How does this make you feel

how does this make you feel

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poor fucker could have been a slayer... instead he became a faggot

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Like every day we stray further from the light


wtf happen to his mouth?

This x100


so he went from being a decent looking 15 year old, to a semi-female looking heroin addict? is that what I'm looking at? wtf?

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Nigga just don't feel anything anymore, what I'm suppoosed to reply to this faggotry of a shitpost thread?

8/10, I fucking would


>poor fucker could have been a slayer... instead he became a faggot
Why Not Both???

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I'd hit it


No he could pull it off


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There is still time to come back. The damage you did to your body can be repaired.

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Waste of a mind and body.

justin bieber?

this guy's face makes me hate him
i want to tear all the skin off his head

you're super cute, what is your name?

looks different to me

cheated, he could've been my boyfriend and now he's a sissy

like I don't give a fuck, only more intense

This. But I'd fuck him either way.

Could be my boiwife

lmao do it

Why do you have to do this?

>look up ruff waggums
>it's a black dude jerking off

Nice hair. Probably smash more pussy than all Yea Forums combined.

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wish i had that hair

Before and after meth?

how is the hair special? like, shininess? waviness? i don't understand

Nobody does the grunge look any more

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I use to have a gf who looked just like. She was a tomboy and borderline retarded, but she was a great fuck.

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It doesn't make me feel anything...should it?


I'm so sick of you stupid fucking Bible thumpers.

He's actually kinda hot now

Project harder. Fucking loser


Sad ... society will support and encourage his mental illness instead of trying to treat him. Another life wasted when he eventually commits suicide before age 30.

Whoa calm down triggered sissy.

>poor fucker could have been a slayer... instead he became true to his inner self

Permanently reshaped to be a cock receptacle.


At least it's a good looking trap that is distinguishably male.

I hate the ugly looking traps because they are an eye-sore.

I also hate the good looking, effeminate traps because they trick me and confuse me and I end up looking like a faggot for having been confused.

Masculine looking traps that take care of themselves, that aren't an eye sore, are hardly what's wrong with 'Merica.

Also, INB4 suicide by 35.

i personally love feminine traps, but i see your point

Looks like ur the one that's triggered


Imagine being so fucking stupid that u think suicide is bad...

you jelly or mad?

lol you fucking go on Yea Forums you think you're not a fag?

I dont know who this is but hes hot

imagine taking a single thing on Yea Forums seriously
imagine having an argument with a retard on Yea Forums
imagine life outside of a basement
>you can't

then why haven't you do it user? what are you waiting for?

like taking another swig of kraken rum


would fuck him hard

4Channel, a land of extremes.

Don't disrespect based Tyler

You shut your dirty Klingon mouth!

not sure who the long haired fucker is, but this is the true guy now. Hes making shitty music for living

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Too much bbc

If you're talking about long hair, it's actually encouraged by God. Short hair is for slaves and betas too afraid of their natural aesthetics

weird af but ok


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This is what bullying does to people. This otherwise normal kid was told he was bad inherently for being a male, so he emasculated himself. Remove kikes.

Obvious bait is too obvious for bait.jpg

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9 years and never learned how to take care of those bushy eyebrows.

admittedly, it's good looking

maxmoefoe headass

she looks reaaaaaaal good

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