys think about this stuff, your constant thoughts of dicks? it's for self-defense
Seems to work for the Iraqi insurgents in the Middle East
what about drones and armored dog bots? you can never beat your military
66 out of 75 survive gunshot wounds? sounds like someone needs to practice their aim
Localized EMP
Based, here's a similar argument.
What is Iraq for 500, Alex?
What is Vietnam for 1000, Alex?
Also, more than 75% of the United States armed forces are conservative and will side with the people against any orders to roll tanks on our own.
Are you feeling lucky? Go ahead. Make our day.
Fuck right off, britcuck.
We don't have armored dog bots, power suits, mecha, or any of your other fantasies except drones.
because americans havent fully committed themselves there
Based jap
These have been around for years. You REALLY don't think your military has weaponized them? Seriously?
>Why do americans need guns?
They don’t.
>Is it because of small penises and an inability to properly know how to fight?
No. It’s from a mixture of various things. A traditionalistic conservative culture that’s being exacerbated through the fear-mongering of media combined with the stresses and angers of the increasingly unaffordable comfortable quality of life. It doesn’t help that many gun manufacturers are coercing the politicians to keep the regulations lax and the media to continue fear-mongering with identity politics.
>Why do they insist on giving children guns?
See the first two responses. Also the la k of affordable health care and mental health and the overprescription of mind altering drugs from big pharma is making the issues worse and certainly isn’t doing us any favors.
What if a female wanted to own a gun?
>females don't exist
The U.S. has been fighting insurgent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq for two decades, you don't think they would have used them if they were so effective?
fuck Reagan.
No one should own them.
Womyn can use wogyns.
We have a document called the Constitution.
It spells out certain rights that are beyond the government. That is, these rights are not something the government is allowed to take away.
As the teeth that protect the rest of those rights like free speech? The second is provided saying we may own firearms without infringement by our Government.
What astonishes me is the number of folks who have never and will never live here who think they have a right to any say at all in the matter.
If you want to express your opinion of our laws?
You need to move here become naturalized so you have the right to vote.
Which is another right that the Second provides protections for.
Nigger prevention devices.
As long as the military and police don't have any guns, that's a sensible policy
IF they wanted to win they would. Is it more profitable to charge 200k and take years fighting cancer, or to cure it one quick treatment for less?
stay mad kid
worthless shitpost
Rest of world says guns are bad. Yes many 1st world countries are in danger of being overthrown. Looks at sweden, UK etc. You can't defend your own family in these places with a firearm.
the question is this --- do you trust the government to protect your family or yourself? I would trust myself to defend my family, I own firearms. Moved to texas recently and enjoying my freedom.
Found a picture of you.
They're insecure. Give em a break. They're not even 250 years old.
ah, no
Other countries don't need guns. They are safer and more civilized.
this lazy
not really
take you all day to think of that one chet?
Wait are you REALLY claiming defense contractors don't profit from war? You are actually claiming this?
not being able to understand the post
why did you reply?
Firkien incels
None of these are assault weapons, and the very fundamental difference between Black Powder and Smokeless Powder makes this argument worthless.
The Founding Fathers could not have foreseen the vast power difference between Black Powder weapons and modern firearms because nobody did.
A lot of people died in the early parts of World War 1 because they were still using tactics from 200 years prior, against modern weaponry.
Hillary does
>you can never beat your military
Vietnam and Afghanistan would seem to betray the things you say.
While we could not defeat the US Military the odds are few in our military would accept a confiscations order.
Further we certainly could hold them off and delay any attempts to confiscate guns.
Let me assure you no one would be happy if they kicked in my door.
>more civilized
What is "knife crime" for 500, Alex?
What's that, limey? You had to bin that knoife because you cucks couldn't be trusted not to fight back against your browning by foreign invaders?
Ikr. You'll shoot your eye out.
>rights that are beyond the government
Bullshit. The government violates our constitutional rights every day. The only reason why they haven’t violated the rights to firearms yet is because it’s peofitable to keep them legal. If it weren’t I guarantee you it wouldn’t be for very long. Profits always prevail when it comes to legislation.
>rights are not something the government is allowed to take away
More bullshit. Never heard of the NSA? Corporations that datakine then sell your data to other private entities? What about the Japanese internment camps when American citizens where sent to internment camps by the tens of thousands. Zero rights. It’s only when it’s vomvenient for them. You’re a damned fool if you think they won’t and don’t violate your rights.
