

Attached: 1564408290794.png (211x197, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

dis 1 has le soleld white backgrounde

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第44話「幸せのホワイト・クリスマス」(DVD 640x480 WMV9). (640x480, 225K)

legendary monkem . . . .

just like my country hahahehehe

i mean really, the stuff of legends

ppl say “oo discord monhi oo oo” ….
well …….
sweatie …….
erm …….
soda PREDATES discord bro.
holy shit
soda the monkey PRE-DATES discord
get absolutely SHITCANNED lolol rn

golf wang golf club for a wang havin ass monkey

ohhhh...i hoep ur bury winter fashionablel fren
dubs! wooh!
dond led em get tto u

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 46 - Hachamecha mahou bounenkai [WinxBloom1980][02269A93].mp4_snapshot_17.3 (960x720, 397K)

can always make time to help a monkey get a leg up

nbever underestimate what u can do for the monkey population


thats neat.

ur mom is neat

no youre mom is neet

give me admin of the secret windsor discord


nothing wrong with me


I don't remember what lyrics come after this

let the bodies hit the floor

kelly chambers will remember that.

prove it


call stanley steamer the carpet cleaner

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

Attached: 1564597810991.jpg (1052x877, 199K)

monkey gets tired of living so he just holds his breath and dies

monkey gets gleamy eyed at possibilities of bright new days and rejoices, coming sprawling out from a cave like structure, telling world the word of the good wood gone


dookcru =/= poopcru dook just sounds funny dookcru needs u


Dook Crew is NOT Poop Crew

the discord monkey

Secret link to the Dook Crew Discord
lol i trol u


what does it all mean

All I've figured out so far is that it has something to do with tennis courts

How can this help us in the war against terror

Just keep posting, as long as we keep posting the terrorists will never win


Attached: 491px-Sword_Shield_Nessa.png (491x900, 271K)


two off
dark type gf


sex type gf

dank type dubs

dubs, nice

and basically? swooce

Attached: 4.png (250x250, 8K)

this was posted before 3

So to summarize? mwee

m....moker man? getting some intense moker man vibes...

I would've said "scree"

Attached: legendary pape.jpg (2016x1511, 1.75M)


wipey monkey changing table

moekr man where he am
i dunno who is moker man

me neither

Carousel Piedmont

Casual Velocitude

man up front, monkey down the back

Benosant Fritellia

YEAH? yeah....


Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Attached: 00070662401019_cf___jpeg_3.jpg (700x700, 86K)

I met him once, black as coal, sings like a nightingale

With hands as big as cinder blocks

they call them mooncrickets sweety

you're mom is a mooncricket

Who calls what mooncrickeys?

'the fuc'k y'ou say'in'

Pretty damn clear what 'm saying, mooncrickets, mooncrickers

'th' f'k's'a m'n'cr'k't

I dont fuken know thas what 'm askin

I believe it is a cricket that lives on the moon, or possibly a cricket that is shaped like a moon, perhaps a crescent moon, or maybe it is a cricket that only appears during a full moon.

Yeha but thsi dude up here look he says "they call them mooncrickets" wtf he sayin about mooncrickts mooncrickets seems like a strange comment and I am perturbed and combobulated

I believe they were saying that nightingales are mooncrickets, due to the many sounds they make in the middle of the night. However I contend that nightingales are birds and not crickets, and that a mooncricket would have to be a cricket that draws its power from the moon.

Ok well I'll leave it there for now but I'm not happy about this whole mooncrickets situation

No, nobody is. Least of all the mooncrickets themselves who have faced so much scrutiny over the years.

Bump for mooncrickets


Attached: 1548345666699.jpg (872x1000, 108K)


cricketing into infinite moonoids

noncing in2 unpalpable mankings

i got a mankerin' . . . .

monkey man just thinking some of your all time great punch lines........

