YLYL top shelf

YLYL top shelf

Attached: 8062019125607.jpg (409x637, 82K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 20015535.jpg (1300x850, 631K)

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I am going to need sauce on this one thanks.

ylyl :) 6HU5gwE Some skits shit in this discord server

please join i need 25 invites and then a trap shows me thier dick and i reallly like traps

please anons, help a guy out with his boypussy.

Attached: neger.jpg (960x758, 157K)

Attached: alien taken.jpg (750x900, 79K)

Attached: missing friendo.png (750x840, 288K)

Attached: virgin mom hentai.png (746x834, 589K)

Attached: cards against porno.jpg (799x702, 63K)

Attached: ANGRY MASTURBATION.jpg (585x518, 262K)

Attached: bobby hill suspect.png (720x726, 195K)

Attached: car will not start update.jpg (960x720, 38K)

Attached: cocaine.jpg (1024x1019, 101K)

Attached: burger special order.jpg (582x675, 48K)

Attached: Lizards do not have boobs.jpg (1089x1164, 142K)

Attached: ETBBQ.jpg (617x450, 49K)

Attached: come at me fail.gif (270x262, 1.89M)

Attached: dancing graphics card.webm (720x900, 1.28M)

Attached: horse lover.jpg (2500x1535, 779K)

Attached: Decapitation.jpg (1024x640, 85K)

Attached: imaginary_girlfriend_adventures.jpg (760x596, 194K)

Attached: engrish yogurt.jpg (742x960, 59K)

Attached: sock monkey wang.jpg (610x810, 90K)

Attached: fun graveyard.jpg (1280x960, 172K)

Attached: holcaust in nutshell.jpg (707x705, 73K)

Attached: let sink in.jpg (526x960, 51K)

Attached: sailor warrior hentai.webm (426x320, 1.93M)

Attached: riddle loli milf.jpg (400x1050, 83K)

Attached: jazzstinguisher.png (496x573, 356K)

Attached: prophecy.jpg (600x635, 76K)

Attached: merkat feminism.jpg (500x375, 15K)

Attached: wizard chad.jpg (933x1352, 350K)


Attached: epic yoyo.jpg (792x960, 56K)

Attached: go home drunk et.jpg (640x1136, 166K)

Attached: ghost puncher.jpg (1208x2807, 629K)

Attached: baby centaurs.jpg (823x777, 40K)

Attached: feminist march.jpg (1024x768, 318K)

You lost: post some funny things!

Attached: jewish japanese sex cookbook.jpg (446x794, 240K)

Attached: midnight feast.png (749x562, 552K)

>1/3 fewer cries
>than the leg
>low fat yo
>fat free yort
>vitimins A

Attached: hon gives no fucks.jpg (900x1200, 628K)

top shelf ? say no more

Attached: banana nkd-1.png (495x521, 172K)

Attached: kitkat thief.png (750x732, 306K)

Attached: kitty crane.webm (720x720, 1.9M)

Jealous, white boy?

Attached: moot girl.jpg (768x1024, 119K)

Attached: NO RONALD NO.jpg (600x600, 64K)

extra trans-estrial

Attached: use a condom.png (400x257, 141K)

Attached: wet yoga.jpg (1024x1024, 288K)

Attached: costanzig.jpg (500x404, 46K)

Haha. Where did you find this one?!

Winrar. lol

Attached: cathulu.png (960x680, 493K)

Attached: millennial anti theft device.webm (522x348, 364K)

Attached: bogleech buttsnipes.png (800x1969, 1M)


Attached: lazer nipples.jpg (868x1024, 59K)

Attached: Milady.jpg (960x640, 182K)

Found it on Yea Forums about a year ago. Maybe try tineye or something?

Attached: pizza plants.jpg (650x650, 117K)

Attached: o fuck hamlet.jpg (500x258, 44K)

man that guy in the red hat totally ruined this photo, otherwise this is bad ass and everything I aspire to be

Attached: Kim and his war dog.jpg (604x802, 110K)

For you...

Attached: professor x 40 pour.jpg (700x700, 115K)

Attached: kilaueadidnothingwrong.png (774x641, 656K)

Attached: koala TP leaves.jpg (600x923, 107K)

Attached: hitler kettle.jpg (1247x706, 134K)

somewhere on the internet, Bill

Attached: nana glitch.png (921x976, 397K)

Attached: rat dead wire.jpg (640x799, 181K)

I really, really, really like this image.

