Pills to reduce loneliness?

Pills to reduce loneliness?

I have heard Prozac and Strattera can make you desire a mate less and make you crave love less. People who go on Prozac as teenagers and stay on it have a much later age of first marriage than those who do not. The theory is it blunts your ability to fall in love and the elevated serotonin levels make you need it less.
I look at pictures of girls I have been friends with in my life or who have maybe considered dating me and they are married or have partners now. They are so pretty and were such nice girls. I just get so cripplingly lonely, I want to find a drug that will take the edge off

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(I'm serious)

>Pills to reduce loneliness?
That is the most pathetic shit I've ever heard. Go to the gym. Join a chess club. Volunteer at your local library. Buy a metal detector. Buy a fishing pole. Get a dog. Go do shit.

i don't think a chess club will help

It's just an example. A pill cannot make you feel less lonely. It will numb the fuck out of you. You'll still be lonely, you just wont think about it.
What do you like to do?

Am I the only person who can ignore feelings by thinking about the evolutionary reason for that meaning? For example I don't get cold ever. I just think about how my body is telling me that if I keep getting colder I could suffer serious consequences, but then think about how that doesn't matter because I know that in 15 minutes I'll be inside. I don't stop being cold it just stops mattering to me. Same with depression/loneliness. . I just consider that my body is shooting chemicals into my brain to make me feel something in response to a lack of social stimulation. But I just understand that I live in an advanced society and I will survive alone and don't need a herd of people to protect me and the feelings just stop mattering. Then I just decide consciously what I want to do and do it

Its called mdma

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numb is better than not numb

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also keep in mind that psychiatry has a serious dogma problem. They're prescribing hormone blockers for 3 year olds. Gender Dysphoria has a %40 suicide rate both before and after reassignment surgery, yet the acceptable treatment is castration. In Canada you can get fined or jailed for suggestion that hardcore psychotropic drugs can help ease feelings of being misgendered. Around %1.7 of research papers are trying to prove/disprove other research, as opposed to actual science like physics/geology/whatever where it is around %50, meaning very few psychiatry ideas are able to be reproduced. Do not ingest anything a psychiatrist tells you to unless you have a very severe disorder like schizophrenia or something. The drugs have a very low rate of success, close to placebos, and nobody is checking to see if results of trials can be reproduced because they don't want their own sketchy work scrutinized.

>conspiracy scientology post

Weed + stop being gay

What do the trans girls that don't commit suicide have in common? Are you less likely to kill yourself if you're a hot trap and everyone is convinced you're a girl?

those are just gay men wearing cute clothes, that is fine and normal

Unless you owe the hells angels a bunch of money and theyre threatening to kill your family. Suicide is for cowards. Maybe they all arent cowards

that is what trans activists argue but it is hard to make a study and judge how hot traps are. Keep in mind %40 is an outrageous number though. People getting genocided in Uganda, jews in concentration camps, cancer patients, all peak around %10. %40 means there is a mental health problem that needs to be addressed. I am not a scientologist I think therapy works, but the numbers don't lie research papers are RARELY cited or checked by peers. People just write papers to either push a book/theory they have going, or get a drug pushed through the FDA, or just to graduate. Nobody in the psychiatric field is checking other people's work it is pathetic.

Unironically, get a fucking girlfriend.

not always possible