Attached: 1514665375977.jpg (3200x2160, 1.8M)

Like "A Featherbed for two." ?

well i'm glad some of the excess monkeys will finally die.

not just yet

trimming the chub

introducing the geoduck

Attached: geoduck.jpg (600x398, 77K)

EX-AC-TLEEE!!!! THIS guy gets it. One muncher practicing dominion, fully chubbed, natural order, as it should be

fuggin pick one and stick with it then pototo braine

potato-brain-ass bitch


These Cheeky Bowl-Bags Were Part of Edo-Era Japan's Answer to Pockets: Ornate bowls & bags were practical status symbols

Attached: BOWLBAG.jpg (1160x781, 173K)



monkman swoopen in the dead of nite???????

out here in charls world

Attached: vxYear.jpg (1456x1116, 300K)

we floating 'n' shit

Attached: 9 - iDjYmlr.jpg (1920x1080, 429K)

thats what i am extolling you pigeon brained fool

I'll be proudly mouthing watermelon every song

just a big big bag of crunch

crunch guarantee or yo money back.

Give me my money back

Exfoliating pigeons

over my dead crunchsack

i'm a watertype pokemon and i'm gonna drown you in toilet water fam

im a bowl&bag type pokemon and yo'ure about to activate my trap card

your activation is my salvation

Does anyone eles elike to roll around naked in a big bowl (bathtub) of doretos

this but an actual bowl&bag

Attached: bowl&bag.jpg (1600x1600, 206K)

'tsfunny how, in all the commercials that feature a product in a bag, like chips, the bag is like... without a fucking crinkle. and it looks like the top was never sealed. its just picture perfect fake ass lookin bag. all bout maximizin the bottom line bro. truly disgusting.

––––––and i hear people in line at restaurants like––– "and a Coke Zero pls" ... or some old BOOMER idiot will put a fuckin... DIET DR PEPPER on the counter. and i just stare at it bro, i stare at it and think, how utterly deceived these people are, that they put these things in their bodies. not just clownworld: str8up nightmareplanet

Some little thing I saw locally - a community / school project about "stop plastic poluttion" raising awareness all that stuff, the display contained several signages and fastenings and such, that were all made out of plastic. And when that display was done with, it would all be trashed without a thought for what they were doing.

Made me LAUGH like the joker tbh

in shithole dookiebasin uk they put a SUGAR TAX BRO. diet shit is always cheaper and i always see it on special offers on shelves big bottle for maybe £1.50 with some 2 for £2 deal if you want the sugar version its £2.00 they're making you pay extra for you not to get sweetener cancer in ur fuckin brain nuke this dunnydump.
sugar tax f*k,/co-kCVk97-

volcano rise outta the earth and swallow this shitheap island in2 the deepoids

Add beamerkitten on Snapchat for the worlds best ass

And anothe t hing I saw - A news story about "a new type of bacon curing that does not cause cancer"

Wait what, this one does NOT cause cancer?? So the old one DOES? All this time, no one ever said, yeah enjoy yer bacon but fair warning it will give you CANCER

Fellow britbong, just think of this. You know them MR Kipling cakes right. Mr fucking Kipling cakes, 6 in a box. Bag inside the box. Each little individual cake also is ina aluminum tray. So you got 6 little metal trays, a plastic bag, and a cardboard box, per package. Now think how many millions of Mr Kiplings cakes is made and sold every day. Millions of tons of metal, plastic, bags and boxes. FOR CAKES. LITTLE FUCKING CAKES with zero nutritional value, it's not even food haha wtf

its like minesweeper out here

we just need to euthanise old people bro no more kipling cakes


Quite partial to a Cherry Bakewell tbh

HA..... AHA..... AHAHA YA.... at a certain point bro u kinda realize everyones just a fuckin OLD ass twenty something finding their meager path inna jungel of life... like when, going to a public business, & watching everyone being funneled thru the same not-perfect system, and the inefficiencies of these systems "piling up" & making themselves apparent (DMV classic x-ample) and how truly BAD things can get when too many of these PILE UPS happen broo... i think oen might be happening now bro trannies inna classrewm rimjob fye dolla

so legit actual fucked up bro that kinda shit makes me mad bro but ive been paying less attention to things that make me mad lately bro so thats good bro

bag ........... inside ......... box .......
TRAY ???????? bowl? tray bowl ..... bowl inside the tray, tray inside the bag, bag inside the box