Attached: talibanpsaurus red.jpg (1060x749, 430K)

Attached: mr mellon.jpg (1440x900, 46K)

come on, that had to be intentional

Attached: musclemancer.jpg (678x1224, 631K)

Attached: nips man.jpg (500x334, 34K)

Attached: F27D9518-457A-4867-B7BC-E03E788F6E56.jpg (552x409, 32K)

Thanks, Lori

Attached: banan11.png (1833x1920, 1.19M)

Attached: winter driving in the south.png (750x599, 212K)

Attached: scoob dawg and da gang.jpg (720x720, 52K)

Attached: bannana and fish.jpg (720x960, 51K)

sauce please

Attached: oreo combos.png (500x636, 147K)

Attached: pantless aladdin.jpg (750x766, 37K)

Attached: olive garden.jpg (642x960, 56K)

Attached: My Immortal.jpg (1109x582, 276K)

Well, that's my folder. I've post like 70 images. Go nuts, guys. Have fun!

Attached: wizard beer -david mattingly.jpg (1024x768, 231K)

Attached: Brazil stomp.gif (135x240, 1.09M)

KYS. Then maybe

Attached: 14062019083739.jpg (488x366, 34K)

Attached: Tom mutthafukkin bombadill.jpg (500x647, 318K)

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Attached: u- lucky rabbit.jpg (800x800, 181K)

Attached: pikmin.jpg (1080x1080, 102K)

Attached: 62019014038.jpg (812x768, 177K)

Attached: Maid-ba.jpg (640x480, 62K)

Attached: Wizard 4chan.jpg (2423x1433, 429K)

Attached: force choke.jpg (637x636, 91K)

Attached: bird feeder.jpg (957x1106, 120K)

>butt virginity

Attached: crying not emergency.jpg (640x828, 132K)

Attached: council has spoken.jpg (600x443, 186K)

nerve gas?

Attached: 1554728259249.jpg (596x532, 34K)

Attached: goofy time.jpg (625x1023, 131K)

Attached: harbor freight sale satire.jpg (785x1024, 743K)

Attached: harbor freight satire.jpg (786x1024, 632K)

Well look at that knee cap of his. You really think he can bend that leg?

Attached: bad idea.jpg (895x944, 61K)

Attached: bathtub pullover.png (463x467, 341K)

sbn: 399-11043-7

Attached: fish in a condom.jpg (500x377, 25K)

This is the most retarded couples costume ever.

Attached: jontron axe.jpg (800x736, 93K)

>pay an extra dollar for dealing with your bullshit

Attached: 62273034_2638055529555316_4945337533743130544_n.jpg (730x730, 61K)

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Attached: Shitskin lead pills.gif (476x200, 1.19M)

Thank you so much for posting this picture. Me and my friend saw it years ago but I haven't been able to find it since!


How come you never see black school shooters?

Attached: 1546114180396.jpg (853x290, 22K)

Attached: 1519851224268.png (273x391, 191K)

if you look at their left hands you can see the autism in action

Attached: 1560880551660.png (1700x2760, 232K)

amazing poster. would watch

Hey Yea Forums, how do you feel about this man and his 13 year old girlfriend? Keep in mind that while his mum was changing his shitty nappy in a disabled toilet, a huge black alpha bull swooped on his girlfriend and took her back to his place while he looked through the window and started attacking his mum in an autistic rage that led to him being sectioned.

Attached: received_1996474427063035.jpg (958x960, 142K)

>when you're here, you're here


Attached: 1300044776986.jpg (600x600, 35K)

Lmao at your pathetic life

Attached: 276751492039211.png (1024x1024, 1.85M)


you're a saint

Your life is so lol

Attached: LMO-Definition-Menaing.jpg (500x377, 28K)

based and epic discord join now



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Who's voting socialism?

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Does anyone have the rochester ny version

Attached: 10220191221423652.jpg (344x279, 30K)

I... is that Jontron ?

Attached: 60392793380.jpg (632x611, 36K)

lmao at your pathetic response. fuck off I'll watch a cheesy ass movie if I want to

Attached: 2019011311.jpg (184x184, 37K)

Kecky Becky.

it might just be

Attached: f6b9a22253b5e640c8cf9a485e0717c3.jpg (480x360, 33K)

Attached: 1550604461969.jpg (320x665, 49K)


That is horrifying, every time I'm out in public I'm shaking in my shoes in fear for the next migrant to shoot up the place with an assault rifle or a glock

Never gets old

Stop laughing at your own post faggot and if you prove me wrong it's even worse

the fuck you on about
there are no "migrants" (the kind that are implied here ) in the US

Attached: 1548761420481.jpg (640x641, 116K)

Look around, if you see colours other than white. You should expect 3rd world behaviour

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I don’t get it

I wish that was me

Attached: 5F72FE77-99FA-424A-B85B-F2B313616046.jpg (800x600, 110K)

Balls location?

It most likely is. The guy in the back looks like the dude that was in some of his earlier videos, aswell.


