Be me at dentist

>be me at dentist
>in waiting room
>sitting near desk
>hot mum comes in and stands in front of me at desk
>ass in my face
>me get a boner
>play it cool and make eye contact with the ceiling
>get dentist work
>come out into waiting room again
>cute asian nurse is there
>she smiles at me
>me smile back and then sit down
>her colleague comes out and gives her a lift home
>she turns and smiles at me before leaving

god damn i am full of adrenaline right now, this is the most female interaction i have had in 9 months

pic related is how close the hot mum was

Attached: bum.png (777x513, 17K)

This is terribly sad. Hot women and women in general will smile at me just passing by on the street. It's fucking normal. Go out more man

ye i normally just look at the floor when i go outside because i don't like making eye contact i am worried people will find it uncomfortable if i look at them which i know is dumb and i should make an effort to do it but when im in the moment its really hard. did i do the right thing with her bum in my face? there were other people in the room and i thought if i stared at her bum they would think i was a weirdo so i just tried to look away and avoid that

I mean you can look and not look you know? Use your peripherals. What you did made it pretty obvious

Beta bitch

you must be over the age of 18 to post on this board


LOL we need a neural network where you can draw stick figure drawings like OP's and generate a photorealistic porn picture

Fuck this is me on walks all the time.

Fuck someone's going to cross my path in a block...... act natural.
While staring awkwardly into their eyes as we pass.

I learned to draw just so that I could draw sexy anime girls, fapping to your own creations is totes cray cray.

i'm 28 and i went to the dentist by myself and i wasn't even scared

We do, pic related.

sometimes i try and smile at them but they look away so quickly and then i turn around and watch them speed up as they walk away faster i swear on me nan

Apparently I just imagined attaching it.

Attached: imagination.w700.h700.jpg (700x700, 137K)

user’s pp is too small for me

You can't rob me for burning a bible.

Townies man. Scared shitless of any human contact.
>lives within 50 feet of strangers.
Grew up in a city where people would cross the street just to avoid being on the same side. (No I'm not a dindu)
I much prefer the small town that would smile and wave just as a courtesy.
Think of how hard it is to communicate with the tism.
Now recognize those people actively choose to negatively judge a stranger to the point that they aren't even worth a simple lifting of the hand or a mere hello.
Truly sad.

i like saying hello and acknowledging people but yeah around where i live people don't respond well to it so i've just drifted towards not making an effort to avoid confrontation. i went abroad to africa for a few months and i would say hello and talk to everyone on the streets and it was really nice, i definitely want to live in that kind of environment again. i'm autistic and don't understand the society rules but my instinctive approach is to say hello and talk, but i don't do it because of fear of the reactions. i should keep trying though and not let bad experiences in the past stop me from meeting new people.

Holy basically just lost your virginity, damn...

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Question, If some girl look at you and then she smile...Is that an invitation or something like that?

Sorry I am autistic AF

>be me
>have amazing server
>people join
>lose my virginity to a qt trap

wanna fuck traps? we have alot of sluts

i don't understand it myself and it's hard to know as each person smiles for different reasons.

in my situation i would assume the nurse was smiling at me because she works there, she might have recognised me, but probably because it was a professional environment and she was just being friendly because it's where she worked. i have noticed that making eye contact with staff and people who work in places, often leads to smiling more than with regular people - due to that position of working and everyone trying to show each other they are friendly and kind. smiling often makes the other person smile as well, so it goes back and forth like ping pong, making each other happy too.

if someone smiles at you i think it's safe to say it's a positive thing and you should smile back if you feel like doing so.

as far as an invitation, it could be her way of saying 'hello i'm friendly, if you want to smile back or talk to me then you can do so!' the same goes for eye contact. think about when they don't do it, if you made eye contact with a girl and she just looked away instantly or made a look of disgust, it would probably mean she doesn't want you to talk to her and isn't inviting you to talk or smile at her or something. it's so confusing i don't know, but i am trying to learn by testing it out and seeing how people respond, it's the best way user.

try and smile at yourself in the mirror, compare genuine smiling, laughing, fake smiling and see what you notice about yourself. you can apply it to other people. look at your eyes too, it shows a lot.