Here is a reminder from the neutral Peacekeeper faction.

Lets end the waste and suffering of innocent tcp/ip-packets. Too many have been lost on the Yea Forumsattlefield already. Both sides have definitely proven their worth in meme warfare and its fine to call it off at this point. Why you may ask?

Because its a WASTE OF TIME for both sides, the major battles have already been fought in the previous days, and there are no winners in this war.

With Respect to both sides,
Peacekeeper Anón.

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Other urls found in this thread:



Bumped for peace.

What a fucking gay post. Some celibate creature actually made this.

Peace is the only solution at this point user, all else is a complete waste of time and energy.

One more bump for now..


Peace will never be an option OP. The porn has gone too far, we miss the shitposts, the feels, rekt, get posts and more. The things we feel we’ll never get back and the only option is we’ve got to fight
for our right

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Well perhaps youre right, maybe this will all lead down to the unevitable showdown further down the road. However, this particular fight is a complete waste of time and i say that as someone who fought deeply entrenched with Yellow for several days. =) Its much more efficient to take the fight to other venues, smashing your head into the wall in here will lead to no gains.

No way you peace loving faggot Yea Forums belongs to the porno fags it’s always been ours and nothing is going to change it We will fight the yellow faggots would every last drop of cum

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My dear Pornofag, im certain its not in your interest to keep fending off the Schlop posts all day and night. Surely they have caused interruption when they were at the most intense stages. Its in the interest of both sides to lay down arms here.

I also would like to add that from my assessment of the Yellows, they're mostly unorganized and come here sporadically to do their yellowposting. Should however, someone competent take charge and organize them, things here would get much worse. Theyre just waiting for that guy with the fiery rethoric and weird mustache to rise up from their ranks you know ;)

That’s where you’re wrong it’s in our best interest to teach these yellow faggots a lesson Yea Forums belongs to us surrendering is not an option we have the numbers and the resources Rolls of paper towels at our disposal ready for combat they want to fight we’re going to give it to them

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The yellow invasion on Yea Forums is a total failure!

They tried so hard! But in the end they got rekt..hehehee

Im definitely not calling for Pornfags surrender, you're not going to lose anything here, except time and energy - which im sure you value as much as all of us faggots do. =) Im calling for Yellowfags to cease hostilities and withdraw since there is nothing to gain here.

I wouldnt say total failure, its a decent show of force for being something that wasnt organized. A reactionary movement of individuals with similar thought.

Ok you have my attention I’m listening what do you have in mind? Are you proposing a cease fire on both sides ? And what is the terms if both parties decide to agree to stop the war ?

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Commander P. Ornposter here, we are willing to regulate the amount of porn threads in exchange for the cease of yellow faggotry

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Yes a gradual de-escalation of hostilities and cease fire, however im personally not in contact with anyone of the Yellows, so im not in a position to negotiate for anything. I dont even think there is any leaders at that camp, its just people who have heard of this thing and come here to fight. Im going to do my little Peacekeeping thing for a while though, though im not sure it will help.

Knowing the mindset of the Yellows, what i would recommend to calm them down is to just tone down your most edgy rethoric for starters atleast. And maybe not spam the most triggering porn, theyre mostly "immune" to those ideas anyway. Of course when the Yellowfags go away you probably should conduct business as usual. Just a thought.

They are the ones that drew first blood they attacked us on Yea Forums we are only protecting what is ours it’s absolutely impossible for us to limit the pornographic threads here I don’t see how this is going to end peacefully

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fun discord join now



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From what i know it started with just some random guys on Reddit. Then i guess others heard about it and some real fanatics jumped in. So yeah they definitely started the fighting youre right about that. I understand you cant simply limit the threads, but perhaps tone down the language atleast, or try not to trigger them on purpose. Thats what makes them see red and why they keep coming, even if they know its no point.

my shit is yellow

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Its obviously not easy to be respectful to your enemy, especially when theyre as foul in language and behaviour as anything can be, but if its in your own best interest, then thats probably what one should do to calm things down. Anyway just my two cents, what do i know. =)

Oh well im out, been here way too long already. Ill come back with my peace threads laters though, its really best for both to end this so good luck to you all.

That’s even worse that means were being attacked by Reddit Gay faggot No way we’re not gonna surrender or participate in any cease-fire Yea Forums is ours Old faggots lay down their life to give us our freedom on this website we’re not going to let some faggots from Reddit take that away from us Sorry the war must continues

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The pornfags council has proposed to search the catalog in order to avoid making repetitive threads.

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Just saw this as i was leaving, the Reddit guys started this, but theyre not here anymore it was like day one i think. I doubt theyre here. Either way youre not going to lose anything if you de-escalate, its not like a board can be taken physically =)

Well thats a starter.

Shit's generating mad traffic tho. Both sides are helping chinkmoot and that's all there is to it.

TvvRnm server for peacekeepers