Kendrick Lamar's music is made for literal cuckolds, you don't listen to that shit do you?

Kendrick Lamar's music is made for literal cuckolds, you don't listen to that shit do you?

Attached: kendrick.jpg (474x902, 73K)

Hes talented. Not sorry.

Let's talk about the part of yourself you hate but don't want to work on OP

I've listened to every track since he was calling himself K. Dot, every album or mixtape released by TDE as well. You either didn't listen to everything or you don't know what cuck means user

Why, faggot? That shit has nothing to do with the topic at hand

>ignorance is bliss

Is he even a producer? If not, he's not talented

Listening to Kendrick Lamar is probably the most blatant thing white people do to show that they're like, super cool with black people

Having the bars but not the beats is better than having the beats and not the bars. Compare Kendrick's overall music to Kanye or Dre. Both of which are renown producers but lyrically are lacking more often than not.

It's cool when an artist does both but it doesn't really impact the overall talent level much in this genre of music imo.

You just want to hate on him because he's popular and successful and made it off the streets. How many albums did you listen to? How could you evaluate his talent?

good thing I'm black then

He could throw out any shitty album and it would sell. He's like Kanye. All he's gotta do is make the first three good and then he's set for life.

black people are not talented.your just not intelligent enough to appreciate good music

>he's like kanye

except kanye west supports trump and is hated by the black community now

>My taste in music is better than yours therefor you are stupid lmao

grow up

Kanye deserves to be hated, he's such a fag

i really dont give a shit,listen to whatever you want.but the majority of people who listen to rap are uneducated niggers

What about Jimi Hendrix or Micheal Jackson?

Says you...

Attached: BandOfGypsys.jpg (500x494, 46K)

michael jackson is a disgusting child molester and jimi hendrix smoked weed

nowadays it's underage white people zoomers tho, gucci gang

Hendrix is overrated for vocals. It's about the instrumental

besides,i doubt you zoomers were even alive when jimi hendrix was making music

Jimi Hendrix sucks