Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread

Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread

You got the Qs and they got the As!

As always tits not required but encouraged

Part 2!

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Other urls found in this thread:


first for my OKA_SAN

Lol thanks son

would you fist your man in the ass till he came?

Hell no. That's gay

what would you name your kid?

have you ever dated a black guy?


have you ever tasted your cunt blood? I know I would


how old are you and how much do you weigh?

Anna here.

No, that’s gay.

His name was Julius, though his adopted parents named him Tim.

No, nor would I ever.



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ty OKA_SAN , I'm namefag now and this is my name


wasnt aimed at anna but based name, why'd they take him from you? you plan to meet him?

I'm 29. Weigh about 160?

I soooo wanna see a pic of your son anna ;_;

Well okay then

I hope you get raped in the ass by an aids infested nigger dick

trips confirmed proud to call you OKA_SAN

do you like cocaine

Yea that wont happen. Sorry.



46, 160 lbs of mombod t&a.

My father took me to have an abortion (I was sedated for fighting, late term, illegal, & under the table), and he survived. My father told me he’d died, but my father actually adopted him out to a family he’d known from the area he was from. And yes, he reached out to me, just had a dna test done.

Don’t know if I should post his face because of privacy issues, but next time I see him I’ll take a photo.

Eh, made me feel like I was going to die honestly.


opinion on these two @Vchan

Yes please do I'm so curious!!

Hey I'm actually subscribed to them!
I just like seeing life in Japan shit lol

do you have any bitcoin?

how old is he?
did he develop a oedipus complex? this is sort of a trend among separated parents and children

Will do then...

No, unfortunately I didn’t buy into that stuff, sure wish I had.


Why are half the femanons on Yea Forums sexually attracted to me for :/

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Ask anyone who's ever been raped whether or not they thought it would ever happen to them. Black men statistically have a much higher rate of STDs and also commit rape more often than other races. There's definitely a chance, sweetheart. I bet you look like you're just asking for it when you're in public. Did you know that whenever men see women in public they think about raping them? Most of us don't act on it, but the thought and intent is there. Stay safe, sweetie.

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Where is based Vchan?


Yikes. Sounds like a jealous broad amongst the coop.

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>Did you know that whenever men see women in public they think about raping them?

lol its only you who thinks like that you psycho rapist

I don't think it's one bit TOPKEK at all nigga.

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He’s 30, aaand no comment.



so im going to pick up my dog later, and this girl seems like shes kinda into me and i think shes cute. Is it best to just leave things be because she works at a business i frequent or what subtle way can i find out if shes interested?


damn you old, what age did you have him on?

you work at nasa? or are you just a beta orbiter?

oly nigga?

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this doge could be hispanic, i bet this is vchans fiancee missing with her phone, hi bro, gl with the kids

It's kinda slim pickins', user. You do know where you're at, don't you?



Heeeeeree. I'm eating before work

Ehhhh... hard to really call people orbiters in a thread that's literally a calling for orbitting.


Say it to my face girl.

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Bless your soul. Just wanted to say hey.


Seems kind of interested in you how user?

I was 15 at the time I had him.


It's near Summer. Why are you storing acorns for Winter?

lmao if this nigga is vchans husband then maybe i could date morrena baccarin

Are you really that naive? We are all animals with animal instincts and urges. The only reason we don't act on them are societal rules of order and fear of becoming a social pariah and/or imprisonment Remember that the next time you are out and alone around men, even ones that present themselves as trustworthy, kind, and genuine souls.

Hi user!

No this is my fiancee

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wrong, we don't act on them or even think of doing that evil crap because we have morals, we have a conscience! You're an idiot.

hello totally real femanon here
the idea of having a child come out of me is disgusting.
no. and no whites or mexicans.
20-1=?, ~90
never tried it


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Ewww, burn the coal, pay the toll.

just laughs at literally everything I say, always has a ear to ear grin every time i talk to her.

Culturally women dress provocatively. Just look at standard blue jeans. Even if men's jeans fit correctly they crotch well below the genitals. Women wear denim yoga pants.


hahahahhahahahaha im dyin over here


Lol hi Anna. Stay mad because you're a 4 and she's a 9.

>no. and no whites or mexicans.
What races have you dated then?



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i cant.....breath


Yikes. Trying too hard /10.