H*(AH(*AH*( %(*HH@H(*@% (H*A@ %H*H*(%@ H*(@% H*(AH*@% *H(A@% H*(AH@(% H*(@% H*(A@% H*(H@%*
'tswhat got me

but yea things causing cancer is just a fun fact now bro. everyones just looking at each other with desperate hysteria as our bevautifyl lyl shyp synks goin "y––well you're doin it too rite?" ..... fucking capsizing, everyone comin down desperately weeping and smiling and hugging one another as we all guarantee our selves early death by opting into a few key behaviours that encourage its metastasis . . . . god forbid knock on wood for a noggo

–––––––––––––––––but so, traybowl... bag INSIDE the box... inside bag? tray. encased in tray, bowl... so, .. box bag tray bowl . . . is the order then... traybowls encased in bags and then boxes..... boxes last......

6 cakes, 6 bowls, ina bag, ina box. Bowl bag box.

tray......... no tray........................................
bowl bag box.............................................
thank you so the fuck much bro

Future historians will look back on this as the age of the bowl bag and box

mister bowlbag original source mane what is to be made of box ???????????

ahh shit yeah i forgot the tray too

6 bowls in a tray in a bag ina box

level 4 cake containment

expect mr kipling at your door tomorrow. he wants to exchange a couple of words

tray is the final straw

detachable mini spoon bowl,, & bag,, & backstraps attached ... bowl settled inna tray packaged inna bag stuffed inna box.... optional mini spoon and straw


Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Traybowl Bagbox

that's pretty goode..

leek spinned

Your fortune: Average Luck

telescope spoons

shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up

Your fortune: Average Luck

telescope spAoAOAOAoAOughnes

u talking to me bro, you better say lie and say no for your IMMEDIATE SAFETY


lie and say no for your IMMEDIATE SAFETY

*flurry of sloppyslaps make their way to your temple*

silly straw squad

stuffed stockings for legs man

Attached: monkey3dmodel.png (813x844, 246K)

awwwwww!! he is so kawahi >.

this little fella needs his own show

free mandala

Attached: mandala.jpg (1126x1126, 284K)

his legs seem dysfunctional

better get him a kipling cake

Who is Mr. Kipling anyway

Rudyard Kipling I suppose

amber is colour of your energy

brb under attack from skeletons

don't forget to bring a thermos full of toilet water in case you get dehydrated


Attached: thimble.jpg (640x640, 97K)


u could goggle it

That's for the birds

woaoaooaw its metal FIST i thought it was metal FACE terrorist but i should have known cause DOOM always tryina get EVERY LAST SYLLABLE RHYMIN U FEEL ME & IT GETS A LIL TIRESOME SOMETIMES.... ykno who else i noticed is big on the AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA rhyme scheme? fuggin, "KING KRULE".

fetal mist terrorist.... morbid

–––––––––––––––––––––– MEANS 2DA EN F'2MILI

god, 'magine a young hip group of WHITE MEN daring to invoke that word in their art nowadays. psh. h'hah. hah. but nope. these PoC mothafuckas's gettin all the creative license they want. any fuckin stupid horrible idiot dumbass fucking really truly and unfiguratively low iq thing, that they could dream, they are permitted to say. and yet young man & frens, comendians, appealing to young right wing, cannot reach across to a single mainstream means to do so ..... immediately SHITCANNED .... fans of mister Fuentes well spoken young man..... SHITCANNED you may not chat as a community of FUENTES fans on reddit any more as of two days ago. everything immediately SHITCANNED cause KIKES are mad. KIKES got mad and now its lockdown mode. fuckin [redacted]