>You're charcoal filtered

>Sun Yellow Malt Liquor

>You make my grey skys blue

>I drink a day late while my liver's falling

>But i don't give a fuck

>Cause Old English

> I'm in Love with you

hello devil

Attached: 1559751409226.jpg (313x700, 43K)


Attached: 1559250332749.jpg (828x858, 597K)

Retarded looking bug person

Attached: 1559767853208.jpg (667x695, 99K)

Good job, I loled! take my upvote, sir.

It's always funny watching Asian girls try to dance. They have so little funk they actually have negative funk.



My wife is Chinese. If I ask her to do something sexy for me she will panic and then start doing a dance like this and say "dooo doo doooo" in a "seductive" voice while wearing lingerie. The funny part is that she is being 100% serious, too.

It's low fat, yo!

I miss those times

the resin times or the goosebumps?

Attached: 1559243838113.jpg (480x480, 51K)


The joke is that Millenials can't drive stick


Gotta give her props for at least trying, I guess.

Are you just stating that because you're proud of yourself for figuring it out?

Attached: HWLVyI4_d.jpg (596x596, 28K)

haha have yourself a resin party and a goosebumps bro!

Attached: 1526050779151.png (1080x1445, 1.75M)

God no

Attached: 1557365378937.jpg (400x400, 27K)

This one made me lose. God damn, I'm still laughing.

Thank you user. His dumbass was replying to me.

Attached: cj2nfnlkjzd11.jpg (723x1024, 157K)

Name of anime?

Actual fake story outbound.

>Be me.
>25 at the time.
>Beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him.
>Pathological fear of girls since some bitch mind fucked me.
>Have a younger sister, 13 at the time.
>My sister is boy crazy, really wants to date a guy named Ray Pist.
>Announces that she's "seeing him".
>Father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>Few days later, brings the dude home.
>Tall, scrawny freak with swastika tattoo on forehead.
>Visible shrimp dick.
>My father and I tell him he's "walked into the courtroom".
>Discuss for a few minutes.
>They go out.
>Dad tells me, "it's not going to last, his dick is tiny".
>Sis comes home.
>Announces it was "fun".
>Around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated an 11 year old girl.
>She's worried that he secretly wants this girl back.
>About a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother.
>"He drugged me and raped me while I was unconscious".
>Tell my father this.
>Laughs uncontrollably.
>MFW my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down.

Attached: received_2264102393818860.jpg (768x960, 108K)


That man is damaged in the head, and Yea Forums need to damage him even more by beating him up.

Attached: 1548261890944.jpg (960x720, 37K)

Kecky Becky.

actual real story inbound
>Be me
>Driving down a country road
>It's the middle of the night
>Deer on side of road jumps directly into side of car
>I was going about 70mph
>Side of vehicle is fucked
>Go into autistic rage
>Pull over to punch the dead fucker
>Heads towards it
>The fucker stands up
>Sees me
>I start to run at it
>Run at it screaming at full blast
>Give chase
>Chase after it running through people's yards
>Still screaming
>Give up after about a 1/2 mile
>Lucky mother fucker
MFW people were watching me
MFW I probably should've been shot
MFW nobody said a fucking word to me
MFW I have no face


Attached: pokee.jpg (1000x5000, 320K)

thread is dead

Vampire and Draco


Implying that black youth don't do equally terrible things to others outside of school.

Attached: 0a1.jpg (643x820, 75K)

Attached: received_1194076570760505.gif (264x264, 1.37M)

Top kek XD

This is why I come to Yea Forums

Attached: 1549601837261.jpg (640x526, 132K)

ahha that meme curse is broken with this

Attached: 1481605987951.jpg (592x436, 18K)

Attached: 5D83713EB10B41F188255187F14E865A.jpg (937x937, 72K)

lol. I made it last night for a thread about the most autistic thing you've ever done. After I wrote it I copied it and it just so happens it was still my paste

haha perfect

Attached: 1559752612075.jpg (620x463, 73K)

this is the greatest thing to ever grace the internet


No one cares about your subhuman wife.

Nah but his dancing is something

dee snider has gone to shit


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You seem like the insecure fag in this situation tbh

Attached: tumblr_nqrgb5Qqqc1qil3kvo1_1280.png (649x423, 139K)

Thread ded?

Jesus is Lord.

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Attached: Holocaust Denier.jpg (1024x1021, 59K)

ken m back at it again

Attached: 1552604752809.jpg (1227x875, 1.26M)

Fucking kek

Its ok to be White, its ok for you protect your race, its ok to defend your ancestros achievements, its not ok to brag something you didnt do you mediocre piece of shit.

> friend 4 says nothing
> unlimited stick, it is all
> wet voice; when you're here you're here
Man i haven't pissed myself laughing this bad in ages.

I love glocks

this took me a long time to see and now i wish i never saw it

checked and lost

I am

>cows cause climate change
>planes too
>corn was domesticated by native americans
