Oldfag here. You guys do realize there are dedicated boards for your porn? A few here for the odd shit is ok...

Oldfag here. You guys do realize there are dedicated boards for your porn? A few here for the odd shit is ok, but for fucks sake, every other thread is porn these days.

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>every other thread is porn

Nope. Every other thread is yellow.

Good job, dude, things are MUCH better now.

Frank Sinatra - My Way (Piano Cover)

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im an oldfag and i like the porn

so fuck you

if you dont like it, leave

no one will miss you

The yellow is a protest you fucking idiot. The porn gets under control and thus the yellow threads go away.

Its not about liking or not liking it. I like porn too. I just like other content on a board called 'random'.

>oldfag here

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I agree, it's all low quality garbage that is barely worth saving

The only kinds of porn that should be allowed on here is loli/shota furry and strange/fucked up porn.
Since the moment porn became popular on Yea Forums it all went downhill. It attracted a bunch of retards from shitty sites and consequently with the change of demographics all the good threads started to be buried under the Facebook/insta cuck and every other kind of porn bullshit, and the overall userbase is becoming shittier by the day.
And I'm under the impression that it not only affected Yea Forums and /r9k/, but also of other boards such as /ic/ for example, which used to be my favorite board, untill it became full of pretentious arrogant know-it-all dumbfucks, who never drew shit on their entire life's, but like to shit on other people.

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This shit is getting out of control. Nobody wants all porn or 50 percent yellow shit. Its honestly a lost cause

Im an oldfag been here 12 years now.

Porn has always been on b. Many have tried to stop it, ALL have failed.
Quit wasting your time newfag. It's completely pointless to try and suppress porn on b.
Your best bet is to become the new moot and completely change the way this website works. Thats the only way.

OP is a faggot.

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Sage yellow threads

Then fucking leave fag nobody likes you here anyways

Its a result of inceldom spreading. Ideas of the masses have changed based on society. If old /b was awesome its because times were different.


>plebbit spacing
1/10 made me reply

Bump, I can't tell if Yea Forums is worse or better after yellow revolution

You yellow fags failed.
What did you learn from this ?

Attached: deskt.png (500x687, 323K)

It's definitely worse right now, but that's a small price to pay for salvation.

Exactly the board is called random, you can't decide whats posted here and whats not.

Why do you retarded ass fucking faggots think whenever someone uses spacing they are from Reddit. That's so backwards retarded, the website didn't event or popularize spacing idiot


Support bump

Well here

let me

bump this

up another level

just because

muh' spacing

>every other thread is porn these days.
Every other? Er no.
Lie about FB girls
Lie about Family girls
Lie about "should't share"
Dick rate
Dick tribute
Traps, traps, traps.
Trump supporting or baiting.
Race baiting.
More traps.
I'm going to kill myself
Quad baiting
Even more traps.
Every Day Cringe (carry)
One porn thread for each of those? Yeah right.

Yeah, you wouldn't know how to Shoop Da Whoop if you were being threatened with a vagina cannon.

You need to get manglered

Considering that you're posting a teenbro wojak meme, I doubt it.

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Well now it's all cucktrapwwyd and then shit loads of yellow trash threads..wtf

The porn threads are a deliberate demoralization attempt by people being paid.

Yellow tag is the new Maga incel meme

porn on Yea Forums increased 300% since you stupid yellow fags started spamming. fuck off.

this site used to be great, and so was this board, we don’t do jack shit anymore and just beat our dicks because we’re lazy, why aren’t we fucking shit up online any more

Go away newfag.

Not 300 percent

If you really were an oldfag you would know Yea Forums has always been this way.

Yea Forums was never great

it was better than this,
but not great

OP is a summer poster, oldfags know Yea Forums is covered in porn to deter normies

And it'd be better if Yea Forums was all /pol/ bait threads and race bait threads and other shills? Pick the real enemy OP.

Good place to protest, what amazing life priorities you have.. retard




Keep yellow on top

you don't have to be so edgy, newfag

>b/ me.... Profit

I hope you realize that porn attracts normies, right?

I am yellowfag you are forgiven, I have forgotten what it is to be Legion

This too, still, if we can get read of the normie porn, we can then manage the /Pol/tardation


Timeline: 4chin gets fed up with Furries, create d containment board
4chin gets fed up with feces create b
B\ gets fed up with racists create pol
Pol gets fed up hanging with incels and try to change b
Lol faggot

There are litterly newfags on both sides of this. The real enemy isn't summernewfags. It's the spam bots. Nobody wants 100 percent garbage porn that you can fucking find anywhere. And nobody want 70 percent garbage porn with 30 percent yellow shit mixed in.

I don't care about bait and pol threads, and that's coming from a non-white libtard (or at least I think I'm a liberal).

Those ylyl Facebook/wife/inta porn is the Apex of the normalfaggotry on here.

B should only be about the pain Olympics or the lemon party, that is it , except traps, traps are definitely b

>Oldfag here.
newfag detected

Yellow tags are the new ciccada trying to promote lemon party they are b as fuck

How about you go away and B somewhere else

Q user told me that the yellow tags are secretly trying to free Max hardcore to fight the new world order and melt steel beams.

>become a yellow tag, crusade for shills, gain nothing, be useful idiot... Profit!

How about you fuck back to pop, btw you sir are a scholar and a gentleman

Pol is filled with the normiest of normies it's name should be changed to \norm so newfags know it is the lowest board of 4chin , also the pain Olympics are awesome.

Trips of truth but no get, blame the yellow fever.

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You need to Triforce to redeem your trips sir!

Pretty b if you ask me.

