Rekt thread
Rekt thread
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that dude behind the counter goes 0 to 100 real quick
That dude was just sitting there waiting on that guy to draw, looks like he hit his heart by the amount of blood. Cell phone store champion
His Huckleberry
post more fag
niggas just chilling
Fucking awesome video OP, makes me happy
Photo is my friends girl found out he was cheating on him and offered to cut his hair.
texas red had not cleared leather fore a bullet fairly ripped
Are you drunk or retarded ?
Yeah. Make sure to sneak that post-murder punch in
vid sped up you dipshit
I got the reference, dude.
Don’t listen to this cocksucker.
nigger it's called self defense. that kid isn't facing shit.
Can't fix stupid...
And the rangers aim was deadly with, the Big Iron on his hip.
Wild, wild west type shit.
Medfag here, from personal experiences, I would call the spleen got the trauma, and the bullet cutted right through the abdominal aorta or the inferior vena cava
Big iron on his hiiiiiiiiip
finally a rekt thread
It looks like her neck snapped. Imagine that commercial gate applying crushing pressure and ur body being twisted sideways in it against the wall.
even if it is, it feels like the clerk was precognizant
you're probably wondering how i ended up in this situation
holy shit, I haven't seen the original resolution in a while
any other anons got to the point where they recognize webms theybe seen before without even clicking on the file?
a good portion of them yes
thats some looney toons shit
And for some reason I can't post 25% of the one I saved from here because the file size it to large, but I got the file from here in the first place..
fuck off
Saw this on
I think the limit used to be 4MB
Not original but I lost
Also, for more original content you can try Best Gore or Liveleak, Best Gore has a really good categorization feature and hosts weekly caption contests.
I think there was a path he was aiming but he went off the ramp wrong and that sealed his fate. He died.
It's 2mb now but I downloaded all of these before the limit was decreased.
That kid easily could of reversed that spine buster into a DDT. Fag should of been a wrestling fan.
dafuck happened here ?
what the actual fuck
I have no idea, if I was a faggot I'd say nerve gas
did he live
Is he dead?
This webm gets me hard.
simply tipping things over in china is enough to seal ones fate, scary
>He was cheating on him
he doesn't mean he was fast you fuckwit, he means he was sitting there all chill then was like boom lead in your gut bitch
>when you don't buy propane accessories from Hank Hill
GOD I can't post my webm of some ANTIFA faggot getting punched once and dying on the streets....
This ones good!
she lived it was in the news lol
Fucking faggot. Do the world a favor and kys like this anime homo
look at that stance! that fucking guard! the rear leg kick overhand right combo! the top mount sprawl! ground and pound!
this bitch is literally trained!
nah, the bike one, he was pulling a parachute. it opened but he still hit the ground. broke an arm and screwed up a leg but survived.
post in /gif/
oh shit, wrong fight.
lol literally. She had completely control once she got on top even though the boy was bigger.
See that's where you're wrong. It was a neurotoxin.
bunch of overweight sub 90 iq retards in a truck their incestuous parents bought them
wtf is going on here
god white bois are absolute betas
Fake. Prove me wrong.
This one ended up are paraplegic.
The name says it all.
This webm is a fucking shitshow lmao. Saved.
starvation torture.
wth is going
Some kind of slow release nerve gas I think
Well he didn't realize this wasn't kick boxing class.
Blacks are garbage people.
Do you really think this level of murder and shit is a rare occurrence in south America?
You anonfaggots are gonna rage with this webm.
what the actual fuck is happening here
more like yawn at a repost
holy shit this idiot jumped too early
Then why dont you post something u fucking bitch?
Oh no, because u'd rather bitch then actually do something positive. Fucking cancer.
>that "gotcha bitch" arm pump at the end
shut the fuck up
in those countries they rape little boys so seeing this the guys probabl a pedo so i don't feel bad
Stupid nigger moment
sorry dude black panther wasn't a documentary, but congrats on being able to read
Why would u feel bad about any of this?
That's a gay guy. They kill gay guys like that.
not sure if gay but they fuck boy in that country so fuck that guy gays are atracted to little boys as well
even better
The burden is on you, faggot. Also, this is the aftermath of the Las Vegas shootings.
>He didn't relax
This sure looks like a good repost thread
Maybe, I dunno, never had a problem with the average faggot. Wouldn't ever kill one just because he stuck his dick in an ass. Just seems a bit egregious to me.
Really? I thought it was SA...
aint doing your homework nigger
though it was some lads murder basement
protected and served
You're conflating two unrelated points, but... Sure fair enough.
Sorry, I know you browse Yea Forums 20 hours a day, everyday, but some people have actual lives and haven't seen all of these.
You could always try posting some original content. But then I guess you wouldn't be able to post bullshit, weak responses then huh?
Where the full version of this? Never actually seen it.