:'( i've only dated one guy and a white girl
and the guy was middle eastern (wouldn't have been my first choice) but i find white guys okay if they're cowboys/ranchers or farmers
there's not a lot of Asians in the deep south or at least not that i've seen

>t. naive woman
Why do you think male animals rape female animals to reproduce? There is an internal drive to do so based on the need to spread one's genetic material. Humans simply repress the urge for societal standards. Without laws (and even sometimes with) man can quickly devolve into his animal nature. We don't fantasize about obtaining consent before we fantasize about fucking them.


Can we start a new thread, ladies? Pls?


do you enjoy sucking dick?

A lot of us are hoping you'll die of breast cancer one day, OP.



Eh I'll be ok with that

Well, okay. Fair 'nuff.

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do you like israel

what signals are a dead give away if a chick is in to you?

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I'm hoping she gets doxxed, raped, tortured, murdered, dismembered, and mailed to her spic lover in a box

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Who me?

Vchan is beautiful, I’m happy for her.


Sustained eye contact, smiles.


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Do you continously use Monostat 7 or just when it REALLY REALLY smells?

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>mailed to her spic lover in a box
user that is so horrible!

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they'll just make another one if this one hits limit, this spam is pointless

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Holy shit, is that The Forgery from youtube? You sound just like that fat, new vegas loving tism, lisp and all.

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Log brother.

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are you mexican?

i do love NV, playing the new california mod rn

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There's this mid-40s or thereabouts milf neighbor that I'd love to fuck. Lately her clothing has become more revealing even considering that it's hot rn.
What do you think about complimenting her clothes? Will it not be too beta? Or would it be best to be nice but not too nice, like 'oh, that's a nice skirt, but...'.?

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I'll never understand why fatsos love that game. I mean, unironically, whenever i hear NV being brought up in conversation, it's always by a lardy. Still trying to figure out the correlation assuming that most FO3 players were twinky, nasally nerds. Really makes me scratch my head in confusion.

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Logged & clogged, friend.

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I hate these, but fuck me Alakazam sucks so hard that this is an accidental big laugh

>seriously tho what's the story with the pictures and Logg? Like where did this originate? Did he do something with shit?

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its not that fatsos play that game, you get fat playing it and being sedentary for months on end
i call it the courier voice

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Imagine not knowing how to:
>lurk moar
>use google
>use behind the meme
>do anything without being spoonfed

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What are the morals you observe? What is moral?

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A compliment should be fine, would’nt go the not too nice route, flattery is the best.


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what are some good small talk questions to get to know someone?

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Fuckin world you live in boomer, /everything is spoonfed nowadays
>gotta beware the fake news LOGG lord, it's impressive you've kept this up for 5 years tho

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complementing her clothes is a good start but instead of her skirt, complement her jewelry (if shes wearing any) or her hair, etc. complimenting her skirt or shirt would kind of suggest you're just staring at her boobs or her butt which is something you might want to avoid
weird i've noticed that too though as a fnv and & fo3 i fit neither of the descriptions you mentioned


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ask our leader

Ehhhhh... not to be needlessly flamboyant but i still don't get the allure. It felt really cliche; like a texture mod for FO3. It may sound like i was a fan of the previous entry since i keep bringing it up but i've beaten neither. They felt really lackluster. The quests. The characters. The main story. The voice acting was above average but everything else felt like it was held together with glue.
Hot take: i had more fun with FO4 and Fallout Shelter than i did with NV and FO3. Then again, i was hopped up on vyvanse for days during that period. I also don't own a reliable PC, so, there's that. Queue the endless bandwagon of NV fans marching in telling me i'm a pleb because i can't experience mods.

so if you are hanging out with a girl and you both like eachother but havnt hooked up yet. do girls like it when guys are up front like "so you want to fuck" or is it better to be more subtle or what?

The weather is always good to talk about, though I’d imagine it changes from place to place.


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>everything is spoonfed
Don't ask me why i hate zoomers. They elaborate my point just fine without me speaking a word.

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Everyone remain calm! This is a tactical log strike.

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How often do you get yeast infections y'all? My wife has her second one this year... (Despite both of us being very hygenic)

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>neither skinny nor fat
Pic related.

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I respect your opinion, i played all the way through 1, 2 and new vegas only, i got a shelter account but its really fucking dumb and basically a pay to win resource managment game that normies play on the phone, and 4 was a straight up cash grab with even worse story and dumbed down dialogue and UI, to be fair it has really good mods that can fix that, but why should i pay full price for a Tripple E game that isnt fixed from the get go

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Typical boomer behaviour; assuming the people criticising them mustn't be from their generation. I hate you all despite being one of you faggots.

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Hate to say it but based messican kinda speaks truth. Too many shallow women have ruined any sort of chance for trust with guys who aren't complete betas these days.