I'm a newfag and I can't triforce.
That's the best you'll get:

▲ ▲


B was never good it's all good fag, you just squared the hypotenuse, just turn 360° and walk away.

Look who changed their spacing


>Oldfag here
The cry of the newfag in desperate search for credibility
>You guys do realize there are dedicated boards for your porn?
And you do realise that there is already a random board that forbids porn?
It's called I'm not over-enamoured with the level of porn, but that's mainly because of the lack of decent OC. What I do object to is newfriends, nazis and fundamentalists trying to impose content rules on Yea Forums. Any true oldfag would fight that with every fibre of their being

I believe you meant {Taggot} just like l begot k and o begot e so shall f begot t

>pornfags still trying to push the narrative that it isn't the porn that's killing all the oc content
wew lad

What a simp

I am sad that I must agree and concur faggot

If you anons would use the porn boards, you may be able find what your looking for more effciantly. But instead you elect to spam b with a random mix of fucking everything is literally dumb as fuck.

If you want a fight god damn it you can meet me outside in reddit

>find what you want efficiently
>what is the search bar or ctrl+f

>no porn content available on porn boards
>shit tons of porn on the random board
t. mindgeek

B was shot before LiveLeak which is a normie b under pop siege, there are no pornfags sir, only bots and btard

only taco can stop nigra cell

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>completely ignored the main point about content rule on Yea Forums being anathema to everything it stands for
wew lad

You do realize moot does not own 4chin anymore, you realize gamergate was the death of b? You want to argue about porn on the anus of the net?
Maybe you suck at b, yes you do.

Go lie about being an oldfag on plebbit, faggot.

>no pornfags here
pornfag detected

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>there's no standard for content
>it's random
>proceeds to claim that posting porn on a random board is random when there's already porn boards
wew lad

Exactly, it makes no sense to post all this shit on one board

>B me, post with no pics on an image board, b pornfag.... Profit

/B makes no sense..... Now you are getting it summerfriend

Everything gets posted here because its a fast board, and its a fast board because everything gets posted here. Thats the cancer.

the porn is the cancer faggot

How many dicks are in your mouth at any given moment faggot?

Complete lack of logic there.
Random = no content standards ergo porn is acceptable.

Why not go to /bant/, where there are the very content rules you want?

ITT oldfag = summer

b is the cancer, pol is aids

>complete lack of logic here
yet you can't prove me wrong
>why not go to /bant/?
why not go to /s/?
>what rules do you want
you know exactly what we want porn nigger
quit being /s/tupid

it's just too easy...

Then fuck off b kiddo, simple elegant solution, get the fuck off b and burn crosses like a nigger faggot.

>why not go to /s/?
Because what I want, a smorgasbord in one place, is only available on Yea Forums.

You want no porn; /bant/ has no porn. Why not go there as it's exactly what you want? I appreciate you can't quit being stupid

Tits or gtfo

/b is a pancreatic incurable cancer, but /pol is a disease-ridden nigger festered with purulent abominable various illness all toghether

Attached: giganiggamoot.jpg (238x250, 4K)

>what I want
implying i care
>only available on Yea Forums
no it's not /s/tupid

Hello OP and other posters,

You may be unaware, but the Yea Forums.org website offers a variety of different boards. While the Yea Forums (random) board may be used for anything that’s random, it would be better to populate other boards where your specific interest lies..!
Here are a list of various boards dedicated to specific genres of porn listed under the “Adult” section on the Yea Forums website!
Sexy Beautiful Women
Adult Gif
Handsome Men
High Resolution
Adult Cartoons (rule 34)
Adult Requests
Random Degeneracy


>oldfag using a wojak edit
Doubt it.

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Thanks for reminding me why I'm yellow posting
To get rid of the awful fucking porn spam

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good work, user
we'll drive the degenerate tumblrites out of here

What's the matter porn fags?
Having trouble rebuttaling us.
That's what you get for frying your brain cells with trap porn.



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>he thinks watching porn is comparable to sex
t. cumbrain


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fuck off yellow belly

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Rage, against the dying of the light

I do porn spam to piss off people sometimes but I agree, 90% of the shit here belongs in /s/ or /hc/, it's just newfags who don't know how to get around the site
>r*ddit spacing
okay kid

It's official now; Netcraft confirms: yellow posting is dying

One more crippling bombshell hit the already beleaguered yellow posting community when IDC confirmed that yellow posting market share has dropped yet again, now down to less than a fraction of 1 percent of all shitposts. Coming on the heels of a recent Netcraft survey which plainly states thatyellow posting has lost more market share,this news serves to reinforce what we've known all along. yellow posting is collapsing in complete disarray, as fittingly exemplified byfailing dead lastin the recent4chan comprehensive shitposting test.

You don't need to be Alex Jonesto predict yellow posting's future. The hand writing is on the wall: yellow posting faces a bleak future. In fact there won't be any future at all for yellow posting becauseyellow posting is dying.Things are looking very bad for yellow posting. As many of us are already aware, yellow posting continues to lose market share. Yellow ink flows like a river of piss.

All major surveys show that yellow posting has steadily declined in market share. yellow posting is very sick and its long term survival prospects are very dim. If yellow posting is to survive at all it will be among /pol/ refugees. yellow posting continues to decay. Nothing short of a miracle could save it at this point in time. For all practical purposes, yellow posting is dead.

Fact: yellow posting is dying

the porn will stay, you will fade, your autistic shrieks will slowly quiet, as they echo off the chamber walls. Walls built in an age long before now. Walls meant to stand long after we return to dust.


Fact: porn dedicated oards are dying because newfags don't know how to us the site
also nice pasta

Thanks! Made it myself!





