No porn guys. It hinders the creation of OC and drives down the post quality.
No porn guys. It hinders the creation of OC and drives down the post quality
actually let out an audible laugh at this post
Other reasons for killing porn would be reducing retards. Porn attracts the worst kind of posters, who are only interested in porn.
too late, 80% of Yea Forums is already porn
We can change it. First by reducing the amount of porn dumps to 2-3, second by upping the amount of pages by 15 so you wouldn't have to bump every fucking 2 minutes so your thread doesn't go 404ed.
if that was the case, they would stick only to the porn threads not mucking up yo shit.
They stick to my threads because I'm based.
if they are only interested in porn, then wouldn't you have to be making porn threads for them to be interested enough to load your thread?
This is hilariously ironic
Sounds like you snowflakes are looking for a safe space, fuck off
Sounds like this thread needs a bump to page 1, fren
Go fuck yourselves you Yellow Knights
No, I just want anything other than porn to survive.
You don't create OC in porn threads, do you? Porn dumps are absolutely worthless.
>drives down the post quality
you yellow posters are the ones driving down the quality,why dont you get a life and stop spamming the board everyday,makes me wonder why the mods arent doing their job and banning you annoying fucks
Seething pornfags. Still no competent argument.
>yellowfags are the ones driving down quality
You wouldn't have any quality with or without yellowfags.
Yellow threads in themselves also lower the creative drive of Yea Forums by making so there are 2threads on the board right now, porn and yellow fags circle jerking, no more ylyl, no more rekt, no more anything, the little space there was for that content is now filled up with people spamming yellow threads
same reason they're not banning the bots who post the same garbage bait every hour
same reason they don't ban those faggots who post the same fucking boring ass celeb thread constantly
same reason they don't ban the faggot who posts the emo poo guy despite the constant spam
same reason they don't ban the yellow threads
maybe we should just have an upvote system?
>post quality