––––––––––––––––––––––––––– but so, tiny bowl.. exactingly cased inside of tray. pure precision. from this tray with bowl inside, is bag; outside of tray and bowl is bag. and at last is boxed, in a box. box bag tray bowl

i wish to be the little bowl

traybowl martin

Traybowl Baggins

Attached: 9.jpg (269x269, 14K)

Malthusian Catastrophe

monkey man?
monkey man bro is it you bro

no not me im mongle man

no but that was interesting

dont really enjoy getting jerked around like this

w–––––what was
wait what

i am an anonymous poster

–––––––okay alrite word

i like walks on the beach, dogs, and smiling to myself knowingly

Mango Fandango

the mank is a nonce, heed my warning

Methuselah's Mandingo

Bilbo Baggins' Ballbag

the manks are spilling coconut juice again contact the relevant authorities

for what its worth, saeed is also a nonce and is in contact with the mank on the daily regarding nonce activities

I just reminded myself of an earlier thing I said, which was "Monstrous Nostrum". Which i though was meaningless gibberish, but in fact "nostrum" can mean a shitty potion or, a scheme or remedy for bringing about some social or political reform or improvement.
"during tough times, populist nostrums gain favour"

So I accidentally said something meaningful. Sorry.

monstrous nostrum love that shit fjknn brilliant love it hooo

nostruming into infinite shit-nite

it stuck in my mind it flows so nicely

Turnpike Stranglings

'cord dippin in2 deepoidz with the armed moker guards and aytch thray by my side, while the stup'd mank proceeds to not look at anthing and perform his windsortisms causing him to become domepieced and experience ego death zone on his detox with a binbag on his head, whilst observing monstrous nostrums being performed on mr moque (i want to fack yaough binsh)

o how monstrous that nostrum is...

Attached: block_nose.png (999x999, 75K)

–––––––––––––––––dude is it fucking you or not bro

u gotta slip in a bowl&bag

yes, its ME, mister mock!

yea & take out the h3 bro that part suUUuUuuUux FAAAKE ITS A FAAAAAAAKE BOO

W––––––––––-WINDSOR ????????

nah, i remember the whole 'new ayyytch thraaaaays' which i used to know and love, it cant be ignored

totally flatlining on the monkey man and windsor presence as of late

its me, the binbag man(e) !

i am the notafuckingcluewhoanyoneis man

um brush up on ur mank lore bud


Attached: index.jpg (284x177, 8K)

wow i was expecting some kind of courtesy but no

quick rundown?

basically the secret windsor 'cord and the rest is history as they say.

so basically you've got the members of the exclusive mank discord (SPARKLES, the elusive mister monkey man and windsor/winston) then some other figures including the binbag man, Humphrey, and jungle is massive

at least one mank is practicing dominion now


OK well I'm an on and off random in and out kind of guy, don't know any of you but enjoy your work, I'll call myself Boris

ok B-dog welcome to the gang

we know 'cause you weren't invited lmao why do you think it's called the secret 'cord

i heard they post mank's nudes in there

Monstrous Boris the Nostrum man

The Malthusian Catastrophe shall result in a Monstrous Nostrum

shit what the fug am i making sense

so the key here is to avoid the Malthusian catastrophe so that nothing else nasty occurs as a result, makes sense

what the fuck is this google images shit splittin the screen in two two halves it makes me fuakmngn NAUSEOUS fuckin WHAT IS THIS

i know im aboslutely fuming

mm i dunno i'm thinking it's inevitable, sooner or later we gonna get nostrumed

it's better than how it worked before so i don't want to catch you complainin' about this again.

no dude i click image then i wanna gutpukem puke out my guts gutpunch its like my monitors changed size allo' a sudden

I accidentally clicked on /n/ and there's a lot of stuff about bikes and boats

2 fkn scrollbars ui designers at google justifyin their existance by jugglin shit about UFJUI89ASDFIO[ FUmiin my hood off

