Trying to be one of us

Trying to be one of us
The deep state is the enemy of the people

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There is no deep state, you autistic fucking mongrel. It's a delusion invented by lonely little men in basements who never achieved anything in life and want to blame it on others. Stop fucking looking for excuses as to why the world sucks and grow up. Salvation lies within.

being enough of a nigger to think there's a deep state. it's how the system works and always has

Ok Mr. FBI man


I don't see any evidence of a deep state, just the FBI. (and to be completely honest they should be here, you guys are lunatics)

Preach it.

mother fuckers DEEP STATE is real , US is a quasi democracy

fun discord join now



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still don't see any evidence in the thread. you may reply when you present some.

Fucking autist.

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I remember my first troll. I called a white dude a nigger and stabbed him in the skull with scissors.

All the 'deep state' is are lifers in government + the money that controls government. It's not some crackpot conspiracy, it's how all governments have always worked, and most are overbearing on the people once they achieve certain power.

The idea of the "deep state" is "ZE JEWS RUN ZE WORLD ECONOMY AND PROPAGANDIZE US INTO SUBMISSION". Government officials using money and being corrupt is not the deep state. There is no magic fantasy and this is reality, not a TV show. Politicians have agendas and take bribes but there are no secret masters, only assholes who are voted in by more assholes or dumb Uni students.



But jews do run media and majority of banking. This is easily provable. If you refuse to believe it its just because you're too lazy to research.

thats like pointing out black people are the majority of athletes. yes these people are particularly good at something, a conspiracy is not necessary.

Jews being a standard deviation above the average is not a fucking conspiracy, it's genetics. Is there an Olympic conspiracy among niggers to secretly own the sporting world? Somehow I never hear about that, maybe because you're all pseudoint NEETs with goblin envy.

to understand DEEP STATE analyze geopolitics and connect series of events you will understand,

jews do control business world, all white christians are jewish slaves

Do you believe the "jews are good with money" stereotype? because owning the richest businesses is a pretty natural extension.

THEY are trying to destroy our civilization, manipulating poor whites, infusing feminism in white women, slowly they plan to destroy white families. see now niggers and mexican today dont have leadership but if tomorrow their population will increase they will demand a separate country. due to deep state internal cleanup us is stable as of now

direct proof of deep state cannot be given, it's not that simple and easy, to understand deepstate try to analyze geopolitics and connect the series of events there are lots of puzzles.

Their are different big lobbies always at war. DEEP STATE protects US from immediate threats.

aBOVE CONVERSATION IS just a infowar to manipulate and influence public opinon, their are many such handles.

All of these fringe/conspiracy theorists think that once they go off Yea Forums, the camera pans and zooms out, flying up, up above their dingy little basements or studio apartments, and into the sky. The camera comes down in a dark sinister room with arcane symbols lit up by candlelight, shaded Jewish figures in robes walking across pentagrams, into a room with a huge mahogany conference table where the ultra mega super liberal socialist corporatist capitalist alpha-elites are discussing how to rape the world and keep little white man NEET from getting a fucking job.

Noone is saying that "the deep state" is "the jews running the world"

Fuck off Deep State shill.

Quit trying to strawman arguments

DEEP State is not about


It's a special case of the beaurocrats running the real show.
Hell, even tho it's comedy, look at Yes Minister from back in the day. The elected folk (and even the individual beaurocrats) come and go but the institutions have some serious cultural inertia and power.

There are literally people IN THIS THREAD who are talking about Jews running everything. LITERALLY. Your fucking bullshit is so inane and nebulous that you can't even get your fucking story straight. You're just like drug addicts, looking for excuses for your failures. Get fucking lives you pathetic retards.

sEE The larger game

deep state is not about jews

deep state is run by asians

yes another literally who from twitter, the perfect source of clear and unbiased news

Lol nobody cares get a life

thats why two party system is maintained in US,presidents will come and go, public will have this illusion of choice,deep state protects us from external and internal threads.

asians in US are slaves of their white masters they are given specific tasks like study the fault lines in asian countries so that we can manipulate it for our own benefit.

I mean

Mr Cooper begs to differ with you user.

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Sort of. Two party systems evolve naturally with certain electoral systems. But yeah, having a strong beaurocracy is considered essential by many to maintain stability and to be a counterweight against populism and mob rule. Unfortunately from time to time it gets a bit too powerful and it has to be checked.
There's not exactly a grand conspiracy at play anyway. There's no one twirling their moustaches and cackling about controlling the world, there's just inevitable outcomes from the systems in place and the sea of competing interests and powers.

There's no system where a bunch of hidden actors who believe they are above the law (and essentially are) and operate with little to no oversight can be ever be a good thing. CIAs job is to protect US interests from foreign entities. NSAs job is to protect US interests from domestic entities. The Deep State operates in these types of agencies, but definitely aren't limited to them.

The Deep State doesn't refer to the ones who are trying to protect US interests. If they're doing that, they're doing their job. If they're doing their job, they're not Deep State.

The Deep State refers to the ones who are Globalists doing their best to control, manipulate and/or dismantle the US from within. Some of them are old Soviet Era programming holdovers, some of them follow the newer agenda from The Bilderberg Group. Their end goals align at points, so they work together often.

Both groups want control of the state, so they'll turn on each other in a heartbeat (which is what you see happening between Comey/Brennan (self admitted communists) and Mueller (who's a Bilderburg Group/Clinton Cartel pawn). Mueller is in a position to throw those two under the bus and Brennan/Comey are getting nervous and trying to preemptively throw Mueller under the bus.

Make yourselves some popcorn, bitches. The next 5 years are gonna be good.

why two party system was not maintained naturally but was forcefully done, many internal threats were eliminated so that balance is kept, MLK was eliminated coz he wanted to carve out black nation from US,after his elimination no independent B leadership,democrats give them illusion and prevent independent B leader from rise

No law enforcement should be anywhere unless its named after mlk or I'd mostly black area.

Zionists do run a lot of things. But that's not what the deep state is. They may even work together from time to time (media running hit pieces for deep state actors for instance) when their goals align or the money is right.
Zionists want the rest of the races of the world dumbed down so as to be more easily controlled.
Deep State seeks to subvert control of the US government in favor of global psuedo-government like the EU.

2 party systems evolve *a lot* in systems with single representative electorates and majority control based legislatures. Proportional representation somewhat breaks it, as do systems that focus on more collaborative decision making.
(not saying any system is better than any other, just pointing out how things are)
Basically, the second party always acts as an attractor for those disaffected by the ruling party, and the party subtly shifts its rhetoric (and to a degree, it's platform) to satisfy and further attract those disaffected folks until the pendulum swings the other way and they take power. Then the now out-of-power party starts the same process, in reverse.
You don't need outside processes to reinforce that, though having that system in play is somewhat self-reinforcing.

they do have lot of power n influence not only in US but many other countries as well.

zionist always try to have a weak leadership in countries