Why banning guns is stupid, he wasted twice as much energy as it would have been to shoot it.
Very good post. Made me chuckle.
Aaaaaand I'm out of webms. Can anyone tell me why some of the downloaded webms from here resized bigger?
>killing a random dog because it's barking
yeah, real hero of the city. /confetti
You can google "Tranny get stomped" and it's like the first link.. It's only like 30 secs but it includes very good audio of the tranny baiting the men and the grunts as the man stomps its head in.
did that nigger really try and steal a phone case?
The story is the heroin addict tranny gets drunk and goes on a 20 minute spiel fucking with these men and trying to prove hes a "real women" and then spits on one of the men. He obviously didn't like that and had to defend himself by stomping its head in.
lol, why so touchy on contributing to a shitty thread?
Looks like he didn't follow the white line all the way to the end
Guy driving the car is so fucking useless. He's as much to blame as the owner of those dogs.
What a shitty thing to die for.
cuz yous a bitch
unless he hit the guy on the bike I don't see how the guy driving a car has any blame on the dog owner not having his dogs either on leashes or in a closed yard
he lives
why is he to blame? it's not his duty to risk his life or injury for some random dude. he could just call for help and do his best to not get hurt.
to be honest, he didn't look like he would do much good, other than turn into live dog food.
lol you'd watch an injured guy get eaten alive by dogs because it's not your problem.
Fake it till you make it
the crippled guy was nearly holding his own without help, but the able bodied man? no he might chip a nail.
Dead Negroes are the best Negroes.
that fucking hurt to watch
Giving those idiot dames the vote started the USA down the path to destruction.
Leftist liberal open-border-loving politicians need to emulate that gentleman.
Dead Moslems are perfect Moslems.
That is quite impressive reaction
Are chinks even human?
One of the first gore vids I saw when downloading music on Limewire
The feral beasts belong in sub-Saharan Africa and nowhere else.
same. this and faces of death. brings back memories
>post more fag
Post less fag, post moar rekt
i'm not going to be eaten next or be bitten and get stuck with an infection in some third-world country
Giving females voting privileges was a grave error. Repeal the 19th amendment.
He's prepared, having seen it happen before.
Faces of Death, been a while since I saw that one. Eventually learned that some of those were not real. Forget what year that was but damn I miss whatever time that was.
track pants and dash cam...
can't tell if this is stupidity or scam
That's why I say hey man nice shot.
Chinese firework factory. Probably a tiny spark from the steel foot of the wheelbarrow being set down touched off some loose gunpowder and there was enough powder in the air to bring the fire to the stuff in the wheelbarrow.
Poor old chink. May he RIP in pieces.
Fuckin' phone zombies.
UV unwrap
>the able bodied man
that's who i was referring to. shit, the wounded old guy managed to put up a better fight.
I thought it was china, but doubted because she didn't get run over. then it was confirmed
Roller Coaster Tycoon 6 VR Edition looks rad.
Got any info on this one? I’d like to hear the audio.
>phone zombie
must had been using a Samsung Galaxy Note 7
holy shit this idiot jumped
175% Critical Damage.
didn't you have english classes in med school?
Lol what an attention whore coward.
Its okay bud, i appreciate your posts. Happy trails!
oh there's a penis
the chinese sure have a talent for setting up cameras at accident sites
Nah, just a big clit
i didnt even bother watching it because it was a nigger
Stupid Sandniggers !
Isn't it past your bedtime, summercunt?
He has the power.of god and anime.on his side.
looks like a mortar attack in Syria
That's good ol' Bud Dwyer (spell check) Some sort of corruption charge that would have seen him removed from office. Legend says that your family is paid out for life if you die in office so ol' Bud was determined to provide from beyond the grave.
Nerve gas
Se7en: Part 2 looks interesting...
Yeah but it was a fat embezzling money grubbing right winger it bitch
only faggots who say that are from unfunnyjunk
info in description
wiki page for more background:
That smell of summer
>I'm worst at what I do best and for this gift I'm feeling blessed
I was hoping "she" was going to get hit while twerking
>when you run back upstairs because you forgot your phone
>white people
not even once
this is hopefully the fate for all incels
way to prove you got on Yea Forums like 2 days ago newfag
i literally thought the same thing kek
i connect those memories with middle school, so like 2002-2004, but im assuming they could have been out for a while before i came across them
i distinctly remember a video of a fat woman on a dirtbike that flipped over the handlebars and gets run over by her own bike.
i lost
Turns out you're right about both.
bitches be crayyyy XD
I too read that Dalton Trumbo book
ohhhhohohoho the sprayyyyyy lmao
Audio version?
>white people be like
No. They are bug people.
So fake...
he should have done a flip
kekked at the one legged tweaker stealing dude's belt
OHHHH there was another video angle of this video where it was the guy on his back playing with the gun and there was no way since the angle of the gun was different. This is the concluding video
It is his duty if he cares about anything. Should have dragged bloody guy into his car, but he isn't bad, we all make that mistake of being shitty at helping.
