I got a girl pregnant and I’m scared. I told her to get an abortion but she won’t listen and wants to keep it...

I got a girl pregnant and I’m scared. I told her to get an abortion but she won’t listen and wants to keep it. Idk what to do im only 25 and I still don’t have my life together or know what I want to do I can’t ruin my life with a baby. I’m thinking about telling her if she keeps it that I won’t be in it’s life but I would much rather her just get rid of it. Please help

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a push down the stairs should fix it

You made your choice, live by it. My friend had a child at 19, he, just like you will, found a way to work through it, even though it's tough. Rely on your family and friends, ask for help, be a man.

Why do that when you can just punch that unborn out of her

listen. what you need to do is simple, but not easy. garner the strength, take her to fancy dinner in a large restaurant, get a seat in the middle. talk her up, ask about her health, make her feel as if you've grown to gather the responsibility. and then, when she's almost certain that you're going to propose to her, say that you need to tell her something. make a sign to someone that's been waiting near the entrance for some time now, and when he comes along, get on your knees and propose to him. do it very loudly and also say "thank you for giving me courage tonight, sis" to her. make it all about him day. good luck.

You deserve it for not putting on a condom, moron.

> Idk what to do im only 25 and I still dont have my life together

Sucks. Should've thought of that earlier. Good luck.

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You fucked her dude. This was your decision. If you hadn't nut in her, this wouldn't have happened.

only one thing to do buddy, move to mexico for a year

Maybe this is what you need to help you get your shit together. You're just afraid of the changes you need to make to get your shit together, but it would be good for you and you know that too or else you wouldn't be posting this on here

Dont fret OP. You've got another 15 years before you figure shit out

responsibility can't catch u across state lines!

While that's way more fun, it's tougher to make it look like an accident

Quit your crying son. You stuck your dick in raw knowing the consequences. Having a kid isn't the end of the world, it's having an a kid to a lazy unclean peice of filth. Of her mom's a fat smelly cunt then your in trouble for 18 yrs.

Live with it.

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Listen bud, this is a crucial moment. You've been up front and said you aren't prepared for this. Respect for giving her that courtesy. Now you have some options. The best is probably to keep being direct. Tell her you aren't prepared mentally, emotionally, and most importantly financially. This is an uphill battle and a burden you neither want nor need in your mid 20s with some random girl. Shit, it's enough of a burden with someone you love. Fortunately, it sounds like you two aren't particularly close so a clean break should be easier. I'm not judging you here just giving you advice. If she's still insisting on keeping that kid you say "that's your choice, but you have to know I won't be involved". 25 is young; you have the rest of your life to settle down. Your best bet after this is to get the fuck out of wherever you're at and move some place new, because if you think that's the end of it you're likely to be disappointed. Block her and any mutual friends on all social media if you can't bring yourself to delete it for whatever reason, and go on living. Look at this as a new exciting opportunity!

Either get her to have an abortion (the better path, too many people on this planet) or man up and deal with it. Sorry user, but you brought this on yourself and there is not much we can do.

be a man and take responsibility for your actions. you'll thank me and Jesus later

:''( support her, don't be an idiot... for some having a baby helps them get their life together, maybe this is what you needed as motivation

why would he thank his gardener about this?

Isnt there liquid abortion just trick her into drinking that and boom. No more baby

yes its called draino

Poor kid, having you for a dad and all

It's your choice to leave if you do, but you still have to be financially responsible. Like majority, honestly you can't tell someone to raise your mistake on their own and then not be contributing to MOST of their expenses.

Honestly though it is scary but it is life, life is about making more life. As you age you don't die, you don't lose your youth. You put it into someone else, so they can carry on your life. They can improve where you failed, and fail where you were once great.

Consent to sex is consent to parenthood, get ready.

Kek but there is medical shit u can drink and it does the trick if shes not to far along or pills. Honestly if you're that desperate just do it on the dl and when it miss carries get out

>Can't tell someone to raise your mistake on their own

What, but you CAN hold someone financially hostage for 18+ years despite the fact they've repeatedly told you they don't want a kid? Listen if you want a kid so bad you'll raise one solo, the guy has done you a favour. Thank him for his sperm donation and go your separate ways. If you need dual income to support this kid, and the other person isn't willing in the slightest to take that on, it's abortion time. "But it's a traumatic experience!" Yeah well, so is raising a human being you don't love with a woman who only reminds you of your failures. So is giving up your life ambitions for someone else's idea of fairness.

>What, but you CAN hold someone financially hostage for 18+ years despite the fact they've repeatedly told you they don't want a kid?
Yes. It is reasonable to expect that both parties accept responsibility for the natural outcome of their actions. It is unreasonable for one to force the other to bare the full brunt of a joint mistake.