Never said or implied that.
That's called shifting the goalposts, tinfoil hatman.
>I'll just ignore the entire point of the image to make facetious arguments against it that are directly contradicted in the image itself.
Suck start a shotgun.
I'm saying they want to keep profits rolling. Any company does. Ending the war would drop profits massively. That you can't see this speaks to your intelligence.
It's not the right to bear black powder guns, it's the right to bear arms. The Founding Fathers used a very broad term, quite deliberately.
That natural rights are violated by the government doesn't mean natural rights don't exist, it just means the government is oppressive. The real problem with government isn't money, though that is a serious issue. It's that the checks and balances have been lost.
Yet all skilled combatants DO use firearms.
I suspect the last combat you engaged in was with a Cheeto bag.
>the "need" to bear arms
Or Afghanistan.
nice ignorant reply
>I suspect the last combat you engaged in was with a Cheeto bag.
Trigger warning, please.
I still have PTSD.
try a real argument next time
I did not say they do not violate our rights.
I said the constitution was written to define our rights and clearly says they are granted by our creator.
Tyrants always try to find the loopholes to maintain their power.
But the Constitution provides a remedy for tyranny that involves watering the tree of liberty with the blood of both patriots and tyrants.
Patrick Henry stated it quite succinctly.
"I regret that I have but ONE life to give."
I can not stop every tyrant.
I only need to stop one for the USC and BOR to be worth every drop of blood.
Wait, companies wanting high profit margins is ignorant? You have to be fucking trolling.
farkin iceholes
A few defense contractors don't determine public policy.
real retard hours
Except niggers. Fuck them, right? lol Oh and native americans.
Our Russian friend probably gets a few Rubles for every reply.
>can't win an argument?
>wait I'm going to shift the goalposts again!
When they own your politicians, they do. Why do you think you *just happen* to be in your longest war ever with no end in sight, and ANOTHER war on the horizon with Iran?
you jump at anyone.
most of us know whats going on in the world without a newsfeed
Hahahahaha. No.
You're right. America is communist and all companies are government owned and not concerned with profits in the slightest. Makes sense.
does it make you feel important to think this way?
do you feel like you're saving the internet?
Personally I don't own guns, I own knives. However, a good recent example of why guns are important are Roof Koreans. During the Los Angeles riots, while the cops were too busy to answer distress calls, Koreans-americans were protecting there shops with (drum roll please) .... GUNS. Some even did lookout from their roofs, hence the name Roof Koreans. Oh yeah, and also the declaration of Independence from Great Britain and the right to equip ourselves in case the U.S became a dictatorship. Have no doubt, America is locked and loaded.
That is literally the point of the image. To show weapons that some would consider assault weapons, or the basic concept of repeating arms, was around even back then.
My argument is that the Founding Fathers could not have foreseen what became of modern weapons. And also that these weapons shown do not fit the legal definition of assault weapon.
That was the term used at the time. To say that is definitive proof every weapon should be ok for ownership is silly.
But that cuts at a fundamental disagreement in Conservative and Liberal thinking. Is the Constitution written in stone, or is it a guideline that should be interpreted depending on the time.
The Founding Fathers wrote the words "all men are created equal". They knew perfectly well that slavery was monstrous, but they couldn't have gotten the Constitution passed without accepting it, so they made an ugly compromise. They relied on future generations to rectify the problem, which they did. The bloodiest war in American history was to free the slaves, and ten of thousands of white people gave their lives for the cause.
Wtf my name's not chet.
Shut up limp dick
Not because of your conspiracy theories.
It's a hobby, like many others, and has its up sides and downsides.
The real question is, why does Yea Forums deserve your shit tier, bland, and unoriginal bait threads?
Not a rhetorical question.
Nobody said anything about that.
We haven't had a reason to defend why we need guns since we kicked you british and foreign fuckers out of our country. Come try to take it back if you want motherfuckers.
No I don't feel important. I don't think the Internet needs saving. I feel angry.
Angry that folks who want to take away what ever we have keep attacking our Second Amendment rights.
I suppose I could have said communist instead?
But a communist can be from anywhere where as our Russian enemies are very specefic.
I am pretty sure we could have impeached Donald Trump by now if instead of looking for Russian collusion we had instead examined his links to Ukraine.
Your argument is shit and proof you haven't even done an hours worth of research.
