What the fuck is going on with my ear? Staph? Aids?
Quads and ill cut it off.
What the fuck is going on with my ear? Staph? Aids?
Quads and ill cut it off.
acne you fuck.
start using a seperate, high acid shampoo (think dennorex or selsen blue) and work your entire scalp and behind your ears every other day. secondly, make sure to properly rinse the area so no soap residue sits behind. use a strong alcohol based aftershave to properly rinse your beardline. finally, obtain an acid-based facial scrub to finish off your routine.
Not op but can I kill myself by tying a USB cord round my neck, I'm having a mental breakdown and my only help, my best friend won't help me and I'm drinking heavily, I get bullied by my dad daily and work for nothing for him, what's the best way to kill mysle, I will even live stream
chance to reroll
Please reply, I've begged my friend to he wont
missed, sorry user
I made a thread last week but Jo reply can't anybody help me, I will even pay to live somewhere in UK, I need help but cannot find it please help me
Usb cords are for usb devices. You are not a usb device
Prolly an infection but do it
It is a rash but some leaf bandages on it
cut it off pussy
Please help me, I'm being serious can you help me, I have mental health problems and my dad's using it against me and I need to die, please help me, I see no light at the end of the tunnel, I get paid 400 a month is 300 a month enouht to live with you, if I can't find help I'll lovestream my suicide
its prolly to late for soap user. this is a man who takes no care of him self.
You need acne soap and to change your diet. Exercise more too..
Also check my quads.... cut it off
Forgot, would a shoe lace or belt around my door handle work?
Its behind both ears and smells terrible.. Been to doctor seat times for it left unanswered... Staphaerosa in my bloodstream but the pills never work
I have that.In french its called seboritic dermitis or some shit like that, look that up. its not dangerous but it willkeep spreading, the doc will give you a shampoo and its an easy cure.
Don't listen to this buyfag. Just wash morning and night with REAL SOAP. No faggot moisturizing body bars, vegetable glycerine bullshit, or cologne scented jizz in a bottle. SOAP, NIGGER. Pic related
Please someone answer serious I need help, I will pay 300 a month to love somewhere or I'm going to kill myself on younow or live. Me
Where u live?
Barnsley, uk
Cut that shit off
Will you help me., I need help
Actually extremely untrue...
OP works out 5 days a week and eats homegrown vegies daily... I'm pretty cut muscle wise and I'm an adult about cleaning myself... Wish it was as simple as your dirty so be more clean but its not
Don't do this please I have mental health issues please, I need help I will pay, I get paid universal credit, don't do this please in a bad state
I'm from barnsley, in South Yorkshire, do you use Facebook I need help pelas ehelp me, I'm at my wits end and my own brothers are lying for my dad against me I need help please
>only a fool would believe anything posted here.
Wish I could. The part about working for your father hit close to home.
Unfortunately I'm in New England, not Old England
I'm English, I smoke weed and my dad bullies me daily, has since I was a child and my mum died of cancer, he used to beat my mother up and she is now dead, he takes all aggressive and anger out on me and I can't cope, he must hate me, I have some horrible stuff I could tell but I née dhelp first please someone I'm crying out for help please
I'm being serious I have tried to kill myself multiple times b4 please, I need help
Plese I will travel
I don't ant to die but I can't see any light please help
Then try again.
go try to kill some people with a knife, get put in prison, live happily ever after
Please don't do this, I have no contact nothing my family are turning against me I have done nothing wrong I'm willing to pay 300 pounds please
Move out bruv
I will pay 300 pound a month rent please, I'm 23 and been here since 2012
looks kinda fungal? try using Lamisil. the photo could be better... the bottom portion of the photo looks like acne
rolling to cut it off
What if I offered you 275 a month please
Please, I have tried 111 and 999 and all numbers they just send police please
Cystic acne, there are a few ways to get it1 being a naturally occurring form that attacks new follicles! The other way is Syphilis. Get an STI panel and relax, then go to a dermatologist.
your an ineffective child and no one loves you.
Other ear
Abandon thread. The autist larping as a teenager for (you)'s has ruined it, not that it was ever good.
Acne from touching or picking at your oily ears. Don't touch your ears and it happens much less. I sometimes get clogged sebums on my earlobes that I'll pop offhand without thinking about it, and 9 times out of 10 it ends up turning into a big, tough, leaky pimple for like a week and a half. Don't fuck with your ears and they won't fuck with you.
Also helps to change and wash your pillowcase weekly
It could be Hidradenitis Suppurativa, or some other Follicular Occlusion, just hope that its not either of these two.
Finally someone who sound like they know.. Have it on ass as well... What are the ods its syphilis
Why do you do this to people in need of help, I've had a valium and 6 beers, I feel really weird and nobody not my own family or friends will help me, I could be another statistic and nobody cares even when I'm offering money, I don't want to die but I can't see an escape
The best way to kill yourself
>Find a high spot to jump
>Anchor a rope around your waist
>Anchor a shorter piano wire noose around your neck
>Superglue your hands to your head
>Jump to legendary status
If I lovestream myself prepare on to off myself is that enough proof on younow?
do it faggot
Dermofag medic here. That looks like ear syphilis. You must've let a gayfag ear fuck you. There's no cure, so be an Van Gogh immediately.