Don’t just ask to fuck unless you want to get smacked. Be subtle, but obvious, that is if you know she likes you.

Maybe once every couple of years, but certain foods and products can throw off the Ph balance and make you susceptible to yeast infections.


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I didn't notice any jewelry and she changed her hair couple months ago (only changed color I think), so not much room there. But! She did get a nice tan last weekend, so maybe say something about that? Any ideas as to be flattery but not creepy?
Also, you're right about commenting on her skirt, that seems too sexual and creepy. I war worried about that too, actually.

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asking them what their current situation it (job, school, etc.) goals, or my personal favorite "got any pets?"
just because he's a fatso and plays the games doesn't mean we are although that's the case more often than not
depends on her personality for the first time i'm gonna say to play it safe and be more subtle

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Oh, you aren't wrong. Both were undeniable cash grabs. No idea why i found them to be so entertaining, in all honesty. Just didn't have much patience for circa FO3 releases. Some of the DLC reeled me in for a while but they were too short.

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i always envisioned the average NV player to be a browser

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I'm literally 22. Do people above the age of 30 even browse this site, anymore? I thought it was mostly teenagers at this point.

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What's your favorite position to be raped in? Would you rather be stabbed or strangled after you've been raped?

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the games shortness is a direct consequence of the limitation of the lack of lore, which stems from the fact that the events haven in a very short time span of 3 centuries, where as in TES they have textbooks worth of history and could pull a game or DLC in any point in time in an interval thats 10000 years wide, it makes writing quest and DLC harder for FO

Oh you're not the original poster, what a drag
Go suck a log out of Andy Sixx's arsehole poser

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21 i started back in 2015, so total newfag

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Fair presentation. Oddly enough, got way too into morrowind/oblivion/skyrim back when these games were still prevalent on forums. Was so proud of that first 100 hours logged from dungeon crawling in skrim. Don't even think i touched the main quests hardly at all, couldn't make up my mind who's side to take. Dragon fights were also really, really fun. Fuck me, i miss that experience.

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But i am?

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Hell yeah! But only if he’s man enough

~tiffy joining in


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44 right here
We exist

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dayum boi, me too,, I started playing skyrim from 2015 and finished it once every fucking year, each time with more mods, this games replayability cant be beat

im waiting for the beyond skyrim cyrodill mod to drop after that Im going on a murder rampage in the imperial city with sithis blessings

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You're probably not
Ever told anyone this is what you do? Forcing memes I mean

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post tits and time stand "tiffy"

Mmm i doubt it but okay, user. Also, did i mention i'm a billionaire with a white Ferrari?

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yes the tan is a possible topic something as simple as "hey i noticed your tan a couple days ago, just wanted to say it compliments your hair really well" works. obviously i don't know what her hair color but its a start.
I've never had one but is correct about the things that could cause them
hmm that's a though one but I would like to be tied up, mouth taped shut, the whole shabang. I'll actually prefer decapitation afterwards. stabbing and strangulation is too boring and lame.

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... but i am.
Also, i've maybe posted the Andy Sixx meme a total of 5 times on Yea Forums. All these other posts aren't mine and i assume they're being posted to ward off the OP rather than force a "shitty" meme. Pardon pun.

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Inb4 "heyyyy wait a minute. Who ARE you?"

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Fuck, her snarky ass beat me to it.

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grill larpers BTFOed

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We ran 44 right in junior high. Full house backfield, midddle back, FB, dives the four hole, left back goes around to 6 as a decoy, maube drawing a DB or LB out of the picture. right back follows full back into 4. Depending on d line, RG and RT would crossblock and hopefully allow FB to pick off a LB. Pretty basic Jurassic Age jr high football. Good times.

Dude I mean the OG LOG LORD, the man responsible for starting it all, the Alpha LOG, creator of shit

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If a friend got you some lingerie, would you wear it for him? Or would it depend on how exposing it was?

Careful, user. She might give you a (you) because she's so sassy! *emoji of girl with her hands up* sorry not sorry!

Then you should say "logposter" and not "original post." They mean two completely different things. Lurk moar.

depends on what kind of friends we are is he a "you're like a brother to me" or a friend with benefits?

Who the fuck says sorry not sorry?
GTFO and go back to secondlife, cause you've wasted your first, sorry not sorry

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Why would i lie about being 44?

Sigh. Imagine not being able to tell when someone is doing a bit. Especially when the bit is obviously directed at the same person/people you were shitting on just moments ago.