Attached: trash.png (218x838, 95K)

i bet you want 2006 youtube design back too. heh

trains too

H*( AH*)(HQ* H*(*H A*H(@$ $@H**$(@ H*(H @*$H*(@$ H*($*( H*($A@ H*( $@H*(H*($@ H*($@ *H($H* @H*(A$ @*H(*H$ H*(A@$* H(*A$@ H(*$A @H*

voxxy pls :] pls voxxy

do the sexy voice

Wonder how my nigga Boris is doing

sides with black people against the antiblacks but what are his perspectives on antiblackism

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

word is antiblackism is favorable for the community and breathes fresh life into an already tired corpse... why stuff it if so many people agree its good? what's he got to hide if antiblackism is a genuine good? even blacks for antiblackism are strongly curious

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

there has been a lot of forced memes on this board. some good some bad but i think we can all agree that the 'two' gif meme was one of the worst.

im not a fan of the number memes to be honest.

prime time for computer time

Boris peeps thoguh the window, nods, ands scuttle off like a crab in a boutique

Ive seen him do that a few times, i thought it was quite charming




thats what i thought

dooktroducing thru the valley o dooks with dook sceptre in my right hand


take a wily wild ol guess

more like the valley of crooks.


the brik-a-brak boys are brack in town

aych thraaaaay peewwwauuuuggghhddess

well i thought the former but lately i think the latter

german????? o o o o o ur a silly ol sausage

i think maybe poopboi is german then

Aych thray lives in the valley of crooks

Pfff aytch thray? Nah hes not that thicc . . . I mean he is looking like a meal today. . . Fack aytch thray? Naahh, hehe . . . *sweadtrippe*


i'm obliged to tell you that i do not really care for h3

yea well he fucking insists on DREDGING UP that DEAD OLD SUBPLOT, I told him to STOP but he REFUSED, it is COMPROMISING the TIMELESSNESS of mcCackerAck Gas Attack


i haven't tried the mcCackerAck Gas Attack myself

It's compromised


flim flammery

Attached: pareidolia on mars.png (1264x804, 1.31M)

so thats how they hide and check my shins (r they doobles?)

dream liar............................................

check your shins for lumps


Attached: this friggin mank.jpg (163x177, 39K)



Hoodlie and The Daddlefish

Joe's Earhole

beare will miss you Yea Forums, it was good while it lasted, truth be told i spend more time on discord anyway. but i had some good times with you. from discovering you from a desu raider, to hooking up with a random girl from Yea Forums too the spawn of the esforest but the pedos gotta go, they are starting to get rights... wait? this is about mass shootings isn't it... Yea Forums your sacrifice will be in vein and probably cause more harm when these losers have no where to go

what................. the FUCK? is there a.................. war going on between Yea Forums and.................... YOUTUBE?

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

I'm going to have to ask you fellas to go have a few glasses of toilet water and come back later.

hate mank hate mank still trying to replace mank

shut uuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUP

Here's a pallet cleaners my headrest apologies

manking into infinite nostrums

been inspecting elements for like 50 minutes with no result.

he's not lookeng at anthing i guess

h89 A*H H*@%H*(@ $%H*(@% *(@% G*(@% G*(@%*H*(@% H*(@%H*(@%( H*(@% H*(@% @%

it's like clearly the information is there but how do i heckin find it. just buried too deep.


maybe we all need a detox sometimes


hows things bin going 4 u
pls be normal pls normal update pls
member when u sent piccy of ur ceiling lamp bro
more like that bro

i cant point you in the direction cause i dont want you to spread
im doing p goo and you

also good thinking i should probably dust the lamp off i never use it anyway but fug


hooking up with a random girl from Yea Forums

don't do it bro last time i tried that she looked like fucking sammy sonic fan

Attached: 1564521401295.png (794x682, 11K)

SPREAD? scuse u??? fucc face ??? wack german weirdo idiot moron ??? little wack german weirdo idiot mind games with u always, 'the fucc up.
thx 4 update :}}}} thank u :)))) weird ugly lamp woulda gotted rid of it years ago ... do u have any wall art ?


