Hey Yea Forums. I'm a poor neet with nothing in his fridge...

Hey Yea Forums. I'm a poor neet with nothing in his fridge. I know it's stupid to ask but maybe some of you can spare 13-15 bucks for a pizza? You can chose for me, I'd love to eat something good other than old dry meat.
I have a pp: jonconningtongr@gmail.com
Also Let's make it a PIZZA GENERAL THREAD

Attached: pizzabest.jpg (1300x866, 202K)

no lmao

rice and beans cunt

dude i already sent you a pizza to celebrate juneteenth

Pic of fridge

13-15 bucks for a pizza?! What kind of poorfag are you, who even spends that much on cheese bread and some red sauce

Please hop into your bathtub with a toaster, with pics. If tub is full of water, and toaster is plugged in, will HAPPILY PayPal your retarded, lazy ass.

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I spend $20 on a tray of pizza. What shit place do you live that you get pizza cheaper than $13?

Little Caesars, pepperoni pizza for $7

there is only 1 pizza place close to me and they are pretty expensive. You can get 2 pizzas for 1 for 13 bucks and this is the only deal worth cash
there is nothing like that close to me