You think campaign finance is a conspiracy? Holy fucking shit lol. You literally think corporations hold NO SWAY with the government. I can't believe people as dumb as you exist.
>Is the Constitution written in stone, or is it a guideline that should be interpreted depending on the time.
It's written in stone. That's why there's a mechanism to amend it. If there's a need to make a change there's a way to change it. Otherwise it says what it says.
>I suppose I could have said communist instead?
Why do you think communists want to take away your guns?
Marx literally said workers should arm themselves.
you seem to have some mental issues
Someone else is saying corporations have no desire to increase or maintain profits.
>fundamental disagreement in Conservative and Liberal thinking. Is the Constitution written in stone, or is it a guideline that should be interpreted depending on the time.
It's not written in stone. It was written on paper, and has a clear process for amending the document if times change.
The "liberal" view you're promoting isn't an alternative point of view, it's just wrong. If you don't like the law, change it. That includes the Constitution. If you don't like the entire government, then revolt. Don't have a written Constitution, and just ignore it.
chet is the term for ball sweat
sure kid
any fellow americans cringe whenever you see this >we kicked your ass shit?
Once again, I never said anything like that.
I actually haven't said anything in a half a dozen posts. Do you enjoy arguing with yourself?
you have no argument
No, nobody said that. I've been repeatedly accused of saying that, but I never did.
Sure do.
None of them are any of your fucking business.
Stay out of my home, and live.
euro detected
YIIKES hmmm can't fight weapon pulled. guess you're right!
put your daddy on son
>Civil War denalist
You're literally Jefferson Davis
Most every anti-gun thread is Russian in origin.
Perhaps ask them why they want to take away our rights?
Taliban or IRA aswell.
thats an interesting graphic user, thank you for brief edumacashun
Assault weapon is a made up term. An assault rifle, on the other hand, isn't. An assault rifle is:
A rifle chambered in an intermediate cartridge that is capable of both semi-automatic and burst fire by design. A good example is the m4 rifle. A civilian model, known colloquially as the AR-15, is incapable of burst fire, only able to fire one bullet at a time. Civilians in the US cannot own full automatics without paying a tax stamp and all full autos are registered.
Modern Russians aren't communists, they're anacaps ruled with an iron fist by the mafia.
They share core values with modern american republicans, thus why they collaboare often lately.
Russia current goal is to inject instability and infighting within the american political and social landscape with the ultimate goal to enrich a small group of multinational corporations and rich families, while at the same time also enriching the russian mob elite itself.
And, by weakening the US economy, to exploit it for more profit.
Essentially try to get in the slice of the pie China is already eating rn (they're also only communist in name only, btw, they're an extremist capitalist nation).
>75 """""children""""""
Liberal infograph refuses to sight that 74 if those "children" are 17 year old gang bangers
Also, Finland and Switzerland are in top 5 per capital, how do they have and legs in this argument?
it's because of niggers
Why Russia?
Why not China?
Why not any other Country on Earth?
you like to read things into peoples replies don't you?
being this retarded
that's older than most the countries in Europe. germany isn't even 150 years old.
you're gonna need more gun there kid
Yeah I would suffer fear if not for the freedom to own guns.
I would say the real fear is that of the folks who repeatedly post anti gun thread and insist others should abide by their desires.
The cool thing about freedom is if you do not want to own a gun? You don't have to.
(Unless you live in Kennesaw Georgia.)
Great bait m8
it makes him feel important
he's saving the internet
Another user has been doing to me the entire thread, so I thought I'd throw in an absurdist one for fun. It's not like your sure kid merited a serious response.
I think you missed the point of the post you replied to
then it's someone else, there are no identifiers on here
with a collection like that I'd say you're not afraid of anything
See I'm good thanks.
you're going to make me type that out again?
Nobody said that. I said your theory was in the tinfoil hat territory, and nothing else. Since then, you've just been making up things I never said.
>Is it because of small penises
I have a small penis and I DON'T own a gun.
ty i try
Sure kid.
Sure kid.
so we can shoot shit and our kids can shoot shit
You can always recognize a Yea Forumstard by their very limited vocabulary.
Now please quit licking the Windex off the windows of the short bus.
It's about living in the middle of nowhere, far away from any police force, and having to defend yourself and your family.
Best answer... cause cowards buy guys to feel big and bad. The rest of us need one because there is nothing more dangerous or stupid then a coward with a gun.
It said one word "fear".
Not much to miss eh?
