Getting this dumb brain tumour removed thursday morning. Any Yea Forumsros have experience or stories?

getting this dumb brain tumour removed thursday morning. Any Yea Forumsros have experience or stories?

i'm nervous

Attached: mytumor.jpg (640x640, 38K)

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wow man best of luck!
enjoy the pain meds.

scared becuase the doctor said paralysis could be part of the process but apparently that's par for the course with any brain procedure so

how old are you... are you gonna have any permanent brain damage?

he's on Yea Forums so the damage is already done

I head experience like you- but then i took a arrow to the head. They cut my legs off, now im a amputee, , god damn you
I'm not sick but I'm not well
And I'm so hot cause I'm in hell
I'm not sick but I'm not well
And it's a sin to live so well
I want to publish zines
And rage against machines
I want to pierce my tongue
It doesn't hurt, it feels fine
The trivial sublime
I'd like to turn off time
And kill my mind
You kill my mind
Paranoia, paranoia
Everybody's coming to get me
Just say you never met me
I'm going underground with the moles digging holes
Hear the voices in my head
I swear to god it sounds like they're snoring
But if you're bored then you're boring
The agony and the irony, they're killing me
I'm not sick but I'm not well
And I'm so hot cause I'm in hell
I'm not sick but I'm not well
And it's a sin to live so well

Had a friend who had a brain tumor that was webbed through his brain like if you spread all your fingers on both hands and put them together through each other like x's. He's living a fine and healthy life still. Good luck OP some people live with only half a brain

27, apparently nothing too bad. the biggest issue is that the tumour is either pressuring my optic nerve in my left eye causing peripheral blindness and the team is unsure if its tumour pressure causing that or nerve end damage from the tumour being there.

>Good luck OP some people live with only half a brain
Even if you end up with half a brain OP, no one here will notice.

but there so many variables

for a precursor i'm a 6' 8" athlete 240 pounds healthy no major health issues aside from the tumour

can brain tumors spread to other organs in the body?

you're gonna be a vegetable

You have to be 18 to post here

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i dont think so unless they go really unchecked. thankfully i caught it 3 months ago

Oh yes, you have to be careful that they don't spread to any vital organs like your appendix or something, then you'd really be in trouble.


yeah probably. oh well. thanks 4 the wefare boiz

why would you have a windmill and a watermill on the same building?

lol you are too stupid to realize what a nigtard you are

just fuck a bunch of hookers and do some coke before you get your surgery. live it up man

The same reason he doesnt know what malignant and benign mean

Wow you sure got me good with that one

Ask them if you can keep it in a jar on your shelf.

How did you find out about the tumor? Did you feel pressure or pain? Or was it from a routine checkup?

i sure did you dumb nigger

Former fiance, superb athlete, had brain surgery about two months ago. Her funeral was very sad.

The windmill is for the dry season when the river runs low.

That's so cool your fiancée became a brain surgeon. ¿How did she end up dying?

i just like totally lost my peripheral vision last monday. straight up like couldn't see anything in my perimeter, went to my optometrist and she noticed my blood vessels in my eyes were swollen, got sent for a few tests and they found a baseball sized tumour above my right ear.

i had headaches for a while going back to st patricks day but figured it was from hockey and school so i just kept taking tylenol.

last thursday i got told i have a likely malignant tumour so yeah

I once had a tumor removed from my hand. I played with it for months before they cut it out of me. I asked if I could keep it, but they said "no, its a biological hazard" I'm like, fuck man, if that clump of muscle and tissue is a hazard, then my cum is radioactive.


thankfully the steroid they have me on has reduced the swelling in my brain enough my peripheral vision has become more balanced. It's not perfect but it's manageable so i'm hoping for minimal or no nerve ending damage on my eyes and it's just tumour presure obstructing my vision.

Weird thing is OP is how common this is now. My sister has really bad seizures that led to issues with walking. After a few scans all things pointed to tumor. Post surgery took her some time but after all said and done she’s back to 100%

how did you find out because I have been growing increasingly dizzy, almost vertigo/migranes throughout my days.

Wow that’s crazy man but good thing you caught it. I get headaches sometimes so you’ve got me paranoid. Have you tried Rick Simpson oil? It’s saved lives, brain tumors have gone into remission if taken as orally unactivated THCa

You think it will feel really good to have it removed and it would sort of feel like taking a really big shit and getting that feeling of relief?

Or do you think it will just be an empty void there and you'll be able to store things or impress your friends that you can shove things in your head in that space?

That you, Pete?

yeah it's scary. I hope she's continuing to do well and doesn't experience this any more. I'm worried i'll have to give up athletics haha
here's pretty much the finality of what made e go get it looked at. I'm very bad for waiting til the last minute to see a doctor. Never again.

I'd go get looked at asap

I don't really do any outside substances. never got into weed/drugs whatever but im considering it these days.

honestly i'm just hoping it helps me lose weight by losing like 4-5 pounds of brain matter

She actually picked up tennis afterwards the only pasty that sucks for her is she’s not supposed to drink anymore and has to go in for check ups every 2-3 months

testicular cancer survivor here. you have every reason to feel nervous and/or afraid. when i was diagnosed, it felt surreal and I was shocked. the surgery will go faster than you might think. will you be needing chemotherapy?.

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Its not brain matter that's in the tumor. Its your own muscle cells that went wild and didn't die when it was suppose to. It just kept growing. So its mostly just blood and muscle tissue that's fused on a cellular level to your brain. There's no nerves in it, just blood and random over grown cells.

Bro don’t let a stigma hold you back. Not to get high, you eat it uncooked and it has better anti cancer properties, prevents tumors from metastasizing, reduce current tumors. You take the concentrated form and don’t heat it just consume it. Read rick simpsons story.

Fucking hell. This is so shitty for someone to have. Hope you can overcome this. Good luck!

Lets go OP i Believe in you
May God bless you
God luck

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>6' 8" athlete 240 pounds
what are some good and bad things about being enormous?

How about hoping that doctors can do the job right instead of praising your imaginary friend that you'll survive afterwards.
>give credit where credit's due christfag.

Live stream it faggot

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nice shit post I guess

heard about similar cases. never heard of it taking a life while treated with a operation like this. because of that, I'd bet you'll be fine

only the penis

Good luck, you'll make it

Wow so edgy, go burn a Bible to spite us all!

Really tall people's health tends to go to shit quite quickly as they get older.

OP, do you have a pituitary adenoma? Classic symptoms, gigantism, loss of peripheral vision. You didn't say if it was one side or both sides. But they tend to be benign.

I had a headache once and it was pretty bad so I know how you feel, my advice would be to take headache tablets, as you have a tumour i’d suggest tumour tablets. Goodluck bro.

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Just stopped by to say good luck Yea Forumsro. Your surgery is pretty common so try to relax.

I'm sorry to hear OP and I wish you the best of luck. Hope you get well soon!

that'd be a waste. I usually use them as a bullet backstop. They tend to be handy with smaller calibers.

Yea Forumsro i wish you the best of luck, that fucker will be gone in no time

I work in neurosurgery. You'll be fine, have they done a biopsy yet? The worst part about surgery is the pins they use on your head. They hurt like a bitch and you'll have holes. Make sure they make a zigzag incision to avoid localized alopecia. Best of luck!

Good luck faggot

50%of a Stroke

Have you had any intrusive, frog-related thoughts lately?

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