Why is blacked.com so hated in comperasion to other porn brands?

Why is blacked.com so hated in comperasion to other porn brands?

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Holy shit thank you for this

It's used by leftists as racism against whites, CONSTANTLY.

It just got caught in the perfect storm
> racial tension is high
> the rise and awareness of Incels
> funny trolling meme.

It's the constant shilling.

Porn is porn, it's fine as porn. It's the relentless racial bating that accompanies that becomes tiresome.

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because of the jews

Because it tells white women that black men provide the best sex. It's basically propaganda. Any white woman that watches that shit will probably get a blacked fetish.

>porn is aimed at women

Women don't watch porn. Would you, if all you had to do is smile at a woman and look interested, to fuck nearly anyone?

Who else would watch a nigger fuck a chick?

A nigger on a power fantasy, a person that wants to see a woman degraded or a man questioning his sexuality that wants a dick fix, but not in a 'gay' way.

Literally 80% of their audience is white cucks. Nigs don't care about this shit.

IDGAF about race/cuck/whatever else bullshit this board propogates. Blacked.com is trash to me due to the fake cumshots. I have no respect for a porn company that uses this nonsense.

There's no such thing as cucks. It's a subversive kike buzzword. It literally replaced people calling eachother niggers and faggots in jest, about 4 years ago. Oh the power of media and censorship.

>due to the fake cumshots
A lot more than that is fake.

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A cuck is someone whos wife is getting fucked by another man


That's the proper term, yes. But it's been distorted into a white man (goyim) watching a black man fuck his wife/gf while he watches approvingly and jerks off. Slightly different connotation.

Holy fuck, niggered always was a garbage but fake cum? Seriously?

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A) It's bestiality
B) It has such a devoted and obsessive fanbase that it vastly over-inflates the perception of its consumption, which makes porn sites disproportionately host black on white porn to the detriment of preferred genres.