I did not look at the image.
I would give up my guns for an armored dog bot tbh
You claim that defense conractors, who are private corporations, have ZERO vested interest in extending a war they profit greatly from. You. Are. A. Moron.
I suffer from arachnophobia.
But they make a gun for that too.
You should. It's relevant.
See? More things I never said. Echo echo Bueller Bueller is anyone home?
gonna need one to put the dog down
Maga faggot much you insecure bitch, tits or gtfo
I want a snek gun
>I would suffer fear
Would suffer fear? Quit acting like a victim you fucktard. Fear is your lot in life because retards like you are kept alive by fear. If it wasn't for fear, you would be sticking your dick in a blender or your tounge in a wall socket.
>abide by their desires.
Who even speaks like that?
Listen you little bitch, if you are willing to kill another human being then stop acting like we should be your friend you dumb bitch. Own all the guns that you want faggot, but expect to get ass raped right up the keister hole when you get take into prison.
You "political" ideas aren't worth two shits if you get arrested you fuckwith. And guns are a liability you dumb shit.
Being willing to kill is basically and Affidavit that declares you an enemy of the state, a threat to humanity, and a menace to society regardless of what you socially retarded armchair lawyers tell you. Faggot.
>50% pistol
>50% hatchet
>100% fun
Fear of being a faggot I presume.
muh constitutional rights
Ok, explain how any of these are anywhere close to modern firearms.
The Puckle Gun had to have every cylinder loaded by hand and then rotated after each shot. It was not semi auto.
The Nock Volley Gun was meant to be used as a shotgun in naval combat. Not an assault weapon.
Lorenzoni pistols and rifles were very expensive and tended to blow up if cheaply made. Also not semi auto, and not an assault weapon.
The girandoni btw was a compressed air rifle. and once again, not an assault weapon.
Semi automatic firearms were just dreams on paper until smokeless powder came along. Making it possible to create a weapon that wouldn't jam cause of all the residue build up.
More importantly, these bullets were big, slow, and inaccurate.
Ammo quality and production are so massive now that we can use billions of rounds in training and still have enough left over for war, policing, and hunting.
My example still stands
Some of the bloodiest battles of world war one came in the early months as we had advanced weapons go up against outdated tactics that saw too many men killed.
If military leaders, whose job it is to understand this stuff. And people of the time, not 150 years earlier. If these people couldn't have seen these things coming, then how can you say the Founding Fathers could.
You collect all those dudes from the 1700s and show them a M134, or a Light Machine gun, or even a civilian AR15 and ask them if there should be zero restrictions on owning these things.
I'd bet my left nut they would change "bear arms" to "bear arms within reason"
dat BAR collection
Then muster up an argument, and try to repeal the 2nd amendment. (Good luck with that.)
Protip: "Guns are different today" or "my internet telepathy tells me what the Founding Fathers really thought" are not arguments.
How do you think we kicked English ass? Cuz we had guns AND FUCKING CANNONS. Give us our weapons and we'll kick some real ass!
see >Who even speaks like that?
People with more than ebonics to draw on as their vocabulary.
Look I am trying to have a civil discussion.
I could just call you names and insult you.
But I am trying to be nice to you.
I am not Op.
>bear arms within reason
Right. Because you shouldn't be too effective at defending yourself. That would make you too hard to control.
Say bye to that left nut, faggot
did a reverse lookup and found another angle
No body likes Mexicans though
The truth is, even if you know how to fight, there is always someone bigger. With my gun, It doesn't matter how big they are, and i can prevent most conflicts without either party getting injured.
Counter argument
OP loves cock
because we don't want what is happening in china and europe to happen to us.....active shooters are but a small price to pay for not going to jail for criticizing the royalty
>Ok, explain how any of these are anywhere close to modern firearms.
It's not that they're close to modern weapons, it the fact that we allowed citizens during the Revolutionary War utilize cannons and battle ships of their era.
The modern equivalent to allowing citizens the same hardware the military's use now.
If they were alive today, they would be calling for another revolution.
Well thankfully they are not arguments as then you would have to address my points.
The Second does not need to be repealed, you guys just have to concede that things are different now, and maybe some restrictions are worth the overall benefits.
still not making an argument
She's half Lebanese, doesn't count
still not making an argument
Charlie did have a wonderful vault.
Yes, things are different now, we aren't allowed to wield the same armaments as the Governments military.
The same could not be said for when they wrote the 2nd Amendment.