You chose to have sex. You know sex leads to babies. Freedom does not mean freedom from consequences. Hold your son in nine months and learn that life starts at conception.

Sounds like you made your bed. Time to lay in it bitch.

Should've stayed a virgin like this guy, OP.

Better get married fast, or your kid will be bastard.

Well if shes on birth control OP, there a good chance she'll have a miscarriage

Grow up.

Own up to it OP. Prepare to be taken to family court and for visitation/custody rights. Do not do anything fucking stupid because judges will give you supervised visits due to the biased system.

Get a job and start finding a way to make money. I had my daughter at 21 and now im 25 making bank with a 9-5 and my side business, my baby mama wont leave me alone despite her cheating & leaving me during pregnancy, and my daughter saying "I love you daddy!" when she is with me is priceless.

If the chick dumps you dont worry too much. As long as you dont pack on the daddy weight, make a living for yourself, and be there for your kid - women will be begging to suck your cock and play stepmom. Be warned that your ex like mine will pick up some desperate betas who want you out of the picture and will work with her to get your kid to hate you. 1 arrest later, 2 months in jail, and an assault charge on my ex's beta made me learn that hard.

Protect your kid and get ready for a journey.

How the fuck are people this selfish

First off,

try and be a man as much as you can. after youre done crying do some manly shit

then tell the bitch she better get an abortion or youre going to make her life fucking hell, that she will regret it

keep telling her she will regret it; make it fucking convincing with evil smirks and shit

you will fucking regret it...

keep the "it" if you want but you'll regret it....


BAM she gets an abortion

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Kek life doesn't start at conception man, come on. You're nothing but a cluster of cells, you're practically indistinguishable from the flu virus at that point. Even when brain activity begins it's nothing more than the most rudimentary notion of existence. Pain and life and death don't exist as concepts that early and nobody should be guilted into looking after a child that won't feel loved, not by the other person, not by God, not by the state.

Why on earth would you ever make a woman get an abortion. Men, were better than this. Come on Yea Forums

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Fact is there are already millions of kids out there without loving homes, why add to that? The world is overburdened with kids that people felt too guilty to abort before they existed, but not so guilty that they provided them with every bit of attention they deserved once they arrived.

How liberal is she? Try this- tell her that you gave her your consent only if it wouldn't result in kids, and if she keeps the kid, you will be a victim of rape. I feel like this could hold up in court reasonably well.

Kill the bitch. Now.

Because it's irresponsible to have a kid just because the chips stacked up that way? Nobody should be running around having kids without any prior thought, any ability to care for them or any plans to stay with the other parent. It's a recipe for disaster and only serves to make three people miserable.

You done fucked lmao

>You're nothing but a cluster of cells
Clusters of cells are alive.

>you're practically indistinguishable from the flu virus at that point.
It's actually extremely distinguishable.

> life and death don't exist as concepts that early
I'm not sure what you're implying here. Llife and death isn't a concept that exists to a baby either.

> nobody should be guilted into looking after a child that won't feel loved
Yes, they should, otherwise you'd have people dropping babies all over the country to die.

Holy shit, that might actually work with today's libtards

Stay in the moment OP. I feel lucky to be only a handful of people I know from my family/friends who, at 25, don't have kids/family.

From speaking with my family and friends with kids, when they found out they were going to be a father/mother they were not ready. They cried, freaked out, turned numb, etc., but they chose what they felt was the right thing for them. For most, on the day the baby was born and became a parent figure, almost all of them saw a new purpose. They saw life was no more about them. It gave them a push to look beyond themselves and become better, cleaner, wiser, and overall a better person; most of them felt they finally had a purpose/ new purpose. Most saw themselves, and decided to stop fighting their "RUN, FUCK THIS" feeling and double down on the cards they were given. I still don't know what I want to do with life and had my fair share of preg scares, but i feel it is a two edge sword; I still don't know what I want, there is nothing really pushing me forward, and sometimes I can't sleep at night because I can't find anything fulfilling/pushing me to be better.

On the other hand, I don't know what your relationship is with your girl (one-night-stand/1 year relationship/High School SH, whatever.) and I feel I can relate the fear and anxiety of the position your in. Enough fuel to run, hide, and no real pinning position to just lie down and accept your fate.

I think, If you feel this girl would be a good partner: maybe, she can make money, be a good mother, be a good partner, has a wealthy family, maybe she has something that you want in a relationship.. there's a new life that you can make, OP; a bitter-sweet journey that only you can choose. Write/talk out the pros and cons, of your feelings and thoughts, expectations and reality of going for it and not doing it. Sit on it for a couple of days.

When your done, make the decision you feel is best for the life you want to live and stick with it. Good luck OP

Not being loved is not a reason to kill someone. You're still alive after all.