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Femanons, what subtle hints are we missing in public that you’re actually femanons? How do we find you in the ocean of normies?

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Hi femanons. Im a medfag cleaning pussy and penis on coma patients for a living. Many women in my career have told me that male pussy-doctors are better than female, because they are more careful(?). Is there any truth to that? Im always careful cleaning that vajayjay, and I hate cleaning dick.

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Why would i lie about owning a Ferrari?

Pic related for that guy

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logposter usually means the person dumping logs all over the thread you baked bean, i'll give that there was some vagueness in my phrasing, og log lord is better, but then again it was pretty funny watching you post my post twice, so yeah it was pretty fun to fuck with you.
>100% surprised this worked so well
>Andy be praised

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Did you forget where we are?

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Have you ever been pregnant? If so what was it like?

Haha I’m imagining a total acquaintance. “Hey I got you this” -slobber-
Being a man, threads like this always remind me how easy I’ve got it because I don’t have to deal with men!

You literally said "original poster", not logposter. What are you trying to do, here?
>haha i was just pretending to be retarded. Tricked ya ;D
(You). Back to twitter, pls.

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well that's your first mistake user. You'll never find me outside I can't say the same about other femanons tho
In that case it would definitely be weird. My response would just be "um.... thanks"

>well that's your first mistake user. You'll never find me outside

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Because that’s stupid

What would I gain from saying im 44?

Are you retarded?

It really wasn't that funny. This is almost everyone's response, nowadays. It's become common trait to be a shut-in in le current year. Suppose if we weren't on 4chinz right now you'd be spamming emojis. Your demeanor leads me to believe you're a complete teenager.

What would i gain from telling anonymous strangers on an anonymous image board that i own a Ferrari?
Are you retarded?

Well you'd be wrong since I'm 24 but whatever floats your boat.

37 I relive my mid-20’s on here every so often

Sigh. See
And here is your honorary (you). Pls go back to twitter, facebook, instagram, youtube, discord, etc.


Jesus Christ this summer has been one of the worst I can recall.


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If you can’t cope with modern life, don’t blame your trust issues on how women live their lives. The level of trust you give others comes from within you. Women are not all one hive mind. There’s plenty of chicks out there on a similar traditionalist vibe as you, it’s on you to find them and be the kind of man that they’d want.

We get it. You're sassy and above everyone else. You don't have to make it any more evident. We're already aware. Least you could do is be more like the other girls and disregard trollbait. You don't have to acknowledge it. No one is forcing you to read the posts.
Inb4 she drops yet another (you).

Ok yours should be easy to prove
Post a timestamped pic of your ferrari

If you do the only way i can think of proving my age is with a timestamped pic of my hemmerhoids and slightly sagging balls

You still harping on about that dead dictator?

>sassy and above everyone else
Nigga wat
>ignore troll bait
I have, just casually expressing distaste for this summer’s shenanigans.

Yeah, I love Papa...


Yeah, nah. It's not that all women are evile whores!!!!!111 it's just that i've personally stopped trying. It was never restricted to just girls i've dated. Plenty of REALLY close lady friends of mine how done any number of sketchy shit to me in the past. Stealing. Using me for emotional support for an event that never even took place. Manipulating me into spending money on them when they had money, themselves. All i ask is that there's common honesty and i can't find a smidgen. That's just me, though. Again, not all women are eViLe WhOrEs!!!111 I still conversate with a few good lady friends.

Had an ex who got them periodically. They’re totally normal, so common that every pharmacy in the world carries tons of different treatments. It’s genetic, something to do with ph levels. And it gets worse with stress, so make sure your chick is chilled and they mightn’t pop up as frequently. There’s no intrinsic correlation between hygiene and yeast infections either, in that, you could be a clean freak and still get them. The chances do go up if you’re unhygienic though. So if she showers daily and washes after sex and that kind of bog standard hygiene, it’s probably stress. Summer might be a factor here too, in that getting sweaty all day at work in this heat might make the perfect conditions for an infection but that’s a normiefag guess.

Papa is in heaven
He would like you to be happy and move on

Report yellowfags

>deflects everything i said
>constantly handing out (you)'s throughout thread
>constantly being snide at every opportunity
>instantly becomes a bitch any time someone mentions one of the other girls
If you're going to be coy then i won't even bother. Just saying, this is why we prefer Vchan the most.

Or...yknow... maybe your ID? You can edit everything else aside from your DOB out.

Post your car first

I think he’s already moved on user, moving on is reserved for those of us still unfortunate enough to be here.

user, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I haven’t been around for most of the thread. Though I do have numerous impersonators, I’d have to read through the thread to even see what you’re referring to.


