I was approved for this apartment, what the fuck should i do? at 30, living the dream in my parents basement...

I was approved for this apartment, what the fuck should i do? at 30, living the dream in my parents basement, moving out seems like a stupid fucking waste of money but pretty tired of being rejected by woman for living at home. just like... is an apartment my best bet or is a house better? i don't know if i'm mature enough for the responsibility of owning a house as I'm still a lazy fuck who likes to get high. But... is this all a more positive move, or a lateral one?

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Move the fuck out already. Get an apartment. Bang chicks at it. Thank me later.

i agree, the level of rejection i've gotten alone almost justifies the cost. but i could be investing this money...and doubling it

Pretty much this. An apartment is a huge improvement. It's not lateral at all, you're paying your own way and that's all that matters. No woman wants to fuck a boy who lives in a man's house. Once you pay your own way, then you are the man.

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Move so you don’t have to sneak bbc dragon dildos past your mom and dad anymore

1. The kind of women who'd reject banging you for living with your parents are not the kind you want to be wasting time banging anyway.

2. Save up a year and have a down payment for a house, you will never have the opportunity to save in an unlimited fashion again. This will put you in such a better position financially it's incomparable.

3. Having an apartment is throwing money in a hole, and if you have the option to put yourself in a better position because of your parents, do it.

Nigga I know a guy who lives with his mom and has 2 bitches and has threesomes.

Man up OP, or be a faggot trying to justify his leeching existence like this incel Your choice.

I don't think beggars can be choosers, and if OP still lives with his parents at age 30, then he's not what any self-respecting woman would desire.

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That's actually kind of sad.

You are 12 years overdue to move out on your own. Cut the umbilical cord already.

Just take the next step bro? It's exciting and something to look forward to and absolute worst case scenario it turns to shit and you just move back in with your parents?
You never know bro, you might actually love having your own 100% independence

forgive me for asking, but what do you want to know? rent versus mortgage? independence versus living with help? do you earn enough money to support rent? it really depends upon where you live. there are places where rent exceeds a reasonable mortgage payment.

and you are going to move for the POSSIBILITY of women? why not meet at her place? help me understand, please. i'm not trying to be a dick here, i really just don't understand.

Just don't over think it, life is pushing you in a new direction TAKE THAT OPPORTUNITY!!!

It'll be fun man its what life is about

best thing you can do is move out and establish your own

>Saving up to move up in a non retarded way asap is leeching


My mom lives with me. I own my house and my mom started living with me after her stroke. I've never been rejected for living with my mother. Just tell them that. The ones you wanna fuck with see it as family meaning more.

Although you're probably a jobless loser and that's why you get rejected.

He's fucking 30.

So prior stupid decisions preclude him from starting to make the correct ones now? You're just as retarded as he is if you think that's the case.

So then he has two options:
-Move out and get a down payment by the time he's 31.
-Move out NOW and be a poor chump getting 10k sucked into a hole a year and probably only be able to afford that down payment at 35, which until then he's just a loser in a shitty apartment.

It's kind of a simply choice really unless you're a mongoloid.

I'd say look for a house if you have a stable job. Mortgage payments aren't that bad. I pay 900per month but the actual bill is around 500 per month in case shit hits the fan.

Lmao. You think having your own place is gonna help u get laid????

OP should ask his parents what they think he should do, since he's probably not paying rent or food expenses for the house.

If they let him live there that long they no doubt won't mind another year in order to allow him a MUCH better position.


Get apartment only for banging, rest at your parents

1. stay in parents' basement and save up cash for step 2.
2. move to a city where you can find a decent paying job with cheap housing.
3. rent an apartment for a year. get a roommate to save some cash.
4. if the job works out, by a large house with several bedrooms. get mortgage.
5. rent out other bedrooms to service mortgage.
6. invest your paycheck.
7. save up enough cash to get your pussy overseas on vacation without the bullshit.
8. when you have enough cash, go overseas. gift and don't come back.

>Get apartment
>Bang 4/10s consistently

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that's a good point, i do like the fact of being able to say "yeah lets go back to my place" instead of "well, uh, I live at home"


i've already saved up for 7 or so years. but it would be nice to save up even more...again a lot of this falls back onto, holy fuck i could be investing this chunk i'm about to burn

feels this way too

it really does excite me but i also fear it'll be lonely as shit- no dog to greet me, no parents to say hello to. small bullshit like that

yeah i actually think i might, but holy fuck two weeks is going to happen fast as shit

this is the dilemma


they're okay either way, more encouraging of moving-out tbh but i think only because they know it really drives me insane sometimes for feeling "stuck"


not a bad idea, this is something I wish did when I first moved back home. Bought property and rented it out, while living at home. because after 7 years, i'd probably be turning profit by now.

all in all i appreciate the opinions lads, its still a wickedly fucking tough call. i'm like split 55-45 towards moving out, just really hard to justify the cost when I could be putting it on the market at a chance of doubling it in a year

and im going to miss my dog :(

Have you been investing all the money you have been "saving" from not paying rent and living with your parents?

not all of it... regrettably. but a fair amount of exposure, ~35% of savings

however, doubling your money in a year is unrealistic in any market--this one especially. right now, you are investing to improve your long term cost basis and your yield. you can get started in any market with discipline and patience.