Boy, you're dumb.

well if she's already having your baby chances are you have a shot at banging her so you can finally loose your virginity

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Trips of truth.

Just leave. Leave your home town right now with whatever you got and never look back. This shit will ruin everyfuckingthing in ways you cant even imagine. It will affect your entire family and hers. Not to mention what its going to do to you mentally. Youre going to be so fucked off trying to deal with it all youll probably ruin everyones life including the childs, and the same goes for your idiot baby mama probably even moreso. Dont even bother. Just get the fuck out of there and quit stalling with your own life so the next time this happens youll actually have something to offer.

Sure, until the woman doesn't want it. If you out that shit on a sign and stood outside a Planned Parenthood you'd be crucified

The law says otherwise, so shove that right up your ass.

fucking genius.

The laws are never wrong. That's why they change every day.

Grow a pair and man up

This is the smartest thing I’ve heard all day

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Hide in the ghetto!

Truly as cutting as I expect from an American, but of course manages to miss the entire point. Murdering someone now, who has lived and experienced the world, is entirely different to preventing an unwanted birth in the first place. In terms you can understand: telling your mommy you don't want dinner after she's cooked it is more problematic than saying you aren't hungry while all she's done is boil some water.

Does the current law support your beliefs? No.
Sucks to be the minority, nigger

baseball bat is always an option

>birth in the first place.
So you're saying birth is when life starts?

>telling your mommy you don't want dinner after she's cooked it is more problematic than saying you aren't hungry while all she's done is boil some water.
And while I'm sure your mommy explained that to you very well, the law isn't about what is more or less problematic than something else. It's either a problem or its not. Saying 'WELL ITS THE LAW' doesn't make it right.

Forgot to quote your dumb ass, but here you go

Man up. What's wrong with you?

So your argument is 'haha more people are wrong than right'.

I'd rather be right than a sheep. good luck with that though. Make sure you eat mommys dinner.

Hey, that's my line

she needs support, and probably is afraid too
maybe more than you... you have a chance to go away n don't take ur responsability, she doesn't
it'll be too much huge to her, so you must be supporting her at this moment

Fall on her accidentally

You’re just posting an archaic opinion with nothing to back it up.
>officer I was doing 95 in the school zone because the people who made the speed limit are dumb

>I got a girl pregnant and I’m scared. I told her to get an abortion but she won’t listen and wants to keep it

>im only 25

For fucks sakes...

You know what the right thing to do is.
Take care of your new wife and kid.

Nice try OP, you have to have sex to get a girl pregnant.

>im only 25

this has to be bait

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I got a girl pregnant! help me!

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Push her down the stairs pussy

>told her to get an abortion
kys libtard

Noooope OP ignore this shitty advice, you've said you don't want that, if she wants to be a martyr and raise a kid solo let her carry on. This isn't your problem once you've declared yourself out of the parent game. Christ, is the USA still so backwards they seriously guilt you like this? This thread has been an eye opener on the weird inner mechanics of America from an outsider's perspective. Any other country in the world this would have been solved with an abortion and all parties would have already moved on.

My god, reading through this thread is like watching a room full of monkeys trying to power-fuck a blowtorch

But abortion is what the jew liberals want you to get

Drug her and do it yourself. Pic related.

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Sounds like they have my best interests at heart tbh, they aren't the ones insisting I sire a child

Quit talking to her. She probably thinks that you will be a happy family. Stand firm and tell her that you don’t want it and to only reach out to you for abortion money.

Lel shoulda made more than certain she woulda been one to get an abortion. Have fun with child support. That's why you make 'em swallow instead.

And now you’re here. Really raised the intellectual bar quite a bit.

Fuck off libtard, you really do hate family values, don't you? Kike jew

babynames.com you dumb fuck

It's her body, but it's your choice. You know what to do. Yeet her right in the baby carriage.

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When all else fails there's always good old shock value tantrums. Yawn

>I can’t ruin my life with a baby.
apparently you can you dumb motherfucker!


Name it a noise like *dolphin whistle* or ahhhhhh
or you name it the thread number

What is this medical shit called? Ask in case of need later in life

Sometimes being a father can be the best thing for you

Don't do it user! It's not worth the risk.


push her down the stairs and pretend you tried to save her

What family values? Fucking and impregnating outside of marriage? I suppose you expect him to marry her now and be legally bound to a woman that doesn’t respect his thoughts and opinions. Fuck that.

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Not clicking that

poor kid. imagine having to grow up knowing your father was a complete pussy.

Brother, legit, find a 15 h/r job and try your hardest to live off of lint for a year or two a few states where there's easy low cost living.

Reap what you sow.

You can easily drop your pants but the time of responsibility you say you want it out of your life.