My use of language obviously extended past "retards", you retard.
I don't need to have a civilized discussion with you fag wad. The fact that you want people to silence their worries, rational fears, and doubts about retards like you posting pictures of anal cavities online and using guns is just proof that you are a retarded fag-wad.
The only reason that I came here is because I've watched Fear Factor one too many times when I was a kid, and now I have a morbid fascination with seeing just what kind of gas-station bathroom diarrhea shitstorm of a garbage dump resides in the mind of a 'Merican that feels that owning a M16 is "God given right" in a Nation that still prays tot Jesus at Congressional speeches. You dumb fuck.
Even your president repeatedly speaks about Jesus and his Christian believes while talking about bombing the shit out of other countries.
This isn't an argument you dumb fuck. If you haven't caught on yet, then I am just waiting here for you die chocking on a bottle glue or some dumb shit like that.
>The Second does not need to be repealed, you guys just have to concede that things are different now
That's not how it works. If you want to change the Constitution, you have to amend it. You can't just say nuh uh.
I'd love to see that defense in court.
>Son, you committed murder.
>Nuh uh
still not hearing an argument
Any fellow americans cringe when you see incels like this not be proud of being an independent nation built by our forefathers?
Holy shit, you think about us a lot! Funny, I don't think about you at all.
>and maybe some restrictions are worth the overall benefits.
We gave and gave.
No more.
we don't generally give firearms to children, but we do teach them firearm safety. yes, there are firearms here, some of them not properly secured/stored, and if a child doesn't know basic firearm safety they could hurt or kill someone. when i was a kid, most of my friends had multiple handguns in their homes. but i was taught how to safely handle firearms from a young age, so it wasn't a problem.
the parents that don't teach their kids basic safety that are the morons. i mean, did you teach your kids how to safely cross the fucking street? or did you just assume they won't ever see a car on the road, and let them have at it? how about not sticking things into electrical outlets? did we cover that one? you teach your teens about birth control, or did you just accept that you'll be a grandparent when your kid is 15? or better yet, assume they won't have sex?
come on.
Idiotic shitpost attempt. It's fine if you don't understand why we hold the right to bare arms sacred. Don't insult it because you don't understand it. Asshat.
Are you even American? Latino teachers are not raising any eyebrows out here. And some of the most hated teachers where neurotic, fat ass white old and wrinkly bitches that brought out the worst of white, black and latino kids.
You either never got the full American schooling experience or live in back woods Alabama. White teachers are literally some of the worst. And this is unilateral across all races. And schooling is where most of the racial attitudes are formed. Not everyone out here has the same attitudes as you, didn't that clue you in on the fact that you might have been a tad bit retarded?
>tl;dr Inb4 "hurr durr wall of text, triggered hurr durr" I am just stalling before I get back to my studies unlike you shit for brain plebians
>Why do americans need guns?
Because if that pesky Bill of Needs says I have a need for a gun then godammit I need a gun.
No, it's because:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Well that brings us back to the Difference between Conservative and Liberal ideologies concerning the Constitution.
Since most of these gun restriction laws are still in place, I'm going to assume the courts are on my side.
If you should truly have the right to bear arms, why can't you own an M61 Vulcan? Or make a simple SMG in your garage without a licence?
Why do you have to get a concealed carry permit? You have the right to bear arms right?
Fuck it, you can't own Plutonium legally, why not ? Does the government not understand your second amendment rights?
I'M Your Huckleberry...If You Run You Will Just DIE Tired
you're american or you're not. there's no such thing as a mexican american, an israeli american, or an irish american.
It's kind of funny that you're trying to spin this as a difference between Conservative and Liberal ideologies, when your interpretation of "liberal" is so regressive that it predates the Code of Hammurabi.
Written laws. They're a thing.
this retarded
Sure kid
because two men attempted to get into my house and at my wife and belongings and though i used to be good in a fight i doubt i could take both of them even with a baseball bat.
because they are the holy equalizer, humanities greatest achievement.
you faggots like to run your cock trap online but your knees get weak, your mouth stays silent, and suddenly respect appears if you see someone open carrying
Nobody wants your wife
well, the courts here have interpreted the phrase "bear arms" to mean firearms. an m61 vulcan, the gau-8 from an a-10, and the m110a2 (my favorite!) are all CANNONS, not FIREARMS.
if you don't want to do what's needed to concealed carry, just open carry.
as far as plutonium goes, it a very dangerous metal that has limited use, and requires advanced education and specialized training to safely handle.
you want a ffl, go get one. the fibbies can search your shit anytime with no warrant. i'll pass on that and stay semi-auto only.
