I have $2500 of debt. Should I just end my life?

I have $2500 of debt. Should I just end my life?

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get a job fgt.

dont fall for the employment jew,free yourself from the slavery of the working class and vote for bernie sanders

Try 30k bud.

No. Each paycheck, save about 15% of your income and put it in an index fund. Save it all until you have enough to pay off your debt.

Move back to Kenya.

Yeah, cause all the gibbs are going to go fast, so you better already be signed up else there won't be anything left in like five minutes after he gets inaugurated. Or you could face the FACT that being a lazy bum has no future so you'll have to support yourself.

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Imagine killing yourself over $2500 lmfao that’s like the equivalent of a 1999 Honda Accord

I have over $320k in debt.
It's all about debt to income ratio.

tldr kys

Is this bait? I'll bite. MARXISM WAS MADE BY A JEW.

>being a lazy bum has no future

well im sorry,we cant all have rich father's who give us money to succeed in life like donald trump

your mom was raped by a jew

depends on your cashflow
>the secret is that debtors can't really collect on the dead
go forth and live the life of a hyper-consumerist my child

America is 22trillion in debt.

2500?? Nigger time to go and live in the car on the South. Buy an appropriate house on Wheels idk how it's called but you should be able to afford that if not well only god can help you

Sell a testicle to science.

Hell, if you're so pathetic that you can't figure out how to get out from under $2500, just go ahead and sell them both. You'll obviously never get any legitimate use out of them and we don't want you breeding anyway. We need scientists to have samples to work with if they'r going to figure out how to solve this low-T soyboy epidemic

Imagine being that close to not being in debt

>,we cant all
Who said anything about all? The "war on poverty" has been going into it's third, or now fourth generation? Throw money at the problem! That'll fix it!. Uhh, no. War on drugs is morphing into understanding and decriminalization and legalization of marijuana. That's folks being allowed to grow and consume their own. Sort of like work where you put a little effort into it and reap rewards. Sound a whole fucking lot like "Get A Job, Have Money". Get out of your moms basement and become an adult. It'll all be over in four or six decades when you can retire and become a burden on your grandkids.

end ur life just for $2500? pls no just find a job guy