Good one dude

Act liek you're into it

Feed her lots of vitamins

No moar baby

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Welcome to being a background character in your own life.

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I had a kid when I was 25, job wasnt complete shit but wasnt amazing. Married the person I had a kid with so we weren't some complete white trash family. Once the kid comes you'll see that you need to shut up, stop whining and improve your life. Since I became a parent I've gotten a degree and a career. It's not amazing and yeah it's super stressful sometimes but it's worth it for that weird, yet amazing bond. I was the most recluse, /b browsing, WoW playing, antisocial NEET before my kid. Let this drive you, not bring you down. No one wants to be a loser in their kids eyes.

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>get a small bucket
>everyday fill with a little bit of your blood bout a cup
>put it in the fridge
>buy some old shoes from goodwill smaller size (just make-em fit)
>get about gallon of blood saved up
>then total your house or basement
>leave everything and move to Vermont
>find a new job
>when they ask for your workid/ss number just put one number off

or do what my neighbor did

worked under the table
payed no child support until she gave up then he moved
then tried to get him later on back pay
he said fuck that went to jail got out
now he sell meth under a bridge in Long Beach
but he does get to bang alot of college chicks before the meth kicks in
most are cali 6-7


>hope the kids allergic to peanuts or other
>then get her to take care of it
>then well you know

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Bitch you're 25 not 15 you fucking idiot. Man up and support your child. You'll never have your shit together. You're fucking OLD ENOUGH to get your shit in order and do the right thing. Fuck you.

go to mexico
buy go away pill
slip it in her food


pic related

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>Man up and support your child
na fuck this op take the kid and drop it off at a out of state fire station

When she falls asleep, sneek one of these in her vagina. It worked for me.

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>gets girl pregnant
>goes straight to baby murder

My cousins boyfriend did that to her

Seemed to work pretty well. She was a wreck though so I don’t recommend.

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My worst fear. I say you can try telling her that you don't have your life together and you're not financially stable enough to support a child yet. Then, compromise and suggest putting it up for adoption. If she still wants to keep it, then you can tell her that you can't be in it's life. If you can, and only if you want to, maybe send her, like, $75-$150 every month.


>If you can, and only if you want to
that's not how the law works
if she wants to keep it, op is legally obligated to pay child support

Stop giving advice without getting tits newfags. Tits or gtfo dad

>I’m 25
>I don’t know what to do with my life

Loser obviously you’re not doing anything with it
Have a kid since you’re so useless and bored

got 3 women pregnant, not paying for one of them, shit would be hella expensive and i don't want them to leech of off my money and not having to work anymore, there are more than enough loop holes trust me

Do explain. How'd you get out of it?

Your fault for fucking user

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Be a fucking man dude you made the choice to go raw and now you can deal with this beautiful consequence fr bro be a fucking man raise your kid to be better than you

Go take care after it
When you're old your child will take care after you


no we're not you fucking moron
we're the goddamn bottom of the shit barrel

>only 25
Motherfucker you're old as shit. Your grandparents were probably 4 kids deep at that point.
Quit bitching and man up. Knock a couple more kids in there, settle into a career and by 40 your life will be fucking sweet.
By your age I had an 8 year old, a house and a hot wife who was and still is crazy about me, your life is a mess because you think life is supposed to be an endless party, which only leads you to be being broke and directionless in your 30s.
You went in raw now live with the consequences.

Bash her fucking head into the concrete until that scroad sucking fuck is dead

Jk you can figure this out just like what # said

Just roll with it. It will all work out.


>only 25
in the past teenagers would conquer nations. twenty five is almost to old to be having kids.

you are still here faggot

You shouldn't be cumming in a girl you wouldn't support the kids of anyway. Also you're a piece of shit for suggesting abortion. You fucked up. And 25 is beyond the age men and women have typically married. So grow the fuck up.

Should have kept it in your pants retard, now you have 18 years of payments for a child that will hate you, unless of courae you step up and be the father you should be and be in the childs life like a father should be but either way the next 18 years you'll have no paycheck...

Be happy yr sperm work and enjoy fathers day next year you fucking faggot coward. Shes going to be horny as fuck now and youcan come in her all u want.(

>I got a girl pregnant and I’m scared.
\Post her nudes

Especially now that she has bigger titties!

Yes you do it's called raising your son or daughter.


The slut spread her legs. Probably the little bastard is not even yours. Flee to another state/country.

a well placed gut punch would solve the problem.

virginity is unironically the better option.

Move to Colombia and take her with you.
Hand her over to some of the rebel forces and they will take her hostage for a few months/years and try to contact you so you will pay ransom. If you do it correctly, and do not answer the calls from the Colombian Rebels, they will probably execute her.
This wipes the whole girlfriend-baby issue out of the way completely.