Why do Americans need:
>freedom of religion, free speech, free press.1st amendment
>Right to privacy, be secure in their homes from the government, 4th amendment
Forced to stand trial twice, forced to be a witness against themselves 5th amendment
its the military industrial complex and an opportunity to die for Israel, of course they're committed.
There's no constitutional right to privacy that's a pure fabrication like the right to abortion, and the right to be secure in one's home has been made of a mockery of by no-knock warrants
Did you happen to see that BS in the news yesterday that says a suspect can be tried by both the State and Federal Government for the same alleged crime? Double Jeopardy is out the window now I guess.
Well when questioned they thought she was home alone so it would be an easy house to bag. Im at work on break but if you want the police report itll show up under Newark DE. The one close the the UD college.
Because children have even smaller penises.
So they thought your wife was easy?
Yeah, asking that question means you trust the government to take care of you. You're in a sweet spot now with Trump and a good economy. Wait till the Deep State and the "Diversity is your strength" nonsens wins and all of the world is disarmed. Yeah, Enjoy your Antichrist, that's what's coming.
Oh shut the fuck up you faggoty ass, pole smoking, fudge packing, Ducati owning, bum banditing,
willie woofting, bean queening, jizz guzzling, poo pipe pirating, botty burglaring, bum chumming, pillow biting, cake eating, sword swallowing, knob knobbling, marmite mining, chocolate chimney sweeping, pipeline surfing, chutney ferreting, cocoa shunting, dinner mashing, cock gobbling, salad tossing, dung pushing, corn holing, jobby jabbering, orchid eating, cheesy wheelbarrow pushing, dicky licking, turd burgling, donut punching, sausage jockeying, doormat bashing, uphill gardening, uranian poonce!
What are you on about?
Conservative as in keeping things the same because that's how they always were.
Liberal as in changing things as new information and ideas arise.
Both have benefits and drawbacks.
Where you getting this Hammurabi stuff from.
Did you just learn about him and wanted to use it as an argument?
All people have the right to self defense,
Not just politicians and the rich.
This. Just this.
>Anti Christ
Please don't make me rant.
They need them to shoot spics, niggers, and jews.
yeah, but do you know how they spell justice? like this:
Who said all we have is pea shooters? We can and do own legally 50 BMGs. We have the skills and supplies to make anti tank rounds. My own government can't even kill some sand niggers in the mountains with nam era weapons. What makes you think they can take rednecks in the back woods?
That's not what you're arguing. You're arguing that written laws should be ignored. Hammurabi came up because it's the earliest example of a written code of laws. You're going back before that.
im a democrat and a gun owner. I fucking hate when other libtards are like,"nigga you cant be a real democrat if you own a guuuuuun"
Where I live, the jails are getting so crowded that they let people who have 20 to life out after 5 or 10 years, right back on the street. If they decide they want to turn a robbery into a murder, they get a slap on the wrist, go to jail for a bit, talk to the inmates to learn how not to get caught next time, and then they'e back in the races. This is all if they even get caught to begin with. Unless it involves rape or clear evidence, not much the police care to do.
The only people how the legal system hits are the people with something to lose, typically people with money that the lawyers can go after.
why would you lie, on the internet?
>voting 7-2, left intact the “separate sovereigns” doctrine
Sentencing really needs to be fixed, though that's a separate issue
Oh okay, thanks.
Sure, ball sweat
>Why do americans need guns?
Originally, it was fear of the British.
Now it's fear of niggers.
>Sentencing really needs to be fixed
>separate issue
So they should get thier shit kicked in and not defend them self until it is fixed? Bruh what how does that make any sense. I
hope you never have to defend yourself. I hope no one does but the reality is it happens and they do.
That's not what I am arguing at all. Times change old laws need to be reinterpreted, changed, or updated.
This is a big part of what the courts do.
Airbags didn't have to be standard on cars, now they are.
I specifically said it was unrelated. But despite that, you want to pretend what I said was somehow a comment on the rest of your post.
Well in the context you said it what else could it have possibly meant?
im not the replier by the way
I said it was a separate issue. Are you unfamiliar with the word, for instance how it's used in journalism "in separate news..."
