Anyone know who she is?

Anyone know who she is?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Where is the dick?

Dat be mah bottom bitch Chardonnay. Backdafuckup, homes.

In your mouth, faggot.

Amy Lavon. Google the Lavon Affair. Really wasn't that hard guys.


Some woman that's clearly irritated by ronery incels being up in her business when she's just trying to get from A to B.

Thanks for contributing to stalking and possible raep, user.

Kek is dead. Long live lawl!

You spelled "lonely" wrong.

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Successful troll is modestly successful!

Bernadette Cumincunt

here's a better question, what is she listening to?

fuck no you cunt.

You're a fucking retard

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kek will never die!

Not even a little

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Billie Ellish if she didnt dress like she was doing cosplay of a retro sofa


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If i remember it correctly she is a 15 year old from sweden

Dunno who she is but the seats is recognizable, she is in a commuter train in Stockholm, Sweden.

I kekked

still gunna fap to it

Is that a bad thing or good thing?

age of consent in sweden is 15 ;)

Better question where she is? What's her address

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>white girl
I don't believe you

yeah thas that good shit

There's plenty of white girls here. White guys too. It's just that they look just like the girls do.

Moи дeйcтвия

So you're saying that girl is a guy

billie ielish

Bon iver

Thank you

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Hold on, she's holding a cell phone, I can hack it from here


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Roberta Paulson

You responded, faggot.

You are educated stupid!

Who knows?

Her name is Sharon

U must be a nigga or anti-white me 2

she is my mom, stop posting her

a song

none of your gaddamn business

idk man cant see any album cover with the brighter colors in the corner

Some Yea Forumsro please post her IG, I know you have it

All that comes up is an operation Israel did against Egypt

This will do tonight

Not a 'she'. That's a dude.

Too soon show some respect


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Why, who is she?


What do you think, faggot?


her name is fanny bergström

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my gf

Yeah I know you think this is funny but it’s way too soon for real. Have some respect she was a human being just like the rest of us

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I mean... currently, it's bad for HER. Not for the asian sandniggers running around raping young Swedish girls. Bet they've been waiting in anticipation for this year's festivals, so they can play some "taharrush" with the girls in the crowd, or just rape them when they're drunk.

That's quite some detective work there, user. Should we be worried for her safety?

Is it confirmed this happened to her?

billie eilish lol

i don't think so. this information is from old Yea Forums threads, she deleted her insta and apparently vanished from the internet after that. but maybe a swedish user could help

No, I was just saying that being a young Swedish (blonde) girl is not a great thing to be in Sweden right now. Asian brown bois fucking things up for everyone.

oh yeah....... fug, how do we rescue her?


also why the fuck is this thread still up?

Where the Alabama did that come from?

Both are the same newfag, which is me actually

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