It was very blatantly a metaphorical comparison to your claim just to show how easy it is to fabricate stories on a site that requires zero registration whatsoever. Please don't tell me you actually thought i was making a claim.

Hey femanons whats something us guys do that you secretly find really fucking hot

how do i know if a girl wants me to act or just listen and support when she is venting to me?

>i don't know what you're talking about. All those hate-filled replies were just my dopplegangers!
Jesus christ, more coy than Alice Mergtatroid. I'm done. Don't bother.
By the way, it was one person who embodied you. One. They were very obviously trolling by posting

Just forget it. I'm not playing into this, anymore. You've won.

Nah I really thought you had a ferrari
That’s the last time I’ll believe anything an anonymous stranger tells me online
Nice quads Anna
Have you considered beastiality? I mean if humans are off the market for ya... just an idea..?

Damn, and i thought you were 44. Guess that's the last time i believe high school kids pretending to be of age on the internet.


I am 44 tho

I’m thoroughly confused honestly. Hope you’re alright user, sounds like you’re going through a bit of a rough patch honestly. Can you at least quote those ‘hate filled replies’ so I can see what you’re talking about?


I do own a Ferrari tho

Thanks and nah, not really my thing.




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Enterprise was the beta SSO. Get it right newfag

You're all attention whores and will get raped for it in due time. Choke on a dick unintentionally.

stun the puppy burn the whale

Inb4 buhbuhbuh that's not hate-filled, silly. Followed by more gaslighting. It's still snide and takes on a "i'm better than you" attitude toward everything which is directly linked to why you aren't that popular in these threads. Everything you type wreaks of insecurity. You always butt in your input whenever you feel like it. I get that it's a femanon thread but it isn't your thread.

I like watching guys do things they really enjoy and if they get frustrated its a plus (ex. he's playing vidya and just can't get past one level/mission or he plays guitar and can't get the song right)
[spoiler]I also like when they walk around naked[/spoiler]

You’re that fat guy with a beard aren’t you?

The sperg that was posting earlier with the pics and vocaroo? No. I was the guy who was wishing for a new thread about the time he was posting alongside with logposters.

No you don’t

Have you tried tho?
Start with a few glasses of vino and a dog with a jar of peanut butter. You might like it

That's why this board should stay anonymous and you cunts need to stop flapping your fucking gums and pussies everywhere.

Yes, i do.

Wouldn't be surprised if this was Anna, to be honest.

Dude, the only one of those that have anything to do with me is. ~Anna~

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That’s pretty nasty honestly.

It wasn’t, but I did get a good chuckle.


Of course you claim the only post that you left your tag on. Good job roping me back in i've officially realized that there is no point in playing into the coy pleas. Yet again, you've won. Even though you refuse to post any sort of screencap of my post, you've won. Have your thread. Go ahead. It's yours. Garner all that attention to yourself. You've earned it. Goodbye.


What was nasty? A dog licking out your privates is pretty common tbh not like i suggested go fuck a horse or something
Dogs like peanut butter
You need some love
Its a mutually beneficial arrangement and no one needs to know about it

Fine here. Seriously though user, you do t sound like you’re doing too well.

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Yes, i do.

So you’ve given up because you surrounded yourself with some manipulative women. See the common thread here?
Stop giving up and get out there.

Don’t post your ID on here wtf

>the only post that has to do with me is

Attached: Screenshot_20190618-193337.png (2048x1944, 1.42M)

>what was nasty

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Am glad that the spam has died down enough for this thread to come back.

Yeaaaaaaaah, nah. For many reasons, that's not happening. Can barely string myself along as is, right now. Can't risk more shit being stolen from me, or worse, getting into any sort of trouble. It's really best i don't.

You seriously think anyone other than Anna has a fuckton of kaddafi images user

Guy here. Men are typically problem solvers. Women aren’t. When men bitch about something they usually want solutions. When women butch about something they usually want validation and support that their feelings are rational. Men don’t typically care about validation or feelings so this subtlety often flies over our heads.
If she’s bitching, just be kind, supportive. Feel free to ask if there’s anything you can do to help. But don’t jump into problem solving life because that just isn’t what they usually want. Took me a long time to learn that lol

You dont
You really dont

Why not?

Who gives a fuck about some barbaric minority
I’ll let my dog shit wherever it wants

I can tell you one thing, she's really bad at hiding her static IP.


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Yes, i really do.

Anna is a muzzie tho