>re you unfamiliar with the word, for instance how it's used in journalism "in separate news..."
The two issues coincide with one another though... More criminals means more crime means more often some poor schmuck will have to defend themselves. its not seperate at all
(((Fellow American)))
Because fuck you commie
It's because they're retards and manchildren that think sports and toys mean something. Part of freedom to be gay is having zero fucking manners
It's actually because the supreme court ruled that the police have zero duty or liability to protect the citizenry, that their purpose is to enforce law and not protect people. This coupled with unpredictable 911 connection/wait times and officer response time mean that you best chance of self preservation is self defense. Teaching children firearm dangers, etiquette and fundamentals is the best way to reduce their negligence with them.
Why is defending yourself gay?
>knife crime in Britain
i wish i could fucking carry. Some fuck got stabbed on my street a few months ago but its just normal here now
>no-knock warrants
I don't think you know how hard it is to get a warrant. if a prosecutor goes for a baseless warrant, it goes on their file that they arrested someone without just cause. they can eventually be disbarred for harassment
Yes, it reminded me of the other issue, that's why I posted a reply. But I wasn't addressing the overlap, hence the separately.
The sentencing issue is that many punishments aren't proportionate to the crimes. Minor drug offensives can carry minimum sentences, while far more serious crimes like rape don't, so who gets released early when the jails are full? There are also lots of regulatory issues that have been stealthily turned into crimes over the past 20 years, like many wetlands provisions. That's not the right way to handle it. This also interacts heavily with things like the loss of fathers, and about a zillion other things. Which is why I didn't address it; it's complex.
You must secretly want to fuck spiders
Don't complain about the increasing militarization of the police then, as it is directly caused by gun ownership.
Same with unarmed people being shot by the police.
Or increase security at the airport.
Or mass shootings, which you probably don't care about anyway.
Why? Do you think the emergence of the antichrist as foretold in Revelation is nonsense?
>Don't complain about the increasing militarization of the police then, as it is directly caused by gun ownership.
No, it absolutely is not. It's almost entirely a result of the war on drugs.
Pic related, if you want a good overview of how exactly it happened.
>This also interacts heavily with things like the loss of fathers
i know this leads to higher crime rate and that
>Minor drug offensives can carry minimum sentences
But somewhere it has to stop with the individual. Somewhere a person has to take self responsibility. Idk if we need gov programs to help these men in women from single parent homes or what but We cant keep blaming some guys actions for doing coke and robbing a convenient store on the lack of a dad or some shit.
Dont do crime and you wont end up ion jail with a wonky sentence. Does that fix the problem outright? no. But taking responsibility for ones owns actions and not blaming "the man" or "the up bringing" needs to happen.
Tons of men like me come from a single parent home and dont end up fucking girls in alleys and doing minor drug crimes. THe question i wonder is how to make it happen more often
No I think the bullshit that most modern churches teach about Revelation is...
There will be nothing like rapture.
It is a false teaching not contained in the Bible.
And the Anti Christ will be the devil who will be cast down among us NOT as a human being, but a super natural one. Who will probably claim to be here to rapture folks away as part of his deception.
Its 2019 no one takes responsibility for actions anymore. Its all the white Nazis falt that Jamal robbed that convince store to pay for rocks man didnt you know?
how else he gon get his money? he dindu nuffin. She didnt have to shoot him for robbing her
>But somewhere it has to stop with the individual.
That's when an individual is arrested.
But we also need to look at policy, before it gets that far. Public policy since the 1960s has created a lot of perverse and negative incentives that have led to higher incidences of crime. For instance having no father is very strongly correlated with committing crimes, and welfare policies have punished families with fathers.
Because they recognize that when you're in a fight it's best to fight with every advantage on your side.
dont rob a house and you wont get shot, its pretty fucking simple
because guns are fucking cool
I think that's exactly how it will happen too, UFO's will be said to be extraterrestrial and our creators, while the truth is, they are extradimential and the fallen ones, bringing the one world government for the Son of Perdition.
An American needs a gun they're a free citizen. Allowed to defend their person at the current level which individual human beings fight eachother. 500 years ago it would have been sabres.
You don't need a gun because your life isn't valuable. If someone smuggled a gun into where you live, you would be at their mercy. You might die, and it wouldn't matter at all because your life isn't valuable. It's not me insulting you it's just stating it matter of factly. Your own government decided this, not me. They decided it is preferable that you die unarmed and helpless, unable to effectively defend yourself with a modern weapon against someone with a modern weapon, than to risk their orderly flow of things having the chance to be interrupted.