Cop was 100% in the right here
stupid bitches letting their pitbull come out of the door aggressively and expect nothing to happen
what does having your bone touched feel like?
I remember seeing this guy in a walk in clinic and he had self treated burns on one of his legs, I could see bone peeking through where the skin died.
Fuckin kek
sorry dude this is all i got no audio version
i know right ?
Idk, probably nothing since the bone does not have nerves in it, only veins
>people that gave birth to your stupid ass
i guess most white people have low iq
at least the blockage is clear
That's what some kids think fighting's supposed to be like man. Blame it on vidya games.
That's a new meaning to "fried" rice
That looks kinda fun
nothing. you don't feel pain like that under your skin.
>I'm da jokah baby
don't need to be smart to make kids, and i aint white
I remember seeing this on the news when it happened. It cut right when he pulled the trigger, however.
This is why I’m pro gun
>could of
>should of
it was determined that the corruption was fake and he was innocent.
very real i remember when it shut down Yea Forums
ol' dumbass bitch
the owners should of been more responsible, the dog shouldnt of tried to bite, owners fault 80% dogs fault 20%
Lmao, this the first I noticed the guy on the bench does a cartwheel
Last time I saw this, the consensus was that it's just a shitty Vietnamese (or whatever shitty Asian country) method of controlling patients with severe seizure disorders. Just looks like amputated horror movie shit, but if you look closely, he had all of his limbs.
oh lol you are right haven't noticed that till now
what is happening
And a fine morning to you too sir
anyone got the elk getting shot through its heat ?
it was 3
nerve gas
Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop Schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schl
did he actually die? How can you die like that
nerve gas
Just a scratch
Why does he keep going??
Like a regular choke-out, pressure to the carotid artery
Except for when you pass out the pressure doesn't stop and you die
Complete horrifying
But that kid was almost sitting down... Is the weight of the torso actually enough to get you unconscious?
they had so much time to GTFO........
You're only reaction should be to run like hell.
Lol spotted the precious little white girl
Last time I saw this, the consensus was that it's just a shitty Vietnamese (or whatever shitty Asian country) method of controlling patients with severe seizure disorders. Just looks like amputated horror movie shit, but if you look closely, he had all of his limbs.
fucking retards never heard of lead ropes????
>How in the fuck does a motorcycle just burns I to flame from a frontal colli-
>Oh, ok.
That dog was charging, not barking. Also, when someone knocks on your door, you shouldn't just fucking let your big ass dog run out of it full speed. Maybe lock the dog up, or hold it.
they kill everyone for everything
>lights fuse
>lays down next to open container of gunpowder
Darwinism at it's finest.
Penis or no penis thats still a meal imo
fuck dogs. they are fucking trash. every time one barks in my neighbor hood i make a note. when i walk by amd it barks i throw a rock at it. the noise is well over 60db and is a noise disturbance in most counties. dog owners should be fined hundreds if not thousands of dollars. fuck dogs and their shit owners
it's a meme you tard, nothing is original.
That one hurted to look at.
When you live or deal with shitty people in a shitty place, you know when trouble is coming. The shooter could tell things were going south when he got to the counter, nervous talking, excessive emoting, face went a bit more pale.
You learn to read things like that in those situations and to be ready to drop death on a bitch so you don't end up dead.
Get ready, you'll be dealing with life like this very soon no matter where you live.
fucking faggot
this is u usa
remember to thank michael middleton cia pine gap australia
stupid schizophrenic
Story.I imagine they are shooting for a movie.or a photoshot.
Yet the date and time in the upper right corner is moving at normal speed.
>implying I'm a reaction
fucking USA fags learn your own language
i could tell that nigger was up to no good realquick. something about his shiftyness
The idiot starts threating with the gun in his pants...
found it
risk life? All he has to do is pull up right next to the guy and throw him into the back seat or the trunk and take off.
My bet is just Russia
So satisfying to watch a pajeet die.
yes. The weight of your head is enough when there's a loop around your neck.
He got betrayed by corrupted politicians, he would leave his family full of debts if he didn't killed himself. like 15 years later he was found innocent.
The audio with his mom begging it's great
This needs some metal slug's sound effects
I always wondered what comes next in cases like these Like, do they end up dead from the number of complications that are sure to arise from now having a that half of their head? Do they end up sewing all that shit up and they end up living without a face? Really, I'm honestly curious.
Headshot 360 no scope
>Get gud n00b
She just cover her ears hahahahahahahhahaha
he hit his head really hard any med fags can confirm death here?
Spider-Man Far from home looking good in this trailer.
CCTV from King's Landing
When you’re too good at traffic scams
How can he just sit there all chill after being shot
holy fuck, i didn't know you could actually knock the head off of a duck like that