not a big fan of that wall but i don't want to start an argument over it

AH*)A H*((H* %@H*(HA*@(% H*(% @H*(@% H*(A@% H*(A@% H*(AH*@(% *(HA@% *(HA@% (H*A@% (*(HA@% H*(A@% H*(A@%


so youre basically saying i was right

reminds me of a teenage room in their parent's house. like going over to your cool friends place and his walls are plastered with posters of all kinds of stuff and some things you haven't even heard of.
a bit nostalgic feel but peeps really grow out of plastered poster walls normally.

maybe one reason is that when you get your own place you can spread out your posters in more than one room

i wont answer yor question until you answer my and you

YEH, YEH RIGHT. TOTALLY GOTCHU. well i am big on pins & stickers & posters & "LITTLEPAPERTHINGS" so always keeping a eye out for "INSPO" and that ABSYNTHE CENTERPIECE is CLASSY and ive SEEN a SIMILAR PRINT at a RICH PERSONS HOUSE so i KNOW its high class. fuk UU UU U UU UU U U UU

i was saying you were right by acting the sort of way that would cause you to not want me to spread? is that what u saying? GUESS SO HUH. 'ever. 'cares.
whats ur view on the wall art debate

~before u finish~ –––––––-AND SO –––––R –––––––YEA A––––––

no i mean how are you doing in general, i asked you back
and i dont currently have an opinion cause i look at walls a lot less these days but lemme tell you this there is one rule
if you dint have at least one shrine somewhere in your youth i dont know how to talk to you

(i have lived in one room apartments since i moved out so i don't actually have more wall space)

I knew someone who covered his entire walls with flyers from raves and such

when i was in uni, i had (among other things) a shirtless iggy pop postre on my door and it could get trippy as hec at night would creep pple out a lil bit if someone was sleeping with me

and theres a difference between /x/ druggies painting demons and shit on their walls with some talent involved and full cant get my life together dudes writing shit in crayon while on lsd
i knew a guy the flat was pretty much unusable

SWEET posters, SLEEPING with people, HIGHER education. this man has done IT ALL.

What about protective sigils? I mean it wil either do nothing, no harm done, or it will actaully keep the astral demons at bay? Nothing to lose really

this one time i shot a man in reno just to watch him die

>Nothing to lose really
aside from respect of whoever visits

haha yeah people who visit hmm yeah all those peopel...

Attached: MANKemoji.png (736x626, 218K)

h89 AH*)(*A @%H*(H%@ H*(%@ H*(H(A*% H*(@H *(@%*(H*(@%H*(@% H*H*(@% H*(@% H*(%@H8


AND TO WRAP UP . . . . . . . . .

Attached: Banana_Emoji_42x42.png (42x42, 4K)

well if nobody visits you, why would you care what other people think of your walls
why would you care bout it if someone visited for that matter


Attached: Handbag_Emoji_Icon_42x42.png (42x42, 4K)

to play us out

& IN THE END . . . . .. . .. .. . .. . ..

Attached: Vanila_Ice_Cream_Emoji_Icon_42x42.png (42x42, 4K)

OK fuckk you guys i'm going full sigil walls

plssssssssssssss piccy

Attached: Fire_Emoji_42x42.png (42x42, 4K)


Attached: Full_moon_emoji_icon_png_42x42.png (42x42, 4K)


*marrys Yu*

in times of peace the moker guards grow dull and weak

*throws rocks at the moquer guards to keep them on their toes*

my seeing eye dog is wearing x-ray lenses for optimal perfomance.

That's redundant, dogs already have x-ray vision.

take two, im still tryna figure out what makes you hard on the call, i guess it comes from your heart cause when your head's right you take your time

are these lyrics

see you on the side

the side of the mountain

the mountain of forgotten manks

pull up with the glock n****

pop a cap on your mountain

soon enough you'll be a forgotten mank

pop a cap on your bottle so nothing spills

pop a cap on your head so you stay warm

no no no

*gives you a nice hat*

goodbye monky

landing the plane with a cooool THIRTY posters

thanks and goodbye monkey friends ill see you all soon

not if i see you first