"to invade the United States would prove most difficult because behind every blade of grass is an American with a rifle." FUCK YEAH THERE IS!
>But we also need to look at policy, before it gets that far.
>Public policy since the 1960s has created a lot of perverse and negative incentives
this is true but thats not the victims fault or problem. They weren't even around to see this enacted. Yes things need to change but if some twig girl wants to carry a gun because someone inst responsible enough to realize robbing her for change to pay for coke isnt a good idea then let her
So Stacy gets raped, Shes pretty upset, but its ok. Trevon didnt have a dad so its not his fault? Its because something that happened in the 60's Stacey that you weren't alive to see. so dont worry its all good girl.
Have you even watched Leon?
>Start with gun, progress to knife
Because when your government becomes a tyranny, you need the weapons to fight back, as it is your obligation to do so when your government oversteps its bounds.
Good luck with your butter knives, faggot.
So its a policy from the 60's fault and his lack of parenting i get my shit kicked in on the street and not that his? well fuck i feel all fucking better now
You're confusing feelings with sound public policy. If Trevor is already committing crimes, that's for the justice system to handle. He's lost.
Public policy won't fix Trevor, but if we address those negative incentives, it might stop the next generation of kids from becoming Trevors.
No im not confusing, what im saying is if she can defend herself before it happens to her then shell never be raped in the first place.
Yes. Don't you want to stop that kind of thing from happening?
Why do Canadians need guns? Oh that's right, to shoot shitty Raptors fans.
That's fine. You do realize nobody disagreed with you? I've been talking about sensible public policy, not self defense. We need both.
What im saying is policy change and all that is great for 10 years from now after itll take effect and fully sets in but until then if some girl doesent want to get raped and shes carrying a gun thats fine. Or some convince store clerk doesent want to get robbed and has a gun that's more then fine.
Changing policy is great but until then if people are having crimes committed against them then people have a right to defend themselves. Changes like that will take years to take effect
>australia gun violence started to decrease
>implement buy back program
>see guys, it works
>britain bans guns
>violent crimes stayed the same just switching from gun shots to stabbings
>robbery increased as well
I mean, this can also be chopped up to increase of "diversity"
>Why do americans need guns?
Have you even been here nigger? It's full of Pepsi merchandisers.
Because Muh rights! Jesus! Abortion!
LOL, Amerifats are funny :D
That's correct. See here
SWAT team, suit up!
muslim detected
>Is it because of small penises
sure user. now fuck off
And to get my point across even further...
Why do you have to be 18 and show ID to buy a fucking BUTTER KNIFE in England?
>But but muh crumpets!
Get back to "bin that knife and save a life" OP...fucking eurofag.
That image triggers me. Just think of all the cleaning. I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing rust is creeping in somewhere.
In all honesty ive been stabbed with a serrated knife and id much rather be shot. Knife wounds are never clean cut and you dont know where that knifes been
Australia had a mass shooting or incident just a few weeks ago?
Cosmoline... Cosmoline Everywhere O_O. Thats even worse
Why, THEIR bullshit is just nonsense! MY bullshit is God's wisdom!
Thank you and thank you fellow /k/ommandos!
True. That room either smells like a watch factory or Harbor Freight.
Lol, go eat a Big Mac and build an Ark, Fatboy!:D
What exactly is a "weapons sweep"? That's the scariest part of that pic.
australia has a population that is less than canada. so what's your point? it's easy to keep 20 people from rioting
i never go to /k/ its full of ppl who think communism is cool. Kid stabbed me when i was 22 and working in Wilmington. Took my shit and ran. Thats really all thier was to it. was on a job so all i had was tools with me, caught me from behind. Nothing exciting or anything.
Because I actually read the book.
I only talk about what it claims not what they say it claims.
Go ahead google rapture and see if the word occurs more than twice in the Bible. (It does not) And both of those times had nothing at all about folks being evacuated from Earth.
Tim Lehay has done folks a huge disservice with "Left Behind".
I am not saying join a church sit in a pew or tithe the pope.
But I am saying read the book.
And avoid men in funny hats.
searching for weapons, self explanatory. cops go through the city and snatch any pointy objects they can 'cause of the "crime"
Do they just walk around and look at people/corners/stairwells, or do they go door to door and search?